Once upon a time, in the area of South Sulawesi, there is acountry nam terjemahan - Once upon a time, in the area of South Sulawesi, there is acountry nam Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Once upon a time, in the area of So

Once upon a time, in the area of South Sulawesi, there is a
country named Soppeng. Inhabitants of the land
It's always living the serene, peaceful, and
prosper. Their main livelihood
is farming. Every day they work in
rice with quiet and peaceful heart.
At one time, an atmosphere of calm and peace
is suddenly disturbed by the arrival of
Stealth figure named Granny Pakande. 
come to the country prey to
made santapannya. Stealth's grandmother
very fond of eating the flesh of children.
Therefore, the children have always been
incarannya. Typically, Granny Pakande begins
wandering around looking for prey when the day begins
On one afternoon, when it was getting dark, day
Granny Pakande saw a little boy
are engrossed playing in his yard.
The boy's errant son included. Already berkali-
times are advised by her parents in order to immediately
enter into, but it was still fun
playing alone. When the atmosphere in
beyond that, the opportunity is not being light-minded disia-
neglect by Granny Pakande. 
catch that kid and then take it away.
A few moments later, the mother of confusion
looking for his son. He's been looking around
the House but never found it.
"Tolooong [...] tolooong ... ... ... ... my son is gone!" cried
the mother was frantic.
Hear the sound of shouts, the neighbors
unison tumbled out of the House and
swarmed the mother.
"What happened to the child's mother?" asked
one of the residents.
"My son, my son......, my son is gone," replied
the mother sadly.
"Lost as to where the child's mother?" asked again the citizens of
"I dunno, Sir!" said the mother with the confused,
"He suddenly just disappear without leaving
the slightest trace. 
briefly into the House when she is engrossed
play alone in the yard of the House. 
back to invite him into the
the House, he's not there, "he explained.
After hearing the explanation, the
citizens flock looking for the boy. 
've been looking up everywhere, but
has not yet found it. Because the night
already late, finally to the residents
stop the search. 
day, as the sun began to appear on the horizon
East, they resume the search,
but the result remains nil.
The next night, similar events
back happens. This time, a baby who
become a victim. The baby was missing at the time of the second
her parents were asleep. Both
such events really make fret
the whole citizenry. Parents cannot be
to sleep at night because of the need to maintain
their children.
Look at the situation, the shamans in the country
Soppeng soon find out who the kidnappers
the mysterious thing. With the science that is owned,
they finally managed to figure it out. 
then they tell
all the citizens that the perpetrators of the abduction
is Granny Pakande. What a surprise
throughout the hearing as citizens
they are highly familiar character or behavior
Granny Pakande.
"Hi, Granny Pakande It wasnt a
Stealth sakti mandraguna? "asked
a citizen.
"Yeah, right. He is very milky and not a
any man who can afford
defeat him. He's just afraid of
a giant figure named King Bangkung bridge
Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale. However, the Giants were already
never again heard the news
its existence, "explained one of the shaman.
"Thus, what can we do?" asked
also an other with bewilderment.
None of the answer. 
the confusion of dealing with that issue. 
amid the confusion, a
the young man who sat the back suddenly
lift up the talk. The young man was named La Beddu.
He was a clever young man.
"Sorry, the attendees! Perkenankanlah I
to convey something. I have had a
a way to destroy Grandmother
Pakande, "said the young man.
For a moment, the atmosphere of the meeting was to be
silence. All views and his desire to
the young man. 
look at him with hopeful. 
not a few of them looked at him
with a look that is demeaning.
"Hi, La Beddu. 
beating Grandma Pakande? 
very Milky, while you yourself just
an ordinary young man who does not have magical power
altogether? "asked one of the residents.
La Beddu just smiled, then replied:
the question with ease.
"Not forever magical power that must be combated
with the divine power of all, "said La Beddu.
All residents were stunned. After that, La Beddu
explain that one – one way to
Granny Pakande's beat
"Put it this way, brothers and sisters," she continued, "we
all already know that Grandma Pakande only
afraid of the giant King Bangkung bridge Pitu
Reppa Rawo Ale. 
phishing websites impersonate-Pakande with Grandma
pretending to be a giant like that, "explained La
Hearing that, citizens are increasingly
confused. Moreover, when La Beddu request
to the citizens to prepare for each of the
one fruit of salaga (rake), one bucket
foam SOAP, one tail of the turtles and eels,
a single sheet of bamboo it is dry skin,
and a large stone.
"For what it's La salaga Beddu? 
Yet the planting season now? "asked a
citizens with confused.
"Never mind, Pak's father hadn't too.
Many ask. 
That is important now is to search for all
objects and animals that I mentioned earlier
then collect it in my house. 
I explained everything, "said La Beddu.
Without much tanya again, citizens soon
executing request La Beddu. 
went looking for eel in rice fields, and others
look for turtles in the river. A portion of the
the other is busy making salaga and prepare
foam SOAP one bucket, a large stone, as well as
skin of bamboo shoots. 
required, the residents immediately brought it to
Home La Beddu.
"Hi, La Beddu! Explain to us
regarding the intent and objectives of all
and this beast! "urges the leaders of the community.
La Beddu was then explained that
salaga which resemble the comb, foam
SOAP-like saliva, and turtle
a turtle that resembles a human head lice it would be
used to trick Granny Pakande.
By showing these objects,
Grandma Pakande would have thought of it all is
the King owned Bangkung bridge Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale.
In the meantime, the bamboo shoot skin
similar to the trumpet is to be used for
turn up the sound so that it resembles the
the giant's voice. As for eels and large stone
the individual will be placed on the
front door and in front of the stairs.
After that, together with the citizens of La Beddu
soon devised a stratagem. 
appointed who will each serve
put the eels in front of the door and a large stone
in front of the stairs.
When it was getting dark, La Beddu soon rise
up the attic Sao King [1] to hide
While carrying salaga, foam SOAP, turtle
Turtle skin, and bamboo shoots. In the meantime, both
residents who have been given the task of hiding in
down under Sao King. Once everything is ready,
the citizens began trapping Grandmother Pakande
with interlocking doors of their homes
meetings without the slightest explanation.
Unless the door is opened, the King of Sao width and in
It turned on a lamp. In addition,
a baby was also placed in the room
as bait to trap Granny Pakande
in order to enter into the King of the Sao.
Soon, then, Grandma Pakande else
the King came to Sao. Without paying
the slightest suspicion, she stepped
slowly climbed the stairs of Sao King
one by one. While in front of the door,
the senses of smell directly feel the smell
babies are very intense. Stealth's grandmother
any direct entry into the Sao of the King. 
that's when, the two citizens who hide in
down under King immediately implement Sao
their task then go back to where
persembunyianya unbeknownst to Grandma
When Pakande was about to approach the baby's grandmother
inside the room, suddenly
his pace stalled by loud noises that
rebuked him.
"Hi, Grandma Pakande! Do you want to come
Here, ha? "
That voice is not another voice La Beddu
using the skin of bamboo shoots above the attic.
However, Grandma Pakande did not know it
"Who is that Sound?" asked Grandma Pakande
with shock.
"I am the giant King Bangkung bridge Pitu Reppa
Rawo Ale. HA ... ha ... ha ...! "replied the voice
While laughing out loud.
Heard that answer, Grandma Pakande start
is the voice of the Giants.
"What the evidence if you are the King
Bangkung Bridge Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale? "
La Beddu is on top of the attic right away
SOAP foam shedding from the embernya right
in front Of Pakande. What a surprise
women's stealth because it thought the foam
the SOAP is the giant's saliva.
"How, Grandma Pakande? 
still doubting me? "asked the voice.
"Evidence of what more proof could you show me
to me? " Grandma Pakande asked back.
Hear that question, La Beddu soon
salaga and dropping a turtle are least
streak. See both of those things, Grandma
Direct Pakande fled riding langgang
because of fear. He thought that the second object
flea combs and is owned by the giant.
So he went through the door of the King, his legs Sao
step on the eel put in place it
until finally slipped and fell
rolling around on the steps. Upon arriving at
on the ground, his head banged on Boulder
already prepared in front of the stairs.
Although severely wounded, Grandma Pakande still
able to stand up and fled either to
where. However, before leaving the country,
He was given to all citizens
that someday he will return to prey on
their children. Because of that, until
now, people often use Soppeng
This story to scare kids
they are not hanging around outside the home
When the day is dark.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Once upon a time, di wilayah Sulawesi Selatan, adanegara bernama Soppeng. Penduduk negeriIa selalu hidup tenang, damai, danProsper. Pencaharian utamaadalah pertanian. Setiap hari mereka bekerja dinasi dengan hati tenang dan damai.Pada satu waktu, suasana tenang dan damaitiba-tiba terganggu oleh kedatanganStealth tokoh bernama nenek Pakande. datang ke mangsa negaramembuat santapannya. Stealth ini neneksangat gemar makan daging anak-anak.Oleh karena itu, anak-anak selaluincarannya. Biasanya, nenek Pakande dimulaiberkeliling mencari mangsa ketika hari dimulaigelap.Pada suatu sore, ketika semakin gelap, hariNenek Pakande melihat seorang anak kecilasyik bermain di halaman rumahnya.Anak itu anak bandel disertakan. Sudah berkali-kali disarankan oleh orang tuanya untuk segeramasuk ke dalam, tapi itu masih menyenangkanbermain sendiri. Ketika suasanaSelain itu, kesempatan tidak menjadi terang-Minded disia-mengabaikan oleh nenek Pakande. menangkap anak itu dan kemudian mengambilnya.Beberapa saat kemudian, ibu dari kebingunganmencari anaknya. Dia telah mencari di sekitarRumah tetapi tidak pernah menemukan itu."Tolooong [...] tolooong............ anak saya pergi! "teriakIbu adalah panik.Mendengar bunyi teriakan, tetanggaserempak jatuh keluar dari rumah danmenyerbu ibu."Apa yang terjadi dengan anak ibu?" tanyasalah seorang warga."Anakku, anakku..., anakku sudah pergi," menjawabthe mother sadly."Lost as to where the child's mother?" asked again the citizens ofit."I dunno, Sir!" said the mother with the confused,"He suddenly just disappear without leavingthe slightest trace. briefly into the House when she is engrossedplay alone in the yard of the House. back to invite him into thethe House, he's not there, "he explained.After hearing the explanation, thecitizens flock looking for the boy. 've been looking up everywhere, buthas not yet found it. Because the nightalready late, finally to the residentsstop the search. day, as the sun began to appear on the horizonEast, they resume the search,but the result remains nil.The next night, similar eventsback happens. This time, a baby whobecome a victim. The baby was missing at the time of the secondher parents were asleep. Bothsuch events really make fretthe whole citizenry. Parents cannot beto sleep at night because of the need to maintaintheir children.Look at the situation, the shamans in the countrySoppeng soon find out who the kidnappersthe mysterious thing. With the science that is owned,they finally managed to figure it out. then they tellall the citizens that the perpetrators of the abductionis Granny Pakande. What a surprisethroughout the hearing as citizensthey are highly familiar character or behaviorGranny Pakande."Hi, Granny Pakande It wasnt aStealth sakti mandraguna? "askeda citizen."Yeah, right. He is very milky and not aany man who can afforddefeat him. He's just afraid ofa giant figure named King Bangkung bridgePitu Reppa Rawo Ale. However, the Giants were alreadynever again heard the newsits existence, "explained one of the shaman."Thus, what can we do?" askedalso an other with bewilderment.None of the answer. the confusion of dealing with that issue. amid the confusion, athe young man who sat the back suddenlylift up the talk. The young man was named La Beddu.He was a clever young man."Sorry, the attendees! Perkenankanlah Ito convey something. I have had aa way to destroy GrandmotherPakande, "said the young man.For a moment, the atmosphere of the meeting was to besilence. All views and his desire tothe young man. look at him with hopeful. not a few of them looked at himwith a look that is demeaning."Hi, La Beddu. beating Grandma Pakande? very Milky, while you yourself justan ordinary young man who does not have magical poweraltogether? "asked one of the residents.La Beddu just smiled, then replied:the question with ease."Not forever magical power that must be combatedwith the divine power of all, "said La Beddu.All residents were stunned. After that, La Bedduexplain that one – one way toGranny Pakande's beatingenuity."Put it this way, brothers and sisters," she continued, "weall already know that Grandma Pakande onlyafraid of the giant King Bangkung bridge PituReppa Rawo Ale. phishing websites impersonate-Pakande with Grandmapretending to be a giant like that, "explained LaBeddu.Hearing that, citizens are increasinglyconfused. Moreover, when La Beddu requestto the citizens to prepare for each of theone fruit of salaga (rake), one bucketfoam SOAP, one tail of the turtles and eels,a single sheet of bamboo it is dry skin,and a large stone."For what it's La salaga Beddu? Yet the planting season now? "asked acitizens with confused."Never mind, Pak's father hadn't too.Many ask. That is important now is to search for allobjects and animals that I mentioned earlierthen collect it in my house. I explained everything, "said La Beddu.Without much tanya again, citizens soonexecuting request La Beddu. went looking for eel in rice fields, and otherslook for turtles in the river. A portion of thethe other is busy making salaga and preparefoam SOAP one bucket, a large stone, as well asskin of bamboo shoots. required, the residents immediately brought it toHome La Beddu."Hi, La Beddu! Explain to usregarding the intent and objectives of alland this beast! "urges the leaders of the community.La Beddu was then explained thatsalaga which resemble the comb, foamSOAP-like saliva, and turtlea turtle that resembles a human head lice it would beused to trick Granny Pakande.By showing these objects,Grandma Pakande would have thought of it all isthe King owned Bangkung bridge Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale.In the meantime, the bamboo shoot skinsimilar to the trumpet is to be used forturn up the sound so that it resembles thethe giant's voice. As for eels and large stonethe individual will be placed on thefront door and in front of the stairs.After that, together with the citizens of La Beddusoon devised a stratagem. appointed who will each serveput the eels in front of the door and a large stonein front of the stairs.When it was getting dark, La Beddu soon riseup the attic Sao King [1] to hideWhile carrying salaga, foam SOAP, turtleTurtle skin, and bamboo shoots. In the meantime, bothresidents who have been given the task of hiding indown under Sao King. Once everything is ready,the citizens began trapping Grandmother Pakandewith interlocking doors of their homesmeetings without the slightest explanation.Unless the door is opened, the King of Sao width and inIt turned on a lamp. In addition,a baby was also placed in the roomas bait to trap Granny Pakandein order to enter into the King of the Sao.Soon, then, Grandma Pakande elsethe King came to Sao. Without payingthe slightest suspicion, she steppedslowly climbed the stairs of Sao Kingone by one. While in front of the door,the senses of smell directly feel the smellbabies are very intense. Stealth's grandmotherany direct entry into the Sao of the King. that's when, the two citizens who hide indown under King immediately implement Saotheir task then go back to wherepersembunyianya unbeknownst to GrandmaPakande.When Pakande was about to approach the baby's grandmotherinside the room, suddenlyhis pace stalled by loud noises thatrebuked him."Hi, Grandma Pakande! Do you want to comeHere, ha? "That voice is not another voice La Bedduusing the skin of bamboo shoots above the attic.However, Grandma Pakande did not know itit."Who is that Sound?" asked Grandma Pakandewith shock."I am the giant King Bangkung bridge Pitu ReppaRawo Ale. HA ... ha ... ha ...! "replied the voiceWhile laughing out loud.Heard that answer, Grandma Pakande startfear. is the voice of the Giants."What the evidence if you are the KingBangkung Bridge Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale? "La Beddu is on top of the attic right awaySOAP foam shedding from the embernya rightin front Of Pakande. What a surprisewomen's stealth because it thought the foamthe SOAP is the giant's saliva."How, Grandma Pakande? still doubting me? "asked the voice."Evidence of what more proof could you show meto me? " Grandma Pakande asked back.Hear that question, La Beddu soonsalaga and dropping a turtle are leaststreak. See both of those things, GrandmaDirect Pakande fled riding langgangbecause of fear. He thought that the second objectflea combs and is owned by the giant.So he went through the door of the King, his legs Saostep on the eel put in place ituntil finally slipped and fellrolling around on the steps. Upon arriving aton the ground, his head banged on Boulderalready prepared in front of the stairs.
Although severely wounded, Grandma Pakande still
able to stand up and fled either to
where. However, before leaving the country,
He was given to all citizens
that someday he will return to prey on
their children. Because of that, until
now, people often use Soppeng
This story to scare kids
they are not hanging around outside the home
When the day is dark.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sekali waktu, di daerah Sulawesi Selatan, ada
negara yang bernama Soppeng. Penduduk negeri
ini selalu hidup yang tenang, damai, dan
sejahtera. Mata pencaharian utama mereka
adalah bertani. Setiap hari mereka bekerja di
sawah dengan tenang dan damai jantung.
Pada suatu waktu, suasana tenang dan damai
tiba-tiba terganggu oleh kedatangan
tokoh Stealth bernama Granny Pakande. 
datang ke negara mangsa
membuat santapannya. Nenek Stealth
sangat suka mengonsumsi daging anak-anak.
Oleh karena itu, anak-anak selalu
incarannya. Biasanya, Nenek Pakande mulai
berkeliaran mencari mangsa ketika hari mulai
Pada suatu sore, ketika hari mulai gelap, hari
Nenek Pakande melihat seorang anak kecil
yang asyik bermain di halaman rumahnya.
anak bandel anak itu disertakan. Sudah berkali-
kali disarankan oleh orang tuanya untuk segera
masuk ke dalam, tapi itu masih menyenangkan
bermain sendiri. Ketika suasana di
luar itu, kesempatan tersebut tidak menjadi cahaya-minded disia-
kelalaian Nenek Pakande. 
menangkap anak itu dan kemudian mengambilnya.
Beberapa saat kemudian, ibu kebingungan
mencari anaknya. Dia sudah mencari di sekitar
rumah tetapi tidak pernah menemukannya.
"Tolooong [...] tolooong ... ... ... ... anak saya hilang!" teriak
ibu itu panik.
Mendengar suara teriakan, tetangga
serentak berhamburan keluar dari DPR dan
menyerbu ibu.
"Apa yang terjadi dengan anak ibu?" tanya
salah seorang warga.
"Anakku, anakku ......, anak saya hilang," jawab
ibu sedih.
"Kehilangan ke mana ibu anak?" bertanya lagi warga
"Aku tak tahu, Pak!" kata ibu dengan bingung,
"Dia tiba-tiba hilang begitu saja tanpa meninggalkan
jejak sedikit pun. 
sebentar ke rumah ketika ia sedang asyik
bermain sendiri di halaman DPR. 
kembali mengundang dia ke
DPR, dia tidak ada di sana, "katanya menjelaskan.
Setelah mendengar penjelasan itu,
warga berbondong-bondong mencari anak itu. 
"sudah mencari di mana-mana, tapi
belum menemukannya. Karena malam
sudah larut, akhirnya warga
menghentikan pencarian. 
hari, saat matahari mulai muncul di ufuk
timur, mereka melanjutkan pencarian,
namun hasilnya tetap nihil.
Malam berikutnya, peristiwa serupa
kembali terjadi. Kali ini, bayi yang
menjadi korban. Bayi itu hilang pada saat kedua
orangtuanya sedang tidur. Kedua
peristiwa tersebut benar-benar membuat resah
seluruh warga. Orang tua tidak bisa
tidur di malam hari karena kebutuhan untuk mempertahankan
anak-anak mereka.
Lihatlah situasi, dukun di negara
Soppeng segera mencari tahu siapa penculik
hal misterius. Dengan ilmu yang dimiliki,
mereka akhirnya berhasil mencari tahu. 
kemudian mereka memberitahu
semua warga bahwa pelaku penculikan
adalah Nenek Pakande. Apa yang mengejutkan
seluruh sidang sebagai warga negara
mereka karakter yang sangat akrab atau perilaku
Nenek Pakande.
"Hai, Nenek Pakande Itu bukankah
Stealth sakti mandraguna? "tanya
seorang warga.
"Ya, benar. Dia sangat susu dan tidak
ada orang yang yang mampu
mengalahkannya. Dia hanya takut
sosok raksasa bernama Jembatan Raja Bangkung
Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale. Namun, Giants sudah
tidak pernah lagi mendengar kabar
keberadaannya, "jelas salah satu dukun.
"Dengan demikian, apa yang bisa kita lakukan? " tanya
juga lain dengan bingung.
Tak satu pun dari jawabannya. 
kebingungan menangani masalah itu. 
tengah kebingungan, seorang
pemuda yang duduk belakang tiba-tiba
mengangkat pembicaraan. Pemuda itu bernama La Beddu.
Dia adalah seorang pemuda yang cerdas.
"Maaf, para peserta! Perkenankanlah saya
untuk menyampaikan sesuatu. Aku memiliki
cara untuk menghancurkan Nenek
Pakande, "kata pemuda itu.
Untuk sesaat, atmosfer dari pertemuan ini adalah untuk menjadi
diam. Semua pandangan dan keinginannya untuk
menatapnya dengan penuh harapan. 
tidak sedikit dari mereka menatapnya
dengan tatapan yang merendahkan.
"Hi, La Beddu. 
mengalahkan Nenek Pakande? 
sangat Bima, sementara Anda sendiri hanya
sebuah biasa pemuda yang tidak memiliki kekuatan gaib
? sama sekali "tanya salah satu warga.
La Beddu hanya tersenyum, kemudian menjawab:
. pertanyaan dengan mudah
"kekuatan Tidak selamanya magis yang harus diperangi
dengan kekuatan ilahi dari semua, "kata La Beddu .
Semua warga tercengang. Setelah itu, La Beddu
menjelaskan bahwa 1-1 cara untuk
Granny Pakande yang mengalahkan
. kecerdikan
"Begini, saudara-saudara," ia melanjutkan, "kita
semua sudah tahu bahwa Nenek Pakande hanya
takut raksasa Raja Bangkung jembatan Pitu
Reppa Rawo ale. 
phishing website meniru-Pakande dengan Nenek
berpura-pura menjadi raksasa seperti itu, "jelas La
Mendengar itu, warga semakin
bingung. Apalagi bila permintaan La Beddu
kepada warga untuk mempersiapkan masing-masing
satu buah salaga (menyapu), satu ember
busa SOAP, salah satu ekor kura-kura dan belut,
satu lembar bambu itu kulit kering,
dan sebuah batu besar .
"Untuk apa itu La salaga Beddu? 
Namun musim tanam sekarang? "tanya seorang
warga dengan bingung.
"Sudahlah, ayah Pak belum juga.
Banyak bertanya. 
Itu penting sekarang adalah untuk mencari semua
benda dan hewan yang saya disebutkan sebelumnya
kemudian mengumpulkan di rumah saya. 
Saya menjelaskan segalanya, "kata La Beddu.
Tanpa banyak tanya lagi, warga segera
melaksanakan permintaan La Beddu. 
pergi mencari belut di sawah, dan lain-lain
mencari kura-kura di sungai. Sebagian dari
yang lain sibuk membuat salaga dan mempersiapkan
busa SOAP satu ember, batu besar, serta
kulit rebung. 
diperlukan, warga langsung membawanya ke
Rumah La Beddu.
"Hi, La Beddu! Jelaskan kepada kami
tentang maksud dan tujuan dari semua
dan binatang ini! "mendesak para pemimpin masyarakat.
La Beddu kemudian menjelaskan bahwa
salaga yang menyerupai sisir, busa
SOAP seperti air liur, dan turtle
kura-kura yang menyerupai kutu kepala manusia akan
digunakan untuk mengelabui Nenek Pakande.
Dengan menampilkan benda-benda ini,
Nenek Pakande sangka semua itu adalah
Raja yang dimiliki jembatan Bangkung Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale.
Sementara itu, kulit rebung
yang mirip dengan terompet yang akan digunakan untuk
turn up terdengar sehingga menyerupai
suara raksasa. Adapun belut dan batu besar
individu akan ditempatkan di
pintu depan dan di depan tangga.
Setelah itu, bersama-sama dengan warga La Beddu
segera merancang sebuah strategi. 
ditunjuk yang masing-masing akan layani
menempatkan belut di depan pintu dan sebuah batu besar
di depan tangga.
Ketika hari mulai gelap, La Beddu segera bangkit
atas loteng Sao Raja [1] untuk menyembunyikan
Sementara membawa salaga, busa SOAP, kura-kura
kulit penyu, dan rebung. Sementara itu, kedua
warga yang telah diberi tugas bersembunyi di
bawah di bawah Sao Raja. Setelah semuanya siap,
warga mulai menjebak Nenek Pakande
dengan saling pintu rumah mereka
rapat tanpa penjelasan sedikitpun.
Kecuali pintu dibuka, Raja Sao lebar dan dalam
Ternyata pada lampu. Selain itu,
bayi juga ditempatkan di ruang
sebagai umpan untuk menjebak Nenek Pakande
untuk masuk ke Raja Sao.
Segera, kemudian, Nenek Pakande lain
Raja datang ke Sao. Tanpa membayar
kecurigaan sedikit pun, dia melangkah
perlahan menaiki tangga dari Sao Raja
satu per satu. Sementara di depan pintu,
indra penciuman langsung merasakan bau
bayi sangat intens. Stealth nenek
pun langsung masuk ke Sao Raja. 
saat itulah, dua warga yang bersembunyi di
bawah di bawah Raja segera melaksanakan Sao
tugas mereka kemudian kembali ke tempat
persembunyianya tanpa sepengetahuan Nenek
Ketika Pakande hendak mendekati nenek bayi
dalam ruangan, tiba-tiba
langkahnya terhenti oleh suara keras yang
"Hai, Nenek Pakande! Apakah Anda ingin datang
sini, ha? "
Suara itu bukan suara lain La Beddu
menggunakan kulit rebung di atas loteng.
Namun, Nenek Pakande tidak tahu
"Siapa itu suara?" tanya Nenek Pakande
dengan shock.
"Saya raksasa Raja Bangkung jembatan Pitu Reppa
Rawo Ale. HA ... ha ... ha ...! "jawab suara
Sementara tertawa terbahak-bahak.
Mendengar jawaban itu, Nenek Pakande mulai
adalah suara Giants.
"Apa bukti jika Anda adalah Raja
Bangkung Bridge Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale? "
La Beddu adalah di atas loteng segera
busa SOAP shedding dari embernya tepat
di depan Of Pakande. Apa yang mengejutkan
siluman perempuan karena mengira busa
SOAP adalah air liur raksasa.
"Bagaimana, Nenek Pakande? 
masih meragukan aku? "tanya suara itu.
"Bukti apa lagi bukti yang bisa Anda tunjukkan
kepada saya? "tanya Nenek Pakande kembali .
Mendengar pertanyaan itu, La Beddu segera
salaga dan menjatuhkan kura-kura yang paling
beruntun. Lihat kedua hal, Nenek
Pakande langsung melarikan diri mengendarai langgang
karena takut. Dia berpikir bahwa obyek kedua
sisir kutu dan dimiliki oleh raksasa.
Jadi ia melewati pintu Raja, kakinya Sao
menginjak belut dimasukkan ke dalam tempat itu
hingga akhirnya terpeleset dan jatuh
berguling-guling di tangga. Setelah tiba di
atas tanah, kepalanya menggedor Boulder
sudah disiapkan di depan tangga.
Meskipun terluka parah, Nenek Pakande masih
mampu berdiri dan melarikan diri baik ke
mana. Namun, sebelum meninggalkan negara itu,
Ia diberikan kepada semua warga negara
bahwa suatu hari nanti ia akan kembali ke memangsa
anak-anak mereka. Karena itu, sampai
sekarang, orang sering menggunakan Soppeng
Cerita ini untuk menakut-nakuti anak-anak
mereka tidak berkeliaran di luar rumah
saat hari gelap.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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