The maple­wood is drunk re­treats, while vi­sion looks below the dike, terjemahan - The maple­wood is drunk re­treats, while vi­sion looks below the dike, Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The maple­wood is drunk re­treats,

The maple­wood is drunk re­treats, while vi­sion looks below the dike, gets angry: „Why haven't they come? Vil­lain who these are per­fid­i­ous, they be­trayed us, same be­trays to set­tle the pupil to de­velop black ink!”
An elder level player shakes the head say­ing: „They should not be able.”
„Snort!” In the eye that the maple­wood is drunk full is the spunk.
The sword blade edge sweeps away, how many hot ele­phants rides to cut to kill under horse, I was away from fin­ished the Cooldown also 2 hours, our melt god cav­alry was start­ing to kill these hot lion armed forces, what mis­take prop­erly speak­ing should be in­suf­fi­cient to have again?
May at this mo­ment, body rear Yue Qing Qian say sud­denly loudly: „Ram­ble elder brother comes back quickly, what do you look there are?”
I fly back hur­riedly, fol­low­ing the di­rec­tion of Yue Qing Qian, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that we are after death about 100 me­ters away above the great crag to have the pale blue ray to­gether to linger in same place, a faint trace gloss is partly vis­i­ble, ob­vi­ously is to­gether the magic en­ergy!
„What is that?” The Dong Cheng month also in con­ster­na­tion said.
Lin Wan Er grasped is moist­en­ing com­pletely the dag­ger of blood, sud­denly the ten­der body trem­bled, the cloak swung slightly, said: „Is the Vare­lia quartz trans­mis­sion quartz in fable”
„Trans­mis­sion quartz!?” I am dumb­founded: „What thing is that?”
Yue Qing Qian said: „I have also heard, Vare­lia quartz is the quartz that in an iron skull west wilder­ness a Vare­lia sav­age can blow out, can the ran­dom Co­or­di­nate trans­mis­sion on the big map, but knock rat­ing in­suf­fi­cient ex­tremely one, spe­cially is also ex­pen­sive in the sell­ing price of iron skull city, who will waste this type of sky-high price quartz?”
„Did clear pupil de­velop the rib­bon per­son to come?” Li Muwo the long sword, has been rush­ing ahead with Wang Jian Yiqi, the hand medium bak­ing tem­per­a­ture burns the sword to raise, shouted to clear the way in a low voice: „No mat­ter any per­son, fights the at­tack­ing mode with coun­try, passes on one dead!”
May at this mo­ment, around that bunch of blue rays pre­sent the trans­mis­sion ef­fect of bunch of Vare­lia quartzes, reaches sev­eral hun­dred, is not right, at least over a thou­sand!
„Li Mu, Wang Jian, come back!” My hur­ried loud road.
Was what a pity late, these two peo­ple lead about hun­dred melt god cav­al­ries speed­ily to over­run, but the first bunch of crys­tal trans­mis­sion ef­fects have reached the peak value, „brush­ing” a ray glit­ters, wore the sil­ver to fight the beau­ti­ful woman knight of armor to trans­mit mud­dily, a golden long hair, in the hand a han­dle just liked the long sword of rugged war bone, the cor­ners of the mouth were hav­ing a happy ex­pres­sion, said: „We came prob­a­bly some­what lately!”
It is not oth­ers, iron skull city and US war zone ABN fights the net first per­son of sky rose!
The sky rose al­ready in­sti­gated the warhorse to clash in­stan­ta­neously, drinks one to sum­mon a scald­ing hot flame shield Holy Ghost sec­ond-or­der de­fense skill ten­derly, wel­comed Li Mu anger to touch Zhoushan not to raise five-star mag­i­cal in­stru­ment in hand „keel sword”, the blade edge of lava, the Holy Ghost first-or­der group killed the skill!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The maple­wood is drunk re­treats, while vi­sion looks below the dike, gets angry: „Why haven't they come? Vil­lain who these are per­fid­i­ous, they be­trayed us, same be­trays to set­tle the pupil to de­velop black ink!”An elder level player shakes the head say­ing: „They should not be able.”„Snort!” In the eye that the maple­wood is drunk full is the spunk.„Ka!”The sword blade edge sweeps away, how many hot ele­phants rides to cut to kill under horse, I was away from fin­ished the Cooldown also 2 hours, our melt god cav­alry was start­ing to kill these hot lion armed forces, what mis­take prop­erly speak­ing should be in­suf­fi­cient to have again?May at this mo­ment, body rear Yue Qing Qian say sud­denly loudly: „Ram­ble elder brother comes back quickly, what do you look there are?”I fly back hur­riedly, fol­low­ing the di­rec­tion of Yue Qing Qian, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that we are after death about 100 me­ters away above the great crag to have the pale blue ray to­gether to linger in same place, a faint trace gloss is partly vis­i­ble, ob­vi­ously is to­gether the magic en­ergy!„What is that?” The Dong Cheng month also in con­ster­na­tion said.Lin Wan Er grasped is moist­en­ing com­pletely the dag­ger of blood, sud­denly the ten­der body trem­bled, the cloak swung slightly, said: „Is the Vare­lia quartz trans­mis­sion quartz in fable”„Trans­mis­sion quartz!?” I am dumb­founded: „What thing is that?”Yue Qing Qian said: „I have also heard, Vare­lia quartz is the quartz that in an iron skull west wilder­ness a Vare­lia sav­age can blow out, can the ran­dom Co­or­di­nate trans­mis­sion on the big map, but knock rat­ing in­suf­fi­cient ex­tremely one, spe­cially is also ex­pen­sive in the sell­ing price of iron skull city, who will waste this type of sky-high price quartz?”„Did clear pupil de­velop the rib­bon per­son to come?” Li Muwo the long sword, has been rush­ing ahead with Wang Jian Yiqi, the hand medium bak­ing tem­per­a­ture burns the sword to raise, shouted to clear the way in a low voice: „No mat­ter any per­son, fights the at­tack­ing mode with coun­try, passes on one dead!”May at this mo­ment, around that bunch of blue rays pre­sent the trans­mis­sion ef­fect of bunch of Vare­lia quartzes, reaches sev­eral hun­dred, is not right, at least over a thou­sand!„Li Mu, Wang Jian, come back!” My hur­ried loud road.Was what a pity late, these two peo­ple lead about hun­dred melt god cav­al­ries speed­ily to over­run, but the first bunch of crys­tal trans­mis­sion ef­fects have reached the peak value, „brush­ing” a ray glit­ters, wore the sil­ver to fight the beau­ti­ful woman knight of armor to trans­mit mud­dily, a golden long hair, in the hand a han­dle just liked the long sword of rugged war bone, the cor­ners of the mouth were hav­ing a happy ex­pres­sion, said: „We came prob­a­bly some­what lately!”It is not oth­ers, iron skull city and US war zone ABN fights the net first per­son of sky rose!The sky rose al­ready in­sti­gated the warhorse to clash in­stan­ta­neously, drinks one to sum­mon a scald­ing hot flame shield Holy Ghost sec­ond-or­der de­fense skill ten­derly, wel­comed Li Mu anger to touch Zhoushan not to raise five-star mag­i­cal in­stru­ment in hand „keel sword”, the blade edge of lava, the Holy Ghost first-or­der group killed the skill!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Maplewood adalah retret mabuk, sementara visi terlihat di bawah tanggul, marah: "Mengapa tidak mereka datang? Penjahat yang ini berkhianat, mereka mengkhianati kita, mengkhianati sama untuk menyelesaikan murid untuk mengembangkan tinta hitam "!
Seorang pemain tingkat tua menggeleng yang mengatakan:". Mereka tidak harus bisa "
"! Snort "Dalam mata yang maplewood ini mabuk penuh keberanian itu.
ujung pedang pisau menyapu, berapa banyak gajah panas naik untuk memotong membunuh bawah kuda, aku berada jauh dari selesai Cooldown juga 2 jam, kami lelehan dewa kavaleri mulai membunuh panas ini ? angkatan bersenjata singa, apa kesalahan berbicara dengan benar harus cukup untuk memiliki lagi
Semoga saat ini, bodi belakang Yue Qing Qian mengatakan tiba-tiba keras: "mengoceh kakak datang kembali dengan cepat, apa yang Anda melihat ada?"
aku terbang kembali buru-buru, mengikuti arah Yue Qing Qian, sebenarnya menemukan bahwa kita setelah kematian sekitar 100 meter di atas tebing besar untuk memiliki sinar biru pucat bersama-sama untuk berlama-lama di tempat yang sama, jejak gloss samar sebagian terlihat, jelas adalah bersama-sama energi sihir !
. "? Apa itu" The Dong Cheng bulan juga dalam ketakutan kata
Lin Wan Er ditangkap adalah membasahi benar belati darah, tiba-tiba tubuh lembut gemetar, jubah mengayunkan sedikit, mengatakan: "Apakah Varelia kuarsa transmisi kuarsa dalam dongeng "
" quartz Transmisi !? "aku tercengang:" Apa hal adalah bahwa "
Yue Qing Qian mengatakan:" saya juga mendengar, Varelia kuarsa adalah kuarsa yang di padang gurun barat besi tengkorak buas Varelia bisa meniup, bisa acak Koordinasi transmisi pada peta besar, tapi terbentur wisatawan cukup sangat salah, khusus juga mahal di harga jual besi kota tengkorak, yang akan membuang jenis langit-tinggi kuarsa harga? "
" Apakah jelas murid mengembangkan pita orang ke ? datang "Li Muwo pedang panjang, telah bergegas ke depan dengan Wang Jian Yiqi, sisi media suhu memanggang membakar pedang untuk menaikkan, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan dengan suara rendah:" Tidak peduli apapun orang, perkelahian modus menyerang dengan negara, melewati satu mati! "
Semoga pada saat ini, sekitar yang banyak sinar biru menyajikan efek transmisi sekelompok Varelia kuarsa, mencapai beberapa ratus, tidak benar, setidaknya lebih dari seribu!
" Li Mu, Wang Jian, kembali! "saya bergegas jalan keras.
Apakah sayang terlambat, dua orang ini mengakibatkan sekitar seratus cavalries meleleh dewa cepat untuk diserbu, tapi sekelompok pertama efek transmisi kristal telah mencapai nilai puncak," menyikat "sinar gemerlap, mengenakan perak untuk melawan ksatria wanita cantik dari baju besi untuk mengirimkan muddily, rambut panjang keemasan, di tangan menangani hanya menyukai pedang panjang tulang perang kasar, sudut-sudut mulut sedang ekspresi bahagia, mengatakan: "Kami datang mungkin agak akhir-akhir ini! "
Hal ini tidak lain, kota besi tengkorak dan zona perang AS ABN perkelahian orang pertama bersih langit naik!
langit naik sudah menghasut kuda perang yang berbenturan seketika, minuman yang memanggil pedas panas api perisai Roh Kudus kedua keterampilan pertahanan orde kedua lembut, menyambut Li Mu kemarahan menyentuh Zhoushan tidak menaikkan instrumen magis bintang lima di tangan "pedang keel", tepi pisau dari lava, Roh Kudus kelompok pertama-order membunuh keterampilan!
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