The interaction between charged particles via the Coulombinteraction i terjemahan - The interaction between charged particles via the Coulombinteraction i Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The interaction between charged par

The interaction between charged particles via the Coulomb
interaction is one of the most important features in
physics and is familiar to any student of the subject. The way
in which electrons and protons bind to form the hydrogen
atom is also well known and is a staple of any quantum
mechanics course.1 However, less familiar is the interaction
between such bound systems at separation R, which is the
so-called van der Waals force and is of a completely different
character from its Coulombic analog.2 That this must be
the case is clear from the fact that the hydrogen atom is
neutral, so that to lowest order there is no interaction. On the
other hand the system is polarizable, and thus can interact
with the other polarizable system, leading to a short-ranged
attraction which varies as 1/R6, and this feature is discussed
by a number of quantum mechanical references.3,4 Somewhat
less well known is the fact that at larger distances the character
of the interaction changes and varies as
1/R7—discussion of this feature can be found, e.g., in the
quantum field theory book by Itzykson and Zuber.5 It is clear
that the origin of this change is retardation, i.e., the finite
propagation time of signals connecting the two systems, but
the precise way in which this modification comes about is
not so easy to calculate and is not generally presented.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The interaction between charged particles via the Coulombinteraction is one of the most important features inphysics and is familiar to any student of the subject. The wayin which electrons and protons bind to form the hydrogenatom is also well known and is a staple of any quantummechanics course.1 However, less familiar is the interactionbetween such bound systems at separation R, which is theso-called van der Waals force and is of a completely differentcharacter from its Coulombic analog.2 That this must bethe case is clear from the fact that the hydrogen atom isneutral, so that to lowest order there is no interaction. On theother hand the system is polarizable, and thus can interactwith the other polarizable system, leading to a short-rangedattraction which varies as 1/R6, and this feature is discussedby a number of quantum mechanical references.3,4 Somewhatless well known is the fact that at larger distances the characterof the interaction changes and varies as1/R7—discussion of this feature can be found, e.g., in thequantum field theory book by Itzykson and Zuber.5 It is clearthat the origin of this change is retardation, i.e., the finitepropagation time of signals connecting the two systems, butthe precise way in which this modification comes about isnot so easy to calculate and is not generally presented.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Interaksi antara partikel bermuatan melalui Coulomb
interaksi adalah salah satu fitur yang paling penting dalam
fisika dan akrab bagi setiap siswa subjek. Cara
di mana elektron dan proton mengikat untuk membentuk hidrogen
atom juga terkenal dan merupakan pokok dari setiap kuantum
mekanik course.1 Namun, kurang akrab adalah interaksi
antara sistem terikat seperti di pemisahan R, yang merupakan
disebut van der Waals dan dari sekali berbeda
karakter dari analog.2 Coulomb nya itu ini harus menjadi
kasus ini jelas dari kenyataan bahwa atom hidrogen
netral, sehingga untuk memesan terendah tidak ada interaksi. Di
sisi lain sistem ini terpolarisasi, dan dengan demikian dapat berinteraksi
dengan sistem terpolarisasi lainnya, yang mengarah ke pendek berkisar
tarik yang bervariasi sebagai 1 / R6, dan fitur ini dibahas
oleh sejumlah references.3,4 kuantum mekanik Agak
kurang dikenal adalah kenyataan bahwa pada jarak yang lebih besar karakter
dari perubahan interaksi dan bervariasi sebagai
1 / R7-diskusi tentang fitur ini dapat ditemukan, misalnya, dalam
buku teori medan kuantum oleh Itzykson dan Zuber.5 jelas
bahwa asal dari perubahan ini adalah keterbelakangan, yaitu, hingga
waktu propagasi sinyal yang menghubungkan dua sistem, tapi
cara yang tepat di mana modifikasi ini datang tentang ini
tidak begitu mudah untuk menghitung dan umumnya tidak disajikan.
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