1,000 or more employees. “Change has become such a way of life that 73 terjemahan - 1,000 or more employees. “Change has become such a way of life that 73 Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

1,000 or more employees. “Change ha

1,000 or more employees. “Change has become such a way of life that 73% of
the executives in this survey said that their organizations have gone through
tremendous transformations during the past 2 years” (p. 13).
The catastrophic events of September 11, 2001 involving the World Trade
Center, the Pentagon, and airline highjacking provide previously unimaginable
support for the impact of change on organizations. Predictions regarding
future courses of actions, how to configure offices, and priorities concerning
spending were forced to change. Struggling to survive, organizations
responded by questioning their abilities to use information, downsizing, and
reexamining how information and services are provided. For example, airlines
and travel-related industries laid off massive numbers of employees, suffered
significant losses, and began changing the way they conducted their business.
Eastman Kodak, the world’s largest photography company, reported a 77%
drop in third-quarter earnings (2001) caused by the drop in leisure travel.
Weyerhaeuser, the world’s number one paper-maker, had profits fall 54% due
to less demand for magazines and catalogues (Yen, 2001). Later in this chapter,
you will have the opportunity to understand systems thinking; these events
provide unquestionable support for the importance of considering the interdependence
of systems. In addition, consider the following changes: information
and service industries, downsizing, mergers, and globalization.
Information rich industries are creating a demand for knowledge workers
and transforming the world economy from a dependence on manufacturing
to services and technology-based organizations (Griffin, 2005). Knowledge
workers require continued training to keep their skills from becoming obsolete.
“It has been suggested, for example, that the ‘half-life’ of a technical education
in engineering is three years” (Griffin, 2005, p. 464).
Currently, more than 75% of the jobs in the United States are servicerelated
jobs accounting for well over half the United States gross domestic
product (Colvin, 2005). Service means individuals are not engaged in making
a product but instead they are providing services ranging from medical care
to fast food restaurants. The shift away from a manufacturing-based economy
means that knowledge and service work is replacing manual labor. In 1990,
1 out of 5 workers were employed in manual labor. “By 2010, no more than 1
in 10 workers will be engaged in making or moving things” (Boyett & Boyett,
1998, p. 321).
Change has not impacted all groups of workers equally. “The average
hourly wage of rank-and-file workers—a group that makes up 80% of the
work force—is slightly lower than it was four years ago, once inflation is taken
into account” (Leonhardt, 2006, p. C12). Thomas, Cooper, and Blake (1999)
estimate “that by the year 2020, a high-tech, well-to-do group will monopolize
more than 60% of the income earned in the United States” (p. 184) but
this group will hardly comprise the majority of workers. As an overview,
“United States is in the midst of a transition from an industrial society … to
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
1,000 or more employees. “Change has become such a way of life that 73% ofthe executives in this survey said that their organizations have gone throughtremendous transformations during the past 2 years” (p. 13).The catastrophic events of September 11, 2001 involving the World TradeCenter, the Pentagon, and airline highjacking provide previously unimaginablesupport for the impact of change on organizations. Predictions regardingfuture courses of actions, how to configure offices, and priorities concerningspending were forced to change. Struggling to survive, organizationsresponded by questioning their abilities to use information, downsizing, andreexamining how information and services are provided. For example, airlinesand travel-related industries laid off massive numbers of employees, sufferedsignificant losses, and began changing the way they conducted their business.Eastman Kodak, the world’s largest photography company, reported a 77%drop in third-quarter earnings (2001) caused by the drop in leisure travel.Weyerhaeuser, the world’s number one paper-maker, had profits fall 54% dueto less demand for magazines and catalogues (Yen, 2001). Later in this chapter,you will have the opportunity to understand systems thinking; these eventsprovide unquestionable support for the importance of considering the interdependenceof systems. In addition, consider the following changes: informationand service industries, downsizing, mergers, and globalization.Information rich industries are creating a demand for knowledge workersand transforming the world economy from a dependence on manufacturingto services and technology-based organizations (Griffin, 2005). Knowledgeworkers require continued training to keep their skills from becoming obsolete.“It has been suggested, for example, that the ‘half-life’ of a technical educationin engineering is three years” (Griffin, 2005, p. 464).Currently, more than 75% of the jobs in the United States are servicerelatedjobs accounting for well over half the United States gross domesticproduct (Colvin, 2005). Service means individuals are not engaged in makinga product but instead they are providing services ranging from medical careto fast food restaurants. The shift away from a manufacturing-based economymeans that knowledge and service work is replacing manual labor. In 1990,1 out of 5 workers were employed in manual labor. “By 2010, no more than 1in 10 workers will be engaged in making or moving things” (Boyett & Boyett,1998, p. 321).Change has not impacted all groups of workers equally. “The averagehourly wage of rank-and-file workers—a group that makes up 80% of thework force—is slightly lower than it was four years ago, once inflation is takeninto account” (Leonhardt, 2006, p. C12). Thomas, Cooper, and Blake (1999)estimate “that by the year 2020, a high-tech, well-to-do group will monopolizemore than 60% of the income earned in the United States” (p. 184) butthis group will hardly comprise the majority of workers. As an overview,“United States is in the midst of a transition from an industrial society … to
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
1.000 atau lebih karyawan. "Perubahan telah menjadi sedemikian rupa hidup yang 73% dari
para eksekutif dalam survei ini mengatakan bahwa organisasi mereka telah melalui
transformasi yang luar biasa selama 2 tahun terakhir "(hal. 13).
Kejadian bencana 11 September 2001 melibatkan Dunia Trade
Center, Pentagon, dan maskapai highjacking memberikan terbayangkan sebelumnya
mendukung dampak perubahan pada organisasi. Prediksi mengenai
program masa depan tindakan, bagaimana mengkonfigurasi kantor, dan prioritas mengenai
pengeluaran dipaksa untuk berubah. Berjuang untuk bertahan hidup, organisasi
merespons dengan mempertanyakan kemampuan mereka untuk menggunakan informasi, perampingan, dan
memeriksa kembali bagaimana informasi dan layanan yang disediakan. Misalnya, penerbangan
dan industri yang berhubungan dengan perjalanan PHK jumlah besar karyawan, menderita
kerugian yang signifikan, dan mulai mengubah cara mereka melakukan bisnis mereka.
Eastman Kodak, perusahaan fotografi terbesar di dunia, melaporkan 77%
penurunan pendapatan kuartal ketiga ( 2001) disebabkan oleh penurunan liburan.
Weyerhaeuser, nomor satu kertas di dunia pembuat, memiliki keuntungan jatuh 54% karena
kurang permintaan untuk majalah dan katalog (Yen, 2001). Kemudian dalam bab ini,
Anda akan memiliki kesempatan untuk memahami sistem pemikiran; peristiwa ini
memberikan dukungan mapan untuk pentingnya mempertimbangkan saling ketergantungan
sistem. Selain itu, pertimbangkan perubahan berikut: informasi
. dan industri jasa, perampingan, merger, dan globalisasi
industri kaya Informasi menciptakan permintaan untuk pekerja pengetahuan
dan mengubah ekonomi dunia dari ketergantungan pada manufaktur
ke layanan dan organisasi berbasis teknologi (Griffin, 2005). Pengetahuan
pekerja memerlukan pelatihan terus untuk menjaga kemampuan mereka dari menjadi usang.
"Ia telah mengemukakan, misalnya, bahwa 'paruh' dari pendidikan teknis
di bidang teknik adalah tiga tahun "(Griffin, 2005, hal. 464).
Saat , lebih dari 75% dari pekerjaan di Amerika Serikat adalah servicerelated
pekerjaan akuntansi selama lebih dari setengah domestik bruto Amerika Serikat
produk (Colvin, 2005). Layanan berarti individu tidak terlibat dalam pembuatan
produk tetapi mereka layanan mulai dari perawatan medis memberikan
ke restoran cepat saji. Pergeseran dari ekonomi berbasis manufaktur
berarti bahwa pengetahuan dan pekerjaan pelayanan menggantikan kerja manual. Pada tahun 1990,
1 dari 5 orang bekerja di tenaga kerja manual. "Pada tahun 2010, tidak lebih dari 1
dalam 10 pekerja akan terlibat dalam pembuatan atau hal-hal yang bergerak "(Boyett & Boyett,
1998, hal. 321).
Perubahan belum mempengaruhi semua kelompok pekerja sama. "Rata-rata
upah per jam pekerja-peringkat-dan-file group yang membentuk 80% dari
pekerjaan tenaga-sedikit lebih rendah dari itu empat tahun yang lalu, setelah inflasi diambil
ke dalam rekening "(Leonhardt, 2006, hal. C12 ). Thomas, Cooper, dan Blake (1999)
memperkirakan "bahwa pada tahun 2020, teknologi tinggi, baik-to-do kelompok akan memonopoli
lebih dari 60% dari pendapatan yang diperoleh di Amerika Serikat "(hlm. 184) tetapi
ini kelompok tidak akan terdiri dari mayoritas pekerja. Sebagai gambaran,
"Amerika Serikat adalah di tengah-tengah transisi dari masyarakat industri ... untuk
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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