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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
How to Make a Chocolate Balland at the same time stir it thoroughly, until themixture becomes hard.” “Uhm-hm...what about if the mixture is runny?What will happen?” “Well, make sure it’s not too runny. It should besomewhere in between hard and mild. So, it will beeasy to form balls with.” “OK. Then...?” “After that, we can start to form it like balls, justlike this. Finally, roll the ball in to colourful chocolatesprinkles. Place it in the small cookie paper, stick inthe toothpicks for handles. It’s finished.” “Wow...that’s easy. I thought it was complicated.Thanks a lot. Shall we eat now?” “Yeah, as easy as that. Let’s eat.”(Oky is in front of Sasha‘s house right now. It has beenquite long since they have contacted each other.)(Oky knocks at the door) “Yeah, just a moment please,” Sasha said.(Sasha opens the door) “Hi, Sasha. How are you?” greeted Oky. “Oh, hi Oky, where have you been? I’m fine,thanks. Come on in,”reply Sasha. “Thanks Sas, I’ve been so busy lately. I am takingmany courses before my final exams. By the way, it’sbeen so long since I ate your delicious food. So, whatdo you think if we try one of your fantastic recipestoday?” “I see. Well, since you’re my best pal, I don’tmind. So, what snack do you prefer?” “OK, then. What about a chocolate ball? I likethem very much.” “Yes, sure. Why not? My mom and I just madebeberapa hari, jadi aku masih memiliki bahan." "OK. Mari kita pergi ke dapur." "Pertama-tama Anda harus mempersiapkan dapatsusu cokelat, tiga paket biskuit susu, satu packtaburan coklat yang berwarna-warni, dan tusuk gigi hanyauntuk aksesori." "Yup. Mmm... Bagaimana jika kita menggunakan padat cokelatdaripada susu cokelat?" "No. Kami tidak dapat menggunakan padat cokelat. Rasanyapahit." "Oh, OK. Mari kita lanjutkan." "Sekarang, menghancurkan biskuit sampai sepertinyabubuk. Kemudian, aduk. Selanjutnya, tambahkan susu cokelat dan di sama waktu masukkan itu secara menyeluruh, sampai THE campuran menjadi keras"
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