Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
5.3. Discussion determining links between control andlearningAn overall approach to public management controlconsiders, not only the impact of achievements on the environment,but also the objectives, methods and results ofpublic action. Huron (1998) points out that the results ofpublic action must be compared from a traditional anglewith objectives andmethods, but alsomore originally,mustbe related to the local community’s public dimension measuredby people’s satisfaction. Assessing public policies istherefore part of a broader approach than traditional managementcontrol. As Santo and Verrier (1993) point out,assessment is to be viewed as a strategic control system ofpublic action, complementary to other control systems. Inthis framework, assessment of public policies and managementcontrol may be considered as a help to strategic andpolitical decision-making. In this sense, they can influencethe links between control and learning in different ways:Firstly, mere comparison of results with objectives orsimple adaptation of resources; a basic control mechanism(accounting and budgetary control, management control,legality control, public accountant’s control, legal control,control of satellites) can produce organizational learning.Secondly, there can be other relationships when a publicorganization questions its operating processes (adaptivelearning), and even its political objectives (generativelearning). We have previously noticed that a control systemwhich produces, mobilizes and distributes knowledgedoes not necessarily entail either adaptive or generativelearning. Such knowledge actually has to be “accepted” bythe decision-makers, here the politicians. The knowledgeproduced is indeed most of the time based on a technicaland managerial logic (at least when it is generated by the administrative level). The political logic may or may notbypass that level of knowledge to impact decision-making(examples of the day-care centre and the market hall).Wehave also noticed that on those occasions control systemsthat stimulate organizational learning produce adaptiverather than generative learning, the political domain havingmore influence on the organization’s objectives than onits methods – except for “political” controls, the degree ofcontrol exerted on a political level remains more powerfulthan that exerted at an administrative level.Thirdly, taking into account the assessment of publicpolicy, which in this case can be compared to the knowledgeproduced by district meetings, previously describedas political control, makes it possible to allocate resourcesto particular operations rapidly (for instance, repairingpavements) or to consider constituents’ opinion to implementor change a policy. This element, which is specificto public organizations, highlights our main conclusion asuntuk studi interaksi antara kontrol dan organisasibelajar; kontrol politik yang dilakukan oleh seniormanagementmay membuat learningwhereas generatif operasionalkontrol yang dilakukan oleh pangkat dan file administrasiStaf disaring oleh wakil-wakil terpilih.
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