Jodha looked back at Jalal with anger and said

Jodha looked back at Jalal with ang

Jodha looked back at Jalal with anger and said "Hume yaha se abhi niche utariye, hum palki (palanquin) me beth ke aayenge." ("Stop horse right now, I don't want to ride with you anymore... I will come in palki.")

Jalal smirked at Jodha and kissed her cheeks quickly and said "when you are angry your cheeks turn red and you look so cute."

Jodha felt shy but with little anger she said "Shahenshah, hum yaha akele nahi hai."

("Don't kiss me like this, we are not alone here.")

Jalal pulled her more closer and said sensually "To iska matlab, jab hum akele ho tab aapko koi aitraj nahi hai." ("Oooh, so that means, you have no problem if I do this when we are alone.")

Jodha shyly replied "Humne aesa to nahi kaha... Aur ha hame koi takleef nahi hoti, Aap kisi bhi begum ke paas jaa sakte hai. Aur hum aapko yaad dila de aap ne hamse vada kiya hai, aap hamare karib nahi aayenge...parantu..." (I didn't say that, and yes I don't have any problem... with any of your begums, you can do anything with them... and you are forgetting that you have promised me that you will not come close me without my permission... but...") before she could continue Jalal stopped her, his ego got hurt with her mock, he instantly said in serious tone "Jodha begum, I know my limits and I have no interest in coming close to you."

After a few minutes of silence Jodha asked in serious tone "Shahenshah, You have so many begums...What difference would it have made in your life if I would have died??

Jalal irritably said "Jodha why can't you hear my unspoken words... Do you really want to know what my life would be without you?? Fine...then listen...

Zubaan Khamosh, Aur Ankhon Me Nami Hoti,

(Words would be silent and eyes would be full of sorrow,)

Yahi Bas Meri Ek Dastan-e-zindagi Hoti,

( Only this would be my fable of life,)

Bharne Ko Toh Har Zakham Bhar Jate lekin,

(Every wound can be healed sooner or later, but,)

Kese Bharegi Wo Jagah Jaha Tumhari Kami Hoti,

How would that place be filled, where there is only place for you)

Jodha was shocked to hear his confession... She asked teasingly... "Aesa Kyu hota shahenshah" (Why you would've felt this way?)

Jalal smirked and didn't respond to her.

After a few minutes of silence... Jodha with teasing tone; "Shahenshah, did you like my friend Surya?"

Jalal furiously replied "No!!! I don't want to pretend... Yes, it indeed bothered me to see yours and Surya's closeness. How dare he touched you and put flower in your hair...Whenever Surya looked at you, I could read in his eyes much more than friendship. Yes!!! I am jealous of your and Surya's friendship and don't ask me WHY."

Jodha to take Kanika's revenge asked him "Why don't you like Surya and my closeness?? Why it bothered you? Shahenshah, you always say that you don't have a heart... you don't love me... then why this jealousy... In what way am I special in your life... you said yesterday that I am capable of making you cry; smile... why am I so important? Are you in love with me?"

Jalal stopped his horse suddenly with annoyance and said "I don't know the answer to your questions... I have no interest in talking to you... You can go and sit in palki."

Jodha teasingly replied "You sure? What if I ran away from you... I thought you didn't want to leave me alone for even a minute."

Jalal with annoyed tone said "Jodha, enough... if you want to ride with me then keep quiet."

Jodha in complaining tone said "I am tired... how far is our tent?"

Jalal replied "It's not too far now, We should be there in few minutes."

After some time Jalal said in casual tone said "Jodha, I can't wait to go back to Agra, it's been more than fifteen days."

Jodha innocently replied "But Shahenshah I wish our journey never ends."

This innocent response touched Jalal's heart extremely... he pulled her very close to him with love and said "That is why Jodha Begum, YOU STAY IN MY HEART." This was the first time... he acknowledged that he has a heart... Jodha looked back at him without a blink with astonishment... She wanted to hear this for so long...and Jalal knew what he was saying... instead of feeling like losing something he was feeling intensely content... he felt that he has won the entire world... for the first time he lost something but he felt immense pleasure in losing his heart to Jodha.

Tears swam out of Jodha's eyes in happiness, in dim tone she said "Shahenshah, you just said that I stay in your heart."

Jalal contently smiled at her and said in sincere tone "Yes Jodha!!! No one else can stay in my heart other than you, you have won my heart." They both were looked at each other with gratification of intense love. Jalal hugged her from back and in silence they both enjoyed each other's closeness.

It was late evening; they were passing through beautiful mountains. Jalal saw a beautiful river next to big open ground and thought this is the perfect place to stay for tonight and smile crawled seeing their tents... They stopped near tents... Then Jalal instruct Abdul to make sure everything is secured and their tents and food is ready.

Jalal was so pleased with the beauty of the place... he wanted to spend time with Jodha alone... he soberly asked "Jodha, Do you want to come for a walk near the shore of the river, I am desperate to see sunset today..."

Jodha with smile nodded her head and started to walk with him... Entire area was surrounded by huge mountains and green trees... It was a peaceful, quite cold winter evening... Sky was turning orange with glowing shadow of the sun. The light was fading... The birds ended their journey and were back to the warmth of their nest. They were walking toward the river...There was deep silence between them...both of them were feeling little shy of each other. They finally reached near the shore, it was a beautiful, relaxing and romantic sandy shore and perfect timing for sunset, sky completely turned deep orange with the colorful shades. Feel of the cool evening blowing breeze was fanatic.

Jalal and Jodha both sat by the sandy shore looking at the beauty of the nature... waiting for the sun to hide and moon to come. Jalal closed his eyes to listen to the melodious sound of the river waves...both of them were deeply in love with each other... their hearts were beating faster... then slowly Jalaal held Jodha's hand and pulled her towards him... She was desperately waiting for this moment... Jodha put her head on his chest with love...he put his hand around her waist... there was no need to talk...being with each other they felt content...feeling of their love in the air... Jalal was staring at Jodha without a blink... she felt uncomfortable with his constant passionate gaze.

She shyly said "Shahenshah, Don't look at me like this."

Jalal smirked at her and said "Can I request you for something Jodha"

She responded calmly "Ji Shahenshah..."

"Can you please sing something for me in your melodious and magical voice?" asked Jalaal.

Jodha in agreement smiled a little "What do you want me to sing?"

He said..."Jodha, I want to hear what you feel about us."

She shyly grinned.. and with her eyes expression accepted and started a beautiful song.

Jalal was lying down on sand and looking at her with intense love and passionate eyes.

Jodha Akbar Movie song
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Jodha kembali menatap Jalal dengan kemarahan dan berkata "Hume yaha se abhi ceruk utariye, hum palki (tandu) saya beth ke aayenge." ("Kuda berhenti sekarang, saya tidak ingin naik dengan Anda lagi... Aku akan datang di palki.")Jalal smirked di Jodha dan mencium pipinya cepat dan berkata "ketika Anda marah Anda pipi merah dan kau tampak sangat manis."Jodha merasa malu tapi dengan sedikit kemarahan dia berkata "Shahenshah, yaha hum akele nahi hai."("Tidak menciumku seperti ini, kita tidak sendirian di sini.")Jalal ditarik nya lebih dekat dan sensual berkata "untuk iska matlab, jab hum akele ho tab aapko koi aitraj nahi hai." ("Oooh, jadi itu berarti, Anda tidak punya masalah jika saya melakukan ini ketika kita sendirian.")Jodha shyly menjawab "Humne aesa untuk nahi kaha... Aur ha POV koi takleef nahi hoti, Stasiun Aap bhi begum ke paas jaa sakte hai. Aur hum aapko yaad dila de aap ne hamse vada kiya hai, aap hamare karib nahi aayenge... parantu... " (Saya tidak mengatakan itu, dan ya saya tidak mempunyai masalah... dengan salah satu begums Anda, Anda dapat melakukan apa pun dengan mereka... dan Anda lupa bahwa Anda telah berjanji bahwa Anda tidak akan datang dekat saya tanpa izin saya... tapi... ") sebelum dia bisa terus Jalal berhenti padanya, egonya mendapat menyakiti dengan pura-pura nya, dia langsung mengatakan nada serius"Jodha begumAku tahu batas saya dan saya tidak memiliki minat pada datang dekat dengan Anda. "Setelah beberapa menit keheningan Jodha bertanya dalam nada serius "Shahenshah, Anda memiliki begitu banyak begums...Apa perbedaan akan itu membuat dalam hidup Anda jika saya akan mati??Jalal kesal berkata "Jodha mengapa Anda tidak dapat mendengar kata-kataku tak terucapkan... Apakah Anda benar-benar ingin tahu apa yang akan hidup saya tanpa Anda?? Baik... kemudian mendengarkan...Zubaan Khamosh, Aur info saya Nami Hoti,(Kata-kata akan diam dan mata akan penuh dengan kesedihan)Yahi Bas Meri Ek Dastan-e-zindagi Hoti,(Hanya ini akan saya fable kehidupan)Bharne Ko Toh Har Zakham Bhar Jate lekin,(Setiap luka dapat disembuhkan cepat atau lambat, tapi,)Kese Bharegi Wo Jagah Jaha Tumhari Kami Hoti,Bagaimana tempat itu akan diisi, mana ada hanya tempat untuk Anda)Jodha terkejut mendengar pengakuan darinya... Dia bertanya bercanda... "Aesa Kyu hota shahenshah" (mengapa Anda akan merasa seperti ini?)Jalal smirked dan tidak menanggapi nya.Setelah beberapa menit keheningan... Jodha dengan menggoda nada; "Shahenshah, Apakah Anda seperti teman saya Surya?"Jalal marah menjawab "tidak! Aku tidak ingin berpura-pura... Ya, memang mengganggu saya untuk melihat Anda dan kedekatan Surya's. Beraninya dia menyentuh Anda dan meletakkan bunga di rambut Anda...Setiap kali Surya melihat Anda, aku bisa membaca di matanya jauh lebih daripada persahabatan. Ya!!! Aku cemburu pada Anda dan Surya di persahabatan dan jangan tanya kenapa. "Jodha untuk membalas dendam Kanika's bertanya "kenapa tidak Anda seperti Surya dan kedekatan saya?? Kenapa itu mengganggu Anda? Shahenshah, Anda selalu mengatakan bahwa Anda tidak memiliki hati... Anda tidak mencintai saya... maka mengapa rasa cemburu ini... Dalam apa cara Apakah saya khusus dalam hidup Anda... Anda mengatakan kemarin bahwa saya mampu membuat Anda menangis; tersenyum... Mengapa saya begitu penting? Apakah Anda jatuh cinta dengan saya?"Jalal berhenti kudanya tiba-tiba dengan gangguan dan berkata "saya tidak tahu jawaban untuk pertanyaan Anda... Saya memiliki tidak tertarik dalam berbicara kepada Anda... Anda dapat pergi dan duduk di palki."Jodha bercanda menjawab "Anda yakin? Bagaimana jika aku berlari dari Anda... Saya pikir Anda tidak ingin meninggalkan saya sendirian bahkan menit."Jalal dengan nada jengkel berkata "Jodha, cukup... jika Anda ingin naik dengan saya kemudian tetap tenang."Jodha mengeluh nada berkata "Aku bosan... seberapa jauh adalah tenda kami?"Jalal menjawab "hal ini tidak terlalu jauh sekarang, kita harus ada dalam beberapa menit."Setelah beberapa waktu Jalal mengatakan dalam nada santai berkata "Jodha, aku tidak sabar untuk kembali ke Agra, sudah lebih dari lima belas hari."Jodha polos menjawab "tapi Shahenshah saya berharap perjalanan kita tidak pernah berakhir."Ini respon yang tidak bersalah menyentuh hati Jalal's sangat... ia menariknya sangat dekat dengan-Nya dengan cinta dan berkata "itu sebabnya Jodha Begum, Anda menginap di MY HEART." Ini adalah pertama kalinya... dia mengakui bahwa ia memiliki hati yang... Jodha memandang ke arahnya tanpa sekejap dengan takjub... Dia ingin mendengar ini untuk begitu lama... dan Jalal tahu apa yang ia katakan... bukannya merasa seperti kehilangan sesuatu ia merasa intens konten... dia merasa bahwa dia telah memenangkan seluruh dunia... untuk pertama kalinya ia kehilangan sesuatu tapi ia merasa kesenangan besar dalam kehilangan hatinya Jodha.Air mata berenang dari Jodha di mata dalam kebahagiaan, nada redup dia berkata "Shahenshah, Anda hanya mengatakan bahwa saya tinggal di dalam hatimu."Jalal contently tersenyum dan berkata tulus nada "Ya Jodha!!! Tidak ada orang lain bisa tinggal dalam hati saya selain Anda, Anda telah memenangkan hati saya." Mereka berdua tampak satu sama lain dengan kepuasan intens cinta. Jalal memeluknya dari belakang dan dalam keheningan mereka berdua menikmati kedekatan satu sama lain.Itu adalah malam; mereka sedang melewati pegunungan yang indah. Jalal melihat sungai yang indah di tanah terbuka yang besar dan berpikir ini adalah tempat yang sempurna untuk menginap untuk malam ini dan senyum merangkak melihat kemah-kemah mereka... Mereka berhenti dekat tenda... Kemudian Jalal menginstruksikan Abdul untuk memastikan semuanya aman dan tenda dan makanan mereka siap.Jalal merasa senang dengan keindahan tempat... dia ingin menghabiskan waktu dengan Jodha sendirian... ia muram bertanya "Jodha, Apakah Anda ingin datang untuk berjalan-jalan dekat pantai sungai, aku putus asa untuk melihat matahari terbenam hari ini..."Jodha dengan senyum mengangguk kepala dan berjalan dengan dia... Seluruh daerah itu dikelilingi oleh pegunungan yang besar dan pohon-pohon hijau... Itu damai, cukup dingin malam... Langit itu berubah oranye dengan bayangan matahari bersinar. Cahaya itu memudar... Burung-burung mengakhiri perjalanan mereka dan kembali kepada kehangatan sarang mereka. Mereka sedang berjalan menuju sungai...Ada keheningan yang mendalam antara mereka... mereka berdua merasa sedikit pemalu satu sama lain. Mereka akhirnya mencapai dekat pantai, itu adalah pantai berpasir yang indah, santai dan romantis dan sempurna untuk matahari terbenam, langit benar-benar berbalik mendalam oranye dengan nuansa warna-warni. Merasa dingin malam hembusan angin adalah fanatik.Jalal dan Jodha keduanya duduk oleh pantai berpasir melihat keindahan alam... menunggu matahari untuk menyembunyikan dan bulan yang akan datang. Jalal memejamkan mata untuk mendengarkan suara merdu Sungai gelombang... baik dari mereka adalah sangat cinta dengan satu sama lain... hati mereka yang mengalahkan lebih cepat... kemudian perlahan-lahan Jalal Suyuti diadakan Jodha di tangan dan menariknya ke arahnya... Dia mati-matian menunggu saat ini... Jodha meletakkan kepala di dadanya dengan cinta... ia meletakkan tangannya pinggang... ada tidak perlu bicara... yang saling mereka merasa konten... perasaan cinta mereka di udara... Jalal menatap pada Jodha tanpa sekejap... dia merasa tidak nyaman dengan tatapan bergairah konstan.Shyly katanya "Shahenshah, jangan melihat saya seperti ini."Jalal smirked padanya dan berkata "Dapatkah saya meminta Anda untuk sesuatu Jodha"Dia menjawab dengan tenang "Ji Shahenshah...""Dapat Anda silakan menyanyikan sesuatu untuk saya dalam suara merdu dan magis?" tanya Jalal Suyuti.Jodha kesepakatan tersenyum sedikit "Apa yang Anda inginkan aku bernyanyi?"Katanya... "Jodha, saya ingin mendengar apa yang Anda rasakan tentang kami."Dia menyeringai shyly... dan dengan matanya ekspresi diterima dan mulai lagu indah.Jalal berbaring di pasir dan menatapnya dengan cinta kuat dan penuh gairah mata.Lagu Jodha Akbar film
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jodha looked back at Jalal with anger and said "Hume yaha se abhi niche utariye, hum palki (palanquin) me beth ke aayenge." ("Stop horse right now, I don't want to ride with you anymore... I will come in palki.")

Jalal smirked at Jodha and kissed her cheeks quickly and said "when you are angry your cheeks turn red and you look so cute."

Jodha felt shy but with little anger she said "Shahenshah, hum yaha akele nahi hai."

("Don't kiss me like this, we are not alone here.")

Jalal pulled her more closer and said sensually "To iska matlab, jab hum akele ho tab aapko koi aitraj nahi hai." ("Oooh, so that means, you have no problem if I do this when we are alone.")

Jodha shyly replied "Humne aesa to nahi kaha... Aur ha hame koi takleef nahi hoti, Aap kisi bhi begum ke paas jaa sakte hai. Aur hum aapko yaad dila de aap ne hamse vada kiya hai, aap hamare karib nahi aayenge...parantu..." (I didn't say that, and yes I don't have any problem... with any of your begums, you can do anything with them... and you are forgetting that you have promised me that you will not come close me without my permission... but...") before she could continue Jalal stopped her, his ego got hurt with her mock, he instantly said in serious tone "Jodha begum, I know my limits and I have no interest in coming close to you."

After a few minutes of silence Jodha asked in serious tone "Shahenshah, You have so many begums...What difference would it have made in your life if I would have died??

Jalal irritably said "Jodha why can't you hear my unspoken words... Do you really want to know what my life would be without you?? Fine...then listen...

Zubaan Khamosh, Aur Ankhon Me Nami Hoti,

(Words would be silent and eyes would be full of sorrow,)

Yahi Bas Meri Ek Dastan-e-zindagi Hoti,

( Only this would be my fable of life,)

Bharne Ko Toh Har Zakham Bhar Jate lekin,

(Every wound can be healed sooner or later, but,)

Kese Bharegi Wo Jagah Jaha Tumhari Kami Hoti,

How would that place be filled, where there is only place for you)

Jodha was shocked to hear his confession... She asked teasingly... "Aesa Kyu hota shahenshah" (Why you would've felt this way?)

Jalal smirked and didn't respond to her.

After a few minutes of silence... Jodha with teasing tone; "Shahenshah, did you like my friend Surya?"

Jalal furiously replied "No!!! I don't want to pretend... Yes, it indeed bothered me to see yours and Surya's closeness. How dare he touched you and put flower in your hair...Whenever Surya looked at you, I could read in his eyes much more than friendship. Yes!!! I am jealous of your and Surya's friendship and don't ask me WHY."

Jodha to take Kanika's revenge asked him "Why don't you like Surya and my closeness?? Why it bothered you? Shahenshah, you always say that you don't have a heart... you don't love me... then why this jealousy... In what way am I special in your life... you said yesterday that I am capable of making you cry; smile... why am I so important? Are you in love with me?"

Jalal stopped his horse suddenly with annoyance and said "I don't know the answer to your questions... I have no interest in talking to you... You can go and sit in palki."

Jodha teasingly replied "You sure? What if I ran away from you... I thought you didn't want to leave me alone for even a minute."

Jalal with annoyed tone said "Jodha, enough... if you want to ride with me then keep quiet."

Jodha in complaining tone said "I am tired... how far is our tent?"

Jalal replied "It's not too far now, We should be there in few minutes."

After some time Jalal said in casual tone said "Jodha, I can't wait to go back to Agra, it's been more than fifteen days."

Jodha innocently replied "But Shahenshah I wish our journey never ends."

This innocent response touched Jalal's heart extremely... he pulled her very close to him with love and said "That is why Jodha Begum, YOU STAY IN MY HEART." This was the first time... he acknowledged that he has a heart... Jodha looked back at him without a blink with astonishment... She wanted to hear this for so long...and Jalal knew what he was saying... instead of feeling like losing something he was feeling intensely content... he felt that he has won the entire world... for the first time he lost something but he felt immense pleasure in losing his heart to Jodha.

Tears swam out of Jodha's eyes in happiness, in dim tone she said "Shahenshah, you just said that I stay in your heart."

Jalal contently smiled at her and said in sincere tone "Yes Jodha!!! No one else can stay in my heart other than you, you have won my heart." They both were looked at each other with gratification of intense love. Jalal hugged her from back and in silence they both enjoyed each other's closeness.

It was late evening; they were passing through beautiful mountains. Jalal saw a beautiful river next to big open ground and thought this is the perfect place to stay for tonight and smile crawled seeing their tents... They stopped near tents... Then Jalal instruct Abdul to make sure everything is secured and their tents and food is ready.

Jalal was so pleased with the beauty of the place... he wanted to spend time with Jodha alone... he soberly asked "Jodha, Do you want to come for a walk near the shore of the river, I am desperate to see sunset today..."

Jodha with smile nodded her head and started to walk with him... Entire area was surrounded by huge mountains and green trees... It was a peaceful, quite cold winter evening... Sky was turning orange with glowing shadow of the sun. The light was fading... The birds ended their journey and were back to the warmth of their nest. They were walking toward the river...There was deep silence between them...both of them were feeling little shy of each other. They finally reached near the shore, it was a beautiful, relaxing and romantic sandy shore and perfect timing for sunset, sky completely turned deep orange with the colorful shades. Feel of the cool evening blowing breeze was fanatic.

Jalal and Jodha both sat by the sandy shore looking at the beauty of the nature... waiting for the sun to hide and moon to come. Jalal closed his eyes to listen to the melodious sound of the river waves...both of them were deeply in love with each other... their hearts were beating faster... then slowly Jalaal held Jodha's hand and pulled her towards him... She was desperately waiting for this moment... Jodha put her head on his chest with love...he put his hand around her waist... there was no need to talk...being with each other they felt content...feeling of their love in the air... Jalal was staring at Jodha without a blink... she felt uncomfortable with his constant passionate gaze.

She shyly said "Shahenshah, Don't look at me like this."

Jalal smirked at her and said "Can I request you for something Jodha"

She responded calmly "Ji Shahenshah..."

"Can you please sing something for me in your melodious and magical voice?" asked Jalaal.

Jodha in agreement smiled a little "What do you want me to sing?"

He said..."Jodha, I want to hear what you feel about us."

She shyly grinned.. and with her eyes expression accepted and started a beautiful song.

Jalal was lying down on sand and looking at her with intense love and passionate eyes.

Jodha Akbar Movie song
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