Dry measurementsMeasure dry ingredients by gently spooning flour, etc. terjemahan - Dry measurementsMeasure dry ingredients by gently spooning flour, etc. Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Dry measurementsMeasure dry ingredi

Dry measurements
Measure dry ingredients by gently spooning flour, etc., into the measuring cup and then, once filled, leveling off with a knife. Never use the measuring cup to scoop your dry ingredients directly from a container as this could add up to one tablespoon of extra ingredients. Do not tap the bottom of the measuring cup or pack down.
HINT: Before measuring, stir the flour to aerate it. When measuring small amounts of dry ingredients, such as salt or sugar, use a measuring spoon, make sure it is leveled off.
Disconnect the power before cleaning. Do not immerse cord, plug, or housing in any liquid. Allow bread maker to cool down completely before cleaning.
1.To clean the kneading paddle: If the kneading paddle is difficult to remove from the bread, add water to the bottom of the bread pan and allow to soak for up to 1 hour. Wipe the paddle carefully with a cotton damp cloth. Both the bread pan and kneading paddle are dish-washing safe components.
2.To clean bread pan: Remove the bread pan by turning it in counterclockwise, then lift up the handle. Wipe inside and outside of pan with damp cloth, do not use any sharp or abrasive agents, in order to protect the non-stick coating. The bread pan must be dried completely before installation.
Note: The bread pan and kneading paddle are dishwasher-safe. The outside of the bread pan and base may discolor. This is normal.
3.To clean the housing and top lid: After use, allow unit to cool. Use a damp cloth to wipe lid, housing, baking chamber, and interior of viewing window. Do not use any abrasive cleaners for cleaning, since this will degrade the high polish of the surface. Never immerse the housing into water for cleaning.
Note: It is suggested not disassembling the lid for cleaning.
4. Before the bread maker is packed for storage, ensure that it has completely cooled down, is clean and dry, and the lid is closed.

The machine may work well in a wide range of temperature, but there will be any difference in loaf size between a very warm room and cold room. We suggest that the room temperature should be within the range of 15 ℃ to 34℃.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Dry measurementsMeasure dry ingredients by gently spooning flour, etc., into the measuring cup and then, once filled, leveling off with a knife. Never use the measuring cup to scoop your dry ingredients directly from a container as this could add up to one tablespoon of extra ingredients. Do not tap the bottom of the measuring cup or pack down.HINT: Before measuring, stir the flour to aerate it. When measuring small amounts of dry ingredients, such as salt or sugar, use a measuring spoon, make sure it is leveled off.CLEANING AND MAINTENANCEDisconnect the power before cleaning. Do not immerse cord, plug, or housing in any liquid. Allow bread maker to cool down completely before cleaning.1.To clean the kneading paddle: If the kneading paddle is difficult to remove from the bread, add water to the bottom of the bread pan and allow to soak for up to 1 hour. Wipe the paddle carefully with a cotton damp cloth. Both the bread pan and kneading paddle are dish-washing safe components. 2.To clean bread pan: Remove the bread pan by turning it in counterclockwise, then lift up the handle. Wipe inside and outside of pan with damp cloth, do not use any sharp or abrasive agents, in order to protect the non-stick coating. The bread pan must be dried completely before installation.Note: The bread pan and kneading paddle are dishwasher-safe. The outside of the bread pan and base may discolor. This is normal.3.To clean the housing and top lid: After use, allow unit to cool. Use a damp cloth to wipe lid, housing, baking chamber, and interior of viewing window. Do not use any abrasive cleaners for cleaning, since this will degrade the high polish of the surface. Never immerse the housing into water for cleaning.Note: It is suggested not disassembling the lid for cleaning.4. Before the bread maker is packed for storage, ensure that it has completely cooled down, is clean and dry, and the lid is closed.USE ENVIRONMENTThe machine may work well in a wide range of temperature, but there will be any difference in loaf size between a very warm room and cold room. We suggest that the room temperature should be within the range of 15 ℃ to 34℃.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pengukuran kering
Ukur bahan kering dengan lembut menyendokkan tepung, dll, ke dalam gelas ukur dan kemudian, setelah diisi, meratakan off dengan pisau. Tidak pernah menggunakan gelas ukur untuk meraup bahan kering Anda langsung dari wadah seperti ini bisa menambahkan hingga satu sendok makan bahan tambahan. Jangan sentuh bagian bawah gelas ukur atau paket bawah.
PETUNJUK: Sebelum mengukur, aduk tepung untuk menganginkan itu. Ketika mengukur sejumlah kecil bahan kering, seperti garam atau gula, menggunakan sendok ukur, pastikan sudah mendatar.
Putus listrik sebelum membersihkan. Jangan merendam kabel, steker, atau perumahan di cairan apapun. Memungkinkan pembuat roti untuk mendinginkan sepenuhnya sebelum membersihkan.
1.To membersihkan dayung adonan: Jika dayung meremas sulit untuk menghapus dari roti, tambahkan air ke bagian bawah roti pan dan memungkinkan untuk menyerap hingga 1 jam. Lap dayung hati-hati dengan kain lembab kapas. Kedua roti pan dan meremas dayung yang cuci piring komponen yang aman.
2.To roti bersih pan: Angkat panci roti dengan memutarnya berlawanan arah jarum jam, lalu angkat pegangan. Seka dalam dan di luar dari panci dengan kain basah, tidak menggunakan agen tajam atau kasar, untuk melindungi lapisan non-stick. Roti pan harus dikeringkan benar-benar sebelum instalasi.
Catatan: roti pan dan meremas dayung mesin cuci piring-aman. Bagian luar pan roti dan basis dapat mengubah warna. Hal ini normal.
3.To membersihkan perumahan dan tutup atas: Setelah digunakan, biarkan menjadi dingin. Gunakan kain basah untuk menyeka tutup, perumahan, ruang pembakaran, dan interior dari jendela tampilan. Jangan menggunakan pembersih abrasif untuk membersihkan, karena ini akan menurunkan polish tinggi permukaan. Jangan merendam perumahan ke dalam air untuk pembersihan.
Catatan: Disarankan tidak membongkar tutup untuk membersihkan.
4. Sebelum pembuat roti dikemas untuk penyimpanan, memastikan bahwa ia telah benar-benar dingin, bersih dan kering, dan tutupnya ditutup. GUNAKAN LINGKUNGAN Mesin dapat bekerja dengan baik di berbagai suhu, namun akan ada perbedaan dalam roti ukuran antara ruang yang sangat hangat dan kamar dingin. Kami menyarankan bahwa suhu kamar harus berada dalam kisaran 15 ℃ sampai 34 ℃.

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