#1535: My Meng Hao, is aloof since then!!( Second) Suddenly, in this m terjemahan - #1535: My Meng Hao, is aloof since then!!( Second) Suddenly, in this m Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1535: My Meng Hao, is aloof since

#1535: My Meng Hao, is aloof since then!!( Second)

Suddenly, in this mainland, innumerable cultivator, innumerable existences, roars gains ground, sits cross-legged to sit down immediately, immediately their spiritual sense fuse in together, has formed the dreadful rough seas, thunders, condensed boundless Patriarch clone all around directly, has formed the storm once more, rolled up and pushed along all directions, shelled the Heaven's Crown will the incarnation, the form of that four first eight arm.
You have the life of entire boundless starry sky to support, but here, then by technique law reversal starry sky, reverberation once boundless mainland, by here my strength of subjects, resists!
This has surpassed the common technique law, even has gone beyond too many cultivator understanding scopes, as if to existence of boundless Patriarch this boundary, the time is also good, space, even if away from the endless years, can pinch as before fingertips it, becomes own magical powers Great Dao.
Thunders, the Heaven's Crown will incarnation of that four first eight arm, in the eye reveals the red glow, when this red glow together, his eight arms brandish immediately, immediately formed Heavenly lightning to be billowing, with storm resistance that approached.
When the bang is dreadful, Meng Hao, this moment within the body spreads the sound of beating a drum, his imposing manner rumbling within the intense eruption, because in his within the body, this moment nine bans, will soon fuse!
„First Hex!” The Meng Hao big sleeve flings, immediately Beginning to End Hex appears, that is all beginnings, that was Demon Sealer Hex law once finally, is not Meng Hao own creation, but from past Jiu Feng Paragon read Shui Dongliu that formed remnantly, in its inheritance had.
Was fused by Meng Hao, became own First Hex!
In his eyes the fine glow dodges, in instant, on his forehead that this First Hex appears, sudden left a luminous spot, this luminous spot, disperses the intermittent plain feeling radiantly, in appearing instant, lets that Heaven's Crown will immediately the incarnation, in the item the red glow are more.
In the Meng Hao eye the none remaining dodges, among waves hand, after First Hex. Displayed
„Second Hex!”
Real and False Hex, has the vacation, false variable, this bans along with Meng Hao waves hand. Immediately on Meng Hao forehead, the second luminous spot appears instantaneously, this luminous spot empty is not imaginary, for the first time looked seems false, but careful looks. Actually really exists, the time of if looking at grew, as if can be inhaled among including the mind.
Second Hex!
Meng Hao breathes deeply, in this ancient times time, his all around all did not have any too big change, that huge chair as before, only different, was the sky is deep blue, was this earth blue stone spreads out all over, was this all around spirit energy is rich.
Looks from afar. The innumerable rainbows dance in the air, but before his body, boundless Patriarch clone, was brandishing at this moment has gathered all boundless mainland cultivator spiritual sense, shelled the Heaven's Crown will the incarnation.
„Third Hex!” Meng Hao both hands waves hand, the world will thunder from now on.
This Third Hex, is Past and Present Hex, in appearing instant, unexpectedly dark and present this piece of world fusion in one, with it conjunction. Together the sympathetic chord, after all, here was ancient times, but Meng Hao from the future. So-called now in, making this Past and Present Hex when appearing, strength of proliferation years, on Meng Hao forehead, the third luminous spot, appeared.
Three luminous spots. Also sparkles, when Meng Hao within the body imposing manner dreadfully, thundering world, he has not stopped, both hands in a flash.
„Fourth Hex!”
This Fourth Hex, before is, in Eighth Hex strongest Hex law, named Oneself Hex, this bans to be possible clone to be innumerable, may create a world, the instance that at this moment appeared, Meng Hao all around, reappeared impressively innumerable and his this source form.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1535: saya Meng Hao, menyendiri sejak itu!! (Kedua) Tiba-tiba, di daratan ini, tak terhitung beralih, keberadaan yang tak terhitung, mengaum keuntungan tanah, duduk bersila untuk duduk segera, segera mereka sekering pengertian rohani di bersama-sama, telah membentuk laut kasar mengerikan, guruh, kental tak terbatas patriak klon semua sekitar langsung, telah membentuk badai sekali lagi, digulung dan didorong sepanjang segala arah, dikupas dalam surga Crown akan inkarnasi, bentuk yang delapan pertama empat lengan.Anda memiliki kehidupan dari seluruh langit berbintang tak terbatas untuk mendukung, tetapi di sini, kemudian oleh teknik hukum pembalikan starry langit, gema sekali tak terbatas daratan, di sini kekuatanku subyek, menolak!Ini telah melampaui teknik umum hukum, bahkan telah melampaui terlalu banyak beralih pemahaman Scope, seolah-olah keberadaan tak terbatas patriak batas ini, waktu juga baik, Ruang, bahkan jika dari bertahun-tahun tak berujung, dapat mencubit sebagai sebelum ujung jari, menjadi kekuatan magis sendiri besar Dao.Guruh, Crown surga akan inkarnasi itu empat lengan delapan pertama, di mata mengungkapkan cahaya merah, ketika cahaya merah ini bersama-sama, nya delapan lengan mengayunkan segera, segera membentuk surgawi lightning untuk mengepul, dengan resistensi badai yang mendekat.Ketika bang mengerikan, Meng Hao, saat ini dalam tubuh spread suara menabuh drum, cara nya mengesankan bergemuruh dalam letusan intens, karena dalam karyanya dalam tubuh, saat ini sembilan larangan, akan segera sekering!„First Hex!” The Meng Hao big sleeve flings, immediately Beginning to End Hex appears, that is all beginnings, that was Demon Sealer Hex law once finally, is not Meng Hao own creation, but from past Jiu Feng Paragon read Shui Dongliu that formed remnantly, in its inheritance had.Was fused by Meng Hao, became own First Hex!In his eyes the fine glow dodges, in instant, on his forehead that this First Hex appears, sudden left a luminous spot, this luminous spot, disperses the intermittent plain feeling radiantly, in appearing instant, lets that Heaven's Crown will immediately the incarnation, in the item the red glow are more.In the Meng Hao eye the none remaining dodges, among waves hand, after First Hex. Displayed„Second Hex!”Real and False Hex, has the vacation, false variable, this bans along with Meng Hao waves hand. Immediately on Meng Hao forehead, the second luminous spot appears instantaneously, this luminous spot empty is not imaginary, for the first time looked seems false, but careful looks. Actually really exists, the time of if looking at grew, as if can be inhaled among including the mind.Second Hex!Meng Hao breathes deeply, in this ancient times time, his all around all did not have any too big change, that huge chair as before, only different, was the sky is deep blue, was this earth blue stone spreads out all over, was this all around spirit energy is rich.Tampak dari jauh. Pelangi tak terhitung menari di udara, tetapi sebelum tubuhnya, tak terbatas patriak klon, mengacungkan pada saat ini telah mengumpulkan semua rasa tak terbatas daratan beralih rohani, dikupas dalam surga Crown akan inkarnasi."Ketiga Hex!" Meng Hao kedua tangan tangan gelombang, dunia akan thunder sekarang.Hex ketiga ini, adalah masa lalu dan hadir Hex, tampil instan, tiba-tiba gelap dan menyajikan ini bagian dari dunia fusi dalam satu, dengan hubungannya. Bersama-sama chord simpatik, setelah semua, di sini adalah pada zaman kuno, tapi Meng Hao dari masa depan. Disebut sekarang dalam, membuat ini masa lalu dan hadir Hex ketika muncul, kekuatan proliferasi tahun, pada dahi Meng Hao, bercahaya spot ketiga, muncul.Tiga tempat yang bercahaya. Juga berkilau, saat Meng Hao dalam tubuh memaksakan cara sangat, gemuruh dunia, ia tidak berhenti, kedua tangan dalam sekejap."Keempat Hex!"Hex keempat ini, sebelum ini, dalam kedelapan Hex Hex terkuat hukum, bernama Oneself Hex, larangan ini harus kemungkinan tiruan menjadi tak terhitung, dapat membuat dunia, contoh yang saat ini muncul, Meng Hao sekeliling, muncul kembali mengesankan tak terhitung dan bentuk sumber ini.
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