Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
#1067: Life and death disaster! ( Fourth )The old man mind shakes, before he freely, received the news, knows the Sea Garment Island plan fail, jade slip that the lives of all people cultivation disrupts, knows Meng Hao here strength, perhaps before them incompatible that judges, may actually not know concretely.This moment one looked the law dragon that own Cultivation changes, collapses in the hand of Meng Hao unexpectedly directly, his both eyes shrink slightly, has smiled on the contrary.„, Is so interesting, this thinks that cannot use, it seems like to provide against contingencies, used!” His right hand lifts, in the control has jade slip, direct crumb, Bang, in this jade slip disruption instant, one group of black air/Qi suddenly appear, change to a black unreal head, that is a head of old man, with Elder Sea Saint is not a person.This head is strange, just a appearance, lent the shakes the heavens aura, directly soars Elder Sea Saint to swallow to come, suddenly integrates his within the body, in this flickers, the Elder Sea Saint look is fierce, has the blue vein to blow up, the whole person appearance changes instantaneously, can see faintly, in his face, resembled to overlap a face!He grins fiendishly, looks like stranger, takes a step to go out, just trod in void, immediately his Ancient Realm Cultivation, loudly eruption, in this erupts, his body, appeared impressively ... Nine soul lamps, go out completely!Meng Hao kedua mataku kontraksi, ia ingat ini penatua laut Saint sebelumnya, tetapi memadamkan lampu jiwa lima, tetapi sekarang, di bawah tumpang tindih dari bahwa hitam di wajah, seperti telah mengubah seseorang, meletus budidaya kuno sembilan batas tiba-tiba, itu adalah pengalaman sembilan lampu untuk memadamkan, tetapi manusia memang tidak memadamkan, pada tahap peralihan kuno alam puncak!Bersama dengan menyebar budidaya, kuat, ketika getar langit bergerak, dia pergi langkah kedua, muncul di depan Meng Hao seketika, Lift tangan kanan, ke arah leher Meng Hao, satu grasps.Kelajuan kecepatan, luar deskripsi, bahkan dalam kedudukannya dahulu, naungan sisa, pada telapak tangannya, terdapat kekuatan aturan, menyerupai kekuatan kesembilan laut ini, adalah kental salah satu oleh-Nya, menjadi seni sulap sendiri.Meng Hao kedua mata menyusut, setelah partai yang berlawanan wajah hitam tumpang tindih, budidaya terlalu kuat, melebihi Meng Hao menjadi terlalu banyak terlalu banyak, bahkan jika ia adalah batas abadi Kaisar, merasa krisis intens sebagai sebelumnya, pertandingan tersebut, sekali memimpin, Meng Hao di sini tidak akan memiliki banyak kemungkinan untuk membalikkan alam semesta!Tapi kekalahan jalannya saja... Grasps aktif, dari awal sampai akhir, menggenggam inisiatif sendiri, hanya memiliki ini, memiliki kemungkinan kemenangan!Dalam Meng Hao mata mengungkapkan maksud pembunuh, memiliki maksud pertempuran, ini adalah sejak ia berlatih, telah berjuang powerhouse kebanyakan!Battles with this powerhouse, to Meng Hao, is own challenge, is a revolution of complete mind!„So, has more abundant Fighting Intent!” Meng Hao both eyes dodge, has not withdrawn, in instant, the Meng Hao right hand that this old man one grasps lifts, separates spatially toward the front presses, this according to, has launched the secret technique directly, within the body 123 Immortal meridians, changed to one Dao Divinity directly.Mortal body True Immortal!The palm changes to the fist, the Meng Hao body flies, has flown the Elder Sea Saint place above unexpectedly.Since is unable to take the lead on Cultivation, then at least, must draw support from the position, takes the lead, but all these, if unable to occupy when act for the first time, then following, is very difficult to reverse.„Old man main body Sea Dragon, above the main item, the law cultivation strongly, you court death in yourself!” Elder Sea Saint sneers, saw thoroughly the Meng Hao thoughts, but his Cultivation was intrepid, not cared a whoop, the right hand lifted, the imposing manner not only has not changed, when gained ground, instead was stronger!
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