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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
As written in the literature review, the LPSguarantee deposits for all conventional and Islamicbanks operating in Indonesia. The conventionalbanks covered include both commercialbanks (regional development banks,state-owned banks, foreign-owned banks, jointventurebanks and domestic-private banks) andrural banks. However, in this study, we excludeIslamic banks and rural banks from our samplebecause of different intermediation methodused by Islamic banking and different characteristicsof rural banks. The data on the numberof Indonesian banks based on the type of ownershipcan be seen in Table 1.To test these hypotheses, we employ quarterlydata from Q1:2002 – Q2:2008 from 109commercial banks operating during this period.After making adjustment to the data set (i.e.cleansing and filtering), we run our model with2,726 eligible observations making it an unbalancedpanel data set.62I. Trinugroho, M. Muthmainah, M. D. Ariefianto, S. Sutaryo, and A. N. ProbohudonoIndonesian Capital Market Review 8 (2016) 59-71
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