There are two main types of tasks involved in the lessons, one teacher terjemahan - There are two main types of tasks involved in the lessons, one teacher Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

There are two main types of tasks i

There are two main types of tasks involved in the lessons, one teacher-guided (other-regulated) and one to be attempted by the learner independently (self regulated). The pre-task and the actual task divides the lesson into an initial period of whole class activity, teacher direction, and oral interaction followed by a period of individual activity. This latter period might involve sustained reading and writing to complete or attempt to complete the task in hand. These-task activities are often information-gap activities which involve the transfer of
given information from one person to another, or one place to another, or one
form to another. This type of activity also involves selection of relevant informa-
tion as well as having to meet the criteria of completeness and correctness. The
other type of activity which is even more demanding is the reasoning-gap activity. This involves deriving new information from given information through
processes of inference, deduction, and practical reasoning. The other element in
Prabhu's language pedagogy is that of there being a reasonable challenge. This
concept implies that learners should not be able to meet the challenge
demanded by the task without effort, but it should be within their capabilities.
This concept is very similar to the Vygotskyan idea of the zone of proximal
development:'... learning which is oriented towards developmental stages that
have already been reached is ineffective ... the only "good learning" is that
which is in advance of development' (Vygotsky 1978: 89).
The role of the teacher in Prabhu's concept of Task-based activities is that of
an interactor with other interactors (the students). The planning of any task
within a lesson will start with the pre-task to lead on to the task. It is this pre-task stage which the teacher must prepare in language which is simple enough to understand, but at the same time the teacher must avoid running the risk of making it so simple as to call for little effort on the part of the learner. Thus the pre-task stage is very similar to the concept of scaffolding as mentioned by Bruner (1985: 25). Prabhu's claim is that task-based activity has the effect of delimiting language, in a way which is natural in the sense that the delimitation of language results from a delimitation of meaning content, in the form of tasks,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
There are two main types of tasks involved in the lessons, one teacher-guided (other-regulated) and one to be attempted by the learner independently (self regulated). The pre-task and the actual task divides the lesson into an initial period of whole class activity, teacher direction, and oral interaction followed by a period of individual activity. This latter period might involve sustained reading and writing to complete or attempt to complete the task in hand. These-task activities are often information-gap activities which involve the transfer ofgiven information from one person to another, or one place to another, or oneform to another. This type of activity also involves selection of relevant informa-tion as well as having to meet the criteria of completeness and correctness. Theother type of activity which is even more demanding is the reasoning-gap activity. This involves deriving new information from given information throughprocesses of inference, deduction, and practical reasoning. The other element inPrabhu's language pedagogy is that of there being a reasonable challenge. Thisconcept implies that learners should not be able to meet the challengedemanded by the task without effort, but it should be within their capabilities.This concept is very similar to the Vygotskyan idea of the zone of proximaldevelopment:'... learning which is oriented towards developmental stages thathave already been reached is ineffective ... the only "good learning" is thatwhich is in advance of development' (Vygotsky 1978: 89).The role of the teacher in Prabhu's concept of Task-based activities is that ofan interactor with other interactors (the students). The planning of any taskwithin a lesson will start with the pre-task to lead on to the task. It is this pre-task stage which the teacher must prepare in language which is simple enough to understand, but at the same time the teacher must avoid running the risk of making it so simple as to call for little effort on the part of the learner. Thus the pre-task stage is very similar to the concept of scaffolding as mentioned by Bruner (1985: 25). Prabhu's claim is that task-based activity has the effect of delimiting language, in a way which is natural in the sense that the delimitation of language results from a delimitation of meaning content, in the form of tasks,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ada dua jenis utama dari tugas yang terlibat dalam pelajaran, satu guru yang dipandu (lainnya-diatur) dan satu untuk dicoba oleh peserta didik secara mandiri (self diatur). Pra-tugas dan tugas yang sebenarnya membagi pelajaran dalam periode awal kegiatan seluruh kelas, arah guru, dan interaksi lisan diikuti dengan periode aktivitas individu. Periode terakhir ini mungkin melibatkan berkelanjutan membaca dan menulis untuk menyelesaikan atau mencoba untuk menyelesaikan tugas di tangan. Kegiatan-tugas ini sering kegiatan informasi-gap yang melibatkan transfer
informasi yang diberikan dari satu orang ke orang lain, atau satu tempat ke tempat lain, atau satu
bentuk ke bentuk lainnya. Jenis kegiatan ini juga melibatkan pilihan dari informasi yang relevan
tion serta harus memenuhi kriteria kelengkapan dan kebenaran. The
jenis lain dari kegiatan yang bahkan lebih menuntut adalah kegiatan penalaran-gap. Ini melibatkan berasal informasi baru dari informasi yang diberikan melalui
proses inferensi, deduksi, dan penalaran praktis. Elemen lain dalam
pedagogi bahasa Prabhu adalah bahwa dari sana menjadi tantangan yang wajar. Ini
konsep menyiratkan bahwa peserta didik tidak harus dapat memenuhi tantangan
yang dituntut oleh tugas tanpa usaha, tetapi harus sesuai dengan kemampuan mereka.
Konsep ini sangat mirip dengan ide Vygotskyan dari zona proksimal
pembangunan: '... belajar yang berorientasi pada tahap perkembangan yang
telah dicapai tidak efektif ... hanya "baik belajar" adalah bahwa
yang di muka pembangunan '(Vygotsky 1978: 89).
peran guru dalam konsep Prabhu untuk kegiatan berbasis Task adalah bahwa dari
sebuah interactor dengan interactors lain (siswa). Perencanaan tugas apapun
dalam pelajaran akan dimulai dengan pra-tugas untuk memimpin ke tugas. Hal ini ini tahap pra-tugas yang guru harus mempersiapkan dalam bahasa yang cukup sederhana untuk memahami, tetapi pada saat yang sama guru harus menghindari menjalankan risiko membuatnya begitu sederhana untuk panggilan untuk usaha kecil pada bagian dari pelajar . Dengan demikian tahap pra-tugas sangat mirip dengan konsep perancah seperti yang disebutkan oleh Bruner (1985: 25). Klaim Prabhu adalah bahwa kegiatan tugas berbasis memiliki efek pembatasan bahasa, dengan cara yang alami dalam arti bahwa batas hasil bahasa dari batas makna konten, dalam bentuk tugas,
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