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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
#1193: tidak berani untuk membunuh?Dunia guruh, suara orang tua, adalah memiliki kebencian, tiba-tiba ketika dengung, banyak orang tidak tahu surga mahkota keluarga ini empat karakter makna, tapi tiga gereja dan enam sekte ini kesembilan Gunung laut, serta sebagai keluarga lain, adalah benar-benar melihat tiba-tiba berubah, jelas terkejut puncak, sengit melihat ke orang Fang klan. |"Heaven Crown... Keluarga?"Sementara ini orang perasaan terdalam shock, net besar nyata menghilang, bentuk Meng Hao dodges, langsung menjulang Vault surga, ia melihat, bahwa hari spasial, Huang Liang tembaga koin, seolah-olah kehilangan pengangkutan dan kontrol saat ini, tiba-tiba jatuh.Kelajuan Meng Hao kecepatan, pendekatan instan, mungkin pada waktu yang sama, di semua ini di sekitar kerumunan, sembilan orang bentuk seperti kilat umum, datang dari berbagai arah instan, tujuan, adalah bahwa koin tembaga!Mei di udara, enam orang tubuh dalam flash, tiba-tiba perubahan arah, tidak lagi kebakaran ke koin tembaga, tetapi langsung menjulang Meng Hao, harus mencegah langkahnya.Untuk tiga orang lain, kecepatan lebih cepat, tak lama sudah dekat dengan koin tembaga.Tampilan Fang Xiufeng tenang, dekat Fang Shoudao juga memiliki Fang Yanxu, tidak pergi ke bertindak untuk membantu satu sama lain, karena mereka Meng Hao di sini, memiliki jaminan penuh.Di mata Meng Hao cahaya dingin dodges, tujuan dari orang tua adalah Fang klan, meminjam Selatan surga untuk membunuh untuk memotong diri sendiri untuk membunuh, maka barang nya, adalah sendiri rampasan perang.When his body flickers the acceleration, right hand waves hand, one wields toward all around, immediately celestial mountains bang arrival, the blue light endless, direct suppression, that six people of neutralities inscribe three people to spout the blood, when speed one slow, other three people, launch the magical powers technique law completely. At once, the sky is colorful, technique law fluctuation reverberation.In that technique law. Dozens black giant lizards, whoosh transform, fire into Meng Hao, the giant whip shade, such as the long line, sweeps away eight sides.A seven color rainbow, sends out the radiant light. Covers the world.Meng Hao coldly snorted, takes a step. Sweeps away all around, with intrepid mortal body, the innumerable these magical powers, both hands resembles to separate in the front grabs the nihility spatially. Rips toward the two sides maliciously, thunders, these black huge lizards, send out the sad and shrill roar completely, the body 11 collapses extinguish broken.The Meng Hao form has not stopped, the right hand wields, holds that whip shade, shakes slightly, a piece of fire following this whip dispersing. In an instant, causes this whip catching fire snake.The Meng Hao body hits fiercely, with intrepid mortal body. Hits directly on that rainbow, the bang reverberates, this rainbow is easily accomplished, direct powder extinguishes!All these occur extremely quickly, is unable to prevent the Meng Hao half step, suddenly collapse magical powers. When appears already in front of that three cultivator, these three people of facial colors change. In the look reveals unable to believe that has not waited for them to launch the new magical powers, the Meng Hao big sleeve flings, bang, strong winds erupt, sweeps away these three people directly.When three people of blood blowout, Meng Hao from their direct shuttles, he has not killed people, today is his father becomes the day of head of the clan, only if needs to extinguish really kills, such as the beforehand challenge, otherwise, Meng Hao does not want to slaughter today.Takes a step, his form appeared in that copper coin side instant, the right hand has lifted, grasped toward that copper coin.But must grasp in him instant, has the final three forms suddenly to come, among waves hand, bang spreading, must prevent Meng Hao vigorously.Under one of them waves hand, a huge silver bottle gourd transforms, directly soars Meng Hao, spreads the greatest suction, some innumerable sad and shrill pitiful yells, near the maneuver Meng Hao ear, shake its mind.„Go away!” The Meng Hao left hand makes a fist, fierce falling, the strength of deicide blows out suddenly, falls on that bottle gourd directly, this silver bottle gourd shivers immediately, is split up loudly, changes to the innumerable fragments to rewind, mixes with among numerous ghosts, backlash is firing into cultivation of generally.This person of facial color change, retreats already without enough time, by this fragment and ghost backlash, the blood blowout, the body withers immediately backs up directly, but another person, is actually in coldly snorted, gave up copper coin unexpectedly, but turns around to directly soar Meng Hao, his beat the crazy fire, the body in an instant, had the indication of combustion unexpectedly.
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