Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
"Branding diri melibatkan pembangunan meta-narasi dan meta-image diri melalui penggunaan makna budaya dan gambar diambil dari kode narasi dan visual industri budaya mainstream." (Halaman 294 Stud kit)Definisi branding diri oleh Hearn melahirkan konsep-konsep individu identitas-semua dicapai melalui cara-cara budaya dan sosial. Dia membandingkan ini kepada industri bisnis merek, mendefinisikan branding sebagai "berbeda bentuk praktek pemasaran, dimaksudkan untuk link... dengan resonan makna budaya..." (halaman 294 studi kit) Selama minggu, belajar tentang media, budaya dan sehari-hari kehidupan, hubungan antara media, individu, masyarakat dan budaya kita telah benar-benar dieksplorasi dan begitu, hubungan antara individu identitas dan mana mereka mencapai hal itu telah dibuat jelas bahwa sekali lagi, konteks sosial dan budaya memainkan peran utama dalam bagaimana individu melihat diri sendiri.What Hearn explores is the different variations of the branded self through theme, inventions, improvisations or inventory. Self branding that happens through theme, happens through media where literature, news and other such culturally and socially influenced media helped branded people just like how ads were created to appeal to people. The practises of self promotion in ongoing and is a most part of our lives. Self branding through invention is through the use of creativity that can be displayed in Hearn’s example of reality television programmes invent narratives about how to become a notable self in society.Improvisation is a necessity in our currently constantly changing world. The improvisation causes the media to continuously revise their compilations to fit the constantly changing people and the brands of identities placed out in the society. The inventory self branding was through the uses of social networks and where an individual stands and what they have in their possession. Ad used on social sites such as Facebook allows media to post as many different ads for all individuals, reaching a bigger market.I found these variations of self branding quite an interesting read. The different way and influences of how a person decides to brand and promote their self image within society was quite surprising to me and displayed just how much the media really affected an individual’s image. I have also found that the media’s identity itself was also ever constantly changing, implementing all the variations Hearn had proposed in order to be able to reach every individual with their own self branded identity.
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