One day,I and my aunt and uncle and my cousin. We went to visit the Ma terjemahan - One day,I and my aunt and uncle and my cousin. We went to visit the Ma Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

One day,I and my aunt and uncle and

One day,I and my aunt and uncle and my cousin. We went to visit the Mall Paris. There is a very crowded and very beautiful views of the trees in front of the Mall. The crowded looks real,and in Mobagu city is famous sayings “Cities Bentor”,and also visible and audible beeb Bentor everywhere.People Mobagu of family tradition City tradition in their family,that children respect and appreciate their parents and their parents also give their children the freedom to enjoy life.
In the Mall,so many visitors to the road until make I and my uncle familys,we were walking in the corner the narrowness. But,despite such circumstances nonethelesess visitors and buyers more and more,to the point that I was my self surprised saying in my heart “ Waw…crowd that I saw in the city of Paris Mobagu’s Mall.
Inside the Mall,there is a wide range of objects and materials that we need daily. Also looked to materials and goods that are in this Mall,partially transferred or imported directly from Paris. And also in the city of Mobagu is very famous for its lunkhead beans, which taste so delicious and very priceless,to the point at Mall Paris also sells these Dodol beans with a variety of different ornaments in the package. And materials or goods in the Mall Paris is the price is cheap and the quality is affordable.
No wonder anyway,and it makes me amazed and so proud, in this Mobagu in general there is the Islamic religion is so strong and the Adzan voice always sound on times. Though we are all right know,that Part of Sulawesi,let alone the North Sulawesi Manado was mostly made up of the Christian Religion.But in Mobagu another case,in the city of Mobagu is thus entirety Muslim.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Suatu hari, saya dan bibi saya dan Paman dan sepupu saya. Kami pergi untuk mengunjungi Mall Paris. Ada sebuah pemandangan yang sangat ramai dan sangat indah pohon di depan Mall. Ramai tampak nyata, dan dalam Mobagu kota terkenal perkataan "Kota Bentor", dan juga terlihat dan terdengar beeb Bentor di mana-mana.Orang-orang Mobagu dari tradisi keluarga kota tradisi di keluarga mereka, bahwa anak menghormati dan menghargai orang tua mereka dan orang tua mereka juga memberikan anak-anak mereka kebebasan untuk menikmati hidup. Di mal, begitu banyak pengunjung ke jalan sampai membuat saya dan paman saya cocok, kami berjalan di sudut kesempitan. Tapi, meskipun demikian keadaan nonethelesess pengunjung dan pembeli lebih dan lebih, ke titik bahwa saya tidak mengatakan terkejut saya diri dalam hatiku "Waw... orang-orang yang saya lihat di kota Mobagu Paris Mall. Di dalam mal, terdapat berbagai macam benda dan bahan-bahan yang kita butuhkan setiap hari. Juga melihat bahan-bahan dan barang-barang yang di Mall ini sebagian ditransfer atau diimpor langsung dari Paris. Dan juga di kota Mobagu sangat terkenal dengan kacang dodol, rasa yang sangat lezat dan sangat tak ternilai, ke titik di Mall Paris juga menjual kacang Dodol ini dengan berbagai ornamen yang berbeda dalam paket. Dan bahan-bahan atau barang di Mall di Paris adalah harga murah dan kualitas terjangkau.No wonder anyway,and it makes me amazed and so proud, in this Mobagu in general there is the Islamic religion is so strong and the Adzan voice always sound on times. Though we are all right know,that Part of Sulawesi,let alone the North Sulawesi Manado was mostly made up of the Christian Religion.But in Mobagu another case,in the city of Mobagu is thus entirety Muslim.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
One day,I and my aunt and uncle and my cousin. We went to visit the Mall Paris. There is a very crowded and very beautiful views of the trees in front of the Mall. The crowded looks real,and in Mobagu city is famous sayings “Cities Bentor”,and also visible and audible beeb Bentor everywhere.People Mobagu of family tradition City tradition in their family,that children respect and appreciate their parents and their parents also give their children the freedom to enjoy life.
In the Mall,so many visitors to the road until make I and my uncle familys,we were walking in the corner the narrowness. But,despite such circumstances nonethelesess visitors and buyers more and more,to the point that I was my self surprised saying in my heart “ Waw…crowd that I saw in the city of Paris Mobagu’s Mall.
Inside the Mall,there is a wide range of objects and materials that we need daily. Also looked to materials and goods that are in this Mall,partially transferred or imported directly from Paris. And also in the city of Mobagu is very famous for its lunkhead beans, which taste so delicious and very priceless,to the point at Mall Paris also sells these Dodol beans with a variety of different ornaments in the package. And materials or goods in the Mall Paris is the price is cheap and the quality is affordable.
No wonder anyway,and it makes me amazed and so proud, in this Mobagu in general there is the Islamic religion is so strong and the Adzan voice always sound on times. Though we are all right know,that Part of Sulawesi,let alone the North Sulawesi Manado was mostly made up of the Christian Religion.But in Mobagu another case,in the city of Mobagu is thus entirety Muslim.

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