Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Wen Wan tiba-tiba merasa dingin di wajahnya. "Eh? Apa hal itu? Ia berani untuk meludah di wajahku?" Wen Wan berpaling untuk melihat belakangnya, mulutnya terbuka lebar dengan kejutan yang tak tertandingi di dragon perak mengambang di depannya. Saat berikutnya ekspresi terkejut dipadatkan. Lapisan es perak, dua jari tebal, mulai menyebar keluar dari tubuhnya. Sebelum Wen Wan bisa memiliki apapun reaksi, dia benar-benar disegel es dengan cahaya perak di pusat. Juga kamu Qingyu tercengang. Dia telah selalu merasa Wen Wan kekuatan mendalam dan tak terduga, tapi sekarang, ia mulai meragukan impressopm nya... Melihat patung es di depan dia, adalah Wen Wan benar-benar yang kuat?? Hanya seteguk meludah dari Naga perak kecil sudah cukup untuk benar-benar membeku kepadanya. Wen Wan masih mempertahankan postur mengangkat tinjunya dengan ekspresi yang penuh dengan kejutan dan bingung. Ia adalah sebuah patung es yang baru saja dibuat, diisi dengan kekuatan dan keindahan. "Yiya Yiya..." Suara lemah naga kecil terdengar, dan lain dunia cahaya perak perlahan-lahan berkumpul. Dia ingin meludah lagi? Kamu Qingyu terkejut dengan ini dan dengan cepat tertutup mulut naga perak kecil: "ada kesalahan, ia adalah teman kita..." "Pakan pakan? Hahahaahah..." Sedikit sembilan memeluk perutnya dengan ekor, dan mulai tertawa dalam cara yang tak terkendali dan keras. "Wahahaah, dibandingkan dengan rekan-rekan misfortunate itu, saya hanya telah memukul beberapa kali oleh ekornya. Aku benar-benar beruntung... "" Fine, it seems that glutton was trying to make his heart feel better through this. “Yiya?” The little silver dragon looked at Ye Qingyu in confusion. He seemed as if he did not understand why his mama wanted to protect that vicious person. Ye Qingyu also could not present an explanation. Qingyu looked around to find a hammer and began pounding at the ice sculpture, wanting to break apart the surface layer of ice on Wen Wan away.. -Clang! Clang! Clang!- As hammer after hammer was struck, tiny little white fractures began appearing on the silver ice on Wen Wan’s body, but it did not shatter apart. “Why is it so tough?” Ye Qingyu was completely stunned. Anything hammered by him, even if it was refined steel, would be shattered and broken. The ice that the little silver dragon spat out was of such a degree of hardness. No wonder Wen Wan did not use his inner yuan to break apart the ice after being sealed. What could he do now? Would Old Wen freeze to death after being sealed in ice for a while?? “Yiya? Yiya yiya…….” Seeing Ye Qingyu’s actions, the little silver dragon slowly floated up from the ground. Using his little horn that was like a little bone flower blossom that had yet to grow fully, he lightly tapped the ice. -Kacha! Kacha!- Clustered white cracks and fractures began to appear. Afterwards, the silver ice covering Wen Wan’s body cracked apart, falling to the ground with a crash. Wen Wan maintained the posture of punching Ye Qingyu. Only after a short while did he let out a breath and coughed several times, looking somewhat confused. Looking at Ye Qingyu, his gaze fell on the body of the little silver dragon. With a trace of disbelief, he inspected him for a while before asking , “Just now, was it this little fellow who spat at me?” “This is a misunderstanding………” Ye Qingyu attempted to give an explanation. He was afraid that Wen Wan was about to get mad again.
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