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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
e "Encyclopaedia dari naskah budaya di Asia dan Afrika" (EMCAA) adalah sebuah proyek ambisiusbertujuan untuk ll celah panjang yang ada dalam naskah studi. Berurusan secara komprehensif dengan keragamannaskah budaya di Asia dan Afrika, itu tidak akan hanya menggambarkan keadaan penelitian yang relevanelds tetapi menetapkan untuk waktu rst sebuah yayasan yang dapat diandalkan untuk sistematis, sejarah, dan perbandinganpenelitian dalam studi naskah.EMCAA latar belakangManuskrip-buku yang ditulis tangan-telah salah satu yang paling dalam manifestasi uential menulis. Selama ribuan tahun, manuskrip mempunyai yang mendasar dalam angkutan di banyak budaya. Pada periode yang luas antaraadopsi menulis dan penemuan teknik mekanik dan digital reproduksi – dalam beberapa kasus yang mencakupbeberapa ribu tahun – naskah adalah cara paling penting transmisi pengetahuan dalam bentuk tertulis. Sepertipenggunaan luas dan jangka panjang memunculkan berbagai perkembangan mengenai produksi, fungsi danResepsi naskah-naskah di masing-masing sosial dan budaya lingkungan mereka, dengan demikian mengakibatkan naskah yang berbedabudaya. Di Asia dan Afrika, budaya naskah selanjutnya berperan signi cant dalam transmisipengetahuan hingga masa lalu, dan beberapa masih hidup bahkan hari ini. Untuk benar memahami Asia danMasyarakat Afrika dan sejarah mereka, sangat penting bahwa dampak dari naskah budaya diperhitungkan.In the West, scholarly interest in manuscripts has increased signicantly over the last decades. is was certainly in-uenced by the rise of electronic media, which has stimulated historical and systematic inquiry in both the humanitiesand cultural studies. At the same time, manuscripts were rediscovered in Asia and Africa as part of cultural heritage,and vast quantities of extant manuscripts (conservatively estimated at approximately 10 million) have begun to becatalogued and made accessible. However, for some manuscript cultures there has not even been an introductorysurvey so far. A work which lls this gap and serves as a foundation for further research is still a desideratum.EMCAA AimsWith the “Encyclopaedia of Manuscript Cultures in Asia and Africa”, an historic and systematic overview will be presented for the rst time. It allows for both a comparison with Western European book culture and the introduction ofAsian and African manuscript cultures to current discussions in the elds of media, art and literary studies. However,this encyclopaedia is not conceived as a mere summary of existing research, but will in many respects provide a yetnon-existing foundation for exactly this type of research. It will serve as a handbook for students of manuscript studiesand as a reference tool for experts, who want to broaden their view by comparison with other manuscript cultures. egreat variety of manuscript cultures examined will ensure that questionable approaches, e.g. deducing universal lawsfrom European developments, or taking dichotomies such as East vs. West as a starting point, will be put to the test.e Chief and Area Editors were able to engage renowned scholars to act as Sub-Editors for their respective region ofexpertise, nd experts for each lemma and ensure currentness of the contributions. e Advisory Board consists ofeminent scholars mainly from European manuscript studies whose expertise will largely benet the “Encyclopaediaof Manuscript Cultures in Asia and Africa”.Furthermore, the “Encyclopaedia of Manuscript Cultures in Asia and Africa” will raise awareness of Asian and African manuscripts as cultural heritage. In some regions, colonial administrations and modernist governments hadconsidered manuscripts and the specic culture they represent as archaic and outdated leading to loss and neglect.Knowledge about the signicance of manuscripts and their cultural value will enhance the preservation and study ofthis unique type of artifacts.2
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