Nice to get your message, thankyou for your positive encouragement. I  terjemahan - Nice to get your message, thankyou for your positive encouragement. I  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Nice to get your message, thankyou

Nice to get your message, thankyou for your positive encouragement. I try not to deal with everything with anger but sometimes it's difficult when you don't feel like you've been being treated fairly. As for the wrinkles and the ageing well I better try and reverse it with some positive stuff.
I didn't quite understand your question but I live in Mullumbimby and my ex-wife lives in Byron Bay it's about 20 minutes drive but I would like to move back to Byron to be a bit closer to the kids or if the question was different my ex-wife has been living in Australia for 20 years actually more almost 30 she moved from Japan when she was 20 years old.
I've been surfing most days get up about 5:20 pick my son up at six and then Surf before work I start work at nine and he starts school at 8:45.
Monday nights I teach my students after work in a study group i've got two students doing an apprenticeship with me.
I'm in a little cottage on my mums property and my grandmother lives here too she is turning 90 this week where having a lunch for her on Wednesday for her birthday.
When people ask me why I Separated with my wife it's too difficult to answer I'm sure you feel the same. It's just like the milk went sour and curdled and I couldn't make it right again. But anyway no regrets because my children are amazing.
But basically I didn't feel that I was loved ,cherished ,respected,wanted or anything like that.
And I was feeling too angry all the time so I didn't want the kids to grow up with anger .
But I do believe that kids should grow up with positive role models loving parents loving but strict family and it is a shame that my kids have to go through this.
I'm not a usual Australian person I've travelled a lot I spent two years in India when I was a child I spent three years in Japan early twenties. My dad's family also travels a lot and and my mum loves to travel to.
So I've been exposed to cultures others than Australia.
I also have studied Islam quite a bit and I even converted to Islam a few years ago. I do appreciate many of the things that I've learnt from it in fact it just reinforced to things that I already thought of and believed in already. But I definitely don't take it strictly or fundamentally. If I Wanna have a drink I have a drink etc.
Because I think people take the Bible or the Koran way too literally and forget the meaning of what it's really trying to teach us.
next year I Want to travel to Bali and then go over to Indonesia and surf around Java do you know islands called Mentawis, I really like to Surf there.
I don't really know where you live but I'd like to have a look at it on the map.
Have you ever been overseas. Australia is a beautiful country not as interesting as Indonesia in some ways though.
It's quite multicultural and there's many Asian people live here particular in the cities almost half are from China, Vietnam or Hong Kong or other parts of Asia.
Where I live is a small country town with mostly tourism as its main income. So we get people from all over the world here.
It started as an industry town fishing etc and then the hippies and Surfies moved here and now tourism.
Anyway there's lots of farms here and many people live on properties. And surrounded by nature.
I don't know about you but I like simple country living and only visit cities occasionally I like to live a natural life.
And I like to enjoy simple things like the sunshine the garden and most of all the ocean and kids and family and of course it would be awesome to have love in my life. Or have another family oneday.
I like to have fun play joke not too serious and not too hard work. Actually I'm just like a kid myself I just Wanna wake up and go fishing and then go surfing have a rest and then go surfing again. Of course I mix my responsibilities up in there and spend most of my time on them.
When I was married I couldn't understand why my wife used to see the cup half empty And always so serious and turn things into something negative when I was feeling happy and positive and having fun.
Well it's getting late so I will stop talking into my iPhone. I'll speak to you soon take care. Jos
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Nice to get your message, thankyou for your positive encouragement. I try not to deal with everything with anger but sometimes it's difficult when you don't feel like you've been being treated fairly. As for the wrinkles and the ageing well I better try and reverse it with some positive stuff.I didn't quite understand your question but I live in Mullumbimby and my ex-wife lives in Byron Bay it's about 20 minutes drive but I would like to move back to Byron to be a bit closer to the kids or if the question was different my ex-wife has been living in Australia for 20 years actually more almost 30 she moved from Japan when she was 20 years old.I've been surfing most days get up about 5:20 pick my son up at six and then Surf before work I start work at nine and he starts school at 8:45.Monday nights I teach my students after work in a study group i've got two students doing an apprenticeship with me. I'm in a little cottage on my mums property and my grandmother lives here too she is turning 90 this week where having a lunch for her on Wednesday for her birthday.When people ask me why I Separated with my wife it's too difficult to answer I'm sure you feel the same. It's just like the milk went sour and curdled and I couldn't make it right again. But anyway no regrets because my children are amazing.But basically I didn't feel that I was loved ,cherished ,respected,wanted or anything like that.And I was feeling too angry all the time so I didn't want the kids to grow up with anger . But I do believe that kids should grow up with positive role models loving parents loving but strict family and it is a shame that my kids have to go through this.I'm not a usual Australian person I've travelled a lot I spent two years in India when I was a child I spent three years in Japan early twenties. My dad's family also travels a lot and and my mum loves to travel to.So I've been exposed to cultures others than Australia.I also have studied Islam quite a bit and I even converted to Islam a few years ago. I do appreciate many of the things that I've learnt from it in fact it just reinforced to things that I already thought of and believed in already. But I definitely don't take it strictly or fundamentally. If I Wanna have a drink I have a drink etc.Because I think people take the Bible or the Koran way too literally and forget the meaning of what it's really trying to teach us. next year I Want to travel to Bali and then go over to Indonesia and surf around Java do you know islands called Mentawis, I really like to Surf there.I don't really know where you live but I'd like to have a look at it on the map.Have you ever been overseas. Australia is a beautiful country not as interesting as Indonesia in some ways though.It's quite multicultural and there's many Asian people live here particular in the cities almost half are from China, Vietnam or Hong Kong or other parts of Asia.Where I live is a small country town with mostly tourism as its main income. So we get people from all over the world here.It started as an industry town fishing etc and then the hippies and Surfies moved here and now tourism.Anyway there's lots of farms here and many people live on properties. And surrounded by nature.I don't know about you but I like simple country living and only visit cities occasionally I like to live a natural life.And I like to enjoy simple things like the sunshine the garden and most of all the ocean and kids and family and of course it would be awesome to have love in my life. Or have another family oneday.I like to have fun play joke not too serious and not too hard work. Actually I'm just like a kid myself I just Wanna wake up and go fishing and then go surfing have a rest and then go surfing again. Of course I mix my responsibilities up in there and spend most of my time on them.When I was married I couldn't understand why my wife used to see the cup half empty And always so serious and turn things into something negative when I was feeling happy and positive and having fun.Well it's getting late so I will stop talking into my iPhone. I'll speak to you soon take care. Jos
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Bagus untuk mendapatkan pesan Anda, terima kasih atas dukungan positif Anda. Saya mencoba untuk tidak berurusan dengan segala sesuatu dengan kemarahan tapi kadang-kadang sulit ketika Anda tidak merasa seperti Anda telah diperlakukan secara adil. Adapun keriput dan penuaan baik saya lebih baik mencoba dan membalikkan dengan beberapa hal positif.
Saya tidak mengerti pertanyaan Anda, tetapi saya tinggal di Mullumbimby dan mantan istri saya tinggal di Byron Bay itu sekitar 20 menit berkendara tapi saya ingin untuk kembali ke Byron menjadi sedikit lebih dekat dengan anak-anak atau jika pertanyaan berbeda mantan istri saya telah tinggal di Australia selama 20 tahun sebenarnya lebih hampir 30 ia pindah dari Jepang ketika dia berusia 20 tahun.
Aku sudah berselancar hampir setiap hari mendapatkan naik sekitar 05:20 menjemput anak saya di enam dan kemudian Surf sebelum bekerja saya mulai bekerja di sembilan dan ia mulai sekolah pada 08:45.
Senin malam saya mengajar siswa saya setelah bekerja dalam kelompok studi saya punya dua siswa melakukan magang dengan saya.
Saya berada di sebuah pondok kecil di properti ibu saya dan nenek saya tinggal di sini juga ia berubah 90 minggu ini di mana makan siang untuknya pada hari Rabu untuk ulang tahunnya.
Ketika orang bertanya kenapa aku Terpisah dengan istri saya itu terlalu sulit untuk menjawab saya yakin Anda merasakan hal yang sama. Ini seperti susu pergi asam dan curdled dan saya tidak bisa membuat benar lagi. Tapi bagaimanapun tidak menyesal karena anak-anak saya yang luar biasa.
Tapi pada dasarnya saya tidak merasa bahwa saya dicintai, dihargai, dihormati, ingin atau sesuatu seperti itu.
Dan saya merasa terlalu marah sepanjang waktu jadi saya tidak ingin anak-anak tumbuh dengan marah.
Tapi aku percaya bahwa anak-anak harus tumbuh dengan model peran positif mencintai orang tua yang penuh kasih tapi keluarga yang ketat dan itu adalah rasa malu bahwa anak-anak saya harus melalui ini.
Aku bukan orang Australia yang biasa aku telah pergi banyak saya menghabiskan dua tahun di India ketika saya masih seorang anak saya menghabiskan tiga tahun di Jepang awal dua puluhan. Keluarga saya ayah juga perjalanan banyak dan dan ibuku suka bepergian ke.
Jadi saya sudah terkena budaya lain dari Australia.
Saya juga telah mempelajari Islam cukup sedikit dan saya bahkan masuk Islam beberapa tahun yang lalu. Saya menghargai banyak hal yang telah saya pelajari dari itu sebenarnya hanya diperkuat untuk hal-hal yang saya sudah memikirkan dan percaya sudah. Tapi aku pasti tidak mengambil secara ketat atau fundamental. Jika I Wanna minum saya minum dll
Karena saya pikir orang mengambil Alkitab atau Alquran terlalu harfiah dan melupakan makna dari apa yang benar-benar mencoba untuk mengajar kita.
tahun depan saya Ingin melakukan perjalanan ke Bali dan kemudian pergi ke Indonesia dan surfing di sekitar Jawa kau tahu pulau yang disebut Mentawis, saya benar-benar ingin Surf di sana.
Saya tidak benar-benar tahu di mana Anda tinggal, tapi aku ingin kita lihat pada peta.
Pernahkah Anda di luar negeri. Australia adalah negara yang indah tidak semenarik Indonesia dalam beberapa pemikiran.
Ini cukup multikultural dan ada banyak orang Asia tinggal di sini khususnya di kota-kota hampir setengah dari Cina, Vietnam atau Hong Kong atau bagian lain di Asia.
Di mana saya tinggal adalah kota negara kecil dengan sebagian besar pariwisata sebagai pendapatan utamanya. Jadi kita mendapatkan orang-orang dari seluruh dunia di sini.
Ini dimulai sebagai sebuah kota industri dll perikanan dan kemudian hippies dan surfies pindah ke sini dan sekarang pariwisata.
Pokoknya ada banyak peternakan di sini dan banyak orang tinggal di properti. Dan dikelilingi oleh alam.
Saya tidak tahu tentang Anda tapi aku suka sederhana negara yang hidup dan hanya kunjungan kota kadang-kadang saya ingin menjalani kehidupan alam.
Dan aku ingin menikmati hal-hal sederhana seperti sinar matahari taman dan sebagian besar dari semua lautan dan anak-anak dan keluarga dan tentu saja itu akan luar biasa untuk memiliki cinta dalam hidup saya. Atau memiliki oneday keluarga lain.
Saya ingin bersenang-senang bermain lelucon tidak terlalu serius dan tidak bekerja terlalu keras. Sebenarnya aku hanya seperti anak sendiri saya hanya Wanna bangun dan pergi memancing dan kemudian pergi berselancar beristirahat dan kemudian pergi berselancar lagi. Tentu saja aku mencampur tanggung jawab saya di sana dan menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu saya pada mereka.
Ketika saya menikah saya tidak bisa mengerti mengapa istri saya digunakan untuk melihat gelas setengah kosong dan selalu begitu serius dan membalikkan keadaan menjadi sesuatu yang negatif ketika saya masih perasaan senang dan positif dan bersenang-senang.
Yah sudah malam jadi aku akan berhenti bicara ke iPhone. Aku akan berbicara dengan Anda segera mengurus. Jos
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