do with moral principles like justice, but can only be evaluated in th terjemahan - do with moral principles like justice, but can only be evaluated in th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

do with moral principles like justi

do with moral principles like justice, but can only be evaluated in the light
of economic criteria such as efficiency and growth. Hayek’s antipathy
towards the term can, for example, be explained by his belief that justice
can only be evaluated in terms of individual considerations, in which case
broader ‘social’ principles are meaningless.
Most people, nevertheless, are unwilling to reduce material distribution
to mere economics, and indeed many would argue that this is perhaps the
most important area in which justice must be seen to be done. The
problem, however, is that political thinkers so seldom agree about what
is a just distribution of material rewards. Like justice itself, social justice is
an ‘essentially contested’ concept, there being no universally agreed notion
of what is socially just. In Social Justice (1976), David Miller accepted that
the concept is essentially contested and socially relative, but tried to
identify a number of contrasting principles of justice. These are ‘to each
according to his needs’, ‘to each according to his rights’ and ‘to each
according to his deserts’.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
melakukan dengan prinsip-prinsip moral seperti keadilan, tetapi hanya dapat dievaluasi dalam terang
ekonomi kriteria seperti efisiensi dan pertumbuhan. Hayek's antipati
terhadap istilah, misalnya, dapat dijelaskan oleh keyakinannya bahwa keadilan
hanya dapat dievaluasi dalam pertimbangan individu, dalam hal
prinsip-prinsip 'sosial' yang lebih luas tidak ada artinya.
kebanyakan orang, Namun demikian, mau mengurangi distribusi bahan
untuk sekadar ekonomi, dan memang banyak akan berpendapat bahwa ini adalah mungkin
area terpenting di mana keadilan harus dilihat yang harus dilakukan.
Masalah, namun, adalah bahwa para pemikir politik sangat jarang setuju tentang apa
adalah hanya dengan distribusi bahan imbalan. Seperti keadilan itu sendiri, keadilan sosial adalah
konsep 'pada dasarnya diperebutkan', ada yang tidak secara universal menyetujui gagasan
Apakah sosial hanya. Dalam keadilan sosial (1976), David Miller menerima bahwa
konsep pada dasarnya ditentang dan sosial relatif, tetapi mencoba
mengidentifikasi sejumlah kontras prinsip keadilan. Ini adalah ' untuk masing-masing
sesuai dengan kebutuhannya, 'untuk masing-masing sesuai haknya' dan ' untuk masing-masing
menurut gurun nya.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
do with moral principles like justice, but can only be evaluated in the light
of economic criteria such as efficiency and growth. Hayek’s antipathy
towards the term can, for example, be explained by his belief that justice
can only be evaluated in terms of individual considerations, in which case
broader ‘social’ principles are meaningless.
Most people, nevertheless, are unwilling to reduce material distribution
to mere economics, and indeed many would argue that this is perhaps the
most important area in which justice must be seen to be done. The
problem, however, is that political thinkers so seldom agree about what
is a just distribution of material rewards. Like justice itself, social justice is
an ‘essentially contested’ concept, there being no universally agreed notion
of what is socially just. In Social Justice (1976), David Miller accepted that
the concept is essentially contested and socially relative, but tried to
identify a number of contrasting principles of justice. These are ‘to each
according to his needs’, ‘to each according to his rights’ and ‘to each
according to his deserts’.
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