At this moment all around of medicine wooden 7191 peak, several thousa terjemahan - At this moment all around of medicine wooden 7191 peak, several thousa Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

At this moment all around of medici

At this moment all around of medicine wooden 7191 peak, several thousand apprentice alchemists encirclements, look at steadily is looking at Meng Hao and Fang Xuzhong on mountain peak platform.
Especially gambling between two people fight, immediately lets all apprentice alchemists, has filled with the anticipation, in them had many people to see the clue, understands that was Fang Xuzhong looks for trouble intentionally, may to them, because have nothing to do with oneself, therefore was more inspired, must look at Meng Hao and Fang Xuzhong, who was stronger on the vegetation.
If before not having Meng Hao, narrated that three days of vegetation, believing that these apprentice alchemists can be without hesitation, Fang Xuzhong must win, but now ... Does not say.
On the Meng Hao face is bringing shyly, very embarrassed swept Fang Xuzhong to throw bag of holding that has added the lip, looked to Fang Xuzhong, more looked that more thought own luck was very good, has not thought that just arrived at Dao of alchemy Division few days, unexpectedly some people delivered Spirit Stone to oneself.
Thinks of here, Meng Hao was more embarrassed.
Stared by all around people vision, Fang Xuzhong coldly snorted, he immerses in the Dao of alchemy many years, merely is the attainments on vegetation, reached a high degree of proficiency, and he even had the qualifications to promote third-order master alchemist, fights regarding this time gambling, he has the full assurance.
If is not the urgently needed resources, he will not come here, after all in his opinion, this belongs from falling the status.
The Fang Xuzhong look proudly, the right hand lifts pats bag of holding, immediately in his hands, presented medicinal herbs, this medicinal herbs green, looks like with the common grass does not have what difference, wields forward, immediately this medicinal herbs depart, float in the Meng Hao front.
„Fang does not bully you, only tests your three medicinal herbs, you must say its name as well as the effect. This is first.” Fang Xuzhong said desolately. In his opinion. Is first, sufficiently stumps the opposite party, lets at present this Fang Hao, knows the day high, thick, knows his and here disparity, big.
But he is second-order master alchemist, wants is instantaneously defeats the opposite party. Medicinal herbs, rout the self-confidence of opposite party, only by doing so, conforms to his status.
„This medicinal herbs, let alone is he, even if these first-order master alchemist of this place, nobody can recognize.” The Fang Xuzhong innermost feelings sneer, flings sleeve, both hands places the back, gains ground proudly.
On the Meng Hao face is having smiling face as before. Looked at front medicinal herbs.
This moment all around apprentice alchemists, in looking at steadily is looking at that medicinal herbs. Also in respectively guess, this place first-order master alchemist, searches to remember that may actually unable to find any and this medicinal herbs related trace.
„It is not right, this medicinal herbs look like ordinary, does not resemble like the medicinal herbs, but is the world of mortals grass.”
„Old man's attainments on vegetation did not say is very high, but the medicinal herbs can also recognize, but this ... Has never seen.”
„Worthily is second-order master alchemist, puts out one conveniently, unexpectedly makes the human unable to recognize!” All around sound of discussion spreads, the Fang Xuzhong look even more proudly, indifferently looks at Meng Hao.
„If the identification, kneels in this peak three days, then get lost.” Fang Xuzhong words, Meng Hao has lifted the head, shows a faint smile.
„ Has not thought in the Master Alchemist Fang hand, unexpectedly has this wind spirit grass, this grass any has not been used as medicine the value, may under the gale, actually bloom a spirit flower, the colored color takes seven types as best, can be used as medicine, is refines wind attribute medicinal pills instills one of the flowers again.
However Master Alchemist Fang , the impurity are many, can only start out the tricolor flowers. ”
Meng Hao words, all around apprentice alchemists has gawked, these first-order master alchemist surprise, they never had also heard the wind spirit grass, as for the wind spirit flower, to has individual master alchemist to know, at this moment is suddenly enlighted, this understands the wind spirit colored origin.
At this moment, Meng Hao to open mouth, blows toward front that green grass, by his Cultivation, the air/Qi that blows out blinks the comparable strong winds, bang howls to be obsolete, this green grass drags to rock immediately, suddenly, under witnessing of all around all people, on the green grass was in full bloom tricolor Lily, had the medicine fragrant flash to proliferate.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
At this moment all around of medicine wooden 7191 peak, several thousand apprentice alchemists encirclements, look at steadily is looking at Meng Hao and Fang Xuzhong on mountain peak platform.Especially gambling between two people fight, immediately lets all apprentice alchemists, has filled with the anticipation, in them had many people to see the clue, understands that was Fang Xuzhong looks for trouble intentionally, may to them, because have nothing to do with oneself, therefore was more inspired, must look at Meng Hao and Fang Xuzhong, who was stronger on the vegetation.If before not having Meng Hao, narrated that three days of vegetation, believing that these apprentice alchemists can be without hesitation, Fang Xuzhong must win, but now ... Does not say.On the Meng Hao face is bringing shyly, very embarrassed swept Fang Xuzhong to throw bag of holding that has added the lip, looked to Fang Xuzhong, more looked that more thought own luck was very good, has not thought that just arrived at Dao of alchemy Division few days, unexpectedly some people delivered Spirit Stone to oneself.Thinks of here, Meng Hao was more embarrassed.Stared by all around people vision, Fang Xuzhong coldly snorted, he immerses in the Dao of alchemy many years, merely is the attainments on vegetation, reached a high degree of proficiency, and he even had the qualifications to promote third-order master alchemist, fights regarding this time gambling, he has the full assurance.If is not the urgently needed resources, he will not come here, after all in his opinion, this belongs from falling the status.The Fang Xuzhong look proudly, the right hand lifts pats bag of holding, immediately in his hands, presented medicinal herbs, this medicinal herbs green, looks like with the common grass does not have what difference, wields forward, immediately this medicinal herbs depart, float in the Meng Hao front.„Fang does not bully you, only tests your three medicinal herbs, you must say its name as well as the effect. This is first.” Fang Xuzhong said desolately. In his opinion. Is first, sufficiently stumps the opposite party, lets at present this Fang Hao, knows the day high, thick, knows his and here disparity, big.But he is second-order master alchemist, wants is instantaneously defeats the opposite party. Medicinal herbs, rout the self-confidence of opposite party, only by doing so, conforms to his status.„This medicinal herbs, let alone is he, even if these first-order master alchemist of this place, nobody can recognize.” The Fang Xuzhong innermost feelings sneer, flings sleeve, both hands places the back, gains ground proudly.On the Meng Hao face is having smiling face as before. Looked at front medicinal herbs.This moment all around apprentice alchemists, in looking at steadily is looking at that medicinal herbs. Also in respectively guess, this place first-order master alchemist, searches to remember that may actually unable to find any and this medicinal herbs related trace.„It is not right, this medicinal herbs look like ordinary, does not resemble like the medicinal herbs, but is the world of mortals grass.”„Old man's attainments on vegetation did not say is very high, but the medicinal herbs can also recognize, but this ... Has never seen.”„Worthily is second-order master alchemist, puts out one conveniently, unexpectedly makes the human unable to recognize!” All around sound of discussion spreads, the Fang Xuzhong look even more proudly, indifferently looks at Meng Hao.„If the identification, kneels in this peak three days, then get lost.” Fang Xuzhong words, Meng Hao has lifted the head, shows a faint smile.„ Has not thought in the Master Alchemist Fang hand, unexpectedly has this wind spirit grass, this grass any has not been used as medicine the value, may under the gale, actually bloom a spirit flower, the colored color takes seven types as best, can be used as medicine, is refines wind attribute medicinal pills instills one of the flowers again.However Master Alchemist Fang , the impurity are many, can only start out the tricolor flowers. ”Meng Hao words, all around apprentice alchemists has gawked, these first-order master alchemist surprise, they never had also heard the wind spirit grass, as for the wind spirit flower, to has individual master alchemist to know, at this moment is suddenly enlighted, this understands the wind spirit colored origin.At this moment, Meng Hao to open mouth, blows toward front that green grass, by his Cultivation, the air/Qi that blows out blinks the comparable strong winds, bang howls to be obsolete, this green grass drags to rock immediately, suddenly, under witnessing of all around all people, on the green grass was in full bloom tricolor Lily, had the medicine fragrant flash to proliferate.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pada saat ini seluruh obat kayu 7191 puncak, beberapa ribu magang alkemis encirclements, melihat terus mencari di Meng Hao dan Fang Xuzhong di gunung puncak Platform.
Terutama judi antara dua orang berkelahi, segera memungkinkan semua alkemis magang, telah diisi dengan antisipasi, di dalamnya memiliki banyak orang untuk melihat petunjuk itu, memahami bahwa itu Fang Xuzhong mencari masalah sengaja, mungkin untuk mereka, karena tidak ada hubungannya dengan diri sendiri, oleh karena itu lebih terinspirasi, harus melihat Meng Hao dan Fang Xuzhong, yang kuat pada vegetasi.
Jika sebelumnya tidak memiliki Meng Hao, meriwayatkan bahwa tiga hari vegetasi, percaya bahwa alkemis magang ini dapat tanpa ragu-ragu, Fang Xuzhong harus menang, tapi sekarang ... Apakah tidak mengatakan.
di wajah Meng Hao adalah membawa malu-malu, sangat malu menyapu Fang Xuzhong untuk melemparkan tas memegang yang telah ditambahkan bibir, tampak Fang Xuzhong, lebih tampak bahwa lebih berpikir sendiri beruntung itu sangat baik, tidak berpikir bahwa hanya tiba di Dao Divisi alkimia beberapa hari, tiba-tiba beberapa orang disampaikan Roh Stone untuk diri sendiri.
berpikir dari sini, Meng Hao lebih malu.
Menatap oleh seluruh visi orang, Fang Xuzhong dingin mendengus, ia menenggelamkan dalam Dao alkimia bertahun-tahun, hanya merupakan pencapaian pada vegetasi, mencapai tingkat tinggi kemahiran, dan ia bahkan memiliki kualifikasi untuk mempromosikan orde ketiga tuan alkemis, perkelahian mengenai waktu perjudian ini, ia memiliki jaminan penuh.
Jika tidak sangat dibutuhkan sumber daya, dia tidak akan datang ke sini, setelah semua menurut pendapatnya, ini kepunyaan jatuh status.
The Fang Xuzhong terlihat bangga, tangan kanan mengangkat tepukan tas memegang, segera di tangannya, disajikan tanaman obat, ini obat herbal hijau, seperti dengan rumput umum tidak memiliki apa perbedaan, wields ke depan, segera tanaman obat ini pergi, mengambang di depan Meng Hao.
"Fang tidak menggertak Anda, hanya menguji tiga tanaman obat Anda, Anda harus mengatakan namanya serta efek. Ini adalah pertama. "Kata Fang Xuzhong desolately. Dalam pendapatnya. Adalah pertama, cukup tunggul pihak lawan, memungkinkan saat Fang Hao ini, tahu hari tinggi, tebal, tahu dan di sini disparitas, besar.
Tapi dia adalah orde kedua tuan alkemis, ingin adalah seketika mengalahkan pihak lawan. Tanaman obat, mengusir rasa percaya diri partai yang berlawanan, hanya dengan demikian, sesuai dengan statusnya.
"Ini tanaman obat, apalagi dia, bahkan jika ini pertama-order menguasai alkemis dari tempat ini, tidak ada yang bisa mengenali." The Fang Xuzhong perasaan terdalam mencibir, teman kencan lengan, kedua tangan tempat kembali, keuntungan tanah bangga.
Di wajah Meng Hao adalah memiliki wajah tersenyum seperti sebelumnya. Memandang jamu depan.
Saat ini seluruh magang alkemis, dalam melihat terus adalah melihat bahwa jamu. Juga di masing-masing kira, tempat ini orde pertama tuan alkemis, pencarian untuk diingat bahwa sebenarnya tidak dapat menemukan dan jejak ini tanaman obat yang terkait.
"Ini tidak benar, jamu ini terlihat seperti biasa, tidak menyerupai seperti jamu , tetapi dunia rumput manusia. "
" pencapaian orang tua pada vegetasi tidak mengatakan sangat tinggi, tapi jamu juga bisa mengenali, tapi ini ... Telah pernah melihat. "
" layak adalah orde kedua tuan alkemis, menempatkan satu nyaman, tiba-tiba membuat tidak manusia untuk mengenali! "Seluruh suara menyebar diskusi, Fang Xuzhong terlihat lebih bangga, acuh tak acuh melihat Meng Hao.
" Jika identifikasi, berlutut di puncak ini tiga hari, kemudian tersesat . "kata Fang Xuzhong, Meng Hao telah mengangkat kepala, menunjukkan senyum tipis.
" belum berpikir di tangan Guru Alchemist Fang, tiba-tiba memiliki angin semangat rumput, rumput ini setiap belum digunakan sebagai obat nilai, mungkin di bawah gale, sebenarnya mekar bunga semangat, warna berwarna mengambil tujuh jenis sebagai yang terbaik, dapat digunakan sebagai obat, angin memurnikan atribut pil obat menanamkan salah satu bunga lagi.
Namun Guru Alchemist Fang, pengotor yang banyak, hanya mulai out bunga tricolor. "
Kata Meng Hao, seluruh alkemis magang telah melongo, ini pertama-order menguasai alkemis kejutan, mereka tidak pernah juga mendengar rumput semangat angin, seperti untuk angin semangat bunga, untuk telah menguasai alkemis individu tahu, pada saat ini tiba-tiba tercerahkan, ini memahami semangat angin berwarna asal.
pada saat ini, Meng Hao membuka mulut, pukulan ke arah depan bahwa rumput hijau, oleh Budidaya nya, udara / Qi yang berhembus keluar berkedip angin kencang sebanding, bang lolongan menjadi usang, rumput hijau ini menyeret rock segera, tiba-tiba, di bawah kesaksian dari seluruh semua orang, di atas rumput hijau itu penuh mekar tricolor Lily, memiliki obat kilat harum berkembang biak.
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