 A pretty picture of Flickr's architecture can be found on this slide terjemahan -  A pretty picture of Flickr's architecture can be found on this slide Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

 A pretty picture of Flickr's arch

 A pretty picture of Flickr's architecture can be found on this slide . A simple depiction is:
-- Pair of ServerIron's
---- Squid Caches
------ Net App's
---- PHP App Servers
------ Storage Manager
------ Master-master shards
------ Dual Tree Central Database
------ Memcached Cluster
------ Big Search Engine

- The Dual Tree structure is a custom set of changes to MySQL that allows scaling by incrementally adding masters without a ring architecture. This allows cheaper scaling because you need less hardware as compared to master-master setups which always requires double the hardware.
- The central database includes data like the 'users' table, which includes primary user
keys (a few different IDs) and a pointer to which shard a users' data can be found on.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
 A pretty gambar Flickr arsitektur dapat ditemukan pada slide ini. Gambaran sederhana adalah:-Sepasang ServerIron's---Squid cache---App bersih ---PHP aplikasi server---Manajer Penyimpanan---Master-master pecahan---Database pusat dual pohon---Memcached Cluster ---Besar mesin pencari-Dual struktur adalah custom set perubahan MySQL yang memungkinkan scaling dengan secara bertahap menambahkan Master tanpa arsitektur ring. Hal ini memungkinkan lebih murah scaling karena Anda membutuhkan hardware kurang dibandingkan dengan setup guru-guru yang selalu membutuhkan ganda hardware.-Pusat data mencakup data seperti tabel 'User', yang meliputi pengguna utama kunci (beberapa id yang berbeda) dan sebuah pointer ke pecahan yang data pengguna dapat ditemukan di.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
 A pretty picture of Flickr's architecture can be found on this slide . A simple depiction is:
-- Pair of ServerIron's
---- Squid Caches
------ Net App's
---- PHP App Servers
------ Storage Manager
------ Master-master shards
------ Dual Tree Central Database
------ Memcached Cluster
------ Big Search Engine

- The Dual Tree structure is a custom set of changes to MySQL that allows scaling by incrementally adding masters without a ring architecture. This allows cheaper scaling because you need less hardware as compared to master-master setups which always requires double the hardware.
- The central database includes data like the 'users' table, which includes primary user
keys (a few different IDs) and a pointer to which shard a users' data can be found on.
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