ALGRENFIRE!The volley TEARS into the Samurai, knocking down men andhor terjemahan - ALGRENFIRE!The volley TEARS into the Samurai, knocking down men andhor Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

ALGRENFIRE!The volley TEARS into th

The volley TEARS into the Samurai, knocking down men and
horses -- but still they come, undaunted.
The Japanese troops try to reload their single shot
rifles -- but many fumble at the task, panic and run.
Too late -- the Samurai are on them --
They attack with an intensity few have ever seen -- many
of the Japanese soldiers try to escape, turning and
running in blind panic -- they are butchered -- run
through by the ashigaru, run through by the naginata.
Those soldiers who try to reload are mowed down by clouds
of samurai arrows. A samurai in YELLOW ARMOR gallops
past, firing steadily from horseback. His name is
NOBUTADA and his control and speed are astounding.
Gant uses his Winchester with deadly accuracy. Algren
uses his REVOLVER -- FIRING as he turns on his horse --
when the revolver is empty he pulls his cavalry saber.
He parries the lethal blows as the Samurai hurtle past --
And then the Samurai attack from behind! Soldiers flee.
Algren calls out orders but all discipline is gone -- it
is every man for himself.
Suddenly, a Samurai, wearing BLACK ARMOR, slams into
Algren's horse, sending both horse and rider to the
38 CONTINUED: (4) 38
Algren scrambles to his feet, his saber nowhere to be
found as another rider heads toward him carrying a lance.
Algren wrestles the lance from his grip, throws the rider
to the ground, and runs him through. Gant SHOOTS another
who is about to spear Algren.
In the midst of battle one samurai, wearing a BLACK FACEPIECE,
is just sitting on his horse. He watches Algren
Algren now wields the lance to battle the horsemen as
they sweep past. He spears one and then unseats another.
When a third samurai cuts his lance in half, Algren uses
the remaining half as a club to take him down.
Gant, meanwhile, is slashed by the horseman in BLOOD RED
ARMOR. Algren sees his friend, dazed and helpless on the
ground, and tries desperately to fight his way to the
rescue. But it's too late. The Samurai dismounts,
raises his sword, and impales Gant on the ground.
Algren is attacked from behind. He whirls, just in time
to parry the blow. The Masked Samurai continues to watch
him. Algren fights with heroic passion, refusing to give
an inch, long after those around him have fled.
It has become a rout. Those who flee are run down like
Left alone, Algren finds himself confronted by
ashigaru!-- samurai foot soldiers carrying pikes. He
turns to discover his retreat cut off by other samuraiwielding
katana -- the lethal long sword.
But rather than seek any quarter, Algren launches an
attack. He kills one samurai before he is STABBED in
the shoulder, by a lance.
In agony, Algren fights on. He parries a blow -- which
grazes his scalp. Blood flows down his face.
Algren is surrounded by samurai. A man's heroic stand
against certain death is of great interest to them. As
they begin to close in, Algren whirls the lance, a
tattered battle-flag with TIGER INSIGNIA still dangling
from the end.
The MASKED SAMURAI removes his mask. It is the JAPANESE
MAN (MORI KATSUMOTO) whose dream of the tiger we glimpsed
at the beginning of the story. His eyes widen in
surprise, he watches his dream come to life -- the white
tiger holding the men at bay.
38 CONTINUED: (5) 38
In SLOW MOTION Algren whirls the lance, as the samurai in
the blood-red armor, advances. With a murderous smile,
the man draws his katana.
Algren seems spent -- he drops to one knee, swaying, on
the brink of losing consciousness. But as the RED
SAMURAI lets out a battle cry and propels himself forward
for the death blow -- Algren suddenly LEAPS UP and
propels the jagged wooden end of the broken lance into
the unprotected throat of his attacker.
As the samurai falls, the rest of his comrades close in
to cut Algren off.
A harsh COMMAND stops them in their tracks. The Masked
Samurai leaps from his horse. Everyone steps aside
deferentially as he looks down at Algren.
Sensing that he is about to die, Algren gets to his
knees, and tries to swing his saber, but like lightning,
Katsumoto draws his sword and cuts it in two.
Katsumoto looks down at Algren, who now awaits certain
death. Instead, Katsumoto barks an order. Rough hands
lift Algren to his feet.
As Algren is being led away, he sees samurai calmly
walking among the wounded, killing them with a single
And then he sees General Hasegawa standing alone, his
sword sheathed, his head lowered. He is unhurt.
Katsumoto walks over to Hasegawa. A few words are
exchanged. Katsumoto bows his head in respect, seems to
agree to something.
General Hasegawa kneels and pulls out a small blade.
Quietly and with great ceremony, he opens his uniform,
then wraps a clean handkerchief around the blade so he
can grasp it, backwards, facing his belly.
Closing his eyes, General Hasegaw
Dari: Inggris
Ke: Bahasa Indonesia
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
ALGRENFIRE!The volley TEARS into the Samurai, knocking down men andhorses -- but still they come, undaunted.ALGRENRELOAD AND FIRE AT WILL!The Japanese troops try to reload their single shotrifles -- but many fumble at the task, panic and run.Chaos.ALGRENHOLD THE LINE, DAMN IT!Too late -- the Samurai are on them --They attack with an intensity few have ever seen -- manyof the Japanese soldiers try to escape, turning andrunning in blind panic -- they are butchered -- runthrough by the ashigaru, run through by the naginata.Those soldiers who try to reload are mowed down by cloudsof samurai arrows. A samurai in YELLOW ARMOR gallopspast, firing steadily from horseback. His name isNOBUTADA and his control and speed are astounding.Gant uses his Winchester with deadly accuracy. Algrenuses his REVOLVER -- FIRING as he turns on his horse --when the revolver is empty he pulls his cavalry saber.He parries the lethal blows as the Samurai hurtle past --And then the Samurai attack from behind! Soldiers flee.Algren calls out orders but all discipline is gone -- itis every man for himself.Suddenly, a Samurai, wearing BLACK ARMOR, slams intoAlgren's horse, sending both horse and rider to theground.(CONTINUED)35.38 CONTINUED: (4) 38Algren scrambles to his feet, his saber nowhere to befound as another rider heads toward him carrying a lance.Algren wrestles the lance from his grip, throws the riderto the ground, and runs him through. Gant SHOOTS anotherwho is about to spear Algren.In the midst of battle one samurai, wearing a BLACK FACEPIECE,is just sitting on his horse. He watches Algrenfight.Algren now wields the lance to battle the horsemen asthey sweep past. He spears one and then unseats another.When a third samurai cuts his lance in half, Algren usesthe remaining half as a club to take him down.Gant, meanwhile, is slashed by the horseman in BLOOD REDARMOR. Algren sees his friend, dazed and helpless on theground, and tries desperately to fight his way to therescue. But it's too late. The Samurai dismounts,raises his sword, and impales Gant on the ground.Algren is attacked from behind. He whirls, just in timeto parry the blow. The Masked Samurai continues to watchhim. Algren fights with heroic passion, refusing to givean inch, long after those around him have fled.It has become a rout. Those who flee are run down likeprey.Left alone, Algren finds himself confronted byashigaru!-- samurai foot soldiers carrying pikes. Heturns to discover his retreat cut off by other samuraiwieldingkatana -- the lethal long sword.But rather than seek any quarter, Algren launches anattack. He kills one samurai before he is STABBED inthe shoulder, by a lance.In agony, Algren fights on. He parries a blow -- whichgrazes his scalp. Blood flows down his face.Algren is surrounded by samurai. A man's heroic standagainst certain death is of great interest to them. As
they begin to close in, Algren whirls the lance, a
tattered battle-flag with TIGER INSIGNIA still dangling
from the end.
The MASKED SAMURAI removes his mask. It is the JAPANESE
MAN (MORI KATSUMOTO) whose dream of the tiger we glimpsed
at the beginning of the story. His eyes widen in
surprise, he watches his dream come to life -- the white
tiger holding the men at bay.
38 CONTINUED: (5) 38
In SLOW MOTION Algren whirls the lance, as the samurai in
the blood-red armor, advances. With a murderous smile,
the man draws his katana.
Algren seems spent -- he drops to one knee, swaying, on
the brink of losing consciousness. But as the RED
SAMURAI lets out a battle cry and propels himself forward
for the death blow -- Algren suddenly LEAPS UP and
propels the jagged wooden end of the broken lance into
the unprotected throat of his attacker.
As the samurai falls, the rest of his comrades close in
to cut Algren off.
A harsh COMMAND stops them in their tracks. The Masked
Samurai leaps from his horse. Everyone steps aside
deferentially as he looks down at Algren.
Sensing that he is about to die, Algren gets to his
knees, and tries to swing his saber, but like lightning,
Katsumoto draws his sword and cuts it in two.
Katsumoto looks down at Algren, who now awaits certain
death. Instead, Katsumoto barks an order. Rough hands
lift Algren to his feet.
As Algren is being led away, he sees samurai calmly
walking among the wounded, killing them with a single
And then he sees General Hasegawa standing alone, his
sword sheathed, his head lowered. He is unhurt.
Katsumoto walks over to Hasegawa. A few words are
exchanged. Katsumoto bows his head in respect, seems to
agree to something.
General Hasegawa kneels and pulls out a small blade.
Quietly and with great ceremony, he opens his uniform,
then wraps a clean handkerchief around the blade so he
can grasp it, backwards, facing his belly.
Closing his eyes, General Hasegaw
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
The voli AIR MATA ke Samurai, merobohkan pria dan
kuda - tapi masih mereka datang, gentar.
Pasukan Jepang mencoba untuk reload tembakan mereka
senapan - tetapi banyak meleset pada tugas, . panik dan lari
. Chaos
terlambat - Samurai yang mereka -
mereka menyerang dengan intensitas beberapa yang pernah saya lihat - banyak
dari tentara Jepang mencoba untuk melarikan diri, berbalik dan
berjalan di buta panik - mereka dibantai - dijalankan
melalui oleh ashigaru, jalankan melalui dengan naginata tersebut.
tentara-tentara yang mencoba untuk reload yang dipangkas oleh awan
anak panah samurai. Seorang samurai di ARMOR KUNING gallop
terakhir, menembak terus dari kuda. Namanya
Nobutada dan kontrol dan kecepatan yang mencengangkan.
Gant menggunakan Winchester dengan akurasi mematikan. Algren
menggunakan REVOLVER nya - menembak saat ia berbalik di atas kudanya -
ketika revolver kosong ia menarik pedang kavaleri.
Dia parries pukulan mematikan sebagai Samurai meluncur cepat masa lalu -
Dan kemudian serangan Samurai dari belakang! Tentara melarikan diri.
Algren memanggil perintah tapi semua disiplin hilang - itu
adalah setiap orang untuk dirinya sendiri.
Tiba-tiba, sebuah Samurai, mengenakan ARMOR HITAM, membanting ke
kuda Algren, pengiriman kedua kuda dan penunggangnya ke
38 LANJUTAN: (4) 38
Algren mengacak berdiri, saber nya tak bisa
ditemukan sebagai kepala pengendara lain ke arahnya membawa tombak.
Algren bergulat tombak dari genggamannya, melempar pengendara
ke tanah, dan berjalan dia melalui. Gant MENEMBAK lain
yang akan menombak Algren.
Di tengah-tengah pertempuran satu samurai, mengenakan penutup wajah HITAM,
hanya duduk di atas kudanya. Ia menonton Algren
Algren sekarang memegang tombak untuk melawan penunggang kuda sebagai
mereka menyapu masa lalu. Dia tombak satu dan kemudian unseats lain.
Ketika samurai ketiga memotong tombaknya di setengah, Algren menggunakan
setengah tersisa sebagai klub untuk membawanya ke bawah.
Gant, sementara itu, memangkas oleh penunggang kuda di BLOOD RED
ARMOR. Algren melihat temannya, bingung dan tak berdaya di
tanah, dan mencoba mati-matian berjuang jalan ke
penyelamatan. Tapi sudah terlambat. Samurai dismounts,
mengangkat pedangnya, dan impales Gant di tanah.
Algren diserang dari belakang. Dia berpusar, tepat pada waktunya
untuk menangkis pukulan itu. Masked Samurai terus menonton
dia. Algren perkelahian dengan semangat heroik, menolak untuk memberikan
satu inci, lama setelah orang di sekitarnya telah melarikan diri.
Hal ini telah menjadi sebuah kemenangan. Mereka yang melarikan diri lari ke bawah seperti
. Mangsa
Dibiarkan saja, Algren menemukan dirinya berhadapan dengan
ashigaru - tentara samurai kaki membawa tombak. Dia
ternyata menemukan retret dipotong oleh samuraiwielding lainnya
katana -. Pedang panjang mematikan
Namun, bukannya mencari setiap kuartal, Algren meluncurkan
serangan. Dia membunuh satu samurai sebelum ia ditikam di
bahu, dengan tombak.
Dalam kesakitan, Algren perkelahian di. Dia parries pukulan - yang
merumput kulit kepalanya. Darah mengalir di wajahnya.
Algren dikelilingi oleh samurai. Berdiri heroik seorang pria
terhadap kematian adalah menarik bagi mereka. Seperti
mereka mulai menutup di, Algren berpusar tombak, sebuah
compang-camping pertempuran-bendera dengan TIGER INSIGNIA masih menggantung
dari akhir.
The MASKED SAMURAI menghapus topengnya. Ini adalah JAPANESE
MAN (MORI Katsumoto) yang mimpi harimau kita melihat sekilas
di awal cerita. Matanya melebar
terkejut, ia menonton mimpinya datang untuk hidup - putih
harimau memegang pria di teluk.
38 LANJUTAN: (5) 38
Dalam MOTION SLOW Algren berpusar tombak, sebagai samurai di
darah armor -merah, uang muka. Dengan senyum pembunuh,
orang itu menarik katana nya.
Algren tampaknya menghabiskan - dia menjatuhkan satu lutut, bergoyang, di
ambang kehilangan kesadaran. Tapi seperti RED
SAMURAI memungkinkan keluar teriakan perang dan mendorong dirinya maju
untuk pukulan kematian - Algren tiba-tiba melompat UP dan
mendorong akhir kayu bergerigi tombak yang rusak ke
tenggorokan terlindungi dari penyerangnya.
Sebagai samurai jatuh, sisa rekan-rekannya menutup di
memotong Algren off.
Sebuah COMMAND keras berhenti mereka di trek. Masked
Samurai melompat dari kudanya. Semua orang menepi
hormat saat ia melihat ke bawah di Algren.
Sensing bahwa ia akan mati, Algren sampai ke nya
lutut, dan mencoba untuk mengayunkan pedang, tapi seperti kilat,
Katsumoto menarik pedangnya dan memotong menjadi dua.
Katsumoto melihat ke bawah Algren, yang kini menanti tertentu
kematian. Sebaliknya, Katsumoto menyalak perintah. Tangan kasar
mengangkat Algren berdiri.
Sebagai Algren sedang dibawa pergi, ia melihat samurai dengan tenang
berjalan di antara yang terluka, membunuh mereka dengan single
Dan kemudian ia melihat Umum Hasegawa berdiri sendiri, itu
pedang berselubung, kepalanya menunduk. Dia terluka.
Katsumoto berjalan ke Hasegawa. Beberapa kata-kata yang
dipertukarkan. Katsumoto menundukkan kepalanya dalam hal, tampaknya
menyetujui sesuatu.
General Hasegawa berlutut dan mengeluarkan pisau kecil.
Diam-diam dan dengan upacara besar, ia membuka seragamnya,
kemudian membungkus saputangan bersih di sekitar pisau sehingga ia
bisa memahami itu, mundur, menghadapi perutnya.
Menutup matanya, General Hasegaw
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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