Jun Xie stood up, stretching himself while smiling frivolously. “Do yo terjemahan - Jun Xie stood up, stretching himself while smiling frivolously. “Do yo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Jun Xie stood up, stretching himsel

Jun Xie stood up, stretching himself while smiling frivolously. “Do you guys have any more money? If you people do not have any more, then it is time for me to go home and sleep! I have only won so little money after gambling for a while, what a disappointment! Don’t you agree, Miss Dugu?” Jun Xie was well aware that he had already broken a portion of the enemies’ plan. As of now, they would likely begin to go all out!

“You cannot leave!” Li Zhen became anxious. At this moment, their minds had become a mass of sticky mud, Meng Haizou’s included. They do not understand how they had lost; their loss was one that had completely befuddled them!

Everyone of their gambling skills should have been higher than Jun Moye, and yet they who had come together against him had actually lost it all! Not to mention, Jun Moye had clearly drank the psychedelic drugs they had prepared; the dice used were ones they had tampered with; Meng Haizou’s clothes were sprayed with a unique perfume meant to stimulate the minds of those who had consumed the psychedelic drug, rendering them confused and totally at the mercy of others.

But instead, the four of them had lost to the point of losing their pants. What kind of explanation can be given for this?

Could it be that Jun Moye’s luck was too good? However, the dice points he obtained in each round was only slightly higher than theirs was. Not even coincidences can possibly reach this level in coincidences! But if they want to say he was cheating, how exactly was he cheating? For a person who had consumed psychedelic drugs and had his gambling skills turned into a complete mess to cheat; that would be akin to meeting a real life ghost!

Their well-crafted plan that had first involved Tang Yuan proceeded smoothly. However, once their real target, Jun Moye appeared, they found themselves unable to proceed to their next phase of the plan. Having lost everything, how could they even talk about completing their plans?

However, the consequences of failing to complete their task caused them to shiver, a trace of fear leaking out from their eyes.

To these people, the gentle look on Li Youran’s face was more terrifying compared to the fearsome grin of a demon from hell! And that was because Li Youran’s face would show that same gentle and kind face even when issuing orders for murder or genocide!

He was an existence that was even more demonic compared to a demon!

“I still want to bet with you! I still have assets to gamble with!” Meng Haizou took off the accompaniment jade on his waist and threw it on the table with a “pa”!

“Haha, did you guys think that I would accept damaged goods?” Jun Xie smiled in disdain. “You want to gamble with me using that kind of worthless item? I might as well just go home and have a good sleep!” Jun Xie shook his head and turned, obviously leaving!

“Hold on!” Meng Haizou screamed; he stared at Li Zhen and the rest: “Bring out everything you can!”

Li Zhen and the rest were also well aware of the miserable consequences of returning with such a result. They immediately took out everything valuable that they had on their bodies, be it precious stones, pearls and jade ornaments.

“This is Sir Tang Yuan’s personal sword and accompaniment jade! I will put it in together for this wager! The original price should have been one and a half million liangs, but I will now put it up for only one million liangs!” Meng Haizou stared tightly at Jun Xie: “Jun Moye, I believe you also wish to win this back for him, right?”

Dugu Xiaoyi stared blankly for a moment. She too knew of the remarkable origins of Tang Yuan’s personal sword and accompaniment jade. As an intelligent person, she instantly picked up on the fact that this was no mere gamble. However, she did not feel fearful at all, she also did not intend on staying out of this matter. This kind of situation was simply too interesting!

“He is him, I am me! What does his stuff have anything to do with our gamble?” Jun Xie looked at
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Jun Xie stood up, stretching himself while smiling frivolously. “Do you guys have any more money? If you people do not have any more, then it is time for me to go home and sleep! I have only won so little money after gambling for a while, what a disappointment! Don’t you agree, Miss Dugu?” Jun Xie was well aware that he had already broken a portion of the enemies’ plan. As of now, they would likely begin to go all out! “You cannot leave!” Li Zhen became anxious. At this moment, their minds had become a mass of sticky mud, Meng Haizou’s included. They do not understand how they had lost; their loss was one that had completely befuddled them! Everyone of their gambling skills should have been higher than Jun Moye, and yet they who had come together against him had actually lost it all! Not to mention, Jun Moye had clearly drank the psychedelic drugs they had prepared; the dice used were ones they had tampered with; Meng Haizou’s clothes were sprayed with a unique perfume meant to stimulate the minds of those who had consumed the psychedelic drug, rendering them confused and totally at the mercy of others. But instead, the four of them had lost to the point of losing their pants. What kind of explanation can be given for this?Could it be that Jun Moye’s luck was too good? However, the dice points he obtained in each round was only slightly higher than theirs was. Not even coincidences can possibly reach this level in coincidences! But if they want to say he was cheating, how exactly was he cheating? For a person who had consumed psychedelic drugs and had his gambling skills turned into a complete mess to cheat; that would be akin to meeting a real life ghost! Their well-crafted plan that had first involved Tang Yuan proceeded smoothly. However, once their real target, Jun Moye appeared, they found themselves unable to proceed to their next phase of the plan. Having lost everything, how could they even talk about completing their plans? However, the consequences of failing to complete their task caused them to shiver, a trace of fear leaking out from their eyes. To these people, the gentle look on Li Youran’s face was more terrifying compared to the fearsome grin of a demon from hell! And that was because Li Youran’s face would show that same gentle and kind face even when issuing orders for murder or genocide!He was an existence that was even more demonic compared to a demon!“I still want to bet with you! I still have assets to gamble with!” Meng Haizou took off the accompaniment jade on his waist and threw it on the table with a “pa”!“Haha, did you guys think that I would accept damaged goods?” Jun Xie smiled in disdain. “You want to gamble with me using that kind of worthless item? I might as well just go home and have a good sleep!” Jun Xie shook his head and turned, obviously leaving!“Hold on!” Meng Haizou screamed; he stared at Li Zhen and the rest: “Bring out everything you can!”Li Zhen and the rest were also well aware of the miserable consequences of returning with such a result. They immediately took out everything valuable that they had on their bodies, be it precious stones, pearls and jade ornaments.“This is Sir Tang Yuan’s personal sword and accompaniment jade! I will put it in together for this wager! The original price should have been one and a half million liangs, but I will now put it up for only one million liangs!” Meng Haizou stared tightly at Jun Xie: “Jun Moye, I believe you also wish to win this back for him, right?”Dugu Xiaoyi stared blankly for a moment. She too knew of the remarkable origins of Tang Yuan’s personal sword and accompaniment jade. As an intelligent person, she instantly picked up on the fact that this was no mere gamble. However, she did not feel fearful at all, she also did not intend on staying out of this matter. This kind of situation was simply too interesting!“He is him, I am me! What does his stuff have anything to do with our gamble?” Jun Xie looked at
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Juni Xie berdiri, peregangan dirinya sambil tersenyum sembrono. "Apakah kalian punya lebih banyak uang? Jika Anda orang tidak memiliki lagi, maka sudah saatnya bagi saya untuk pulang dan tidur! Saya hanya memenangkan begitu sedikit uang setelah perjudian untuk sementara, apa mengecewakan! Apakah Anda tidak setuju, Miss Dugu? "Juni Xie sangat menyadari bahwa ia sudah rusak sebagian dari rencana musuh. Sampai sekarang, mereka mungkin akan mulai pergi keluar semua! "Anda tidak bisa pergi!" Li Zhen menjadi cemas. Pada saat ini, pikiran mereka telah menjadi massa lumpur lengket, Meng Haizou sudah termasuk. Mereka tidak mengerti bagaimana mereka telah kehilangan; kerugian mereka adalah salah satu yang benar-benar bingung mereka! Semua orang keterampilan perjudian mereka seharusnya lebih tinggi dari Juni Moye, namun mereka yang datang bersama-sama melawan dia telah benar-benar kehilangan itu semua! Belum lagi, Juni Moye telah jelas minum obat psychedelic mereka telah mempersiapkan; dadu yang digunakan adalah yang mereka telah dirusak; Pakaian meng Haizou ini disemprot dengan parfum yang unik dimaksudkan untuk merangsang pikiran orang-orang yang mengkonsumsi obat psychedelic, membuat mereka bingung dan benar-benar pada belas kasihan orang lain. Tapi sebaliknya, mereka berempat telah kehilangan ke titik kehilangan celana mereka . Apa penjelasan dapat diberikan untuk ini? Mungkinkah Juni Moye keberuntungan terlalu baik? Namun, poin dadu ia diperoleh dalam setiap putaran hanya sedikit lebih tinggi dari mereka adalah. Bahkan kebetulan mungkin dapat mencapai tingkat ini di kebetulan! Tetapi jika mereka ingin mengatakan dia curang, bagaimana sebenarnya yang dia selingkuh? Bagi seseorang yang telah mengkonsumsi obat psychedelic dan telah keterampilan judi berubah menjadi berantakan lengkap untuk menipu; yang akan mirip dengan bertemu hantu kehidupan nyata! mereka rencana disusun dengan baik yang pertama melibatkan Tang Yuan berjalan lancar. Namun, setelah sasaran sebenarnya mereka, Juni Moye muncul, mereka menemukan diri mereka tidak mampu melanjutkan ke tahap berikutnya mereka dari rencana. Memiliki kehilangan segalanya, bagaimana bisa mereka bahkan berbicara tentang menyelesaikan rencana mereka? Namun, konsekuensi gagal untuk menyelesaikan tugas mereka menyebabkan mereka menggigil, jejak ketakutan bocor keluar dari mata mereka. Untuk orang-orang ini, tampilan lembut di wajah Li Youran ini lebih menakutkan dibandingkan dengan seringai menakutkan dari setan dari neraka! Dan itu karena wajah Li Youran ini akan menunjukkan bahwa wajah lembut dan jenis yang sama bahkan ketika mengeluarkan perintah untuk pembunuhan atau genosida! Dia eksistensi yang bahkan lebih jahat dibandingkan dengan setan! "Aku masih ingin bertaruh dengan Anda! Saya masih memiliki aset untuk berjudi dengan! "Meng Haizou melepas giok iringan pada pinggangnya dan melemparkannya di atas meja dengan" pa "!" Haha, apakah kalian berpikir bahwa saya akan menerima barang yang rusak? "Juni Xie tersenyum penghinaan. "Anda ingin berjudi dengan saya menggunakan jenis barang berharga? Aku mungkin juga hanya pulang dan tidur yang baik "! Juni Xie menggelengkan kepala dan berbalik, jelas meninggalkan!" Tunggu "Meng Haizou berteriak; ia menatap Li Zhen dan sisanya: "Bawalah segala sesuatu yang Anda bisa!" Li Zhen dan sisanya juga menyadari konsekuensi menyedihkan kembali dengan hasil tersebut. Mereka segera mengambil segala sesuatu yang berharga yang mereka miliki di tubuh mereka, baik itu batu mulia, mutiara dan ornamen batu giok. "Ini adalah Sir Tang Yuan pedang pribadi dan iringan giok! Aku akan memasukkannya ke dalam bersama-sama untuk taruhan ini! Harga asli seharusnya satu setengah juta liangs, tapi sekarang saya akan memasangnya hanya untuk satu juta liangs "Meng Haizou menatap erat di Juni Xie:"! Juni Moye, saya percaya Anda juga ingin memenangkan ini kembali untuk dia , kan? "Dugu Xiaoyi menatap kosong sejenak. Dia juga tahu tentang asal-usul yang luar biasa dari pribadi pedang dan iringan jade Tang Yuan. Sebagai orang yang cerdas, dia langsung mengangkat telepon pada kenyataan bahwa ini bukan judi belaka. Namun, dia tidak merasa takut sama sekali, dia juga tidak berniat untuk tinggal keluar dari masalah ini. Situasi seperti ini hanya terlalu menarik! "Dia adalah dia, aku adalah aku! Apa barang-barangnya ada hubungannya dengan berjudi kami? "Juni Xie melihat

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