Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
This place hasn't changed a bit since SH2. As soon as you enter, you'll beattacked by 2 zombie nurses. Enter the door opposite of the entrance. Hereyou'll find a save-point, as well as the MAP and 2 HEALTH DRINKS. Exit andgo to the doctors lounge. Check the fridge for another HEALTH DRINK. Pick up2 sets of HANDGUN BULLETS. Read the notes on the table. They're about thisLeonard guy and some dude named Stanley Coleman. They're staying inrespectively room S12 and S07. Exit, and head to the visiting room. Hereyou'll find a part of Stanley Coleman's dairy. He addresses himself toHeather, says he loves her, and wants to give her this doll. Heather won'ttouch the doll, so ignore it and exit. Head to the elevator and take it up tothe second floor. Find another letter from Coleman. Enter the women's lockerroom. Get the SHOTGUN SHELLS, PARFUME and NAIL POLISH REMOVER. Exit, and headto the door to the patient wing. It's locked with a combination lock. Thehints for this puzzles are posted on a nearby board. Check the puzzles sectionof this FAQ for the solution.Enter the door to the patient wing. Watch out for the nurses, one even has agun. Enter the examination room 3. There's a guy here under a sheet. Readthe article on him to find out no one knows his name, but his stuff is in M4.Check out the guy's arm. He's got a tattoo reading "the start time is my key".Exit. Enter M4. As you walk to the beds an alarm bell starts ringing. Checkkeluar, berhenti suara mengganggu jika Anda inginkan. Mencatat waktu, dalam permainan sayaitu 4,32, tapi saya pikir itu acak. Kemudian check out kasus melekat berbaringdi tempat tidur. Memiliki nomor kunci, empat digit. Masukkan waktu Anda hanya mencatatdi sini (dalam kasus saya, saya masuk 0432). Mendapatkan kamera instan. Keluar iniKamar. Di M5 adalah beberapa perawat, tidak ada yang istimewa, sehingga Anda mungkin juga mengabaikanitu dan kembali ke lantai pertama.
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