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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Sebagai contoh, meskipun kondisi lingkungan yang sebanding, kekayaan spesies mangrove secara dramatis lebih tinggi di Pasifik Indou2012West (65 spesies dari 23 genera) dibandingkan dengan Atlantic Timur Pasifik (15 spesies dari 8 genera) [2]. Sejumlah hipotesis telah diajukan selama abad terakhir untuk menjelaskan perbedaan-perbedaan distribusi ini [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14], tetapi pandangan setiap penulis terbaik dianggap tanggal-dengan perbandingan dibuat di bawah peringatan penting. Misalnya, dengan konsep 'pusat asal' [9, 10] dan hipotesis untuk jarak jauh penyebaran diusulkan sebelum teori continental drift umumnya diterima, ketika genetika molekuler pada masa kanak-kanak, dan, ketika ada beberapa catatan fosil. Jadi, sementara 'penyebaran' pandangan lama mungkin menganggap bakau taksa berasal dari Indo Pasifik Barat dan kemudian tersebar ke bagian lain dari dunia, pandangan modern 'vicariance' adalah bahwa hutan bakau berevolusi di sekitar laut Tethys selama akhir Cretaceous [6, 15]. Phylogeographic analisis dari salah satu paling luas hutan bakau genera, bakau, mengintegrasikan hubungan genetik, catatan fosil dan proses geologi/tektonik, akan membantu untuk menelaah peran vicariance dan penyebaran jarak jauh dalam perkembangan sejarah kontemporer pola biogeografis hutan bakau, dan untuk memberikan evaluasi objektif ini berbeda tetapi pemandangan yang tidak saling eksklusif. Bakau adalah genus dominan keluarga bakau yang paling luas, Rhizophoraceae. Genus ini relatif lama antara genera kosmopolitan bakau, dan memiliki distribusi spesies sebaran yang terkenal baik di Atlantic Timur Pasifik dan Indo Pasifik Barat. Fosil bakau tercatat dari Palaeocene (65.5 55,8 Ma) dan seterusnya dalam wilayah global utama [5]. Semua bakau taksa dicirikan oleh propagules apung air yang besar dengan kemampuan luar biasa untuk penyebaran jarak jauh.For instance, recent genetic study using rapidly evolving microsatellites showed that Rhizophora mangle has dispersed over 3,000 miles from the north to south of the Brazilian coast since the end of the last glacial period [16]. While Rhizophora species are widespread in the world, only six (plus an equivalent number of hybrids) are described: Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, and Rhizophora stylosa in the IWP; Rhizophora mangle and Rhizophora racemosa in the AEP; and Rhizophora samoensis, the only species found naturally in both regions [6]. In addition to the presence of major disjunctions in Rhizophora species distributions, the extant populations are not morphologically uniform and continuous at the intraspecific level [6], partly due to persistent introgressive hybridization, for example, among the New World Rhizophora[17]. While the reason for these disjunct occurrences might be complex, once created most discontinuities were persistent over millions of years – as evidenced by Wallace’s Line in the IWP region.Geographical disjunctions of plant and animal lineages can arise through historical long distance dispersal to new areas or through vicariant events that create physical barriers to gene flow and hence facilitate population divergence or allopatric speciation. Although the distributional patterns associated with vicariance may not be always distinct from those caused by dispersal, this can be tested by comparing selected scenarios of evolutionary relationships among disjunct and other lineages, molecular dating of lineage-splitting events, timing of geological processes or tectonic movements, as well as dispersal ability of the organisms of interest. There is also ample evidence for lineage diversification via a combination of mechanisms including both dispersal and vicariance [18]. The objectives of this study are to elucidate evolutionary relationships among its geographical lineages of Rhizophora (Figure 1; Table 1) in the light of the past geological events including continental drift, to illuminate major disjunctions at both inter- and intraspecific levels, and to generate a new hypothesis that combines both processes of vicariance and dispersal to explain the extant geographical distributions. Our estimation of divergence times for major lineages will shed light on the likely ancestral areas of Rhizophora.Distribution and Rarity of Rhizophoraceae in Indonesia
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