I’m not sure when it started, but I ended up following Ah Yi, Ah Lun,  terjemahan - I’m not sure when it started, but I ended up following Ah Yi, Ah Lun,  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I’m not sure when it started, but I

I’m not sure when it started, but I ended up following Ah Yi, Ah Lun, Xiao Mi and Yi Jing from a distance when school let out. If you asked me why I didn’t just walk by myself, but instead followed them like glue, I really couldn’t say. Maybe I was waiting for something.

Today when I ripped up the paper Yi Jing had passed to me, well, maybe I had gone a bit too far.

Walking the little path down Bagua Mountain, I looked at Yi Jing from afar. I could hear them talking. Yeah, due to my increasingly solid inner force foundation, I could now vaguely make out sounds from very long distances.

Suddenly, my heart seized.

It started beating rapidly. Warning me.

There was an aura of death.

“Is Master nearby?” I looked around suspiciously.

No, it wasn’t Master. This aura of death couldn’t compare to his.

Well then, whose was it? Could there be other experts of the martial world at large in society?

Off in the distance I saw a group of middle-aged men, wearing leather outfits and colorful plaid shirts, advancing toward Yi Jing and the others. They carried rolled up newspapers. It looked like there were about seven or eight of them.

The aura of death roiled forth evilly from them. I hoped they weren’t connected to Ah Yi in some way.

As I hurried down the stone steps, I saw them surrounding Ah Yi and the others.

Agck! So it was trouble stirred up by Ah Yi.

“Are you the leader, Ah Yi?” The man glared at Ah Yi. His face was criss-crossed with knife scars.

“What the hell?” said Ah Yi snappily.

At this point I was about five paces away from them, but I could sense the terror roiling forth from Ah Yi’s heart. And there’s no need to even mention the intense fear of Yi Jing and the others.

“You guys are looking for Ah Yi? He’s still at school playing basketball!” Ah Lun grinned and clasped Ah Yi’s shoulder. “Sheng Yao, just hold on a moment, we can go play video games at your house in a bit.”

Ah Yi nodded automatically. The faces of everyone in the group were pale white with fear, except for Ah Lun, who had reacted so quickly to the danger.

My fists clenched nervously, wet with sweat.

“Don’t move!” The lead thug grabbed Ah Yi. “Lying punk! You’re not Ah Yi? **** you, you ****ing pussy! You dare to mess with my brothers at Yangming Middle school! And you're not ****ing willing to admit it?!”

Ah Yi’s face flickered between green and white. “Well, what are you going to do about it?”

Sweat dripped down Ah Lun’s nose. He wiped it away and said, “Brothers, if there’s something you want to say, let’s discuss it. Why don’t we allow the ladies to leave first, okay?”

One of the men, a burly fellow, pulled an iron rod out from his rolled up newspaper. “No one leaves,” he said angrily. “Come here, drag them into the woods for me!”

Two thugs grabbed the trembling Yi Jing and Xiao Mi, dragging them toward the dense woods bordering the mountain path. Ah Lun and Ah Yi had no choice but to follow. In a panic, I tried to calculate the distance to the nearest police station.

No way, it was too far.

“Hey! What the hell are you looking at? Come here!” One of the men, his neck covered with tattoos, a stick in his hand, pointed at me. I gritted my teeth and walked into the woods.

“What are you doing?” Ah Lun said angrily, bemoaning the lost chance to get the police.

“Yi Jing.” I looked at the iron rods carried by the thugs.

The woods.

A good place to beat someone up.

Cold sweat covered my body. My instincts were telling me that we were currently in very real danger.

“They’re all good students,” said Ah Yi, his face white. “It doesn’t have anything to do with them, let them…”

“****er!” The husky fellow gave Ah Yi a fierce kick in the stomach. Ah Yi doubled over onto the ground, his face contorted with pain.

An expression of hesitation filled Ah Lun’s face. He looked at Ah Yi, then looked at me, as if he was trying to pass along some sort of message.

I looked at Yi Jing and Xiao Mi. They were so frightened that they wouldn’t look up. Tears streamed down their faces.

Ah Lun nodded slightly.

I understood. No problem.

From my leather handbag I pulled out two thousand-yuan bills and respectfully handed them toward the scar-faced leader. “This is for you, sir. Please let the girls go. This doesn’t have anything to do with them. We can talk things out after they leave.”

The scar-faced thug took the money coldly. “You think I’m an idiot? Let them go so they can go get the police? They’re so pretty, it would be such a waste to let them go.”

Ah Lun and I suddenly charged toward the thugs holding Yi Jing and Xiao Mi. “Run!” we shouted.

We fell to the ground with the two thugs. Xiao Mi and Yi Jing tried to run, but they were immediately grabbed from behind by the burly fellow. Ah Lun and I were held tight on the ground.

“If you dare to touch those girls,” shouted Ah Lun furiously, “I’ll kill you!”

“Let them go!” yelled Ah Yi. “I’ll let you beat me up for as long as you want!”

I looked at Yi Jing, struggling, her eyes filled with terror.

The scar-faced thug hit Ah Yi in the head with his rod. Blood instantly covered his entire face.

The tattooed thug kicked his head. Laughing, he said, “**** your mother! Kill us? You better not get killed first!”

Feet kicked down at me randomly. I struggled to rise, blood clouding my eyes. I could faintly make out the sight of some of the thugs groping Yi Jing roughly.

“Master.” I struggled to my feet, forcing my breath under control.

There was Ah Yi, being beaten underneath a tree. Ah Lun lunged wildly toward Xiao Mi, but then got clocked in the face by one of the thugs’ rods and fell flat onto his face.

“Nighttime Song, Nine Fragments…” I slowly stretched out my right hand. The thug slammed his rod into my stomach.

I accepted the pain, my legs bending slightly. I continued: “Ox Breath, Flat Ring, Seedling Chestnut… Guarding Flank…”

Blood spurted out from my head, but my eyes never left Yi Jing’s tear-stained face.

“****! What the hell are you saying? You trying to cast a spell on us or something?” The burly fellow bashed my nose.

“Ascending Tide… Shifting Heaven,” I murmured, blood flowing from my nose.

“Still casting a spell!” cursed the burly fellow. He raised his iron club.

“Bam.” My head split open, and blood spattered. However, my palm had already connected with the burly man’s chest. His face contorted.

He slowly dropped to the ground, kneeling in front of me.

Everything suddenly became very quiet.

“There is something in this world called justice…” I staggered toward Yi Jing, continuing to recite: “Nighttime Song, Nine Fragments… Ox Breath… Shifting Heaven…”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Aku tidak yakin ketika itu dimulai, tapi akhirnya aku mengikuti Ah Yi, Ah Lun, Xiao Mi dan Yi Jing dari kejauhan ketika sekolah membiarkan keluar. Jika kau bertanya padaku mengapa aku tidak hanya berjalan sendiri, tetapi sebaliknya mengikuti mereka seperti lem, aku benar-benar tidak bisa mengatakan. Mungkin aku sedang menunggu untuk sesuatu.Kemarin ketika saya robek atas karya Yi Jing telah diberikan kepada saya, baik, mungkin aku harus pergi sedikit terlalu jauh.Menyusuri jalan sedikit Bagua gunung, aku memandang Yi Jing dari jauh. Aku bisa mendengar mereka berbicara. Ya, karena semakin padat dalam memaksa Yayasan, aku bisa sekarang samar-samar membuat keluar suara dari jarak yang sangat jauh.Tiba-tiba, hatiku disita.Itu mulai memukul dengan cepat. Peringatan saya.Ada aura kematian."Apakah Master dekatnya?" Aku memandang sekeliling curiga.Tidak, bukan Master. Aura kematian tidak bisa dibandingkan dengan nya.Kalau begitu, yang itu? Bisa ada pakar lain di masyarakat dunia bela diri?Off di kejauhan saya melihat sekelompok pria paruh baya, mengenakan pakaian kulit dan kemeja kotak-kotak berwarna-warni, maju menuju Yi Jing dan lain-lain. Mereka membawa Surat Kabar digulung. Itu tampak seperti ada sekitar tujuh atau delapan dari mereka.Aura kematian bergolak di sebagainya evilly dari mereka. Saya berharap mereka tidak terhubung ke Ah Yi dalam beberapa cara.Seperti aku bergegas menuruni tangga batu, aku melihat mereka sekitar Ah Yi dan lain-lain.Agck! Jadi itu adalah masalah mengaduk oleh Ah Yi."Apakah Anda pemimpin, Ah Yi?" Laki-laki melotot Ah Yi. Wajahnya adalah silang-menyilang dengan bekas luka pisau."Apa sih?" kata Ah Yi snappily.Pada titik ini aku sekitar lima langkah menjauh dari mereka, tapi aku bisa merasakan teror yang bergejolak maju dari Ah Yi hati. Dan ada tidak perlu bahkan menyebutkan ketakutan Yi Jing dan lain-lain."Kalian mencari Ah Yi? Dia adalah masih di sekolah bermain basket!" Ah Lun tersenyum dan menggenggam Ah Yi bahu. "Sheng Yao, hanya berpegang pada saat ini, kita bisa pergi bermain video game di rumah Anda dalam sedikit."Ah Yi mengangguk secara otomatis. Muka setiap orang dalam kelompok yang pucat putih dengan rasa takut, kecuali Ah Lun, yang telah begitu cepat bereaksi terhadap bahaya.Saya tinju mengepalkan gugup, basah dengan keringat."Jangan bergerak!" Preman memimpin menyambar Ah Yi. "Berbohong punk! Anda tidak Ah Yi? Anda, Anda *** ing vagina! Anda berani untuk main-main dengan saudara-saudara saya di sekolah menengah Yangming! Dan Anda tidak *** ing bersedia mengakuinya?! "Ah Yi wajah berkedip-kedip antara hijau dan putih. "Nah, apa yang Anda akan harus dilakukan tentang itu?"Keringat menetes ke bawah hidung Ah Lun. Ia menyeka itu dan berkata, "saudara-saudara, jika ada sesuatu yang ingin Anda katakan, mari kita membahasnya. Mengapa tidak kita memungkinkan para wanita untuk meninggalkan pertama, oke?"Salah satu pria, fellow kekar, mengeluarkan tongkat besi dari nya digulung koran. "Tidak ada daun," ia berkata dengan marah. "Datang ke sini, menyeret mereka ke hutan untuk saya!"Dua preman menyambar gemetar Yi Jing dan Xiao Mi, menyeret mereka ke arah hutan lebat yang berbatasan dengan jalur pegunungan. Ah Lun dan Ah Yi tidak punya pilihan selain untuk mengikuti. Dalam keadaan panik, aku mencoba untuk menghitung jarak ke kantor polisi terdekat.Tidak ada cara, itu terlalu jauh."Hei! Apa sih yang Anda Cari di? Datang ke sini!" Salah satu pria, lehernya ditutupi dengan tato, tongkat di tangannya, menunjuk pada saya. Aku mengertakkan gigi dan berjalan ke hutan."Apa yang Anda lakukan?" Ah Lun berkata dengan marah, meratapi kehilangan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan polisi."Yi Jing." Aku memandang batang besi yang dibawa oleh para preman.Hutan.Tempat yang baik untuk memukul seseorang.Keringat dingin menutupi tubuh saya. Naluri saya orang mengatakan padaku bahwa kami akan saat ini dalam bahaya nyata."Mereka semua baik siswa," kata Ah Yi, nya wajah putih. "Itu tidak memiliki apa-apa untuk melakukan dengan mereka, biarkan mereka...""*** eh!" Sesama husky memberikan Ah Yi sebuah tendangan keras di perut. Ah Yi lipat ke tanah, wajahnya berkerut dengan rasa sakit.Ekspresi ragu-ragu diisi Ah Lun wajah. Ia memandang Ah Yi, kemudian memandang saya, seolah-olah ia sedang berusaha untuk menyampaikan semacam pesan.Aku memandang Yi Jing dan Xiao Mi. Mereka adalah begitu takut bahwa mereka tidak melihat. Air mata mengalir di wajah mereka.Ah Lun mengangguk sedikit.Saya mengerti. Tidak ada masalah.From my leather handbag I pulled out two thousand-yuan bills and respectfully handed them toward the scar-faced leader. “This is for you, sir. Please let the girls go. This doesn’t have anything to do with them. We can talk things out after they leave.”The scar-faced thug took the money coldly. “You think I’m an idiot? Let them go so they can go get the police? They’re so pretty, it would be such a waste to let them go.”Ah Lun and I suddenly charged toward the thugs holding Yi Jing and Xiao Mi. “Run!” we shouted.We fell to the ground with the two thugs. Xiao Mi and Yi Jing tried to run, but they were immediately grabbed from behind by the burly fellow. Ah Lun and I were held tight on the ground.“If you dare to touch those girls,” shouted Ah Lun furiously, “I’ll kill you!”“Let them go!” yelled Ah Yi. “I’ll let you beat me up for as long as you want!”I looked at Yi Jing, struggling, her eyes filled with terror.The scar-faced thug hit Ah Yi in the head with his rod. Blood instantly covered his entire face.The tattooed thug kicked his head. Laughing, he said, “**** your mother! Kill us? You better not get killed first!”Feet kicked down at me randomly. I struggled to rise, blood clouding my eyes. I could faintly make out the sight of some of the thugs groping Yi Jing roughly.“Master.” I struggled to my feet, forcing my breath under control.Ada Ah Yi, dipukuli di bawah pohon. Ah Lun menerjang liar menuju Xiao Mi, tetapi kemudian mendapat Clock di wajah oleh salah satu batang para preman dan jatuh datar ke wajahnya."Malam Song, sembilan fragmen..." Aku perlahan-lahan mengulurkan tangan kananKu. Thug membanting tongkatnya ke perut saya.Aku menerima rasa sakit, kaki saya membungkuk sedikit. Saya melanjutkan: "Ox napas, cincin datar, bibit Chestnut... Menjaga panggul..."Darah spurted dari kepala saya, tetapi mata saya tidak pernah meninggalkan Yi Jing bernoda air mata wajah.“****! Apa yang Anda katakan? Anda mencoba untuk melemparkan mantra pada kita atau sesuatu?" Sesama kekar memukul hidung saya."Naik gelombang... Pergeseran surga,"saya bersungut, darah mengalir dari hidung saya."Masih casting mantra!" Terkutuklah orang yang kekar. Ia mengangkat klubnya besi."Bam." Kepalaku terbelah, dan darah spattered. Namun, palm saya telah sudah terhubung dengan orang yang tinggi kekar dada. Berkerut wajahnya.Ia perlahan-lahan jatuh ke tanah, berlutut di depan saya.Segala sesuatu tiba-tiba menjadi sangat tenang."Tidak ada sesuatu di dunia ini disebut sebagai keadilan..." Aku terhuyung-huyung ke arah Yi Jing, terus membaca: "lagu suhu, sembilan fragmen... Sapi napas... Pergeseran surga..."
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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