Case of murdered Willis brothers centres on gun
May 15, 2015
Stephen Ryan
Shot dead: Luke and Sam Willis. Photo: Supplied
Lawyers for double murderer Christopher Angelo Filippou maintain he should have been sentenced on the basis that his victims, Luke and Sam Willis, brought the gun to the neighbours' dispute that ended the brothers' lives.
The High Court has reserved its decision in Filippou's appeals against both his convictions of murder and his sentence of 31 years' imprisonment with a non-parole period of 25 years.
Filippou shot the brothers once each outside his home in the Newcastle suburb of Mayfield on the evening of June 27, 2010, following a long-running dispute between the neighbours who shared a back fence.
Denies murder: Christopher Angelo Filippou. Photo: Supplied
Filippou was seen by a witness to stand over the body of Sam and fire another shot into his chest before placing the gun in Sam's hand. Filippou went inside his home then emerged moments later before he drove from the scene.
He handed himself into police the following day and told detectives the brothers brought the gun to his home and he wrested it off Sam.
He pleaded not guilty to murder on the basis he was guilty of manslaughter by provocation.
The trial in Newcastle Supreme Court was heard by acting Justice Jane Mathews without a jury, which resulted in her giving a detailed account of the evidence before finding Filippou guilty of murder.
Justice Mathews said that she was not satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that Filippou produced the gun, but nor was she satisfied that the brothers possessed it either.
An appeal to the Court of Criminal Appeal was rejected in 2013 before Filippou appealed to the High Court this year.
Counsel for Filippou, Tim Game SC, argued that Justice Mathews made a number of factual and legal errors in her judgment that were not properly dealt with by the Court of Criminal Appeal.
He said the Court of Criminal Appeal also made a number of errors in how it assessed the appeal given that the convictions were not the result of a jury verdict, but a judge's verdict.
Mr Game said that, if the appeal was successful, the case should be returned to the Court of Criminal Appeal.
The High Court will deliver its judgment at a later date.
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Kasus dibunuh Willis saudara ini berpusat pada senapan15 Mei 2015 Stephen Ryan Ditembak mati: Lukas dan Sam Willis. Foto: disediakan Pengacara untuk pembunuh ganda Christopher Angelo Filippou mempertahankan ia harus telah dijatuhi hukuman atas dasar bahwa korbannya, Lukas dan Sam Willis, membawa pistol untuk sengketa para tetangga yang berakhir kehidupan bersaudara.Pengadilan tinggi telah milik keputusannya di Filippou's banding terhadap kedua keyakinannya pembunuhan dan kalimat 31 tahun penjara dengan pembebasan bersyarat non-periode 25 tahun.Filippou ditembak saudara setelah masing-masing di luar rumahnya di pinggiran Newcastle Mayfield pada malam tanggal 27 Juni 2010, mengikuti berlangsung lama sengketa antara para tetangga yang berbagi pagar belakang. Menyangkal pembunuhan: Christopher Angelo Filippou. Foto: disediakan Filippou dianggap oleh saksi untuk berdiri di atas tubuh Sam dan api suntikan lain ke dadanya sebelum menempatkan senapan di tangan Sam. Filippou masuk ke dalam rumahnya kemudian muncul beberapa saat kemudian sebelum ia melaju dari adegan.Ia menyerahkan dirinya ke polisi keesokan harinya dan menceritakan kepada detektif saudara membawa pistol ke rumahnya dan dia merampas dari Sam.Ia mengaku tidak bersalah atas pembunuhan atas dasar ia adalah bersalah atas pembunuhan oleh provokasi.Sidang di Mahkamah Agung Newcastle itu didengar oleh bertindak keadilan Jane Mathews tanpa juri, yang mengakibatkan dia memberikan penjelasan detail mengenai bukti sebelum menemukan Filippou bersalah atas pembunuhan.Justice Mathews said that she was not satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that Filippou produced the gun, but nor was she satisfied that the brothers possessed it either.An appeal to the Court of Criminal Appeal was rejected in 2013 before Filippou appealed to the High Court this year.Counsel for Filippou, Tim Game SC, argued that Justice Mathews made a number of factual and legal errors in her judgment that were not properly dealt with by the Court of Criminal Appeal.He said the Court of Criminal Appeal also made a number of errors in how it assessed the appeal given that the convictions were not the result of a jury verdict, but a judge's verdict.Mr Game said that, if the appeal was successful, the case should be returned to the Court of Criminal Appeal.The High Court will deliver its judgment at a later date.
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