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The Internet Journal Language, Cult

The Internet Journal Language, Culture and Society
ISSN 1327-774X
© LSC-2013 Page 101
Issue 36
Identifying Changing in Indonesian Values and its Impact to Indonesian
Consumer Behavior
Sabrina O. Sihombing
Universitas Pelita Harapan
In the past Indonesian people were taught in school or by their families several traditional values such
as harmoni (harmony), toleransi (tolerance), keagamaan (religiosity), and gotong-royong (mutual assistance).
However, these values have changed mainly because of globalization. This article addresses
the value changes in Indonesian people. More than 2,000 open-ended questionnaires were
distributed to respondents in four big cities in Indonesia: Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, and Surabaya.
A total of 1209 usable questionnaires were used to identify Indonesian values today. The result shows
that gotong royong (mutual assistance), demokrasi (democracy), agama (religion), harmoni (harmony),
ramah-tamah (hospitality), fanatisme keagamaan (religious fanaticism), and individualisme (individualism)
are today’s Indonesian values. Changing values is considered as one main factor of
changing consumer behavior.
Keywords: Indonesian values, changing values, consumer behavior
Little research has been conducted to understand Indonesian values. Values that have been taught in
schools or in family are Indonesian holds harmoni (harmony), toleransi (tolerance), keagamaan (religiosity),
and gotong-royong (mutual assistance) as Indonesian values. However, many things are
changing as a result of globalization and technology. In the specific, society’s values change continuously
(Arnett, 2002; Blackwell et al., 2007). Change in values will affect people behavior. Therefore,
this research aims to understand the current values of Indonesian people at this time.
Literature Review
Values and consumer behavior
There are a number of definitions of values. Despite the fact that value is one important construct in
social science research, there is no consensus in the literature about the definition of value (Lombaert,
2003; Firth, 1953). Furthermore, Lombaert (2003) examined 4000 articles on values, about 170
definitions of word value emerged. He pointed out that value is a vague term which refers to a fundamental
aspiration of the human person for living a society. Another researcher, Zetterberg (1998) also
pointed out that the term "value" has many meanings. For example, the term value in market research
can be associated with “value for money" and "consumer values".
The word value is also often easy to say but hard to explain (Firth, 1953). The word value is also often
connoted as something good, valuable, dignified, and positive connotation. Instead, what is the
opposite is called as non value or disvalue. Some people called negative values for all negative
values, and the word “values’ refer to positive things (Bertens, 2007).
The concept of value is one important variable to human life because values influence all aspects of
human life (Rokeach, 1973 cited by Wang et al., 1994). Values provide guidelines to live in a society
(Schwartz, 1999) and values provide answer to basic and universal questions such as ‘what do I do?’
(Zhou et al., 2011). Hofstede (1994) pointed out that values are among the first children learned.
Since the age of 10, most children have their basic value systems. Values are acquired through the
family, neighborhood, experience, and lifestyle (Karahanna et al., 2005). Furthermore, different cultures
will provide different values. For instance, Western values are characterized by ‘separateness’.
The Internet Journal Language, Culture and Society
ISSN 1327-774X
© LSC-2013 Page 102
Issue 36
In other words, western people are relatively independent and individualistic. On the other hand, nonwestern
values are more interdependent and collective (Evans et al., 2009).
Grunert and Scherhorn (1990, cited by Wang et al., 1994) identified five features of personal values.
Values were described as 1) concepts or beliefs, 2) about desirable behaviors and/or end states 3)
that go beyond specific situations, 4) guide the selection or evaluation of events and behaviors, and 5)
are ordered by a certain hierarchical importance.
Changing values and empirical evidence of changing values
Globalization is one of the main factors that contribute to value changes (Cozma, 2011). There are
several studies that provide the value changes around the world. For example, Indonesian people
were known as a tolerant society with the main foundation of Bhineka Tunggal Ika (unity in diversity).
However, Indonesian people now becoming aggressive and anarchistic toward differences. Moreover,
group or individual interests are more important than common interest (Rahayu, 2012;,
2012; Calam & Sobirin, 2008). Another example, Bibby (1995, cited by McGregor, 2000) stated that
three quarters
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The Internet Journal Language, Culture and SocietyURL: 1327-774X© LSC-2013 Page 101Issue 36Identifying Changing in Indonesian Values and its Impact to IndonesianConsumer BehaviorSabrina O. SihombingUniversitas Pelita HarapanAbstractIn the past Indonesian people were taught in school or by their families several traditional values suchas harmoni (harmony), toleransi (tolerance), keagamaan (religiosity), and gotong-royong (mutual assistance).However, these values have changed mainly because of globalization. This article addressesthe value changes in Indonesian people. More than 2,000 open-ended questionnaires weredistributed to respondents in four big cities in Indonesia: Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, and Surabaya.A total of 1209 usable questionnaires were used to identify Indonesian values today. The result showsthat gotong royong (mutual assistance), demokrasi (democracy), agama (religion), harmoni (harmony),ramah-tamah (hospitality), fanatisme keagamaan (religious fanaticism), and individualisme (individualism)are today’s Indonesian values. Changing values is considered as one main factor ofchanging consumer behavior.Keywords: Indonesian values, changing values, consumer behaviorIntroductionLittle research has been conducted to understand Indonesian values. Values that have been taught inschools or in family are Indonesian holds harmoni (harmony), toleransi (tolerance), keagamaan (religiosity),and gotong-royong (mutual assistance) as Indonesian values. However, many things arechanging as a result of globalization and technology. In the specific, society’s values change continuously(Arnett, 2002; Blackwell et al., 2007). Change in values will affect people behavior. Therefore,this research aims to understand the current values of Indonesian people at this time.Literature ReviewValues and consumer behaviorThere are a number of definitions of values. Despite the fact that value is one important construct insocial science research, there is no consensus in the literature about the definition of value (Lombaert,2003; Firth, 1953). Furthermore, Lombaert (2003) examined 4000 articles on values, about 170definitions of word value emerged. He pointed out that value is a vague term which refers to a fundamentalaspiration of the human person for living a society. Another researcher, Zetterberg (1998) alsopointed out that the term "value" has many meanings. For example, the term value in market researchcan be associated with “value for money" and "consumer values".The word value is also often easy to say but hard to explain (Firth, 1953). The word value is also oftenconnoted as something good, valuable, dignified, and positive connotation. Instead, what is theopposite is called as non value or disvalue. Some people called negative values for all negativevalues, and the word “values’ refer to positive things (Bertens, 2007).The concept of value is one important variable to human life because values influence all aspects ofhuman life (Rokeach, 1973 cited by Wang et al., 1994). Values provide guidelines to live in a society(Schwartz, 1999) and values provide answer to basic and universal questions such as ‘what do I do?’(Zhou et al., 2011). Hofstede (1994) pointed out that values are among the first children learned.Since the age of 10, most children have their basic value systems. Values are acquired through thefamily, neighborhood, experience, and lifestyle (Karahanna et al., 2005). Furthermore, different cultureswill provide different values. For instance, Western values are characterized by ‘separateness’.The Internet Journal Language, Culture and SocietyURL: 1327-774X© LSC-2013 Page 102Issue 36In other words, western people are relatively independent and individualistic. On the other hand, nonwesternvalues are more interdependent and collective (Evans et al., 2009).Grunert and Scherhorn (1990, cited by Wang et al., 1994) identified five features of personal values.Values were described as 1) concepts or beliefs, 2) about desirable behaviors and/or end states 3)that go beyond specific situations, 4) guide the selection or evaluation of events and behaviors, and 5)are ordered by a certain hierarchical importance.Changing values and empirical evidence of changing valuesGlobalization is one of the main factors that contribute to value changes (Cozma, 2011). There areseveral studies that provide the value changes around the world. For example, Indonesian peoplewere known as a tolerant society with the main foundation of Bhineka Tunggal Ika (unity in diversity).However, Indonesian people now becoming aggressive and anarchistic toward differences. Moreover,group or individual interests are more important than common interest (Rahayu, 2012;,2012; Calam & Sobirin, 2008). Another example, Bibby (1995, cited by McGregor, 2000) stated thatthree quarters
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Internet Journal Bahasa, Budaya dan Masyarakat
ISSN 1327-774X
© LSC-2013 Halaman 101
Issue 36
Mengidentifikasi Mengubah di Nilai Indonesia dan Dampaknya terhadap Indonesia
Perilaku Konsumen
Sabrina O. Sihombing
Universitas Pelita Harapan
dalam masyarakat Indonesia masa lalu diajarkan di sekolah atau dengan keluarga mereka beberapa nilai-nilai tradisional seperti
sebagai harmoni (keserasian), toleransi (toleransi), keagamaan (religiusitas), dan gotong-royong (gotong royong).
Namun, nilai-nilai ini telah berubah terutama karena globalisasi. Artikel ini membahas
perubahan nilai dalam masyarakat Indonesia. Lebih dari 2.000 kuesioner terbuka yang
dibagikan kepada responden di empat kota besar di Indonesia. Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, dan Surabaya
Sebanyak 1.209 kuesioner yang dapat digunakan digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi nilai-nilai Indonesia saat ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa gotong royong (gotong royong), demokrasi (demokrasi), agama (agama), Harmoni (harmoni),
Rama-tamah (hospitality), fanatisme keagamaan (fanatisme agama), dan Individualisme (individualisme)
adalah nilai-nilai Indonesia saat ini. Mengubah nilai-nilai dianggap sebagai salah satu faktor utama
perubahan perilaku konsumen.
Kata kunci: nilai-nilai Indonesia, mengubah nilai-nilai, perilaku konsumen
Sedikit penelitian telah dilakukan untuk memahami nilai-nilai Indonesia. Nilai-nilai yang telah diajarkan di
sekolah-sekolah atau di keluarga Indonesia memegang harmoni (keserasian), Toleransi (toleransi), keagamaan (religiusitas),
dan gotong-royong (saling membantu) sebagai nilai-nilai Indonesia. Namun, banyak hal yang
berubah sebagai akibat dari globalisasi dan teknologi. Dalam tertentu, nilai-nilai masyarakat berubah terus menerus
(Arnett, 2002; Blackwell et al, 2007.). Perubahan nilai-nilai akan mempengaruhi perilaku orang. Oleh karena itu,
penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami nilai-nilai saat ini masyarakat Indonesia saat ini.
Nilai dan perilaku konsumen
Ada sejumlah definisi nilai. Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa nilai merupakan salah satu konstruk penting dalam
penelitian ilmu sosial, tidak ada konsensus dalam literatur tentang definisi nilai (Lombaert,
2003; Firth, 1953). Selanjutnya, Lombaert (2003) meneliti 4000 artikel tentang nilai-nilai, sekitar 170
definisi dari nilai kata muncul. Dia menunjukkan bahwa nilai adalah istilah yang samar-samar yang mengacu pada dasar
aspirasi pribadi manusia untuk hidup bermasyarakat. Peneliti lain, Zetterberg (1998) juga
menunjukkan bahwa istilah "nilai" memiliki banyak arti. Misalnya, nilai istilah dalam riset pasar
dapat dikaitkan dengan "nilai untuk uang" dan "nilai-nilai konsumen".
Nilai Kata ini juga sering mudah untuk dikatakan tapi sulit untuk menjelaskan (Firth, 1953). Nilai Kata ini juga sering
dikonotasikan sebagai sesuatu yang baik, yang berharga, bermartabat, dan konotasi positif. Sebaliknya, apa yang yang
berlawanan disebut sebagai non nilai atau disvalue. Beberapa orang yang disebut nilai-nilai negatif untuk semua negatif
nilai, dan kata "nilai-nilai 'mengacu pada hal-hal positif (Bertens, 2007 ).
konsep nilai merupakan salah satu variabel penting untuk kehidupan manusia karena nilai-nilai mempengaruhi semua aspek
kehidupan manusia (Rokeach, 1973 dikutip oleh Wang et al., 1994). nilai memberikan pedoman untuk hidup bermasyarakat
(Schwartz, 1999) dan nilai-nilai memberikan jawaban untuk pertanyaan dasar dan universal seperti 'apa yang harus saya lakukan?'
(Zhou et al., 2011). Hofstede (1994) menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai di antara anak-anak pertama kali belajar.
Sejak usia 10, kebanyakan anak-anak memiliki mereka sistem nilai dasar. nilai yang diperoleh melalui
keluarga, lingkungan, pengalaman, dan gaya hidup (Karahanna et al., 2005). Selanjutnya, budaya yang berbeda
akan memberikan nilai yang berbeda. Misalnya, nilai-nilai Barat yang ditandai dengan 'keterpisahan'.
Internet Journal Bahasa, Budaya dan Masyarakat
ISSN 1327-774X
© LSC-2013 Page 102
Edisi 36
Dengan kata lain, orang-orang barat yang relatif independen dan individualistis. Di sisi lain, nonwestern
nilai lebih saling tergantung dan kolektif (Evans et al., 2009).
Grunert dan Scherhorn (1990, dikutip oleh Wang et al., 1994) mengidentifikasi lima fitur dari nilai-nilai pribadi.
Nilai yang digambarkan sebagai 1) konsep atau keyakinan, 2) tentang perilaku yang diinginkan dan / atau negara end 3)
yang melampaui situasi tertentu, 4) memandu pemilihan atau evaluasi peristiwa dan perilaku, dan 5)
yang diperintahkan oleh kepentingan hirarki tertentu.
nilai-nilai Mengubah dan bukti empiris mengubah nilai
Globalisasi adalah salah satu faktor utama yang berkontribusi terhadap perubahan nilai (Cozma, 2011). Ada
beberapa penelitian yang memberikan perubahan nilai di seluruh dunia. Misalnya, masyarakat Indonesia
dikenal sebagai masyarakat yang toleran dengan landasan utama Bhineka Tunggal Ika (unity in diversity).
Namun, masyarakat Indonesia sekarang menjadi agresif dan anarkis terhadap perbedaan. Selain itu,
kelompok atau kepentingan individu lebih penting daripada kepentingan bersama (Rahayu, 2012;,
2012; calam & Sobirin, 2008). Contoh lain, Bibby (1995, dikutip oleh McGregor, 2000) menyatakan bahwa
tiga perempat
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