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FacultyFaculty refers to whether the employee is non-tenure track, tenure track, ortenured. Faculty may be exempt (i.e., not compensated for overtime) or non-exempt (i.e.,compensated for overtime) (Igalens & Rousel, 1999).Theoretical FrameworkWhile there has been extensive research on the topic of turnover intent as well as agerelatedeffects across a variety of variables, Fishbein and Ajzen’s (1975) theory ofreasoned action and a general theoretical framework for explaining age-related effects(Rhodes, 1983) served as the theoretical framework for the current study. See Figures 1and 2 in Appendix B. The theory of reasoned action is useful in explaining therelationship between employee engagement, compensation fairness, job satisfaction, andturnover intent (and, subsequently, turnover). A general theoretical framework forexplaining age-related effects in employee attitudes is useful in explaining both ageeffectsand cohort-effects in employee attitudes. Within this framework suggested byRhodes (1983), Super’s Life-Span Life-Space Theory is useful in explaining age-effectsin career stages and Generational Cohort Theory is useful in explaining cohort-effectsacross social cohorts. These theories are discussed more in depth below.Theory of Reasoned ActionFishbein and Ajzen’s (1975) theory of reasoned action is useful in explaining therelationship between attitude, intention, and behavior. The theory of reasoned actionpurports that intentions—based on reason--mediate the relationship between attitude and
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