nothing in recent years has so changed the economy of a modern country terjemahan - nothing in recent years has so changed the economy of a modern country Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

nothing in recent years has so chan

nothing in recent years has so changed the economy of a modern country like the united states as the development of the supermarket. previously , people bought their food in small grocery strores, generally located on nearby corner , now, almost everyone in america shops in large supermarkets. the small independent grocer has practically disappeared from the american scene
recently, supermarkets have also been established in many countries outside the united states,after their original development in the united states, they were first copied in maxico, a neighbouring country. soon they opened all through south America.
hero and gelael are examples of supermarkets in jakarta. they may be expected to spread soon to many other parts of indonesia.
within the supermarket, it has been observed that shoppers tend to buy products which are clearly displayed. consequently, if some product is moving slowly - that is, not selling well - the supermarket manager moves it to a better location. generally, it still fails to move satisfactorily, the manager will then display in some prominent place and put a big sign out it, saying '' special'', or ''special price today''. often, the price of the price of article is the same as it has always been, but now everyone hurries to buy it.
good placed on shelves which are easy to reach or are at eye level sell better than goods placed on lower shelves. consequently, basic food, such as sugar bread, coffee, tea and similar products which everyone must buy in any case ar always placed on lower shelves or in out of the way places. the higher shelves are reserved for goods which don't sell so easily.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
nothing in recent years has so changed the economy of a modern country like the united states as the development of the supermarket. previously , people bought their food in small grocery strores, generally located on nearby corner , now, almost everyone in america shops in large supermarkets. the small independent grocer has practically disappeared from the american scene
recently, supermarkets have also been established in many countries outside the united states,after their original development in the united states, they were first copied in maxico, a neighbouring country. soon they opened all through south America.
hero and gelael are examples of supermarkets in jakarta. they may be expected to spread soon to many other parts of indonesia.
within the supermarket, it has been observed that shoppers tend to buy products which are clearly displayed. consequently, if some product is moving slowly - that is, not selling well - the supermarket manager moves it to a better location. generally, it still fails to move satisfactorily, the manager will then display in some prominent place and put a big sign out it, saying '' special'', or ''special price today''. often, the price of the price of article is the same as it has always been, but now everyone hurries to buy it.
good placed on shelves which are easy to reach or are at eye level sell better than goods placed on lower shelves. consequently, basic food, such as sugar bread, coffee, tea and similar products which everyone must buy in any case ar always placed on lower shelves or in out of the way places. the higher shelves are reserved for goods which don't sell so easily.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
apa-apa dalam beberapa tahun terakhir telah jadi berubah perekonomian suatu negara modern seperti negara-negara bersatu sebagai pengembangan supermarket. sebelumnya, orang membeli makanan mereka di strores kelontong kecil, umumnya terletak di sudut terdekat, sekarang, hampir semua orang di toko-toko amerika di supermarket besar. toko kelontong kecil independen telah praktis menghilang dari adegan Amerika
baru-baru ini, supermarket juga telah didirikan di banyak negara di luar Amerika Serikat, setelah pembangunan asli mereka di Amerika Serikat, mereka pertama kali disalin dalam Maxico, negara tetangga. Segera mereka membuka sepanjang selatan Amerika.
pahlawan dan Gelael adalah contoh supermarket di jakarta. mereka mungkin diharapkan untuk menyebar segera ke bagian lain dari Indonesia.
dalam supermarket, telah diamati bahwa pembeli cenderung membeli produk yang ditampilkan dengan jelas. akibatnya, jika beberapa produk bergerak perlahan - yaitu, tidak menjual dengan baik - manajer supermarket bergerak ke lokasi yang lebih baik. umumnya, masih gagal untuk bergerak memuaskan, manajer kemudian akan ditampilkan dalam beberapa tempat yang menonjol dan meletakkan tanda besar keluar itu, mengatakan '' khusus '', atau '' harga khusus hari '. sering, harga dari harga artikel adalah sama seperti selalu, tapi sekarang semua orang bergegas untuk membelinya.
baik ditempatkan di rak-rak yang mudah dijangkau atau berada pada tingkat mata menjual lebih baik daripada barang ditempatkan di rak-rak yang lebih rendah. akibatnya, makanan pokok, seperti roti gula, kopi, teh dan produk sejenis yang semua orang harus membeli dalam hal apapun ar selalu ditempatkan di rak-rak yang lebih rendah atau keluar dari jalan tempat. rak tinggi yang disediakan untuk barang yang tidak menjual begitu mudah.

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