Jake patiently described the various stages of the construction proces terjemahan - Jake patiently described the various stages of the construction proces Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Jake patiently described the variou

Jake patiently described the various stages of the construction process and again, I was impressed with his knowledge of every minute detail.
When Jake explained to the architect about the reason for the changes, I was concerned Will Garucci would get angry, but to my surprise, Will was on board. His compliance might have had something to do with the force of nature that was Jake Weston, but I saw signs of genuine enthusiasm as Will sketched out new ideas which did not require a total revamp of the project.
By the time we returned to the office, my head was spinning. I felt like someone had flipped me upside down and shook out all my expectations and preconceptions of Jake Weston and then stood me back right side up. I felt rattled and humbled.
The reality of being Jake’s assistant was definitely not what I first imagined. Nor did the billionaire resemble the caricature I had in my head.
Then all my feelings of revulsion returned with a vengeance when I watched him utterly crush Leon Richards and his son in our afternoon meeting.
DataPoynt was a cyber security company under a hostile takeover from a rival firm. The CEO, Leon Richards, was practically begging for Jake to step in to save the company, but my boss was unmoved.
Leon was a barrel-chested man in his fifties. Under normal circumstances he was a handsome man, but stress had taken a toll, making him look drawn and tired. His son, Dale, was only a few years older than I was, but he came across as confident and business savvy. Instinctually, I liked father and son on sight. They radiated honesty and old-fashioned values. They greeted me with utmost courtesy, unlike many of the CEOs who treated me like a piece of furniture.
Leon spent twenty minutes going over the circumstances of the takeover and the current financial state of the company. From his tone, I could tell Leon cared a great deal about the firm.
Jake interjected with a few questions, but he looked completely indifferent to the other company’s troubles.
Leon was sweating profusely. Deep lines etched the sides of his mouth and the corners of his eyes. “Weston, I understand this is not normally Weston Enterprise’s industry, but yours is the only company with enough assets to fight off the takeover. Larry Penn doesn’t want what’s best for Datapoynt. He’s just out to make a fast buck. He’s going to gut the company and sell it off. I founded Datapoynt and I don’t want the firm to fall into Penn’s hands. I’m asking for your help.”
My heart bled for him. Leon was risking his pride to do the right thing for his company.
Jake did not react to the impassioned plea.
“Datapoynt might be small compared to other firms, Mr. Weston, but we have one of the best reputations in the industry. We have made a steady profit every year,” Dale added. “We have a few projects in development which could increase our share of the market within three years. My dad is an amazing CEO and he’ll continue to make the company grow. Your management team would not need to get involved.”
I smiled at Dale, moved by his show of support for his dad. I swung my gaze to Jake. He was staring at my lips and his expression was downright icy. I shivered, wondering what brought on his sudden moodiness.
“I’m sorry, Richards, but business is business. I don’t have any interest in paying an inflated price for stocks in a company that won’t really add to Weston’s overall portfolio. You’ll have to find somebody else to be your white knight.”
“There’s nobody else.” The older man looked gutted. “There are hundreds of jobs at stake,” Leon made a last appeal.
“Frankly, that’s not my problem.”
The heartlessness of the statement made me flinch. Jake’s coldness was unnerving. I had a hard time reconciling this man with the one who spoke so warmly to his mom just this morning and who teased me during lunch.
Jake unfolded his tall frame and stood.
Following his cue, the Richardses did as well. The elder’s face was gray with defeat. “Thank you for your time.” He shook hands with Jake, and gave me a curt nod.
Dale Richards reluctantly offered his hand to Jake. His face was flushed with anger. When he turned to me, he forced a smile and said, “It was a pleasure meeting you, Cora.”
My smile was sickly. I felt a surge of pity for him and squeezed his hand in sympathy. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out. I hope things turn around.”
Dale’s lips twisted wryly and father and son left the conference room. Dale’s hand was on his father’s shoulder in silent support.
I gazed longingly at their backs, envying their strong familial bond. In spite of their financial woes, I knew father and son would be there for each other.
After they walked out of sight, I busied myself logging off the tablet I used for taking notes. The meeting left a sour taste in my mouth.
Jake must have seen some of the distaste on my face because he asked, “Something on your mind, Cora?”
I thought about holding my tongue, but I couldn’t contain myself.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Jake patiently described the various stages of the construction process and again, I was impressed with his knowledge of every minute detail.When Jake explained to the architect about the reason for the changes, I was concerned Will Garucci would get angry, but to my surprise, Will was on board. His compliance might have had something to do with the force of nature that was Jake Weston, but I saw signs of genuine enthusiasm as Will sketched out new ideas which did not require a total revamp of the project.By the time we returned to the office, my head was spinning. I felt like someone had flipped me upside down and shook out all my expectations and preconceptions of Jake Weston and then stood me back right side up. I felt rattled and humbled.The reality of being Jake’s assistant was definitely not what I first imagined. Nor did the billionaire resemble the caricature I had in my head.Then all my feelings of revulsion returned with a vengeance when I watched him utterly crush Leon Richards and his son in our afternoon meeting.DataPoynt was a cyber security company under a hostile takeover from a rival firm. The CEO, Leon Richards, was practically begging for Jake to step in to save the company, but my boss was unmoved.Leon was a barrel-chested man in his fifties. Under normal circumstances he was a handsome man, but stress had taken a toll, making him look drawn and tired. His son, Dale, was only a few years older than I was, but he came across as confident and business savvy. Instinctually, I liked father and son on sight. They radiated honesty and old-fashioned values. They greeted me with utmost courtesy, unlike many of the CEOs who treated me like a piece of furniture.Leon spent twenty minutes going over the circumstances of the takeover and the current financial state of the company. From his tone, I could tell Leon cared a great deal about the firm.Jake interjected with a few questions, but he looked completely indifferent to the other company’s troubles.Leon was sweating profusely. Deep lines etched the sides of his mouth and the corners of his eyes. “Weston, I understand this is not normally Weston Enterprise’s industry, but yours is the only company with enough assets to fight off the takeover. Larry Penn doesn’t want what’s best for Datapoynt. He’s just out to make a fast buck. He’s going to gut the company and sell it off. I founded Datapoynt and I don’t want the firm to fall into Penn’s hands. I’m asking for your help.”My heart bled for him. Leon was risking his pride to do the right thing for his company.Jake did not react to the impassioned plea.“Datapoynt might be small compared to other firms, Mr. Weston, but we have one of the best reputations in the industry. We have made a steady profit every year,” Dale added. “We have a few projects in development which could increase our share of the market within three years. My dad is an amazing CEO and he’ll continue to make the company grow. Your management team would not need to get involved.”I smiled at Dale, moved by his show of support for his dad. I swung my gaze to Jake. He was staring at my lips and his expression was downright icy. I shivered, wondering what brought on his sudden moodiness.
“I’m sorry, Richards, but business is business. I don’t have any interest in paying an inflated price for stocks in a company that won’t really add to Weston’s overall portfolio. You’ll have to find somebody else to be your white knight.”
“There’s nobody else.” The older man looked gutted. “There are hundreds of jobs at stake,” Leon made a last appeal.
“Frankly, that’s not my problem.”
The heartlessness of the statement made me flinch. Jake’s coldness was unnerving. I had a hard time reconciling this man with the one who spoke so warmly to his mom just this morning and who teased me during lunch.
Jake unfolded his tall frame and stood.
Following his cue, the Richardses did as well. The elder’s face was gray with defeat. “Thank you for your time.” He shook hands with Jake, and gave me a curt nod.
Dale Richards reluctantly offered his hand to Jake. His face was flushed with anger. When he turned to me, he forced a smile and said, “It was a pleasure meeting you, Cora.”
My smile was sickly. I felt a surge of pity for him and squeezed his hand in sympathy. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out. I hope things turn around.”
Dale’s lips twisted wryly and father and son left the conference room. Dale’s hand was on his father’s shoulder in silent support.
I gazed longingly at their backs, envying their strong familial bond. In spite of their financial woes, I knew father and son would be there for each other.
After they walked out of sight, I busied myself logging off the tablet I used for taking notes. The meeting left a sour taste in my mouth.
Jake must have seen some of the distaste on my face because he asked, “Something on your mind, Cora?”
I thought about holding my tongue, but I couldn’t contain myself.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jake sabar menggambarkan berbagai tahapan dari proses konstruksi dan lagi, saya terkesan dengan pengetahuan tentang setiap detail menit.
Ketika Jake menjelaskan kepada arsitek tentang alasan untuk perubahan, saya sangat prihatin Will Garucci akan marah, tapi saya terkejut , Will berada di papan. Kepatuhan nya mungkin punya sesuatu untuk dilakukan dengan kekuatan alam yang Jake Weston, tapi aku melihat tanda-tanda antusiasme asli seperti Will sketsa ide-ide baru yang tidak memerlukan merubah total proyek.
Pada saat kami kembali ke kantor , kepala saya berputar. Saya merasa seperti seseorang telah membalik saya terbalik dan menggelengkan semua harapan saya dan prasangka dari Jake Weston dan kemudian berdiri saya kembali sisi kanan atas. Aku merasa bingung dan merendahkan.
Realitas menjadi asisten Jake pasti tidak apa pertama yang saya bayangkan. Juga tidak miliarder menyerupai karikatur aku di kepala saya.
Lalu semua perasaan saya jijik kembali dengan sepenuh hati ketika aku melihat dia benar-benar menghancurkan Leon Richards dan anaknya dalam pertemuan sore kami.
DataPoynt adalah sebuah perusahaan keamanan cyber di bawah pengambilalihan bermusuhan dari firma pesaing. CEO, Leon Richards, praktis memohon Jake langkah untuk menyelamatkan perusahaan, tapi bos saya tidak tergerak.
Leon adalah seorang pria berdada lima puluhan. Dalam keadaan normal dia adalah pria yang tampan, tetapi stres telah mengambil tol, membuatnya tampak ditarik dan lelah. Putranya, Dale, hanya beberapa tahun lebih tua dari aku, tapi dia datang sebagai percaya diri dan bisnis yang cerdas. Naluriah, aku suka ayah dan anak pada pandangan. Mereka memancarkan kejujuran dan nilai-nilai kuno. Mereka menyambut saya dengan sangat sopan, tidak seperti banyak CEO yang memperlakukan saya seperti sepotong mebel.
Leon menghabiskan dua puluh menit akan lebih keadaan pengambilalihan dan keadaan keuangan perusahaan pada saat ini. Dari nadanya, aku tahu Leon peduli banyak tentang perusahaan.
Jake sela dengan beberapa pertanyaan, tapi dia tampak benar-benar acuh tak acuh terhadap masalah perusahaan lain.
Leon berkeringat deras. Dalam garis terukir sisi mulutnya dan sudut-sudut matanya. "Weston, saya mengerti ini tidak biasanya industri Weston Enterprise, tetapi Anda adalah satu-satunya perusahaan dengan aset yang cukup untuk melawan pengambilalihan. Larry Penn tidak menginginkan yang terbaik untuk Datapoynt. Dia hanya keluar untuk membuat uang cepat. Dia akan gut perusahaan dan menjualnya off. Saya mendirikan Datapoynt dan saya tidak ingin perusahaan jatuh ke tangan Penn. Saya meminta bantuan Anda. "
Hatiku berdarah baginya. Leon mempertaruhkan harga dirinya untuk melakukan hal yang benar bagi perusahaannya.
Jake tidak bereaksi terhadap permohonan berapi-api.
"Datapoynt mungkin kecil dibandingkan dengan perusahaan lain, Mr. Weston, tapi kami memiliki salah satu reputasi terbaik di industri. Kami telah membuat keuntungan yang stabil setiap tahun, "tambah Dale. "Kami memiliki beberapa proyek dalam pengembangan yang dapat meningkatkan pangsa kami pasar dalam waktu tiga tahun. Ayah saya adalah CEO menakjubkan dan dia akan terus membuat perusahaan tumbuh. Tim manajemen Anda tidak perlu terlibat. "
Aku tersenyum Dale, digerakkan oleh acaranya dukungan untuk ayahnya. Aku mengayunkan pandanganku ke Jake. Dia menatap bibirku dan ekspresinya adalah benar-benar dingin. Aku menggigil, bertanya-tanya apa yang dibawa kemurungan mendadak.
"Maafkan aku, Richards, tapi bisnis adalah bisnis. Saya tidak memiliki kepentingan dalam membayar harga yang melambung untuk saham di sebuah perusahaan yang tidak akan benar-benar menambah portofolio keseluruhan Weston. Anda harus menemukan orang lain untuk menjadi ksatria putih Anda. "
" Tidak ada orang lain. "Pria yang lebih tua tampak patah hati. "Ada ratusan pekerjaan dipertaruhkan," Leon membuat seruan terakhir.
"Terus terang, itu bukan masalah saya."
The heartlessness pernyataan yang membuat saya gentar. Dingin Jake adalah mengerikan. Saya memiliki waktu yang sulit mendamaikan orang ini dengan orang yang berbicara begitu hangat untuk ibunya hanya pagi ini dan yang menggoda saya saat makan siang.
Jake membuka tubuhnya yang tinggi dan berdiri.
Setelah isyarat, yang Richardses juga melakukannya. Wajah tua itu abu-abu dengan kekalahan. "Terima kasih untuk waktu Anda." Dia berjabat tangan dengan Jake, dan memberi saya mengangguk singkat.
Dale Richards enggan menawarkan tangannya untuk Jake. Wajahnya memerah karena marah. Ketika ia berpaling kepada saya, dia memaksa tersenyum dan berkata, "Ini adalah kenikmatan bertemu dengan Anda, Cora."
Senyum saya sakit-sakitan. Aku merasakan gelombang kasihan dia dan meremas tangannya di simpati. "Saya minta maaf itu tidak berhasil. Saya berharap hal berbalik. "
Bibir Dale memutar kecut dan ayah dan anak meninggalkan ruang rapat. Tangan dale adalah di bahu ayahnya di dukungan diam-diam.
Aku menatap penuh kerinduan pada punggung mereka, iri ikatan kekeluargaan yang kuat. Meskipun krisis keuangan mereka, saya tahu ayah dan anak akan berada di sana untuk satu sama lain.
Setelah mereka keluar dari pandangan, saya menyibukkan diri log off tablet saya digunakan untuk mengambil catatan. Pertemuan meninggalkan rasa asam di mulut saya.
Jake harus telah melihat beberapa ketidaksukaan pada wajah saya karena dia bertanya, "Sesuatu di pikiran Anda, Cora?"
Aku berpikir tentang memegang lidah saya, tapi saya tidak bisa menahan diri.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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