“Probably for the same reason.”“I don’t remember you being this funny, terjemahan - “Probably for the same reason.”“I don’t remember you being this funny, Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“Probably for the same reason.”“I d

“Probably for the same reason.”
“I don’t remember you being this funny, either. Or this”—he took a moment to covertly look me up and down—“grown-up.”
I smiled. “I wasn’t.”
He reached behind him, pulling his sweatshirt up and over his head. For a brief moment, his shirt underneath was pulled up with it, and a long stretch of his torso was exposed. I experienced a full-body clench at the sight of his flat stomach and the dark hair that trailed from his navel down into his shorts. His running pants hung low enough for me to see the carved lines of his hips, the enticing suggestion of man parts, and man legs and . . . holy crap Will Sumner’s body was unreal.
When he tugged the hem of his shirt back down, he broke my trance and I looked up to take in the rest of him, arms now bare below the short sleeves of his shirt. He scratched his neck, oblivious to the way my eyes moved over his forearm. I had a lot of memories of Will from the summer he’d lived with us while working for Dad: sitting on the couch with him and Jensen while we watched a movie, passing him in the hallway at night wearing nothing more than a towel around his hips, inhaling dinner at the kitchen table after a long day at the lab. But only from the evil influence of dark magic could I have forgotten about the tattoos. Seeing them now, I could remember a bluebird near his shoulder, a mountain and the roots of a tree wrapped up in vines on his bicep.
But some of these were new. Swirls of ink formed a double helix down the center of one forearm, the etching of a phonograph peeked out from beneath his sleeve on the other. Will had grown quiet and I looked up to find him smirking at me.
“Sorry,” I mumbled, smiling sheepishly. “You have new ones.”
His tongue darted out to lick his lips, and we turned to start walking again. “Don’t be sorry. I wouldn’t have them if I didn’t want people to look.”
“And it’s not weird? With the business job and everything?”
Shrugging, he murmured, “Long sleeves, suit jackets. Most people don’t know they’re there.” The problem with what he said was it didn’t make me think about the most people who remained ignorant to his tattoos. It made me wonder about the ones who knew each and every line of ink on his skin.
The Danger of Will Sumner, I reminded myself. Everything he says sounds filthy, and now you’re thinking of him naked. Again.
I blinked away, searching for a new topic. “So what about your life?”
He eyed me, wary. “What do you want to know?”
“Do you like your job?”
“Most days.”
I acknowledged this with a smile. “Do you get to see your family often? Your mom and sisters are in Washington, right?” I remembered that Will had two much older sisters who both lived close to their mother.
“Oregon,” he corrected. “And yes, a couple of times a year.”
“Are you dating anyone?” I blurted.
He furrowed his brows as if he hadn’t quite understood what I’d asked. After a moment he answered, “No.”
His adorably confused reaction helped me forget how inappropriate my question had been. “Did you have to really think about it?”
“No, smart-ass. And no, there is no one I would introduce to you by saying, ‘Hey Ziggy, this is so-and-so, my girlfriend.’ ”
I hummed, studying him. “What a very specific evasion.”
He pulled his hat from his head, running his fingers through his hair. It was damp with sweat and stuck up in a million directions.
“No one woman has caught your eye?”
“A few have.” He turned his eyes on me, refusing to shrink from my interrogation. I remembered this about Will; he never felt the need to explain himself, but he didn’t shy away from questions, either.
Clearly he was the same Will he’d always been: often with women, and never with just one. I blinked down, looking at his chest as it widened and retracted with his slowly-steadying breaths, at his muscular shoulders leading to a smooth, tan neck. His lips parted slightly and his tongue peeked out to wet them again. Will’s jaw was carved and covered in dark stubble. I had a sudden and overwhelming urge to feel it on my thighs.
My eyes dropped to his toned arms, the large hands relaxed at his sides—holy shit what those fingers probably knew how to do—his flat stomach, and the front of his running pants that told me Will Sumner had plenty going on below the belt. Good sweet baby Jesus, I wanted to bang the smirk off this man.
Silence ticked between us and awareness trickled in. I wasn’t living behind a damn two-way mirror and I’d never had a poker face. Will could probably read every single thought I’d just had.
His eyes darkened in understanding, and he took one step closer, looking me over from head to foot as if inspecting an animal caught in a trap. A gorgeous, deadly smile tugged at his mouth. “What’s the verdict?”
I swallowed thickly, closing my fists around sweaty hands, saying only, “Will?”
He blinked, and then blinked again, stepping back and seeming to remember himself. I could practically see the realizations tick through his mind: this is Jensen’s baby sister . . . she’s seven years younger than I am . . . I made out with Liv . . . this kid is a dork . . . stop thinking with your dick.
He winced slightly, saying, “Right, sorry,” under his breath.
I relaxed, amused by the reaction. Unlike me, Will had an infamous poker face . . . but not here, and apparently not with me. That understanding sent a jolt of confidence through my chest: he might be nearly irresistible and the most naturally sensual man on the planet, but Hanna Bergstrom could handle Will Sumner.
“So,” I said. “Not ready to settle down, then?”
“Definitely not.” His smile pulled up one corner of his mouth and he looked completely destructive. My heart and lady bits would not survive a night with this man.
Good thing that’s not even an option, vagina. Stand down.
We’d circled back around to the beginning of the trail, and Will leaned against a tree. “So why are you diving into the world of the living now?” He tilted his head as he turned the conversation back to me. “I know Jensen and your dad want you to have a more active social life, but come on. You’re a pretty girl, Ziggs. It can’t be that you haven’t had offers.”
I bit my lip for a second, amused that of course Will would assume that, for me, this was about getting laid. The truth was . . . he wasn’t entirely wrong. And there was no judgment in his expression, no weird distance around such a personal topic.
“It’s not that I haven’t dated. It’s that I haven’t dated well,” I said, remembering my most recent, completely bland encounter. “I know it might be hard to tell behind all this smooth charm but I’m not very good in those kinds of situations. Jensen’s told me stories. You managed to get through your doctorate with top honors and what sounds like a whole lot of fun. Here I am, in a lab with people who seem to consider social awkwardness a field of study. Not really that many jumping in the boat, if you know what I mean.”
“You’re young, Ziggs. Why are you worrying about this now?”
“I’m not worried about it, but I’m twenty-four. I have functioning body parts and my mind tends to go to interesting places. I just want to . . . explore. You weren’t thinking about these things when you were my age?”
He shrugged. “I wasn’t stressing over it.”
“Of course you weren’t. You’d lift an eyebrow and panties would hit the floor.”
Will licked his lips, reaching to scratch the back of his neck. “You’re a trip.”
“I’m a scientist, Will. If I’m going to do this I need to learn how men think, get inside their head.” I took a deep breath, watched him carefully before saying, “Teach me. You told my brother you’d help me, so do that.”
“Pretty sure he didn’t mean Hey, show my kid sister the city, make sure she isn’t paying too much for rent, and, by the way, help her get laid.” His dark brows pulled together as something seemed to occur to him. “Are you asking me to set you up with a friend?”
“No. God.” I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to laugh or crawl into a hole and hide for the rest of forever. Despite his DEFCON 5 degree of hotness, what I needed was for him to help me bang the smirk off other men. Maybe then I’d be properly degeeked and socialized. “I want your help to learn . . .” I shrugged and scratched my hair beneath the hat. “How to date. Teach me the rules.”
He blinked away, looking torn. “The ‘rules’? I don’t . . .” He shivered, letting his words fall away as he reached up to scratch his jaw. “I’m not sure I am qualified to help you meet guys.”
“You went to Yale.”
“Yeah, and? That was years ago, Ziggs. I don’t think they offered this in the course catalog.”
“And you were in a band,” I continued, ignoring that last part.
Finally, amusement lit up his eyes. “What’s your point?”
“My point is that I went to MIT and played D&D and Magic—”
“Hello, I was a fucking D&D pro, Ziggs.”
“My point,” I said, ignoring him, “is that Yale-attending, lacrosse-playing former bass players might have ideas about how to improve the dating pool options of bespectacled, nerdtastic geeks.”
Dari: Inggris
Ke: Bahasa Indonesia
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
"Mungkin untuk alasan yang sama.""Saya tidak ingat Anda menjadi ini lucu, baik. Atau ini"— ia mengambil sejenak untuk diam-diam melihat saya naik —"tumbuh-up.Aku tersenyum. "Aku tidak."Ia mencapai belakangnya, menarik kaus Nya atas dan melewati kepalanya. Untuk sesaat, kemeja di bawah ditarik dengan itu, dan bentangan panjang tubuh Nya terkena. Saya mengalami seluruh tubuh mengepalkan melihat perut nya datar dan rambut gelap yang membuntuti dari pusar nya turun ke dalam celana pendek. Menjalankan nya celana cukup menggantung rendah bagi saya untuk melihat jalur ukiran pinggul, saran menarik bagian pria, dan pria kaki dan... Suci crap akan Sumner tubuhnya tidak nyata.Ketika ia menarik kelim kemejanya turun, ia melanggar Trans saya dan aku mendongak untuk mengambil di seluruh tubuhnya, lengan sekarang telanjang di bawah lengan pendek kemejanya. Ia menggores lehernya, tidak menyadari cara mataku pindah lengan bawahnya. Aku punya banyak kenangan akan dari musim panas ia tinggal bersama kami saat bekerja untuk Dad: duduk di sofa dengan dia dan Jensen sementara kita menonton film, melewati dia di lorong di malam memakai apa-apa lebih dari handuk di sekitar pinggul, menghirup makan malam di meja dapur setelah hari yang panjang di laboratorium. Tapi hanya dari pengaruh jahat sihir gelap bisa saya lupa tentang tato. Melihat mereka sekarang, aku bisa ingat bluebird dekat bahunya, gunung, dan akar pohon yang dibungkus dalam anggur di bicep nya.Tetapi beberapa baru. Berputar tinta membentuk heliks ganda di tengah-tengah satu lengan, etching phonograph mengintip keluar dari bawah lengan bajunya yang lain. Akan telah tumbuh tenang dan aku mendongak untuk menemukan Dia menyeringai pada saya."Maaf," gumamku, tersenyum malu-malu. "Anda memiliki yang baru."Lidahnya kecilpun keluar untuk menjilati bibirnya, dan kita berpaling ke mulai berjalan lagi. "Jangan menyesal. Aku tidak punya mereka jika saya tidak ingin orang untuk melihat.""Dan itu tidak aneh? Dengan pekerjaan bisnis dan semuanya?"Mengangkat bahu, ia bersungut, "panjang lengan, sesuai dengan jaket. Kebanyakan orang tidak tahu mereka di sana. " Masalah dengan apa yang dia katakan adalah itu tidak membuat saya berpikir tentang kebanyakan orang yang tetap bodoh untuk tato nya. Itu membuat saya bertanya-tanya tentang orang-orang yang tahu setiap baris tinta pada kulitnya.Will bahaya Sumner, aku mengingatkan diriku sendiri. Semuanya dia mengatakan terdengar kotor, dan sekarang Anda berpikir dia telanjang. Lagi.Saya berkedip, mencari topik baru. "Jadi apa tentang hidup Anda?"Ia bermata saya, waspada. "Apa Apakah Anda ingin tahu?""Apakah Anda suka pekerjaan Anda?""Kebanyakan hari."Aku mengakui ini dengan senyum. "Anda bisa melihat keluarga Anda sering? Ibu dan saudara berada di Washington, benar?" Aku ingat bahwa akan memiliki dua saudara yang lebih tua yang kedua tinggal dekat dengan ibu mereka."Oregon," ia mengoreksi. "Dan ya, beberapa kali dalam setahun.""Apakah Anda kencan siapa?" Aku berkata.Ia berkerut alis nya seolah-olah ia tidak benar-benar mengerti apa yang saya telah meminta. Setelah beberapa saat dia menjawab, "Tidak!"Pasti adorably bingung reaksi membantu saya lupa betapa tidak tepat pertanyaan saya sudah. "Apakah Anda harus benar-benar berpikir tentang hal itu?""Tidak, smart-ass. Dan tidak, tidak ada saya akan memperkenalkan Anda dengan mengatakan, 'Hei Ziggy, ini adalah Anu, pacar saya. ”Saya hummed, mempelajari Ueki. "Apa sangat spesifik penghindaran."Dia menarik topi dari kepalanya, menjalankan jari-jarinya melalui rambutnya. Itu basah dengan keringat dan tersangkut dalam arah juta."Seorang wanita telah tertangkap mata Anda?""Beberapa memiliki." Dia berbalik matanya pada saya, menolak untuk mengecilkan dari interogasi saya. Aku ingat ini akan; Dia tidak pernah merasakan kebutuhan untuk menjelaskan dirinya, tetapi dia tidak menghindar dari pertanyaan, baik.Jelas ia adalah akan sama dia selalu: sering dengan perempuan, dan tidak pernah dengan hanya satu. Saya berkedip, memandang dadanya seperti itu melebar dan ditarik kembali dengan nya perlahan-lahan memantapkan napas, di bahunya otot yang mengarah ke halus, tan leher. Bibirnya berpisah sedikit dan lidahnya mengintip untuk basah mereka lagi. Will rahang diukir dan dibahas dalam gelap jerami. Saya memiliki dorongan yang tiba-tiba dan luar biasa untuk merasakannya di paha saya.Mata saya jatuh ke lengan kencang, tangan besar santai di sisi tubuhnya — Kudus kotoran apa jari-jari mereka mungkin tahu bagaimana melakukannya — perutnya datar, dan bagian depan celananya berjalan yang mengatakan kepada saya Sumner akan punya banyak terjadi di bawah ikat pinggang. Baik manis bayi Yesus, aku ingin bang menyeringai dari orang ini.Keheningan berdetak antara kita dan kesadaran menetes di. Saya tidak tinggal di balik sialan dua-arah cermin dan aku tidak pernah punya wajah poker. Akan mungkin bisa membaca setiap satu pikiran yang hanya aku.Mata gelap dalam pemahaman, dan ia mengambil satu langkah lebih dekat, memandang saya dari kepala sampai kaki seolah-olah memeriksa binatang terjebak dalam perangkap. Senyum yang cantik, mematikan menarik di mulutnya. "Apa adalah putusan?"Aku menelan tebal, penutupan saya tinju di sekitar tangan berkeringat, mengatakan, "akan?"Ia berkedip dan kemudian berkedip lagi, melangkah mundur dan seakan ingat sendiri. Aku hampir bisa melihat kutu realisasi melalui pikiran: ini adalah Jensen adik bayi... dia adalah tujuh tahun lebih muda dari saya... Aku dibuat dengan Liv... anak ini adalah konyol... berhenti berpikir dengan Anda dick.Ia meringis sedikit, berkata, "benar, Maaf," di bawah napas.Aku santai, geli oleh reaksi. Tidak seperti aku, akan memiliki wajah poker terkenal... tapi tidak di sini, dan tampaknya tidak dengan saya. Bahwa pemahaman dikirim sentakan kepercayaan melalui dada saya: dia mungkin hampir tak tertahankan dan yang paling alami sensual pria di planet, tapi Hanna Bergstrom bisa menangani Sumner akan."Jadi," kataku. "Tidak siap untuk menetap, kemudian?""Pasti tidak." Senyumnya menarik salah satu sudut mulut-Nya dan dia tampak benar-benar merusak. Saya bit hati dan wanita tidak akan bertahan malam dengan orang ini.Hal yang baik yang tidak bahkan pilihan, vagina. Berdiri di.Kami telah mengelilingi kembali ke awal jejak, dan akan bersandar pada sebuah pohon. "Jadi mengapa Anda menyelam ke dalam dunia yang hidup sekarang?" Ia miring kepalanya ketika dia berpaling percakapan kembali ke saya. "Aku tahu Jensen dan ayah Anda ingin Anda memiliki kehidupan sosial yang lebih aktif, tapi ayolah. Kau seorang gadis cantik, Ziggs. Tidak mungkin bahwa Anda belum memiliki Penawaran."Aku sedikit bibir saya untuk kedua, geli yang tentu saja akan berasumsi bahwa, bagi saya, ini adalah tentang mendapatkan diletakkan. Kebenaran adalah... dia tidak sepenuhnya salah. Dan tidak ada penilaian dalam ekspresi, jarak tidak aneh di sekitar seperti topik pribadi."Hal ini tidak bahwa aku belum tanggal. Ini adalah bahwa aku belum tanggal Yah,"kataku, mengingat pertemuan saya paling baru, benar-benar hambar. "Aku tahu itu mungkin sulit untuk mengatakan di balik semua pesona halus ini tapi aku tidak sangat baik dalam orang-orang macam situasi. Jensen mengatakan kepada saya cerita. Anda berhasil melewati doktor Anda dengan penghargaan tertinggi dan apa yang terdengar seperti banyak menyenangkan. Di sinilah aku, di laboratorium dengan orang-orang yang tampaknya menganggap kecanggungan sosial bidang studi. Tidak benar-benar banyak melompat di perahu, jika Anda tahu apa maksudku."“You’re young, Ziggs. Why are you worrying about this now?”“I’m not worried about it, but I’m twenty-four. I have functioning body parts and my mind tends to go to interesting places. I just want to . . . explore. You weren’t thinking about these things when you were my age?”He shrugged. “I wasn’t stressing over it.”“Of course you weren’t. You’d lift an eyebrow and panties would hit the floor.”Will licked his lips, reaching to scratch the back of his neck. “You’re a trip.”“I’m a scientist, Will. If I’m going to do this I need to learn how men think, get inside their head.” I took a deep breath, watched him carefully before saying, “Teach me. You told my brother you’d help me, so do that.”“Pretty sure he didn’t mean Hey, show my kid sister the city, make sure she isn’t paying too much for rent, and, by the way, help her get laid.” His dark brows pulled together as something seemed to occur to him. “Are you asking me to set you up with a friend?”“No. God.” I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to laugh or crawl into a hole and hide for the rest of forever. Despite his DEFCON 5 degree of hotness, what I needed was for him to help me bang the smirk off other men. Maybe then I’d be properly degeeked and socialized. “I want your help to learn . . .” I shrugged and scratched my hair beneath the hat. “How to date. Teach me the rules.”He blinked away, looking torn. “The ‘rules’? I don’t . . .” He shivered, letting his words fall away as he reached up to scratch his jaw. “I’m not sure I am qualified to help you meet guys.”“You went to Yale.”“Yeah, and? That was years ago, Ziggs. I don’t think they offered this in the course catalog.”“And you were in a band,” I continued, ignoring that last part.Finally, amusement lit up his eyes. “What’s your point?”“My point is that I went to MIT and played D&D and Magic—”“Hello, I was a fucking D&D pro, Ziggs.”“My point,” I said, ignoring him, “is that Yale-attending, lacrosse-playing former bass players might have ideas about how to improve the dating pool options of bespectacled, nerdtastic geeks.”
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