I enter thou­sand frost wing con­di­tions rapidly , to con­tinue the o terjemahan - I enter thou­sand frost wing con­di­tions rapidly , to con­tinue the o Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I enter thou­sand frost wing con­di

I enter thou­sand frost wing con­di­tions rapidly , to con­tinue the out­put of max­i­mum de­gree, is [Zhan Long] and palace guard re­duces the pres­sure, looks at the player team of dis­tant place again, [Hero’s Mound], [Leg­end], trial, ap­pear­ance as­so­ci­a­tion and other trade unions is op­er­at­ing in­de­pen­dently, but the ris­ing sun such as Wang Zecheng of blood trade union lead the ice to ride the rush spirit in the mon­ster group, spells to hang many peo­ple to reen­force the po­si­tion of hot axe armed forces, this makes me re­lent­less, when Wang Ze was hon­est has up­held jus­tice, spelled to hang the peo­ple in trade union to pro­tect Luo child? Is it pos­si­ble that he al­ready with Luo child sen­ti­ment with fa­thers and sons?
How­ever next quar­ter I also un­der­stood, Wang Zecheng mer­i­to­ri­ous value has ex­changed the mil­i­tary ex­ploit of hot axe armed forces, he is also one of the hot axe armed forces, Q Sword is in the hot axe armed forces the player mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice high­est player, Ying Tuan con­trols, Yorozuo long post, but Wang Zecheng is only mul­ti­tude of peo­ple are long, fight that but he goes all out, after mostly this fight, can rise to Yorozuo grows? How­ever first has the mil­i­tary ap­point­ment va­cancy to be good.
The war likely is a giant ma­chine, in stran­gling to death the life of peo­ple, palace guard, even if there is shield of heavy ar­tillery also under the at­tack that al­ready in the bar­baric wolf rode lost se­ri­ously, the [Zhan Long] iron blade edge rode, pro­ces­sion of lanterns to ride also loses about 5000 + tal­ented peo­ple will to block this wave of at­tack, the mon­ster that but we mas­sa­cred were also many, was only in my pack­age on over­lap­ping folded al­to­gether 3 groups and heart of pro­tec­tive charms 200 + fond­ness of coun­try­side.
Near two hours of en­gag­ing in fierce bat­tle, hit every­body to be men­tally and phys­i­cally ex­hausted, looks that team­mate hangs not to be ac­tu­ally able to re­ac­ti­vate, this feel­ing does not feel bet­ter, nat­u­rally more un­com­fort­able should be Han Yuan, Xiao Li these NPC, they the per­son who one­self re­gard this world, the com­pan­ion, once died re­ally died, the op­por­tu­nity of re­ac­ti­vat­ing will not have, that type sad is our play­ers is un­able to re­al­ize.
, Rong Di Jun's po­si­tion, a Yorozuo long raised the rifle by far, on the bat­tle dress is dye­ing com­pletely the blood, shouted to clear the way loudly: „It is not good, this group of bar­bar­ians as if can­not kill gen­eral, we could not re­sist, im­me­di­ately re­treats!”
An­other mul­ti­tude of peo­ple long com­plex­ion is pale: „Gen­eral Wu, the 5000 peo­ple of heavy ar­tillery camps of palace guard in us be­hind, if we re­treat, this crowd of heavy ar­tilleries are un­able to evac­u­ate, will in­evitably be­come the ob­ject who the dif­fer­ent demon bar­bar­ian will give vent to in­dig­na­tion!”
Yorozuo long sneers: „That is the bro­ken caul­dron male Li Xiao Yao army, who likes man­ag­ing who goes to the con­trol? You are my brother, I do not want to let your dying in vain, im­me­di­ately re­treats!”
„Yes, Gen­eral!”
The sol­dier of Rong Di Jun front retro­cedes tidal, quick, the palace guard heavy ar­tillery camp has ex­posed in the front of match, one flock of bar­baric wolves rode a horse on raise the den­ti­cle blade, in the mouth send out to roar to fire into the heavy ar­tillery camp, these Long Jing ar­tillery and hot crag ar­tillery have made them suf­fer loss, this ha­tred was nat­u­rally con­ceiv­able.
„This group of Rong Di Jun's chop suey!” The South Ko­rean deep pool was angry, is rais­ing long blade to East, loudly shouted to clear the way: „Rides the camp to come, to pro­tect our heavy ar­tillery camps with me again, hurry up!”
I also fu­ri­ously raise the sword to over­run, I think that truly is not the per­son of heavy af­fec­tion­ate right­eous­ness, but has not thought that he re­treats in the army that in the
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I enter thou­sand frost wing con­di­tions rapidly , to con­tinue the out­put of max­i­mum de­gree, is [Zhan Long] and palace guard re­duces the pres­sure, looks at the player team of dis­tant place again, [Hero’s Mound], [Leg­end], trial, ap­pear­ance as­so­ci­a­tion and other trade unions is op­er­at­ing in­de­pen­dently, but the ris­ing sun such as Wang Zecheng of blood trade union lead the ice to ride the rush spirit in the mon­ster group, spells to hang many peo­ple to reen­force the po­si­tion of hot axe armed forces, this makes me re­lent­less, when Wang Ze was hon­est has up­held jus­tice, spelled to hang the peo­ple in trade union to pro­tect Luo child? Is it pos­si­ble that he al­ready with Luo child sen­ti­ment with fa­thers and sons?How­ever next quar­ter I also un­der­stood, Wang Zecheng mer­i­to­ri­ous value has ex­changed the mil­i­tary ex­ploit of hot axe armed forces, he is also one of the hot axe armed forces, Q Sword is in the hot axe armed forces the player mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice high­est player, Ying Tuan con­trols, Yorozuo long post, but Wang Zecheng is only mul­ti­tude of peo­ple are long, fight that but he goes all out, after mostly this fight, can rise to Yorozuo grows? How­ever first has the mil­i­tary ap­point­ment va­cancy to be good.The war likely is a giant ma­chine, in stran­gling to death the life of peo­ple, palace guard, even if there is shield of heavy ar­tillery also under the at­tack that al­ready in the bar­baric wolf rode lost se­ri­ously, the [Zhan Long] iron blade edge rode, pro­ces­sion of lanterns to ride also loses about 5000 + tal­ented peo­ple will to block this wave of at­tack, the mon­ster that but we mas­sa­cred were also many, was only in my pack­age on over­lap­ping folded al­to­gether 3 groups and heart of pro­tec­tive charms 200 + fond­ness of coun­try­side.Near two hours of en­gag­ing in fierce bat­tle, hit every­body to be men­tally and phys­i­cally ex­hausted, looks that team­mate hangs not to be ac­tu­ally able to re­ac­ti­vate, this feel­ing does not feel bet­ter, nat­u­rally more un­com­fort­able should be Han Yuan, Xiao Li these NPC, they the per­son who one­self re­gard this world, the com­pan­ion, once died re­ally died, the op­por­tu­nity of re­ac­ti­vat­ing will not have, that type sad is our play­ers is un­able to re­al­ize.
, Rong Di Jun's po­si­tion, a Yorozuo long raised the rifle by far, on the bat­tle dress is dye­ing com­pletely the blood, shouted to clear the way loudly: „It is not good, this group of bar­bar­ians as if can­not kill gen­eral, we could not re­sist, im­me­di­ately re­treats!”
An­other mul­ti­tude of peo­ple long com­plex­ion is pale: „Gen­eral Wu, the 5000 peo­ple of heavy ar­tillery camps of palace guard in us be­hind, if we re­treat, this crowd of heavy ar­tilleries are un­able to evac­u­ate, will in­evitably be­come the ob­ject who the dif­fer­ent demon bar­bar­ian will give vent to in­dig­na­tion!”
Yorozuo long sneers: „That is the bro­ken caul­dron male Li Xiao Yao army, who likes man­ag­ing who goes to the con­trol? You are my brother, I do not want to let your dying in vain, im­me­di­ately re­treats!”
„Yes, Gen­eral!”
The sol­dier of Rong Di Jun front retro­cedes tidal, quick, the palace guard heavy ar­tillery camp has ex­posed in the front of match, one flock of bar­baric wolves rode a horse on raise the den­ti­cle blade, in the mouth send out to roar to fire into the heavy ar­tillery camp, these Long Jing ar­tillery and hot crag ar­tillery have made them suf­fer loss, this ha­tred was nat­u­rally con­ceiv­able.
„This group of Rong Di Jun's chop suey!” The South Ko­rean deep pool was angry, is rais­ing long blade to East, loudly shouted to clear the way: „Rides the camp to come, to pro­tect our heavy ar­tillery camps with me again, hurry up!”
I also fu­ri­ously raise the sword to over­run, I think that truly is not the per­son of heavy af­fec­tion­ate right­eous­ness, but has not thought that he re­treats in the army that in the
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Saya masukkan ribu kondisi es sayap cepat, untuk melanjutkan output dari tingkat maksimum, adalah [Zhan Panjang] dan penjaga istana mengurangi tekanan, terlihat pada tim pemain tempat yang jauh lagi, [Hero Mound], [Legenda], percobaan, penampilan asosiasi dan serikat buruh lainnya beroperasi secara independen, tetapi matahari terbit seperti Wang Zecheng dari serikat pekerja darah menyebabkan es untuk naik semangat terburu-buru dalam kelompok rakasa, mantra untuk menggantung banyak orang untuk reenforce posisi angkatan bersenjata kapak panas, ini membuat saya tak kenal lelah, ketika Wang Ze itu jujur ​​telah ditegakkan keadilan, dieja untuk menggantung orang-orang di serikat buruh untuk melindungi anak Luo? Apakah mungkin bahwa ia sudah dengan sentimen anak Luo dengan ayah dan anak?
Namun kuartal berikutnya saya juga mengerti, Wang Zecheng nilai berjasa telah ditukar militer mengeksploitasi angkatan bersenjata kapak panas, ia juga merupakan salah satu dari angkatan bersenjata kapak panas, Q Pedang adalah dalam angkatan bersenjata kapak panas pemain berjasa layanan tertinggi pemain, Ying Tuan mengontrol, Yorozuo posting yang panjang, namun Wang Zecheng hanya banyak orang yang panjang, melawan itu, tetapi ia pergi semua keluar, setelah sebagian besar laga ini, bisa naik ke Yorozuo tumbuh? Namun pertama memiliki pengangkatan lowongan militer untuk menjadi baik.
Perang kemungkinan adalah mesin raksasa, di mencekik sampai mati kehidupan orang, pengawal istana, bahkan jika ada perisai dari artileri berat juga di bawah serangan yang sudah di serigala berkuda barbar kehilangan serius, [Zhan panjang] tepi pisau besi naik, prosesi lentera naik juga kehilangan sekitar 5000 + orang-orang berbakat akan memblokir gelombang serangan ini, rakasa yang tapi kami dibantai juga banyak, hanya dalam paket saya di tumpang tindih dilipat sama sekali 3 kelompok dan jantung pesona pelindung 200 + kesukaan pedesaan.
dekat dua jam terlibat dalam pertempuran sengit, memukul orang secara mental dan fisik lelah, terlihat bahwa tim hang tidak akan benar-benar dapat mengaktifkan kembali, perasaan ini tidak terasa baik, alami lebih nyaman harus Han Yuan, Xiao Li NPC tersebut, mereka orang yang diri sendiri menganggap dunia ini, pendamping, setelah meninggal benar-benar mati, kesempatan mengaktifkan tidak akan memiliki, jenis yang menyedihkan adalah pemain kami yang tidak mampu untuk mewujudkan .
, posisi Rong di Jun, seorang Yorozuo panjang mengangkat senapan sejauh ini, pada gaun pertempuran adalah pencelupan benar darah, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan keras: "tidak baik, kelompok barbar seakan tidak bisa membunuh umum, kami tidak bisa menahan, segera mundur "!
banyak lagi orang kulit panjang adalah pucat:" Jenderal Wu, 5000 orang dari kamp artileri berat dari pengawal istana di dalam kita balik, jika kita mundur, kerumunan ini artileri berat tidak dapat mengevakuasi, akan pasti menjadi objek yang setan barbar yang berbeda akan memberikan melampiaskan amarah "!
Yorozuo menyeringai panjang:" Itu adalah rusak kuali laki-laki Li Xiao Yao tentara, yang suka mengelola yang pergi ke kontrol? Kamu adalah adikku, aku tidak ingin membiarkan sekarat Anda sia-sia, segera mundur! "
" Ya, General! "
Prajurit dari Rong Di Juni depan retrocedes pasang surut, cepat, pengawal istana kamp artileri berat telah terkena di bagian depan pertandingan, satu kawanan serigala barbar naik kuda di menaikkan blade denticle, di mulut mengirimkan mengaum api ke kamp artileri berat, rute Long Jing artileri dan karang artileri panas telah membuat mereka menderita kerugian, kebencian ini secara alami dibayangkan .
"! kelompok Rong di Jun chop suey" kolam renang yang mendalam Korea Selatan marah, menaikkan pisau panjang ke Timur, berteriak keras untuk membersihkan jalan: "Rides kamp untuk datang, untuk melindungi kamp artileri berat kami dengan saya lagi , cepatlah! "
saya juga marah menaikkan pedang untuk diserbu, saya pikir yang benar-benar bukan orang kebenaran sayang berat, tapi tidak berpikir bahwa ia mundur tentara yang di
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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