Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
ConclusionThus from the research it is seen that for Retail Store Operations in Delhi and National CapitalRegion, Organisational Justice (in terms of Reward) ie Distributive and Procedural Justice) has animpact on Job Satisfaction which further impacts and could be ascribed as one of the reasons for highattrition. From regression analysis, it was seen that 73% of the variation in Job satisfaction can beexplained by Organisational Justice ie Procedural and Distributive Justice in terms of Financial andnon financial rewards and benefits. A correlation between Reward and Organisational Justice, Reward,Organisational Justice and Job Satisfaction and Reward, Organisational Justice, Job Satisfaction andTurnover Intentions has been established. However, in addition there could be other reasons such aschallenging work role, development opportunities, supervisor’s role etc which could also be the reasonfor the high attrition rates and the same needs to be further researched. The Management of RetailCompanies need to ensure that Rewards (Financial and Non financial) and benefits are a true reflectionof performance and should be based on productivity levels. They also need to focus on the fact that paypolicies are transparent and fair and are communicated quickly and clearly to employees. It is importantthat the Retail Companies understand that Rewards (financial, non financial) and benefits receivedharus cocok dibandingkan dengan rujukan lain (dalam perusahaan yang sama dan perusahaan lain dalam industri ritel), mencapai target harus memimpin untuk pembayaran keuangan yang baik dan penghargaan non finansialdan pengakuan. Faktor-faktor independen yang menempatkan bersama-sama mempengaruhi tingkat kepuasan kerja dalam hal membayaryang pada gilirannya dampak harga absensi dan gesekan dalam industri ritel. Hal ini menarik untuk melihat bahwatidak ada perbedaan dalam tingkat kepuasan kerja antara karyawan laki-laki dan perempuan yang bekerja dimendukung pengelolaan operasional toko. Juga perlu diingat bahwa studi terbatas untukDelhi dan National Capital Region hanya dan terfokus pada tingkat entri dan Junior manajemenoperasi toko ritel. Dengan demikian, aplikasi untuk tingkat manajemen senior akan perlu lebih lanjutdiselidiki.
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