MBCT was designed to target the cognitive processes thatrender depress terjemahan - MBCT was designed to target the cognitive processes thatrender depress Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

MBCT was designed to target the cog

MBCT was designed to target the cognitive processes that
render depressed individuals vulnerable to repeated relapse and
recurrence, such as rumination and high cognitive reactivity (Teasdale,
Segal, & Williams, 1995). MBCT has been shown to
reverse processes hypothesized to underlie depressive psychopathology
(e.g., Hargus, Crane, Barnhofer, & Williams, 2010;
Kuyken et al., 2010; Raes, Dewulf, van Heeringen, & Williams,
2009) and to reduce the risk of relapse of depression (Teasdale et
al., 2000) as much as maintenance antidepressant medication
(Kuyken et al., 2008; Segal et al, 2010). Although originally
designed for depressed patients in remission, preliminary data
suggest that MBCT may be helpful for a broad range of mental
health problems including bipolar disorder, generalized anxiety
disorder, panic disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, and psychosis,
as well as chronic, treatment-resistant, and suicidal forms of depression
(see Hofmann, Sawyer, Witt, & Oh, 2010, and Piet &
Hougaard, 2011, for reviews of the efficacy of MBCT interventions).
There are several reasons to hypothesize that MBCT may be
particularly applicable to the treatment of health anxiety. First,
unlike standard CBT, MBCT does not aim to change the content of
the patient’s thoughts by disconfirming the feared predictions, but
to reduce their impact by changing the individual’s relationship to
their thoughts. This may circumvent the difficulty of disconfirming
health anxious fears, which often relate to the distant future and
thus are not so amenable to disconfirmation via standard CBT
methods such as thought challenging or behavioral experiments.
Second, rumination has been shown to maintain health anxiety
(Marcus, Hughes, & Arnau, 2008), and MBCT can reduce
maladaptive rumination (Heeren & Philippot, 2011; Michalak,
Hölz, & Teismann, 2011). Hence, it is hypothesized that MBCT
may help health anxious patients to learn generic skills of
attentional control to enable them to break the pattern of excessive
attending to somatic sensations, which leads to an
escalation of anxiety via rumination on the potential negative
meanings of sensations.
However, note that cognitive– behavioral conceptualizations
have emphasized the role of heightened bodily focused attention in
the maintenance of health anxiety (e.g., Warwick & Salkovskis,
1990), and this is supported by experimental studies of attentional
bias in health anxiety (Rassin, Muris, Franken, & van Straten,
2008). Thus, MBCT’s focus on attentional awareness of the body
may be problematic for patients with health anxiety. The preliminary
evidence that training in attentional control strategies can be
beneficial to patients with health anxiety excludes attention to the
body for this reason (Papageorgiou & Wells, 1998). On the other
hand, a central tenet of MBCT is changing the mode of mind within
which a person views him- or herself and the world, leading the
individual away from the problem-solving mode that seeks as its
first priority to change or “get rid of” unwanted experiences
(Williams, 2008). To this end, patients are taught to see more
clearly the patterns of mind that exacerbate and maintain emotional
disturbance. This involves seeing directly the distinction
between the raw body sensations as actually experienced and the
meaning that has become associated with those sensations. Thus,
rather than refocusing attention away from body sensations,
MBCT encourages the person to bring curiosity toward the sensations
themselves, to register their affective quality, and to observe
how the mind and body react to this information (most often
with negative and ruminative responses). Despite these intentions,
it is possible that MBCT may fail to break into the hypothesized
maintenance cycles of health anxiety because patients may find
body focus too aversive.
Preliminary results are encouraging, however. A recent pilot
study (N  10) reported MBCT produced significant improvements
in health anxiety, disease-related thoughts, and somatic
symptoms; the improvements were sustained at 3-month follow-up
(Lovas & Barsky, 2010). In addition, both Lovas and Barsky’s
pilot study and a qualitative study of MBCT for health anxiety
(Williams, McManus, Muse, & Williams, 2011) reported MBCT
to be an acceptable treatment to patients with health anxiety.
However, to date, there have been no controlled evaluations of the
impact of MBCT for health anxiety. The current study reports on
the outcome from a randomized clinical trial in which MBCT in
addition to unrestricted services (US) was compared with US
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
MBCT was designed to target the cognitive processes thatrender depressed individuals vulnerable to repeated relapse andrecurrence, such as rumination and high cognitive reactivity (Teasdale,Segal, & Williams, 1995). MBCT has been shown toreverse processes hypothesized to underlie depressive psychopathology(e.g., Hargus, Crane, Barnhofer, & Williams, 2010;Kuyken et al., 2010; Raes, Dewulf, van Heeringen, & Williams,2009) and to reduce the risk of relapse of depression (Teasdale etal., 2000) as much as maintenance antidepressant medication(Kuyken et al., 2008; Segal et al, 2010). Although originallydesigned for depressed patients in remission, preliminary datasuggest that MBCT may be helpful for a broad range of mentalhealth problems including bipolar disorder, generalized anxietydisorder, panic disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, and psychosis,as well as chronic, treatment-resistant, and suicidal forms of depression(see Hofmann, Sawyer, Witt, & Oh, 2010, and Piet &Hougaard, 2011, for reviews of the efficacy of MBCT interventions).There are several reasons to hypothesize that MBCT may beparticularly applicable to the treatment of health anxiety. First,unlike standard CBT, MBCT does not aim to change the content ofthe patient’s thoughts by disconfirming the feared predictions, butto reduce their impact by changing the individual’s relationship totheir thoughts. This may circumvent the difficulty of disconfirminghealth anxious fears, which often relate to the distant future andthus are not so amenable to disconfirmation via standard CBTmethods such as thought challenging or behavioral experiments.Second, rumination has been shown to maintain health anxiety(Marcus, Hughes, & Arnau, 2008), and MBCT can reducemaladaptive rumination (Heeren & Philippot, 2011; Michalak,Hölz, & Teismann, 2011). Hence, it is hypothesized that MBCTmay help health anxious patients to learn generic skills ofattentional control to enable them to break the pattern of excessiveattending to somatic sensations, which leads to anescalation of anxiety via rumination on the potential negativemeanings of sensations.However, note that cognitive– behavioral conceptualizationshave emphasized the role of heightened bodily focused attention inthe maintenance of health anxiety (e.g., Warwick & Salkovskis,1990), and this is supported by experimental studies of attentionalbias in health anxiety (Rassin, Muris, Franken, & van Straten,2008). Thus, MBCT’s focus on attentional awareness of the bodymay be problematic for patients with health anxiety. The preliminaryevidence that training in attentional control strategies can bebeneficial to patients with health anxiety excludes attention to thebody for this reason (Papageorgiou & Wells, 1998). On the otherhand, a central tenet of MBCT is changing the mode of mind withinwhich a person views him- or herself and the world, leading theindividual away from the problem-solving mode that seeks as itsfirst priority to change or “get rid of” unwanted experiences(Williams, 2008). To this end, patients are taught to see moreclearly the patterns of mind that exacerbate and maintain emotionaldisturbance. This involves seeing directly the distinctionbetween the raw body sensations as actually experienced and themeaning that has become associated with those sensations. Thus,rather than refocusing attention away from body sensations,MBCT encourages the person to bring curiosity toward the sensationsthemselves, to register their affective quality, and to observehow the mind and body react to this information (most oftenwith negative and ruminative responses). Despite these intentions,it is possible that MBCT may fail to break into the hypothesizedmaintenance cycles of health anxiety because patients may findbody focus too aversive.Preliminary results are encouraging, however. A recent pilotstudy (N  10) reported MBCT produced significant improvementsin health anxiety, disease-related thoughts, and somaticsymptoms; the improvements were sustained at 3-month follow-up(Lovas & Barsky, 2010). In addition, both Lovas and Barsky’spilot study and a qualitative study of MBCT for health anxiety(Williams, McManus, Muse, & Williams, 2011) reported MBCTto be an acceptable treatment to patients with health anxiety.However, to date, there have been no controlled evaluations of theimpact of MBCT for health anxiety. The current study reports onthe outcome from a randomized clinical trial in which MBCT inaddition to unrestricted services (US) was compared with USalone
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
MBCT dirancang untuk menargetkan proses kognitif yang
membuat orang tertekan rentan terhadap kekambuhan berulang dan
kambuh, seperti perenungan dan reaktivitas kognitif tinggi (Teasdale,
Segal, & Williams, 1995). MBCT telah terbukti
membalikkan proses hipotesis mendasari psikopatologi depresi
(misalnya, Hargus, Crane, Barnhofer, & Williams, 2010;
Kuyken et al, 2010;. Raes, DeWulf, van Heeringen, & Williams,
2009) dan untuk mengurangi risiko kekambuhan depresi (Teasdale et
al., 2000) sebanyak obat perawatan antidepresan
(Kuyken et al, 2008;. Segal et al, 2010). Meskipun awalnya
dirancang untuk pasien depresi di remisi, data awal
menunjukkan bahwa MBCT dapat membantu untuk berbagai mental
masalah kesehatan termasuk gangguan bipolar, kecemasan umum
gangguan, gangguan panik, sindrom kelelahan kronis, dan psikosis,
serta kronis, treatment- bentuk tahan, dan bunuh diri dari depresi
(lihat Hofmann, Sawyer, Witt, & Oh, 2010, dan Piet &
Hougaard 2011, untuk review dari kemanjuran intervensi MBCT).
Ada beberapa alasan untuk berhipotesis bahwa MBCT mungkin
terutama berlaku untuk pengobatan kecemasan kesehatan. Pertama,
tidak seperti standar CBT, MBCT tidak bertujuan untuk mengubah isi
pikiran pasien dengan disconfirming prediksi ditakuti, tapi
untuk mengurangi dampaknya dengan mengubah hubungan individu untuk
pikiran mereka. Hal ini dapat menghindari kesulitan disconfirming
kesehatan ketakutan cemas, yang sering berhubungan dengan masa depan yang jauh dan
dengan demikian tidak begitu setuju untuk disconfirmation melalui CBT standar
metode seperti pemikiran menantang atau perilaku eksperimen.
Kedua, perenungan telah ditunjukkan untuk mempertahankan kecemasan kesehatan
(Marcus , Hughes, & Arnau, 2008), dan MBCT dapat mengurangi
perenungan maladaptif (Heeren & Philippot, 2011; Michalak,
Holz, & Teismann, 2011). Oleh karena itu, hipotesis bahwa MBCT
dapat membantu pasien kesehatan ingin belajar keterampilan generik
kontrol attentional untuk memungkinkan mereka untuk mematahkan pola berlebihan
menghadiri sensasi somatik, yang mengarah ke
eskalasi kecemasan melalui perenungan pada negatif
makna sensasi.
Namun, perlu diketahui bahwa konseptualisasi perilaku kognitif
telah menekankan peran tinggi tubuh fokus perhatian dalam
pemeliharaan kesehatan kecemasan (misalnya, Warwick & Salkovskis,
1990), dan ini didukung oleh studi eksperimental atensi
bias dalam kecemasan kesehatan (Rassin, Muris , Franken, & van Straten,
2008). Dengan demikian, MBCT fokus pada kesadaran atensi dari tubuh
mungkin menjadi masalah bagi pasien dengan kecemasan kesehatan. The awal
bukti bahwa pelatihan dalam strategi pengendalian attentional dapat
bermanfaat bagi pasien dengan kecemasan kesehatan tidak termasuk perhatian pada
tubuh untuk alasan ini (Papageorgiou & Wells, 1998). Di lain
sisi, prinsip utama dari MBCT adalah mengubah modus pikiran dalam
mana seseorang memandang kepada dirinya sendiri dan dunia, memimpin
individu jauh dari modus pemecahan masalah yang berusaha sebagai yang
prioritas pertama untuk mengubah atau "mendapatkan menyingkirkan "pengalaman yang tidak diinginkan
(Williams, 2008). Untuk tujuan ini, pasien diajarkan untuk melihat lebih
jelas pola pikiran yang memperburuk dan memelihara emosional
gangguan. Ini melibatkan melihat langsung perbedaan
antara sensasi tubuh mentah sebagai benar-benar mengalami dan
makna yang telah menjadi terkait dengan sensasi-sensasi. Jadi,
daripada memfokuskan kembali perhatian dari sensasi tubuh,
MBCT mendorong orang untuk membawa rasa ingin tahu terhadap sensasi
sendiri, untuk mendaftarkan kualitas afektif mereka, dan untuk mengamati
bagaimana pikiran dan tubuh bereaksi terhadap informasi ini (paling sering
dengan tanggapan negatif dan ruminative) . Meskipun niat ini,
adalah mungkin bahwa MBCT mungkin gagal membobol hipotesis
siklus pemeliharaan kecemasan kesehatan karena pasien mungkin menemukan
tubuh fokus terlalu permusuhan.
Hasil awal yang menggembirakan, namun. Seorang pilot baru-baru ini
studi (? N 10) dilaporkan MBCT diproduksi perbaikan yang signifikan
dalam kecemasan kesehatan, pikiran-penyakit terkait, dan somatik
gejala; perbaikan yang berkelanjutan pada 3 bulan follow-up
(Lovas & Barsky, 2010). Selain itu, kedua Lovas dan Barsky ini
studi percontohan dan penelitian kualitatif MBCT untuk kegelisahan kesehatan
(Williams, McManus, Muse, & Williams, 2011) melaporkan MBCT
menjadi pengobatan diterima pasien dengan kecemasan kesehatan.
Namun, sampai saat ini, telah ada belum ada evaluasi dikendalikan dari
dampak MBCT untuk kegelisahan kesehatan. Laporan penelitian ini pada
hasil dari uji coba klinis secara acak di mana MBCT di
samping layanan terbatas (AS) dibandingkan dengan US
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