“So Liu Zongyuan [Spirit raise] belongs to the metal attribute. Of the terjemahan - “So Liu Zongyuan [Spirit raise] belongs to the metal attribute. Of the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“So Liu Zongyuan [Spirit raise] bel

“So Liu Zongyuan [Spirit raise] belongs to the metal attribute. Of the five element, metal is the one with the strongest killing aura, and also the attribute with the greatest offensive power. Those who cultivated in metal inner yuan, specialises in killing strikes and baleful aura. Liu Zongyuan came from the army, and he is similar to the large majority of soldiers. He likes the attribute with the greatest offensive power…..”

Ye Qingyu evaluated in his heart.

He controlled the [White Horse armour], his entire body fluctuating with white light. As the White Horse wings shuddered, his entire person transformed into a ray of light, shooting through the large pack of [Snow ground boar bats]. The Little Shang sword exploded with sharp slice after sharp slice, constantly killing.

With the [White Horse battle armour], the amount of inner yuan expended flying through the air was so little that it did not even have to be considered. Ye Qingyu’s will to battle shot through the roof. He had an unprecedented carefree and unrestrained feeling.

This type of refinement and training through battle, not only had a great beneficial effect Ye Qingyu’s true battle power, but even for the control of the [White Horse armour]. He became more and more familiar with it. The flow of inner yuan in the formation of the battle armour became faster and faster, smoother and smoother. The brightness emitted from the armour also became hotter, as if Ye Qingyu was a great battle god of the sun.

“A extremely powerful battle armour. These white horse wings, not only can it be used to fly, it can also be used as a weapon, to slice apart the enemy.”

Ye Qingyu continued to fly like lightning, his wings like blades. He cut the two [Snow ground boar bats] beside him into four pieces.

“Eh? The helmet of the armour, seems like it have some sort of secret.” Ye Qingyu discovered by accident, that within the white helmet, there was another hidden formation.

After inserting his inner yuan into the helmet, the originally white helmet became to shake, and a pale silver like liquid began seeping out. It covered Ye Qingyu’s face, but completely did not block his vision or his senses of the external world. It could even strengthen Ye Qingyu’s vision, raising his reaction speed and sensitivity. This was an extremely peculiar sensation. Ye Qingyu discovered, that after the change in the helmet occurred, he could ‘see’ even more clearly.

Was this the true secret of the [White horse armour]?

Ye Qingyu was both shocked and overjoyed.

No wonder this armour was the historical armour of all the masters of [White Horse tower].

After he discovered the secret of the White Horse helmet, Ye Qingyu became more and more like a fish in water.

On the other side, Liu Zongyuan’s strike was extremely vicious. Every blade that he struck with, there would be [Snow ground boar bats] shattering.

Liu Zongyuan blade techniques, had extremely heavy killing aura and an unrelenting baleful momentum.

After battling for eight minutes, they had at least killed two hundred or more of [Snow ground boar bats]. Even the boar bat king within this group was heavily injured by Liu Zongyuan. The momentum of this flying demon race battalion was very seriously injured. They were not as mad as it was previously. There were signs of chaos, and they showed signs of fleeing…..

“Let’s go!”

Liu Zongyuan turned around, heading and chasing towards the direction in which the formation airship disappeared.

Ye Qingyu followed behind him.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“So Liu Zongyuan [Spirit raise] belongs to the metal attribute. Of the five element, metal is the one with the strongest killing aura, and also the attribute with the greatest offensive power. Those who cultivated in metal inner yuan, specialises in killing strikes and baleful aura. Liu Zongyuan came from the army, and he is similar to the large majority of soldiers. He likes the attribute with the greatest offensive power…..”Ye Qingyu evaluated in his heart.He controlled the [White Horse armour], his entire body fluctuating with white light. As the White Horse wings shuddered, his entire person transformed into a ray of light, shooting through the large pack of [Snow ground boar bats]. The Little Shang sword exploded with sharp slice after sharp slice, constantly killing.With the [White Horse battle armour], the amount of inner yuan expended flying through the air was so little that it did not even have to be considered. Ye Qingyu’s will to battle shot through the roof. He had an unprecedented carefree and unrestrained feeling.This type of refinement and training through battle, not only had a great beneficial effect Ye Qingyu’s true battle power, but even for the control of the [White Horse armour]. He became more and more familiar with it. The flow of inner yuan in the formation of the battle armour became faster and faster, smoother and smoother. The brightness emitted from the armour also became hotter, as if Ye Qingyu was a great battle god of the sun.
“A extremely powerful battle armour. These white horse wings, not only can it be used to fly, it can also be used as a weapon, to slice apart the enemy.”

Ye Qingyu continued to fly like lightning, his wings like blades. He cut the two [Snow ground boar bats] beside him into four pieces.

“Eh? The helmet of the armour, seems like it have some sort of secret.” Ye Qingyu discovered by accident, that within the white helmet, there was another hidden formation.

After inserting his inner yuan into the helmet, the originally white helmet became to shake, and a pale silver like liquid began seeping out. It covered Ye Qingyu’s face, but completely did not block his vision or his senses of the external world. It could even strengthen Ye Qingyu’s vision, raising his reaction speed and sensitivity. This was an extremely peculiar sensation. Ye Qingyu discovered, that after the change in the helmet occurred, he could ‘see’ even more clearly.

Was this the true secret of the [White horse armour]?

Ye Qingyu was both shocked and overjoyed.

No wonder this armour was the historical armour of all the masters of [White Horse tower].

After he discovered the secret of the White Horse helmet, Ye Qingyu became more and more like a fish in water.

On the other side, Liu Zongyuan’s strike was extremely vicious. Every blade that he struck with, there would be [Snow ground boar bats] shattering.

Liu Zongyuan blade techniques, had extremely heavy killing aura and an unrelenting baleful momentum.

After battling for eight minutes, they had at least killed two hundred or more of [Snow ground boar bats]. Even the boar bat king within this group was heavily injured by Liu Zongyuan. The momentum of this flying demon race battalion was very seriously injured. They were not as mad as it was previously. There were signs of chaos, and they showed signs of fleeing…..

“Let’s go!”

Liu Zongyuan turned around, heading and chasing towards the direction in which the formation airship disappeared.

Ye Qingyu followed behind him.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Jadi Liu Zongyuan [Roh kenaikan gaji] milik atribut logam. Dari lima unsur, logam adalah satu dengan pembunuhan aura kuat, dan juga atribut dengan kekuatan ofensif terbesar. Mereka yang dibudidayakan di yuan dalam logam, mengkhususkan diri dalam membunuh pemogokan dan aura amat buruk. Liu Zongyuan berasal dari tentara, dan ia mirip dengan sebagian besar tentara. Dia suka atribut dengan kekuatan ofensif terbesar ... .. " Ye Qingyu dievaluasi dalam hatinya. Dia menguasai [White armor Horse], seluruh tubuhnya berfluktuasi dengan cahaya putih. Sebagai sayap White Horse bergidik, seluruh badannya berubah menjadi sinar cahaya, menembak melalui paket besar [Salju tanah babi kelelawar]. Pedang kecil Shang meledak dengan irisan tajam setelah slice tajam, terus membunuh. Dengan [White Horse perlengkapan perang], jumlah yuan dalam dikeluarkan terbang di udara begitu sedikit yang bahkan tidak harus dipertimbangkan. Kehendak kamu Qingyu untuk pertempuran menembak melalui atap. Dia memiliki riang dan tak terkendali perasaan belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Jenis perbaikan dan pelatihan melalui pertempuran, tidak hanya memiliki efek yang menguntungkan besar kekuatan pertempuran Ye Qingyu ini benar, tetapi bahkan untuk kendali [White Horse armor]. Dia menjadi lebih dan lebih akrab dengan itu. Aliran yuan batin dalam pembentukan armor pertempuran menjadi lebih cepat dan lebih cepat, halus dan halus. Kecerahan yang dipancarkan dari baju besi juga menjadi lebih panas, seakan Ye Qingyu adalah pertempuran dewa besar matahari. "A armor pertempuran sangat kuat. Sayap kuda tersebut berwarna putih, tidak hanya itu dapat digunakan untuk terbang, itu juga dapat digunakan sebagai senjata, untuk mengiris terpisah musuh. " Ye Qingyu terus terbang seperti kilat, sayapnya seperti pisau. Dia memotong dua [Salju tanah babi kelelawar] sampingnya menjadi empat potong. "Eh? Helm baja, tampaknya seperti itu memiliki semacam rahasia. "Ye Qingyu ditemukan secara tidak sengaja, bahwa dalam helm putih, ada formasi lain yang tersembunyi. Setelah memasukkan yuan batinnya ke helm, helm awalnya putih menjadi gemetar , dan perak pucat seperti cairan mulai merembes keluar. Menutupi wajah Ye Qingyu, tapi benar-benar tidak menghalangi visi atau indra dari dunia luar. Bahkan bisa memperkuat visi Ye Qingyu ini, meningkatkan kecepatan reaksi dan sensitivitas. Ini adalah sensasi yang sangat aneh. Ye Qingyu ditemukan, bahwa setelah perubahan helm terjadi, ia bisa 'melihat' bahkan lebih jelas. Apakah ini rahasia sebenarnya dari [armor kuda putih]? Ye Qingyu adalah baik terkejut dan gembira. Tidak heran armor ini adalah sejarah armor dari semua master dari [White tower Horse]. Setelah ia menemukan rahasia helm White Horse, Ye Qingyu menjadi lebih dan lebih seperti ikan dalam air. di sisi lain, serangan Liu Zongyuan adalah sangat kejam. Setiap pisau yang ia memukul dengan, akan ada [Salju tanah babi kelelawar] menghancurkan. Teknik pisau Liu Zongyuan, memiliki aura membunuh yang sangat berat dan momentum amat buruk tak henti-hentinya. Setelah berjuang selama delapan menit, mereka telah setidaknya menewaskan dua ratus atau lebih [Salju tanah babi kelelawar]. Bahkan raja babi kelelawar dalam kelompok ini sangat terluka oleh Liu Zongyuan. Momentum ini terbang batalion setan ras terluka sangat serius. Mereka tidak marah seperti itu sebelumnya. Ada tanda-tanda kekacauan, dan mereka menunjukkan tanda-tanda melarikan diri ... .. "Mari kita pergi!" Liu Zongyuan berbalik, menuju dan mengejar ke arah di mana airship pembentukan menghilang. Ye Qingyu diikuti di belakangnya.

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