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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Telah menyapu atribut overlord helm, telah liar dengan sukacita di hati, yang memiliki duplikasi atribut overlord coverall Bagian peralatan【Overlord helmet】 (alat ajaib rendah)Jenis: Baju besi beratPertahanan: 5200Kekuatan: + 525Kekuatan fisik: + 520Agile: + 515Roh teknik: + 510Tambahan: Mempromosikan pengguna 155% pertahanan dan 65% defensif kekuatan sihirTambahan: Mempromosikan pengguna 22000 kehidupan nilai batasTambahan: Mempromosikan kekuatan mencolok 80% pengguna dan 3000 Yayasan mencolok kekuatanEfek khusus: batas bebas-peringkatEfek khusus: tuan, supernatural berani dari bulu, keabadian dua, kekuatan overlord tidak mempromosikan kekuatan pengguna 3000Efek khusus: duplikasiCoverall bagian: Overlord coverall keras helmIntroduced: Before the Flood, the King who made the earth tremble sweeps away the mainland, its brave was the unparalleled in the world, making the posterity pursue admires, thousands of years later, the god artisans of later generation collected the spirit strength of this antiquity king, its spirit soul casting in one set of rare most precious object, this was the overlord armor coverall, the person of fable collection uneven overlord coverall can obtain the verbal command world the strength, obtained overlord coverall one, had the probability when killing the high-order monster triggers blows out other parts, this wrapped equipment to be onlyNeeds Level: 200Needs the charm: 1000
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