„!?”My whole body trem­bles, al­most could not speak, what thing was t terjemahan - „!?”My whole body trem­bles, al­most could not speak, what thing was t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„!?”My whole body trem­bles, al­mos

My whole body trem­bles, al­most could not speak, what thing was this?
The earth shiv­ers fiercely, I sim­ply could not halt, raise the sword to fire into Shi Qiu, dis­cov­ered the stand­point, that stone earthen mound slowly but ac­tu­ally set up­right, a giant was sit­ting at heart slowly from the dragon nest, the rid­dlings split open, the dust fell, under the rid­dlings, un­ex­pect­edly was a Zhang Ting's at­trac­tive cheek, on the fair skin was reap­pear­ing dragon scales, „she” the shak­ing the head de­part­ment , a black long hair dragged to clear the dust sud­denly, she has held up the palm slowly, that dragon claw drew back to dis­perse into a pair of hand slowly, a pair of bright-col­ored blood red pupil opened slowly, sta­tic vis­its me, in the mean­time, I also saw one line of phrases on her top of the head, im­me­di­ately al­most fright­ened is fright­ened out of one's wits
【Red dragon flour queen child Shu】( In­fe­rior god level BOSS)
In­tro­duced: The red dragon flour queen, the Saint Long Xi flame prin­ci­ple pro­tec­tor, blood­line of red dragon flour clan was re­spected in higher Long Clan sa­credly, the red dragon flour queen is hon­ored as the most beau­ti­ful dragon clan, how­ever, the big dragon holds up sil­ver spear to ob­tain the purest dragon clan sa­cred blood­line, launched the at­tack dur­ing the red dragon flour queen deep sleep, bans the se­cret tech­nique to pro­hibit out of of­fice dragon clan ter­ri­tory the red dragon flour queen by the dragon, with the aim of forc­ing the red dragon flour queen for the suc­ces­sor who one­self have the purest blood re­la­tion­ship, was im­pris­oned more than 10,000 years of red dragon flour queens to fall into the vi­o­lent anger the shape, please do not pro­voke her, will oth­er­wise incur the fatal dis­as­ter
I retro­cede slowly, the mail-ar­mor and hel­met hits sud­denly above the rock, this knows one may draw back road­less, the ap­pear­ance that looks at the red dragon flour queen, trem­bles at heart, the stone earthen mound that NND, I stood a mo­ment ago rad­i­cally is not Shi Qiu, but is the left chest of red dragon flour queen, TMD, Shi Fu flakes after now, that tall and straight plen­ti­ful peaks and ridges that trem­bling in my front, this cover cup broke through the hori­zon!
More­over, ended, after the red dragon flour queen's angry es­ti­mate by cop­u­la­tion must vent force­fully on me!
In my mind a blank, this called any mat­ter, the life was also too bit­ter!
Aodiliya, I hate you!
How­ever, at this mo­ment, red dragon flour fe­male prince Shu vis­its me with a she pair of giant pupil, sud­denly said in the jerky dragon lan­guage: „Young hu­man­ity, I %#¥@&; now, my #@%¥&; have hoped your &;*%¥¥#”
I in great sur­prise: „What were your you say­ing? Ad­di­tive de­vice”
Red dragon flour fe­male prince Shu Wuyan lived, silent a meet­ing, as if in or­ga­ni­za­tion lan­guage, fi­nally again one time: „Young hu­man­ity, I re­gained con­scious­ness from ten thou­sand years of deep sleep, now, I re­gain con­scious­ness be­cause of you, the feel­ings you to my gra­cious gift, hope that you can ac­cept my grat­i­tude, mak­ing me do a mat­ter for you as the re­pay­ment!”
I deeply in­spired, frighten face quickly pur­ple, now was good, it seems like did not use here.
Looks up red dragon flour fe­male prince Shu, I said: „Your stature is so huge, walks with­out rest here not to be good, not to men­tion helped me, al­though, I truly very mat­ter that needed a pow­er­ful per­son to help me com­plete is al­most un­able to com­plete”
Child Shu shows a faint smile sud­denly, raises palm, in the mouth puts out the dragon lan­guage magic that is ob­scurely dif­fi­cult to know, the next quar­ter, she at least 20 me­ters high stature re­duces slowly, quick turned into about 1.65 me­ters al­ti­tude, a light red mail-ar­mor and hel­met, just likes a fe­male sol­dier, but I know that her within the body is con­tain­ing the in­com­pa­ra­bly
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„!?”My whole body trem­bles, al­most could not speak, what thing was this?The earth shiv­ers fiercely, I sim­ply could not halt, raise the sword to fire into Shi Qiu, dis­cov­ered the stand­point, that stone earthen mound slowly but ac­tu­ally set up­right, a giant was sit­ting at heart slowly from the dragon nest, the rid­dlings split open, the dust fell, under the rid­dlings, un­ex­pect­edly was a Zhang Ting's at­trac­tive cheek, on the fair skin was reap­pear­ing dragon scales, „she” the shak­ing the head de­part­ment , a black long hair dragged to clear the dust sud­denly, she has held up the palm slowly, that dragon claw drew back to dis­perse into a pair of hand slowly, a pair of bright-col­ored blood red pupil opened slowly, sta­tic vis­its me, in the mean­time, I also saw one line of phrases on her top of the head, im­me­di­ately al­most fright­ened is fright­ened out of one's wits【Red dragon flour queen child Shu】( In­fe­rior god level BOSS)Level:???In­tro­duced: The red dragon flour queen, the Saint Long Xi flame prin­ci­ple pro­tec­tor, blood­line of red dragon flour clan was re­spected in higher Long Clan sa­credly, the red dragon flour queen is hon­ored as the most beau­ti­ful dragon clan, how­ever, the big dragon holds up sil­ver spear to ob­tain the purest dragon clan sa­cred blood­line, launched the at­tack dur­ing the red dragon flour queen deep sleep, bans the se­cret tech­nique to pro­hibit out of of­fice dragon clan ter­ri­tory the red dragon flour queen by the dragon, with the aim of forc­ing the red dragon flour queen for the suc­ces­sor who one­self have the purest blood re­la­tion­ship, was im­pris­oned more than 10,000 years of red dragon flour queens to fall into the vi­o­lent anger the shape, please do not pro­voke her, will oth­er­wise incur the fatal dis­as­ter„Rus­tle”I retro­cede slowly, the mail-ar­mor and hel­met hits sud­denly above the rock, this knows one may draw back road­less, the ap­pear­ance that looks at the red dragon flour queen, trem­bles at heart, the stone earthen mound that NND, I stood a mo­ment ago rad­i­cally is not Shi Qiu, but is the left chest of red dragon flour queen, TMD, Shi Fu flakes after now, that tall and straight plen­ti­ful peaks and ridges that trem­bling in my front, this cover cup broke through the hori­zon!More­over, ended, after the red dragon flour queen's angry es­ti­mate by cop­u­la­tion must vent force­fully on me!
In my mind a blank, this called any mat­ter, the life was also too bit­ter!
Aodiliya, I hate you!
How­ever, at this mo­ment, red dragon flour fe­male prince Shu vis­its me with a she pair of giant pupil, sud­denly said in the jerky dragon lan­guage: „Young hu­man­ity, I %#¥@&; now, my #@%¥&; have hoped your &;*%¥¥#”
I in great sur­prise: „What were your you say­ing? Ad­di­tive de­vice”
Red dragon flour fe­male prince Shu Wuyan lived, silent a meet­ing, as if in or­ga­ni­za­tion lan­guage, fi­nally again one time: „Young hu­man­ity, I re­gained con­scious­ness from ten thou­sand years of deep sleep, now, I re­gain con­scious­ness be­cause of you, the feel­ings you to my gra­cious gift, hope that you can ac­cept my grat­i­tude, mak­ing me do a mat­ter for you as the re­pay­ment!”
I deeply in­spired, frighten face quickly pur­ple, now was good, it seems like did not use here.
Looks up red dragon flour fe­male prince Shu, I said: „Your stature is so huge, walks with­out rest here not to be good, not to men­tion helped me, al­though, I truly very mat­ter that needed a pow­er­ful per­son to help me com­plete is al­most un­able to com­plete”
Child Shu shows a faint smile sud­denly, raises palm, in the mouth puts out the dragon lan­guage magic that is ob­scurely dif­fi­cult to know, the next quar­ter, she at least 20 me­ters high stature re­duces slowly, quick turned into about 1.65 me­ters al­ti­tude, a light red mail-ar­mor and hel­met, just likes a fe­male sol­dier, but I know that her within the body is con­tain­ing the in­com­pa­ra­bly
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saya seluruh gemetar tubuh, hampir tidak bisa berbicara, apa hal itu ini?
The menggigil bumi keras, aku tidak bisa menghentikan, mengangkat pedang api ke Shi Qiu, menemukan sudut pandang, batu tanah gundukan perlahan tapi sebenarnya set tegak, raksasa sedang duduk di hati perlahan-lahan dari sarang naga, yang riddlings terbelah, debu jatuh, di bawah riddlings, tiba-tiba adalah pipi menarik sebuah Zhang Ting, pada kulit yang adil itu muncul kembali sisik naga, "dia" gemetar departemen kepala, rambut panjang hitam diseret untuk membersihkan debu yang tiba-tiba, dia telah mengangkat telapak tangan perlahan-lahan, yang cakar naga menarik kembali untuk membubarkan menjadi sepasang tangan perlahan-lahan, sepasang darah berwarna cerah murid merah dibuka perlahan, statis mengunjungi saya, sementara itu, saya juga melihat satu baris frase di atas nya kepala, segera hampir ketakutan adalah takut dari seseorang akal
【Red dragon anak tepung queen Shu】 (Inferior tingkat dewa BOSS)
level: ???
Diperkenalkan : The naga merah tepung queen, Saint panjang Xi nyala pelindung prinsip, keturunan naga merah tepung clan dihormati lebih tinggi panjang Clan sacredly, merah queen tepung naga dihormati sebagai klan naga yang paling indah, namun, naga besar memegang perak tombak untuk mendapatkan yang paling murni naga klan keturunan suci, meluncurkan serangan selama naga merah tepung queen tidur nyenyak, melarang teknik rahasia untuk melarang keluar dari wilayah kantor naga klan ratu tepung naga merah oleh naga, dengan tujuan memaksa naga merah queen tepung untuk penerus yang diri memiliki hubungan darah murni, dipenjara lebih dari 10.000 tahun ratu tepung naga merah jatuh ke dalam kemarahan kekerasan bentuk, jangan memprovokasi dia, jika tidak akan dikenakan bencana yang fatal
aku retrocede perlahan, surat-armor dan helm memukul tiba-tiba di atas batu, ini yang tahu satu mungkin menarik kembali roadless, penampilan yang terlihat di queen tepung naga merah, gemetar di hati, batu gundukan tanah yang NND, aku berdiri sejenak lalu secara radikal tidak Shi Qiu, tapi dada sebelah kiri merah naga queen tepung, TMD, Shi Fu serpih setelah sekarang, yang tinggi dan lurus puncak berlimpah dan pegunungan yang gemetar di depan saya, cup penutup ini menerobos cakrawala!
Selain itu, berakhir, setelah naga merah tepung ratu marah estimasi oleh kopulasi harus melampiaskan tegas pada saya!
dalam pikiran saya kosong, ini disebut materi apapun, hidup itu juga terlalu pahit!
Aodiliya, aku membencimu!
Namun, pada saat ini, naga merah tepung perempuan pangeran Shu mengunjungi saya dengan sepasang ia pupil raksasa, tiba-tiba berkata dalam bahasa dendeng dragon: "Young kemanusiaan, saya% # ¥ @ & ; sekarang, saya # @% ¥ & ; berharap Anda & ; *% ¥¥ # "
Saya terkejut besar:" Apa yang Anda katakan Anda? Perangkat tambahan "
Red dragon tepung perempuan pangeran Shu Wuyan hidup, diam rapat, seolah dalam bahasa organisasi, akhirnya lagi satu waktu:" kemanusiaan Young, saya sadar dari sepuluh ribu tahun tidur nyenyak, sekarang, aku sadar karena Anda , perasaan Anda untuk karunia saya, berharap bahwa Anda dapat menerima rasa terima kasih saya, membuat saya melakukan suatu hal untuk Anda sebagai pelunasan! "
saya sangat terinspirasi, menakut-nakuti wajah cepat ungu, sekarang baik, tampaknya seperti tidak menggunakan di sini.
mendongak naga merah tepung perempuan pangeran Shu, aku berkata: "perawakan Anda begitu besar, berjalan tanpa istirahat di sini tidak untuk menjadi baik, belum lagi membantu saya, meskipun, saya benar-benar sangat peduli bahwa dibutuhkan orang yang kuat untuk membantu saya lengkap hampir tidak dapat menyelesaikan "
anak Shu menunjukkan senyum samar tiba-tiba, menimbulkan sawit, di mulut menempatkan keajaiban bahasa naga yang samar-samar sulit untuk tahu, kuartal berikutnya, ia setidaknya 20 meter perawakannya tinggi mengurangi perlahan-lahan, cepat berubah menjadi sekitar 1,65 meter ketinggian, merah email-armor ringan dan helm, hanya suka seorang tentara perempuan, tapi saya tahu bahwa dia dalam tubuh yang berisi terbandingkan
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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