he made her way to the door – not forgetting to look at the peephole f terjemahan - he made her way to the door – not forgetting to look at the peephole f Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

he made her way to the door – not f

he made her way to the door – not forgetting to look at the peephole first – and gasped when she saw who was behind it. She hastily unlocked the door and opened it only to be greeted by a warm hug. She smiled and returned the hug. “You’re finally here.”


Taeyeon and Tiffany were on their way to the elevator to go out on a date when they heard voices from Sunny’s apartment. Curious, Taeyeon checked to see who were there. Being best friends with Sunny since little, there was not a single person Sunny knows that she didn’t. She knows them all – from her preschool classmates to her colleagues – so she wanted to know who Sunny was with right now.

Without hesitation, she pressed the doorbell and waited for Sunny to answer the door. When she did, she noticed the girl’s face change from happy to shock. “H-hey, Taeng.”

“Hey. Um, do you have visitors? I heard voices. Omo, is your family here?” She tiptoed and tried to see who was behind Sunny but failed when the other girl kept blocking her view.

Sunny forced out a laugh. “Omo, Taeng. What voices are you talking about? I was obviously watching TV! Sorry, the volume must be too loud. I’ll turn it down.” She then changed the topic. “Are you going out on a date?” She eyed Taeyeon and Tiffany’s clothes.

Tiffany nodded vigorously while Taeyeon beamed a smile.

“Oh, nice. Well, at least get me something from wherever you’re going?”

“Sure,” Tiffany answered.

“Yay! Thanks. Well, I’ll go back to watching. Enjoy!” She hugged the two before hurriedly closing the door.

Taeyeon found her behavior weird but shrugged it off, thinking that Sunny has always been weird. That’s why we’re best friends. She chuckled.

“Why are you chuckling?” A voice, as well as a soft hand holding onto hers, interrupted her thoughts.

She looked at Tiffany and smiled while intertwining their fingers. “Nothing. Let’s go?”

Tiffany nodded and they both made their way to the elevator.


The car ride to their destination was a quiet one and Taeyeon started to wonder if there was something bothering Tiffany. She held Tiffany’s left hand and caressed it with her thumb. “Hey, what are you thinking about?”

Tiffany smiled a small smile and shook her head. “Nothing really. I’m just excited for this date.”

“Oh come on, Tiffany. You can’t fool me. Is there anything wrong? Did... did I do something wrong?” It was her first relationship and she can’t help but think that she may be lacking a lot.

“No!” Tiffany answered quickly. “No, you didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just... I don’t know. But I’m fine, Taeyeon. I’m really fine.”

Taeyeon didn’t believe her but she didn’t want to force Tiffany. She squeezed the hand in hers and smiled. “Okay, but please tell me if there’s something wrong? Whatever it may be?”

Tiffany nodded and forced a smile.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
he made her way to the door – not forgetting to look at the peephole first – and gasped when she saw who was behind it. She hastily unlocked the door and opened it only to be greeted by a warm hug. She smiled and returned the hug. “You’re finally here.” --- Taeyeon and Tiffany were on their way to the elevator to go out on a date when they heard voices from Sunny’s apartment. Curious, Taeyeon checked to see who were there. Being best friends with Sunny since little, there was not a single person Sunny knows that she didn’t. She knows them all – from her preschool classmates to her colleagues – so she wanted to know who Sunny was with right now. Without hesitation, she pressed the doorbell and waited for Sunny to answer the door. When she did, she noticed the girl’s face change from happy to shock. “H-hey, Taeng.” “Hey. Um, do you have visitors? I heard voices. Omo, is your family here?” She tiptoed and tried to see who was behind Sunny but failed when the other girl kept blocking her view. Sunny forced out a laugh. “Omo, Taeng. What voices are you talking about? I was obviously watching TV! Sorry, the volume must be too loud. I’ll turn it down.” She then changed the topic. “Are you going out on a date?” She eyed Taeyeon and Tiffany’s clothes. Tiffany nodded vigorously while Taeyeon beamed a smile. “Oh, nice. Well, at least get me something from wherever you’re going?”
“Sure,” Tiffany answered.

“Yay! Thanks. Well, I’ll go back to watching. Enjoy!” She hugged the two before hurriedly closing the door.

Taeyeon found her behavior weird but shrugged it off, thinking that Sunny has always been weird. That’s why we’re best friends. She chuckled.

“Why are you chuckling?” A voice, as well as a soft hand holding onto hers, interrupted her thoughts.

She looked at Tiffany and smiled while intertwining their fingers. “Nothing. Let’s go?”

Tiffany nodded and they both made their way to the elevator.


The car ride to their destination was a quiet one and Taeyeon started to wonder if there was something bothering Tiffany. She held Tiffany’s left hand and caressed it with her thumb. “Hey, what are you thinking about?”

Tiffany smiled a small smile and shook her head. “Nothing really. I’m just excited for this date.”

“Oh come on, Tiffany. You can’t fool me. Is there anything wrong? Did... did I do something wrong?” It was her first relationship and she can’t help but think that she may be lacking a lot.

“No!” Tiffany answered quickly. “No, you didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just... I don’t know. But I’m fine, Taeyeon. I’m really fine.”

Taeyeon didn’t believe her but she didn’t want to force Tiffany. She squeezed the hand in hers and smiled. “Okay, but please tell me if there’s something wrong? Whatever it may be?”

Tiffany nodded and forced a smile.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
ia berjalan ke pintu - tidak lupa untuk melihat lubang pertama - dan tersentak saat melihat siapa yang berada di belakangnya. Dia buru-buru membuka pintu dan membukanya hanya untuk disambut oleh pelukan hangat. Dia tersenyum dan kembali memeluk. "Kau akhirnya di sini." --- Taeyeon dan Tiffany sedang dalam perjalanan ke lift untuk pergi berkencan ketika mereka mendengar suara-suara dari apartemen Sunny. Penasaran, Taeyeon diperiksa untuk melihat siapa yang ada di sana. Menjadi teman terbaik dengan Sunny sejak kecil, tidak ada satu orang Cerah tahu bahwa dia tidak. Dia tahu mereka semua - dari teman-teman sekelasnya prasekolah dia untuk rekan-rekannya -. Jadi dia ingin tahu siapa Sunny dengan sekarang Tanpa ragu-ragu, dia menekan bel pintu dan menunggu untuk Sunny untuk menjawab pintu. Ketika ia melakukannya, ia melihat perubahan wajah gadis itu dari senang untuk mengejutkan. "H-hei, Taeng." "Hei. Um, apakah Anda memiliki pengunjung? Aku mendengar suara-suara. Omo, adalah keluarga Anda di sini? "Dia berjingkat dan mencoba untuk melihat siapa yang berada di balik Cerah tetapi gagal ketika gadis lain terus menghalangi pandangannya. Cerah dipaksa keluar tertawa. "Omo, Taeng. Suara apa yang kamu bicarakan? Aku jelas menonton TV! Maaf, volume harus terlalu keras. Aku akan menolaknya. "Dia kemudian berubah topik. "Apakah Anda akan berkencan?" Dia menatap pakaian Taeyeon dan Tiffany. Tiffany mengangguk penuh semangat sementara Taeyeon berseri-seri tersenyum. "Oh, bagus. Nah, setidaknya mendapatkan sesuatu dari mana pun Anda pergi? "" Tentu, "jawab Tiffany." Yay! Terima kasih. Yah, aku akan kembali untuk menonton. Nikmati! "Dia memeluk kedua sebelum buru-buru menutup pintu. Taeyeon ditemukan perilakunya aneh tapi mengangkat bahu it off, berpikir Sunny selalu aneh. Itu sebabnya kita teman terbaik. Dia tertawa kecil. "Kenapa kau tertawa?" Sebuah suara, serta tangan lembut memegang miliknya, terganggu pikirannya. Dia melihat Tiffany dan tersenyum saat terjalinnya jari-jari mereka. "Tidak ada. Mari kita pergi? "Tiffany mengangguk dan mereka berdua membuat jalan mereka ke lift. --- The naik mobil ke tujuan mereka adalah satu tenang dan Taeyeon mulai bertanya-tanya apakah ada sesuatu yang mengganggu Tiffany. Dia memegang tangan kiri Tiffany dan membelai dengan ibu jarinya. "Hei, apa yang kau pikirkan?" Tiffany tersenyum kecil dan menggelengkan kepalanya. "Tidak ada yang benar-benar. Aku hanya senang untuk tanggal ini. "" Oh, ayolah, Tiffany. Anda tidak bisa menipu saya. Apakah ada sesuatu yang salah? Apakah ... aku melakukan sesuatu yang salah? "Itu adalah hubungan pertama dan dia tidak bisa membantu tetapi berpikir bahwa ia mungkin kurang banyak." Tidak! "Jawab Tiffany cepat. "Tidak, Anda tidak melakukan sesuatu yang salah. Aku hanya ... Aku tidak tahu. Tapi aku baik-baik saja, Taeyeon. Aku benar-benar baik-baik saja. "Taeyeon tidak percaya, tapi dia tidak ingin memaksa Tiffany. Dia meremas tangan dalam miliknya dan tersenyum. "Oke, tapi tolong beritahu saya jika ada sesuatu yang salah? Apapun itu mungkin? "Tiffany mengangguk dan memaksa tersenyum.

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