Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
LABOUR AND CAPITAL Money is not only a means of exchange but is also a means of measuringthe value of men’s labour. In economic theory, “labour” is any work undertakenin return for a fixed payment. The work undertaken by a mother in caring forher children may be hard, but it receives no fixed payment. It is not thereforelabour in the strict economic sense. As a scientist, the economist is interested in measuring the services whichpeople render to each other. Although he is aware of the services which peopleprovide for no financial reward, he is not concerned with these services. He isinterested essentially in services which are measurable in terms of moneypayments for a fixed and / or regular nature. In economics, money is thestandard by which the value of things is judged. This standard is an objectiveand scientific one. Human labour produces both goods and services. The activities of afarm worker and a nurse are very different, but both are measurable in termsof payments received. Labour in this sense is not concerned with distinctionsof social class, but simply with the payment of wages in return for work. Thenational labour force are those people who are available for work within thenation, i. e. the working population. It should be noted that any person engaged in private business is self-employed and his activities are partly those of an employer and partly those ofseorang karyawan. Jika namun ia mempekerjakan asisten, kepada siapa ia membayar tetapupah karyawan baru nya menyediakan tenaga kerja sebagai pembayaran. Majikanmenerima surplus (besar atau kecil) dari seluruh usaha. Surplus ini terjadipahala perusahaan swasta dan dikenal sebagai keuntungan.
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