She contemplated. Will she? But the nightmare... it might worsen if sh terjemahan - She contemplated. Will she? But the nightmare... it might worsen if sh Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

She contemplated. Will she? But the

She contemplated. Will she? But the nightmare... it might worsen if she goes. But then again, she still has to pay respects.

Taeyeon noticed the troubled look and rubbed Tiffany’s back. “What’s wrong?”

Tiffany shook her head. “Just thinking about something.”

Taeyeon nodded but continued rubbing her back.

Can I bring Taeyeon along?

Her phone beeped again.

Of course.

She nodded to herself before facing Taeyeon. “Tae, can you come with me tomorrow?”

Taeyeon stopped rubbing her back. “Of course. Where do you need to go?”

She didn’t answer as she started typing on her phone.

Then I’ll see you tomorrow, Uncle.

She sighed and put her phone down. She rested her head on Taeyeon’s shoulder as the latter’s arm s around her waist.

Taeyeon was curious but decided not to ask and wait for tomorrow instead. She tightened her hold on Tiffany’s waist as they waited for their food to come.

Have I done personal replies before? I don't think I have. Anyway, I think it's time to do some now.
A general reply to my Filipino readers: Yes, I am Filipino :) Proud to be! Sa mga nagtatanong, wala nang baha dito. :) Sana wala rin diyan, kung nasan man kayo. Stay safe! Balita ko, may bago na namang bagyo. Magdala kayo ng payong! Haha!
@taenycity: Thank you! I'm fine. Fighting too! :D
@mushroom: Unnie, yes I was sick! Huhu. But I'm fine now. :) I think it was because of the weather or something :)
@kulsst: Thank you! :)
Didn't reply to everyone, but thank you so much to the well-wishers! Thank you too for the comments! :) I may not reply to them, but I really appreciate every single one. Thank you so much! :)
I'll try updating again tomorrow. I'm halfway done with chapter 30, but I still have to finish some stuff for work so... we'll see :)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
She contemplated. Will she? But the nightmare... it might worsen if she goes. But then again, she still has to pay respects. Taeyeon noticed the troubled look and rubbed Tiffany’s back. “What’s wrong?” Tiffany shook her head. “Just thinking about something.” Taeyeon nodded but continued rubbing her back. Can I bring Taeyeon along? Her phone beeped again. Of course. She nodded to herself before facing Taeyeon. “Tae, can you come with me tomorrow?” Taeyeon stopped rubbing her back. “Of course. Where do you need to go?” She didn’t answer as she started typing on her phone. Then I’ll see you tomorrow, Uncle. She sighed and put her phone down. She rested her head on Taeyeon’s shoulder as the latter’s arm s around her waist. Taeyeon was curious but decided not to ask and wait for tomorrow instead. She tightened her hold on Tiffany’s waist as they waited for their food to come. Have I done personal replies before? I don't think I have. Anyway, I think it's time to do some now.A general reply to my Filipino readers: Yes, I am Filipino :) Proud to be! Sa mga nagtatanong, wala nang baha dito. :) Sana wala rin diyan, kung nasan man kayo. Stay safe! Balita ko, may bago na namang bagyo. Magdala kayo ng payong! Haha!@taenycity: Thank you! I'm fine. Fighting too! :D@mushroom: Unnie, yes I was sick! Huhu. But I'm fine now. :) I think it was because of the weather or something :)@kulsst: Thank you! :)Didn't reply to everyone, but thank you so much to the well-wishers! Thank you too for the comments! :) I may not reply to them, but I really appreciate every single one. Thank you so much! :)I'll try updating again tomorrow. I'm halfway done with chapter 30, but I still have to finish some stuff for work so... we'll see :)
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dia merenungkan. Akan dia? Tapi mimpi buruk ... mungkin memburuk jika dia pergi. Tapi sekali lagi, dia masih harus membayar hal. Taeyeon melihat tampilan bermasalah dan menggosok kembali Tiffany. "Apa yang salah?" Tiffany menggeleng. "Hanya berpikir tentang sesuatu." Taeyeon mengangguk tapi terus menggosok punggungnya. Dapatkah saya membawa Taeyeon bersama? Teleponnya berbunyi lagi. Tentu saja. Dia mengangguk pada dirinya sendiri sebelum menghadapi Taeyeon. "Tae, dapat Anda datang dengan saya besok?" Taeyeon berhenti menggosok punggungnya. "Tentu saja. Di mana Anda harus pergi? "Dia tidak menjawab saat ia mulai mengetik di telepon. Lalu aku akan melihat besok, Paman. Dia menghela napas dan meletakkan telepon ke bawah. Dia menyandarkan kepala di bahu Taeyeon sebagai lengan yang terakhir s sekelilingnya pinggang. Taeyeon penasaran tetapi memutuskan untuk tidak meminta dan menunggu untuk besok sebaliknya. Dia diperketat pegangannya pada pinggang Tiffany saat mereka menunggu makanan mereka datang. Apakah saya telah melakukan balasan pribadi sebelum? Saya tidak berpikir saya miliki. Anyway, saya pikir sudah waktunya untuk melakukan beberapa sekarang. Sebuah jawaban umum untuk pembaca saya Filipina: Ya, saya Filipina :) Bangga menjadi! Sa mga nagtatanong, wala nang baha dito. :) Sana wala rin diyan, kung Nasan man kayo. Tetap aman! Balita ko, mungkin Bago na namang bagyo. Magdala kayo ng Payong! Haha!taenycity: Terima kasih! Saya baik-baik saja. Berjuang juga! : Dmushroom: Unnie, ya aku sakit! Hu hu. Tapi aku baik-baik saja sekarang. :) Saya pikir itu karena cuaca atau sesuatu :)kulsst: Terima kasih! :) Tidak membalas semua orang, tapi terima kasih banyak kepada simpatisan baik! Terima kasih juga untuk komentar! :) Saya mungkin tidak membalas mereka, tapi aku benar-benar menghargai setiap satu. Terima kasih banyak! :) Saya akan mencoba memperbarui lagi besok. Aku setengah dilakukan dengan pasal 30, tapi aku masih harus menyelesaikan beberapa hal untuk bekerja jadi ... kita akan melihat :)

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