Miss Mole Catches a GhostQuite often Miss Mole would lookafter the you terjemahan - Miss Mole Catches a GhostQuite often Miss Mole would lookafter the you Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Miss Mole Catches a GhostQuite ofte

Miss Mole Catches a Ghost

Quite often Miss Mole would look
after the young ones who lived in the
woodland, when their parents went out
in the evening.
"I just love baby-sitting," sighed
Miss Mole, as she gazed at the little
animals, "you're all such darlings!"
"But we're not babies," grumbled
the fieldmice twins, "we're almost
grown up!"

"Well you'll always be babies to
me," giggled Miss Mole, as she gave
them all a great big hug.
But one evening when Miss Mole
was baby-sitting, something very
strange happened ...
All the little animals had walked
over to Miss Mole's house just before
dark. They were laughing and joking
and making lots of noise as they went
All of a sudden one of the rabbits
heard a strange sound. Then one or
two of the little animals saw something
move near the top of the trees.
"What was that?" gasped a baby
badger as he grabbed one of the
Then, as the wind rustled the
leaves on the tree ... they all saw it ... a
spooky white thing fl ying through the
"It's a ghost!" screamed a small
hedgehog. And everyone ran as fast
as they could and landed on a heap at
Miss Mole's front door.
"Whatever is wrong?" cried Miss
Mole as she opened her door, and in
fell all the little animals.
"We've seen a ghost!" sobbed
the rabbit. "It's chased us all the way
through the wood, and now it's up in
that tree!"
Miss Mole put on her extra strong
glasses and took a good look.
"Goodness me," she gasped, "there
it is!"
Right then and there, brave Miss
Mole reached for her longest broom
and pulled something out of the
branches above.
"Here's your ghost," laughed Miss
Mole. "It's a plastic bag. I lost it on
my way back from the woodland
All the little animals breathed a big
sigh of relief as Miss Mole took them
inside and closed the door.
"Gather round and I'll tell you a
story," she said kindly.
"As long as it's not a ghost story,"
whispered the baby badger.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Miss Mole Catches a GhostQuite often Miss Mole would lookafter the young ones who lived in thewoodland, when their parents went outin the evening."I just love baby-sitting," sighedMiss Mole, as she gazed at the littleanimals, "you're all such darlings!""But we're not babies," grumbledthe fieldmice twins, "we're almostgrown up!""Well you'll always be babies tome," giggled Miss Mole, as she gavethem all a great big hug.But one evening when Miss Molewas baby-sitting, something verystrange happened ...All the little animals had walkedover to Miss Mole's house just beforedark. They were laughing and jokingand making lots of noise as they wentalong.All of a sudden one of the rabbitsheard a strange sound. Then one ortwo of the little animals saw somethingmove near the top of the trees."What was that?" gasped a babybadger as he grabbed one of thesquirrels.Then, as the wind rustled theleaves on the tree ... they all saw it ... aspooky white thing fl ying through thebranches!"It's a ghost!" screamed a smallhedgehog. And everyone ran as fastas they could and landed on a heap atMiss Mole's front door."Whatever is wrong?" cried MissMole as she opened her door, and infell all the little animals."We've seen a ghost!" sobbedthe rabbit. "It's chased us all the waythrough the wood, and now it's up inthat tree!"Miss Mole put on her extra strongglasses and took a good look."Goodness me," she gasped, "thereit is!"Right then and there, brave MissMole reached for her longest broomand pulled something out of thebranches above."Here's your ghost," laughed MissMole. "It's a plastic bag. I lost it onmy way back from the woodlandsupermarket!"All the little animals breathed a bigsigh of relief as Miss Mole took theminside and closed the door."Gather round and I'll tell you astory," she said kindly."As long as it's not a ghost story,"whispered the baby badger.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Nona Mole Catches Ghost

Cukup sering kehilangan Mole akan terlihat
setelah orang-orang muda yang tinggal di
hutan, ketika orang tua mereka pergi keluar
di malam hari.
"Aku hanya mencintai bayi-duduk," desah
Nona Mole, saat ia menatap sedikit
hewan , "Anda semua kesayangan seperti!"
"Tapi kami tidak bayi," gerutu
si kembar fieldmice, "kita hampir

"Yah Anda akan selalu bayi
saya," terkikik Nona Mole, sebagai dia memberi
mereka semua pelukan besar besar.
Tapi satu malam ketika Nona Mole
adalah bayi-duduk, sesuatu yang sangat
aneh terjadi ...
semua binatang-binatang kecil telah berjalan
ke rumah Nona Mole ini sebelum
gelap. Mereka tertawa dan bercanda
dan membuat banyak kebisingan ketika mereka pergi
Tiba-tiba salah satu kelinci
mendengar suara aneh. Kemudian satu atau
dua dari binatang-binatang kecil melihat sesuatu
bergerak di dekat bagian atas pohon.
"Apa itu?" tersentak bayi
musang saat ia meraih salah satu
Lalu, seperti angin berdesir yang
daun di pohon ... mereka semua melihatnya ... a
hal putih seram fl ying melalui
"Itu hantu!" menjerit kecil
landak. Dan semua orang berlari secepat
yang mereka bisa dan mendarat di tumpukan di
pintu depan Nona Mole.
"Apa pun yang salah?" seru Nona
Mole saat ia membuka pintu, dan di
jatuh semua binatang kecil.
"Kami telah melihat hantu!" terisak
kelinci. "Ini mengejar kita semua jalan
melalui kayu, dan sekarang terserah di
pohon itu!"
Nona Mole mengenakan tambahan yang kuat
gelas dan mengambil melihat baik.
"Ya ampun," ia terengah-engah, "ada
Saat itu dan ada, berani Nona
Mole meraih sapu terpanjang nya
dan mengeluarkan sesuatu dari
cabang atas.
"Inilah Anda hantu," tertawa Nona
Mole. "Ini kantong plastik. Saya kehilangan pada
perjalanan kembali dari hutan
Semua binatang-binatang kecil menghela besar
lega sebagai Miss Mole membawa mereka
di dalam dan menutup pintu.
"Mengumpulkan bulat dan saya akan memberitahu Anda
cerita, "kata dia ramah.
" selama itu bukan cerita hantu, "
bisik musang bayi.
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