n recent years, considerable attention hasbeen given to the role of ad terjemahan - n recent years, considerable attention hasbeen given to the role of ad Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

n recent years, considerable attent

n recent years, considerable attention has
been given to the role of adiposity in the
development of chronic diseases, leading
to speculations that some forms of fat distribution
may be more important in the
causation of cardiovascular diseases than
others (1,2). Evidence for the strong re l ationship
between cardiovascular diseases
and adiposity has often been based on the
a n t h ropometric indices of BMI and waistto-hip
ratio (WHR). BMI is a height-independent
measure of weight often used as a
m e a s u re of whole body size and the degre e
of fatness within populations. The use of
BMI is controversial, however, in part
because its correlation with fatness is not
consistent across populations (3). WHR
m e a s u res central fat deposition but is a poor
m e a s u re of visceral fat mass, particularly in
lean individuals (4). Waist circ u m f e rence is
an aggregate measurement of the actual
amount of total and abdominal fat accumulation
and is a crucial correlate of the
complexities found among obese and overweight
patients (5,6). Unlike the BMI, waist
c i rc u m f e rence is not profoundly influ e n c e d
by height (7) and is there f o re a better predictor
of some cardiovascular diseases (8,9).
Waist circ u m f e rence has also been shown to
be more correlated with levels of abdominal
visceral adipose tissue (9–13).
Only a few studies examined the association
of waist circ u m f e rence with hypertension
and diabetes in populations of the
African diaspora (14,15). Investigating
Africans in the diaspora makes it possible to
dilute the potential confounding factors of
social class and race that occurs often in
black–white comparisons and to understand
the range of interactions that occur in widely
contrasting environments. This study examines
the association of abdominal fat distribution
(defined by waist circ u m f e re n c e )
with hypertension and type 2 diabetes.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
beberapa tahun terakhir n, perhatian telahtelah diberikan peran adipositas dipengembangan penyakit kronis, memimpinspekulasi bahwa beberapa bentuk lemak distribusimungkin lebih penting dalamsebab-akibat penyakit kardiovaskular daripadalain (1,2). Bukti yang kuat kembali l ationshipantara penyakit kardiovaskulardan adipositas sering didasarkan padan t h ropometric indeks BMI dan waistto-hiprasio (WHR). BMI adalah tinggi-independenukuran berat yang sering digunakan sebagaim e s u kembali ukuran seluruh tubuh dan degre edari kegemukan dalam populasi. PenggunaanBMI kontroversial, namun, di bagiankarena dengan korelasi dengan kegemukankonsisten di seluruh populasi (3). WHRm e s u res timbunan lemak Pusat tetapi adalah miskinm e s u re viseral massa lemak, terutama diramping individu (4). Pinggang circ u m f e rence adalahpengukuran agregat yang sebenarnyaJumlah total dan perut akumulasi lemakdan berkorelasi penting darikompleksitas yang ditemui di kalangan obesitas dan kelebihan berat badanpasien (5,6). Tidak seperti BMI, pinggangc saya rc u m f e rence adalah tidak sangat influ e n c e dMenurut tinggi (7) dan ada f o re prediktor lebih baikbeberapa penyakit kardiovaskular (8,9).Pinggang circ u m f e rence juga telah ditunjukkan untuklebih berkorelasi dengan tingkat perutJaringan adiposa viseral (9-13).Hanya beberapa studi meneliti Asosiasidari pinggang circ u m f e rence dengan hipertensiand diabetes in populations of theAfrican diaspora (14,15). InvestigatingAfricans in the diaspora makes it possible todilute the potential confounding factors ofsocial class and race that occurs often inblack–white comparisons and to understandthe range of interactions that occur in widelycontrasting environments. This study examinesthe association of abdominal fat distribution(defined by waist circ u m f e re n c e )with hypertension and type 2 diabetes.
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