AcknowledgementsThe research for this project was made possible by gen terjemahan - AcknowledgementsThe research for this project was made possible by gen Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

AcknowledgementsThe research for th

The research for this project was made possible by generous financial support
from the Fulbright IIE, the Social Science Research Council’s International
Dissertation Research Fellowship program, and a pre-dissertation fellowship
from the National Science Foundation. Portions of this article were presented
at the second ‘Putting Pierre Bourdieu to Work’ working conference held at UC

Berkeley in May 2005. This article has been shaped by the ideas and input of
many people, but special thanks go to Teresa Sharpe, Chris Niedt, Tom Gold,
Michael Burawoy, and Kevin O’Brien.
1 Borrowing Ching Kwan Lee’s (2002) formulation, I understand contem-
porary China to be ‘postsocialist’ largely in that the planned economy no
longer plays a central role in production or consumption. China is also
postsocialist in the sense that the present is understood in relation to, and
generally as a rejection of, the socialist past (Rofel, 1999; Zhang, 2000).
2 For one report on
Meihua K
, see for example, ‘How did the fake medicine
“Meihua K” enter the marketplace?’ (
Jiayao ‘meihua K’ shi ruhe liuru
shichang de
Xinhua Net
, Changsha, 2 April 2002 [
7777], accessed 13 May 2003; on the Nanjing mooncakes, ‘Nanjing
Guanshengyuan will be broken up: “Old filling mooncakes” incident
threatens company leadership’ (
Nanjing Guanshengyuan yao bei jisan: jiu
xian yuebing shijian weixie gongsi lingdao anquan
Harbin Life Daily
Shenghuo Bao
), 20 October 2001, p. 11.
3 My answer to the customer’s query was borrowed from my co-workers,
who used this appellation – ‘factory-direct sales’ – as a way to allay
customer concerns about merchandise quality. But the term was also tech-
nically correct, since the manufacturer supplied merchandise directly to the
sales area. Pricing and discounting, however, remained under store control.
4 The ISO, or International Organization for Standardization, issues
standards – usually technical or technological – to ensure compatibility and
quality levels for technology, products, and services across countries. China
is a member nation of the ISO, and Chinese companies with products or
services meeting ISO standards like to advertise this fact, especially given
widespread quality problems. There were even department stores in Harbin
that had received an ISO 9000, a standard for quality business management,
especially with regards to customer satisfaction. The application of ISO
standards to Chinese managerial and service performance seems to support
Ann Anagnost’s (1997: 77) claim that ‘the speculative gaze of foreign
capital’ gets translated into modern notions of ‘civility’ and culture in China.
5 Ellen Hertz (2001: 279) gives a contrasting example of a man who claimed
he never paid ‘market price’ for anything, instead relying upon personal
connections to secure discounts and lower prices. Hertz argues that this
represents the assertion of face – of individual identity – in a seemingly
anonymous market context. It could be argued, then, that sales clerks at
Harbin No. X were indeed asserting a kind of equality of ‘the masses’ that
was an ideal, if often unrealized, of China’s socialist economy.

Sales floor trajectories
461-492 073147 Hanser (D) 7/11/06 08:52 Page 485
© 2006 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution.
by HARWAN ANDI KUNNA on November 3, 2007
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6 I do not want to oversimplify: at times, coping with customer distrust
involved trying to conceal Harbin No. X’s differences from other retailers.
This was often the case with customer expectations for discounts. Here,
sales clerks would usually try to face down customer demands by insisting
that the merchandise was ‘already discounted’. For example, when a girl
asked Big Sister Zhao if there was a discount on a coat she had selected,
Zhao launched into a detailed explanation about how Ice Day was ‘a new
brand this year’ (
jinnian chuang pai
) and so the price was already set at 15
percent off. In a typical solidarity move, Zhao added that if she lowered
the price, ‘Auntie will have to take 10 yuan out of my own pocket, and I
only earn 400 yuan a month!’
’, or ‘educated youths’, are also known as the ‘Cultural Revolution
generation’ and were the cohort who came of age during the Cultural
Revolution (1966–76). This group was sent as youths to the countryside
for re-education during the latter years of the Cultural Revolution. I should
note that the
nostalgia Yang describes locates positive themes such
as human connection in rural, not urban, life.
8 Rofel (1999) argues that the construction of modernity in China is in part
dependent upon the construction of the country’s Cultural Revolution
generation as ‘abjected figures’: ‘One proves oneself a modern subject in
the post-Mao era by expunging what the Cultural Revolution generation
has come to represent’ (p. 190). On other examples of nostalgia as a kind
of resistance or expression of unease in contemporary China, see Barmé
(1999); Dai (1997) and O’Brien and Li (1999); on Shanghai nostalgia in
support of reforms, see Lu (2002).
Anagost, Ann (1997)
National Past-times: Narrative, Representation, and
Power in Modern China
. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Barmé, Geremie (1999)
In the Red: On Contemporary Chinese Culture
. New
York: Columbia University Press.
Berdahl, Daphne (1997)
Where the World Ended: Re-Unification and Identity
in the German Borderland
. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Blecher, Marc J. (2002) ‘Hegemony and Workers’ Politics in China’,
The China
170: 283–303.
Bourdieu, Pierre (1984)
Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Bourdieu, Pierre (1990) ‘Social Space and Symbolic Power’, in
In Other Words:
Essays Towards a Reflexive Sociology
, pp. 123–49. Stanford, CA: Stanford
University Press.
Bourdieu, Pierre (1998)
Practical Reason
. Stanford, CA: Stanford University
Bourdieu, Pierre and Luc Boltanski (1981) ‘The Educational System and the
Economy: Titles and Jobs’, in Charles Lemert (ed.)
French Sociology:
Rupture and Renewal Since 1968
, pp. 141–51. New York: Columbia
University Press.
Bourdieu, Pierre and Löic J.D. Wacquant (1992)
An Invitation to Reflexive
. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.
Bruun, Ole (1993)
Business and Bureaucracy in a Chinese City: An Ethnogra-
phy of Private Business Households in Contemporary China
. Berkeley, CA:
Institute for East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley.
Burawoy, Michael and János Lukács (1992)
The Radiant Past: Ideology and
Reality in Hungary’s Road to Capitalism
. Chicago, IL: The University of
Chicago Press.
Burawoy, Micheal and Katherine Verdery (1999)
Uncertain Transition: Ethnog-
raphies of Change in the Postsocialist World
. Boulder, CO: Rowman &
Dai, Jinhua (1997) ‘Imagined Nostalgia’,
boundary 2
24(3): 143–61.
Dunn, Elizabeth (1999) ‘Slick Salesmen and Simple People: Negotiated Capi-
talism in a Privatized Polish Firm’, in Michael Burawoy and Katherine
Verdery (eds)
Uncertain Transition: Ethnographies of Change in the Post-
socialist World
, pp. 125–50. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Dunn, Elizabeth (2004)
Privatizing Poland: Baby Food, Big Business, and the
Remaking of Labor
. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Gold, Thomas B. (1989) ‘Guerrilla Interviewing Among the
’, in Perry
Link, Richard P. Madsen and Paul G. Pickowicz (eds)
Unofficial China:
Popular Culture and Thought in the People’s Republic
, pp. 175–92. Boulder,
CO: Westview Press.
Gu, Chaolin, Xiuhong Hu, Haiyong Liu and Guochen Song (2004) ‘Situation
of the Urban Rich (
Chengshi fuyu jiceng zhuangkuang
)’, in Peilin Li, Qiang
Li and Liping Sun (eds)
Social Stratification in China Today (Zhongguo
shehui fenceng)
, pp. 264–82. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China)
Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe
Haney, Lynne (1999) ‘“But We Are Still Mothers”: Gender, the State, and the
Construction of Need in Postsocialist Hungary’, in Michael Burawoy and
Katherine Verdery (eds)
Uncertain Transition: Ethnographies of Change in
the Postsocialist World
, pp. 151–87. Boulder, CO: Rowman & Littlefield.
Hanser, Amy (2005) ‘The Gendered Rice Bowl: The Sexual Politics of Service
Work in Urban China’,
Gender & Society
19(5): 581–600.
Hanser, Amy (2006) ‘A Tale of Two Sales Floors: Changing Service Work
Regimes in China’, in Ching Kwan Lee (ed.)
Working in China: Ethnog-
raphies of Labor and Workplace Transformation.
London: Routledge.

Sales floor trajectories
461-492 073147 Hanser (D) 7/11/06 08:52 Page 487
© 2006 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution.
by HARWAN ANDI KUNNA on November 3, 2007
Downloaded from
Harbin City Almanac
Ha’erbin shi zhu
) (1996) Vol. 15. Harbin: Heilongjiang
People’s Press (Heilongjiang renmin chubanshe).
Hershkovitz, Linda (1985) ‘The Fruits of Ambivalence: China’s Urban Individ-
ual Economy’,
Pacific Affairs
58(3): 427–50.
Hertz, Ellen (2001) ‘Faces in the Crowd: The Cultural Construction of
Anonymity in Urban China’, in Nancy N. Chen, Constance D. Clark,
Suzanne Z. Gottschang and Lyn Jeffery (eds)
China Urban: Ethnographies
of Contemporary Culture
, pp. 274–93. Durham, NC: Duke University
Hooper, Beverly (2000) ‘Consumer Voices: Asserting Rights in Post-Mao
China Information
16(2): 92–128.
Humphrey, Caroline (2002)
The Unmaking of Soviet Life: Everyday Economies
After Socialism
. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Hung, Eva P.W. and Stephen W.K. Chiu (2003) ‘The Lost Generation: Life
Course Dynamics and
in China’,
Modern China
29(2): 204–36.
Hurst, Wi
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
AcknowledgementsThe research for this project was made possible by generous financial supportfrom the Fulbright IIE, the Social Science Research Council’s InternationalDissertation Research Fellowship program, and a pre-dissertation fellowshipfrom the National Science Foundation. Portions of this article were presentedat the second ‘Putting Pierre Bourdieu to Work’ working conference held at UC ___________Berkeley in May 2005. This article has been shaped by the ideas and input ofmany people, but special thanks go to Teresa Sharpe, Chris Niedt, Tom Gold,Michael Burawoy, and Kevin O’Brien.Notes1 Borrowing Ching Kwan Lee’s (2002) formulation, I understand contem-porary China to be ‘postsocialist’ largely in that the planned economy nolonger plays a central role in production or consumption. China is alsopostsocialist in the sense that the present is understood in relation to, andgenerally as a rejection of, the socialist past (Rofel, 1999; Zhang, 2000).2 For one report on Meihua K, see for example, ‘How did the fake medicine“Meihua K” enter the marketplace?’ (Jiayao ‘meihua K’ shi ruhe liurushichang de?), Xinhua Net, Changsha, 2 April 2002 [], accessed 13 May 2003; on the Nanjing mooncakes, ‘NanjingGuanshengyuan will be broken up: “Old filling mooncakes” incidentthreatens company leadership’ (Nanjing Guanshengyuan yao bei jisan: jiuxian yuebing shijian weixie gongsi lingdao anquan),
Harbin Life Daily
Shenghuo Bao
), 20 October 2001, p. 11.
3 My answer to the customer’s query was borrowed from my co-workers,
who used this appellation – ‘factory-direct sales’ – as a way to allay
customer concerns about merchandise quality. But the term was also tech-
nically correct, since the manufacturer supplied merchandise directly to the
sales area. Pricing and discounting, however, remained under store control.
4 The ISO, or International Organization for Standardization, issues
standards – usually technical or technological – to ensure compatibility and
quality levels for technology, products, and services across countries. China
is a member nation of the ISO, and Chinese companies with products or
services meeting ISO standards like to advertise this fact, especially given
widespread quality problems. There were even department stores in Harbin
that had received an ISO 9000, a standard for quality business management,
especially with regards to customer satisfaction. The application of ISO
standards to Chinese managerial and service performance seems to support
Ann Anagnost’s (1997: 77) claim that ‘the speculative gaze of foreign
capital’ gets translated into modern notions of ‘civility’ and culture in China.
5 Ellen Hertz (2001: 279) gives a contrasting example of a man who claimed
he never paid ‘market price’ for anything, instead relying upon personal
connections to secure discounts and lower prices. Hertz argues that this
represents the assertion of face – of individual identity – in a seemingly
anonymous market context. It could be argued, then, that sales clerks at
Harbin No. X were indeed asserting a kind of equality of ‘the masses’ that
was an ideal, if often unrealized, of China’s socialist economy.

Sales floor trajectories
461-492 073147 Hanser (D) 7/11/06 08:52 Page 485
© 2006 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution.
by HARWAN ANDI KUNNA on November 3, 2007
Downloaded from
6 I do not want to oversimplify: at times, coping with customer distrust
involved trying to conceal Harbin No. X’s differences from other retailers.
This was often the case with customer expectations for discounts. Here,
sales clerks would usually try to face down customer demands by insisting
that the merchandise was ‘already discounted’. For example, when a girl
asked Big Sister Zhao if there was a discount on a coat she had selected,
Zhao launched into a detailed explanation about how Ice Day was ‘a new
brand this year’ (
jinnian chuang pai
) and so the price was already set at 15
percent off. In a typical solidarity move, Zhao added that if she lowered
the price, ‘Auntie will have to take 10 yuan out of my own pocket, and I
only earn 400 yuan a month!’
’, or ‘educated youths’, are also known as the ‘Cultural Revolution
generation’ and were the cohort who came of age during the Cultural
Revolution (1966–76). This group was sent as youths to the countryside
for re-education during the latter years of the Cultural Revolution. I should
note that the
nostalgia Yang describes locates positive themes such
as human connection in rural, not urban, life.
8 Rofel (1999) argues that the construction of modernity in China is in part
dependent upon the construction of the country’s Cultural Revolution
generation as ‘abjected figures’: ‘One proves oneself a modern subject in
the post-Mao era by expunging what the Cultural Revolution generation
has come to represent’ (p. 190). On other examples of nostalgia as a kind
of resistance or expression of unease in contemporary China, see Barmé
(1999); Dai (1997) and O’Brien and Li (1999); on Shanghai nostalgia in
support of reforms, see Lu (2002).
Anagost, Ann (1997)
National Past-times: Narrative, Representation, and
Power in Modern China
. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Barmé, Geremie (1999)
In the Red: On Contemporary Chinese Culture
. New
York: Columbia University Press.
Berdahl, Daphne (1997)
Where the World Ended: Re-Unification and Identity
in the German Borderland
. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Blecher, Marc J. (2002) ‘Hegemony and Workers’ Politics in China’,
The China
170: 283–303.
Bourdieu, Pierre (1984)
Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Bourdieu, Pierre (1990) ‘Social Space and Symbolic Power’, in
In Other Words:
Essays Towards a Reflexive Sociology
, pp. 123–49. Stanford, CA: Stanford
University Press.
Bourdieu, Pierre (1998)
Practical Reason
. Stanford, CA: Stanford University
Bourdieu, Pierre and Luc Boltanski (1981) ‘The Educational System and the
Economy: Titles and Jobs’, in Charles Lemert (ed.)
French Sociology:
Rupture and Renewal Since 1968
, pp. 141–51. New York: Columbia
University Press.
Bourdieu, Pierre and Löic J.D. Wacquant (1992)
An Invitation to Reflexive
. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.
Bruun, Ole (1993)
Business and Bureaucracy in a Chinese City: An Ethnogra-
phy of Private Business Households in Contemporary China
. Berkeley, CA:
Institute for East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley.
Burawoy, Michael and János Lukács (1992)
The Radiant Past: Ideology and
Reality in Hungary’s Road to Capitalism
. Chicago, IL: The University of
Chicago Press.
Burawoy, Micheal and Katherine Verdery (1999)
Uncertain Transition: Ethnog-
raphies of Change in the Postsocialist World
. Boulder, CO: Rowman &
Dai, Jinhua (1997) ‘Imagined Nostalgia’,
boundary 2
24(3): 143–61.
Dunn, Elizabeth (1999) ‘Slick Salesmen and Simple People: Negotiated Capi-
talism in a Privatized Polish Firm’, in Michael Burawoy and Katherine
Verdery (eds)
Uncertain Transition: Ethnographies of Change in the Post-
socialist World
, pp. 125–50. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Dunn, Elizabeth (2004)
Privatizing Poland: Baby Food, Big Business, and the
Remaking of Labor
. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Gold, Thomas B. (1989) ‘Guerrilla Interviewing Among the
’, in Perry
Link, Richard P. Madsen and Paul G. Pickowicz (eds)
Unofficial China:
Popular Culture and Thought in the People’s Republic
, pp. 175–92. Boulder,
CO: Westview Press.
Gu, Chaolin, Xiuhong Hu, Haiyong Liu and Guochen Song (2004) ‘Situation
of the Urban Rich (
Chengshi fuyu jiceng zhuangkuang
)’, in Peilin Li, Qiang
Li and Liping Sun (eds)
Social Stratification in China Today (Zhongguo
shehui fenceng)
, pp. 264–82. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China)
Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe
Haney, Lynne (1999) ‘“But We Are Still Mothers”: Gender, the State, and the
Construction of Need in Postsocialist Hungary’, in Michael Burawoy and
Katherine Verdery (eds)
Uncertain Transition: Ethnographies of Change in
the Postsocialist World
, pp. 151–87. Boulder, CO: Rowman & Littlefield.
Hanser, Amy (2005) ‘The Gendered Rice Bowl: The Sexual Politics of Service
Work in Urban China’,
Gender & Society
19(5): 581–600.
Hanser, Amy (2006) ‘A Tale of Two Sales Floors: Changing Service Work
Regimes in China’, in Ching Kwan Lee (ed.)
Working in China: Ethnog-
raphies of Labor and Workplace Transformation.
London: Routledge.

Sales floor trajectories
461-492 073147 Hanser (D) 7/11/06 08:52 Page 487
© 2006 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution.
by HARWAN ANDI KUNNA on November 3, 2007
Downloaded from
Harbin City Almanac
Ha’erbin shi zhu
) (1996) Vol. 15. Harbin: Heilongjiang
People’s Press (Heilongjiang renmin chubanshe).
Hershkovitz, Linda (1985) ‘The Fruits of Ambivalence: China’s Urban Individ-
ual Economy’,
Pacific Affairs
58(3): 427–50.
Hertz, Ellen (2001) ‘Faces in the Crowd: The Cultural Construction of
Anonymity in Urban China’, in Nancy N. Chen, Constance D. Clark,
Suzanne Z. Gottschang and Lyn Jeffery (eds)
China Urban: Ethnographies
of Contemporary Culture
, pp. 274–93. Durham, NC: Duke University
Hooper, Beverly (2000) ‘Consumer Voices: Asserting Rights in Post-Mao
China Information
16(2): 92–128.
Humphrey, Caroline (2002)
The Unmaking of Soviet Life: Everyday Economies
After Socialism
. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Hung, Eva P.W. and Stephen W.K. Chiu (2003) ‘The Lost Generation: Life
Course Dynamics and
in China’,
Modern China
29(2): 204–36.
Hurst, Wi
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ucapan Terima Kasih
Penelitian untuk proyek ini dimungkinkan oleh dukungan finansial
dari Fulbright IIE, International Social Science Research Council
Program Disertasi Research Fellowship, dan persekutuan pra-disertasi
dari National Science Foundation. Bagian dari artikel ini disajikan
di kedua 'Puting Pierre Bourdieu Bekerja' konferensi bekerja diadakan di UC
___________ Berkeley pada Mei 2005. Artikel ini telah dibentuk oleh ide-ide dan masukan dari banyak orang, tapi terima kasih khusus pergi ke Teresa Sharpe, Chris Niedt, Tom Emas, Michael Burawoy, dan Kevin O'Brien. Catatan 1 Pinjaman Ching Kwan Lee (2002) formulasi, saya mengerti berkontemplasi temporer China menjadi 'postsocialist' sebagian besar dalam ekonomi terencana tidak lagi memainkan peran sentral dalam produksi atau konsumsi. China juga postsocialist dalam arti bahwa saat ini dipahami dalam kaitannya dengan, dan umumnya sebagai penolakan, masa lalu sosialis (Rofel, 1999; Zhang, 2000). 2 Untuk satu laporan Meihua K , lihat misalnya, 'Bagaimana melakukan pengobatan palsu "Meihua K" memasuki pasar? " ( Jiayao 'Meihua K' shi ruhe Liuru Shichang de ?), Xinhua Net , Changsha, 2 April 2002 [ 7777], diakses 13 Mei 2003; pada kue bulan Nanjing, 'Nanjing Guanshengyuan akan dipecah: "mengisi kue bulan Old" insiden mengancam kepemimpinan perusahaan ( Nanjing Guanshengyuan yao bei jisan: jiu xian yuebing Shijian weixie gongsi lingdao Anquan ), Harbin Kehidupan Sehari-hari ( Shenghuo Bao ), 20 Oktober 2001, hal. 11. 3 Jawaban saya untuk pertanyaan pelanggan dipinjam dari rekan kerja saya, yang digunakan sebutan ini - 'penjualan pabrik langsung' - sebagai cara untuk meredakan kekhawatiran pelanggan tentang kualitas barang dagangan. Tapi istilah itu juga teknik- nically benar, karena produsen yang disediakan merchandise langsung ke daerah penjualan. Harga dan diskon, bagaimanapun, tetap berada di bawah kendali toko. 4 ISO, atau Organisasi Internasional untuk Standardisasi, masalah standar - biasanya teknis atau teknologi - untuk memastikan kompatibilitas dan tingkat kualitas untuk teknologi, produk, dan layanan di seluruh negara. Cina adalah negara anggota ISO, dan perusahaan China dengan produk atau jasa memenuhi standar ISO ingin mengiklankan fakta ini, terutama mengingat masalah kualitas luas. Bahkan ada department store di Harbin yang telah menerima ISO 9000, standar untuk manajemen bisnis yang berkualitas, terutama berkaitan dengan kepuasan pelanggan. Penerapan ISO standar untuk kinerja manajerial dan layanan Cina tampaknya mendukung Ann Anagnost (1997: 77) menyatakan bahwa 'tatapan spekulatif asing modal 'akan diterjemahkan ke dalam pengertian modern' kesopanan 'dan budaya di Cina. 5 Ellen Hertz (2001 : 279) memberikan contoh yang kontras dari seorang pria yang mengaku dia tidak pernah membayar 'harga pasar' untuk apa pun, bukannya mengandalkan personal koneksi untuk mengamankan diskon dan harga yang lebih rendah. Hertz berpendapat bahwa ini merupakan penegasan dari wajah - identitas individu - dalam tampaknya konteks pasar anonim. Dapat dikatakan, kemudian, bahwa pegawai penjualan di Harbin No. X memang menegaskan semacam persamaan 'massa' yang merupakan ideal, jika sering belum direalisasi, ekonomi sosialis China. Hanser ■ lantai Penjualan lintasan 485 461-492 073.147 Hanser (D) 7/11/06 08:52 Halaman 485 © 2006 SAGE Publications. Seluruh hak cipta. . Tidak untuk penggunaan komersial atau distribusi yang tidak sah oleh Harwan ANDI KUNNA pada November 3, 2007 Download dari 6 Saya tidak ingin menyederhanakan: di kali, mengatasi pelanggan ketidakpercayaan yang terlibat berusaha untuk menyembunyikan Harbin No. perbedaan X dari pengecer lain. Ini adalah sering terjadi dengan harapan pelanggan untuk diskon. Di sini, panitera penjualan biasanya akan mencoba untuk menghadap ke bawah permintaan pelanggan dengan bersikeras bahwa barang itu 'sudah diskon'. Misalnya, ketika seorang gadis meminta Kakak Zhao jika ada diskon pada mantel dia dipilih, Zhao diluncurkan ke penjelasan rinci tentang bagaimana Ice Day adalah 'baru merek tahun ini '( Jinnian chuang pai ) dan harga sudah ditetapkan pada 15 persen dari. Dalam solidaritas langkah khas, Zhao menambahkan bahwa jika dia menurunkan harga, "Bibi akan harus mengambil 10 yuan dari saku saya sendiri, dan saya hanya mendapatkan 400 yuan per bulan! ' 7 ' Zhiqing ', atau' pemuda berpendidikan ', juga dikenal sebagai 'Revolusi Kebudayaan generasi 'dan kohort yang datang usia selama Budaya Revolusi (1966-1976). Kelompok ini dikirim sebagai pemuda ke pedesaan untuk pendidikan ulang selama tahun-tahun terakhir Revolusi Kebudayaan. Saya harus mencatat bahwa Zhiqing nostalgia Yang menggambarkan menempatkan tema positif seperti sebagai hubungan manusia di pedesaan, tidak perkotaan, kehidupan. 8 Rofel (1999) berpendapat bahwa pembangunan modernitas di Cina adalah sebagian tergantung pada pembangunan Revolusi Kebudayaan negara generasi sebagai 'tokoh abjected': 'Satu membuktikan diri subjek modern di pos-Mao era oleh menghapuskan apa generasi Revolusi Kebudayaan telah datang untuk mewakili '(hal 190).. Pada contoh lain dari nostalgia sebagai semacam resistensi atau ekspresi kegelisahan di Cina kontemporer, lihat Barme (1999); Dai (1997) dan O'Brien dan Li (1999); di Shanghai nostalgia di . mendukung reformasi, lihat Lu (2002) Referensi Anagost, Ann (1997) Nasional Past-kali: Narasi, Perwakilan, dan Power Modern China . Durham, NC. Duke University Press Barme, Geremie (1999) Dalam Red: Pada Contemporary Chinese Culture . New York:. Columbia University Press Berdahl, Daphne (1997) Dimana Dunia Berakhir: Re-Unifikasi dan Identitas di Perbatasan Jerman . Berkeley:. University of California Press Blecher, Marc J. (2002) 'Hegemoni dan Pekerja Politik di China, China Quarterly 170:. 283-303 Bourdieu, Pierre (1984) Perbedaan: Sebuah Kritik Sosial Penghakiman Taste . Cambridge, MA:. Harvard University Press Bourdieu, Pierre (1990) 'Ruang Sosial dan simbolis Power, di Dalam kata lain: Esai Menuju refleksif Sosiologi , pp 123-49.. Stanford, CA: Stanford . University Press _____________________ Bourdieu, Pierre (1998) Alasan Praktis . Stanford, CA: Stanford University . Tekan Bourdieu, Pierre dan Luc Bolstanski (1981) 'Sistem Pendidikan dan Ekonomi: Judul dan Jobs ', di Charles Lemert (ed.) French Sosiologi: Pecahnya dan Renewal Sejak 1968 ., pp 141- 51. New York: Columbia . University Press Bourdieu, Pierre dan Loic JD Wacquant (1992) Undangan untuk refleksif Sosiologi . Chicago, IL:. The University of Chicago Press Bruun, Ole (1993) Bisnis dan Birokrasi di Kota Cina: Sebuah Ethnogra- phy Rumah Tangga Bisnis Swasta di Kontemporer Cina . Berkeley, CA: Lembaga Studi Asia Timur, University of California, Berkeley. Burawoy, Michael dan János Lukacs (1992) The Radiant Past: Ideologi dan Realitas di Hungaria Road to Kapitalisme . Chicago, IL: The University of . Chicago Press Burawoy, Michael dan Katherine Verdery (1999) Transisi Uncertain: Ethnog- raphies Perubahan di Postsocialist Dunia . Boulder, CO: Rowman & . 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