Not totally on topic (although these quotes are some of the most aggri terjemahan - Not totally on topic (although these quotes are some of the most aggri Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Not totally on topic (although thes

Not totally on topic (although these quotes are some of the most aggrivating things that ever happen in my park), but I just thought I'd just share with you guys some of my 'favourite' staff quotes from Jurassic Park Operation Genesis:

Peter Ludlow – “If you can drag yourself away from the park, we’d like to speak with you.” (In other words, watch out, your finances are going awol, too many people died when you let those Raptors out for a quick run and your Visitors have picked up the fact that your Dino Dogs contain real Dino.)

Henry Wu – “Hi.” (Yeah, hi, whatever. Just hurry the research up, the Visitors are getting wet waiting for those umbrellas. And yes, I am going to reduce your pay for telling me that a cash machine takes a week to research because you can’t be bothered to get off your fat backside as there’s World Soccer Finals on TV.)

Muldoon – “You’ve got to do something about this!” (Alright, calm down, the Safari Tour’s only broken for the third time this week ‘cause you didn’t design it to run properly. I’m just on my way to drive it back to ‘base’ as it is.)

Ellie Sattler (actually, she’s got two quotes) – “It’s good to see you again!” (What? You again? I thought I fired you last week for not doing your job and letting all those Dinosaurs get Gastric Poisoning. Go dig stuff up with Dr. Grant or something and let a proper scientist fill your place.)


Ellie Sattler – “You’ve got to do something about this!” (Actually, I can’t. I’ve given those blasted Dryosaurs everything they need and more. And they’re still dying of blasted malnutrition. They’re right next to a blasted lake and about eight blasted Paleo Bale dispensers and they’re still dying. So yeah, I’ll do something about this – I’ll let my rex have a run around in their enclosure. How does that sound? Not so good? Right then. Shut up and sort them out, do your job already. That’s what inGen hired you for, ‘cause believe me I sure didn’t.)

Ray Arnolds – “Could you look after this while I go get a soda?” (No, I can’t. I’m not doing your job ‘cause you’re thirsty. I’m charitably allowing you to stay here on staff despite the fact that I desperately want to make you redundant. And you can get Nedry to go get it for you; he does pretty much nothing anyway. I don’t even see him around here anymore and he never PMs. And check security camera 3 by the way, I think the rex has escaped again.)

Sgt. Angel

Oh, and 'This Cleaner will clean no more' (yes he will, or else I'm reducing his pay) and 'This Visitor has died of Exposure' (to what???) are two of my other all-time-favourites.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Not totally on topic (although these quotes are some of the most aggrivating things that ever happen in my park), but I just thought I'd just share with you guys some of my 'favourite' staff quotes from Jurassic Park Operation Genesis:Peter Ludlow – “If you can drag yourself away from the park, we’d like to speak with you.” (In other words, watch out, your finances are going awol, too many people died when you let those Raptors out for a quick run and your Visitors have picked up the fact that your Dino Dogs contain real Dino.)Henry Wu – “Hi.” (Yeah, hi, whatever. Just hurry the research up, the Visitors are getting wet waiting for those umbrellas. And yes, I am going to reduce your pay for telling me that a cash machine takes a week to research because you can’t be bothered to get off your fat backside as there’s World Soccer Finals on TV.)Muldoon – “You’ve got to do something about this!” (Alright, calm down, the Safari Tour’s only broken for the third time this week ‘cause you didn’t design it to run properly. I’m just on my way to drive it back to ‘base’ as it is.)Ellie Sattler (actually, she’s got two quotes) – “It’s good to see you again!” (What? You again? I thought I fired you last week for not doing your job and letting all those Dinosaurs get Gastric Poisoning. Go dig stuff up with Dr. Grant or something and let a proper scientist fill your place.)AndEllie Sattler – “You’ve got to do something about this!” (Actually, I can’t. I’ve given those blasted Dryosaurs everything they need and more. And they’re still dying of blasted malnutrition. They’re right next to a blasted lake and about eight blasted Paleo Bale dispensers and they’re still dying. So yeah, I’ll do something about this – I’ll let my rex have a run around in their enclosure. How does that sound? Not so good? Right then. Shut up and sort them out, do your job already. That’s what inGen hired you for, ‘cause believe me I sure didn’t.)Ray Arnolds – “Could you look after this while I go get a soda?” (No, I can’t. I’m not doing your job ‘cause you’re thirsty. I’m charitably allowing you to stay here on staff despite the fact that I desperately want to make you redundant. And you can get Nedry to go get it for you; he does pretty much nothing anyway. I don’t even see him around here anymore and he never PMs. And check security camera 3 by the way, I think the rex has escaped again.)Sgt. AngelOh, and 'This Cleaner will clean no more' (yes he will, or else I'm reducing his pay) and 'This Visitor has died of Exposure' (to what???) are two of my other all-time-favourites.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tidak benar-benar tentang topik (walaupun kutipan ini adalah beberapa hal yang paling aggrivating yang pernah terjadi di taman saya), tapi saya pikir saya hanya akan berbagi dengan kalian beberapa staf 'favorit' saya kutip dari Jurassic Park Operation Genesis: Peter Ludlow - "Jika Anda dapat menarik diri dari taman, kami ingin berbicara dengan Anda." (Dengan kata lain, hati-hati, keuangan Anda akan awol, terlalu banyak orang tewas ketika Anda membiarkan mereka Raptors untuk cepat menjalankan dan Pengunjung Anda telah mengambil fakta bahwa Anjing Dino Anda berisi Dino nyata). Henry Wu -. ". Hi" (Ya, hi, apa pun hanya bergegas penelitian atas, Pengunjung semakin tunggu basah bagi mereka payung Dan ya. , saya akan mengurangi gaji Anda untuk memberitahu saya bahwa mesin ATM mengambil seminggu untuk penelitian karena Anda tidak dapat diganggu untuk turun belakang lemak Anda karena ada World Soccer Final di TV). Muldoon - "Anda harus melakukan sesuatu tentang hal ini! "(Baiklah, tenang, Safari Tour hanya rusak untuk ketiga kalinya minggu ini karena Anda tidak desain untuk berjalan dengan baik. Aku hanya perjalanan untuk mendorong kembali ke 'dasar' seperti itu). Ellie Sattler (sebenarnya, dia punya dua tanda kutip) - "Ini baik untuk melihat Anda lagi!" (Apa yang Anda lagi saya pikir saya dipecat? Anda minggu lalu untuk tidak melakukan pekerjaan Anda dan membiarkan semua Dinosaurus mereka mendapatkan Keracunan Lambung Pergi menggali hal-hal dengan Dr. Hibah atau sesuatu dan membiarkan seorang ilmuwan yang tepat mengisi tempat Anda).. Dan Ellie Sattler - "Anda harus melakukan sesuatu tentang ini! "(Sebenarnya tidak, aku bisa. Aku sudah memberikan mereka mengecam Dryosaurs segala sesuatu yang mereka butuhkan dan lebih. Dan mereka masih sekarat mengecam kekurangan gizi. Mereka tepat di sebelah danau mengecam dan sekitar delapan mengecam Paleo Bale dispenser dan mereka masih sekarat Jadi ya, saya akan melakukan sesuatu tentang hal ini -..??. Aku akan membiarkan rex saya memiliki lari di dalam kandang mereka Bagaimana bahwa suara tidak begitu baik Saat itu Diam dan memilah ., melakukan pekerjaan Anda sudah Itulah yang Ingen mempekerjakan Anda untuk, karena saya percaya saya yakin tidak). Ray Arnolds - "Bisakah Anda melihat setelah ini sementara aku pergi mendapatkan soda?" (Tidak, saya tidak bisa saya. sedang tidak melakukan pekerjaan Anda karena kau haus. Aku bermurah memungkinkan Anda untuk tinggal di sini pada staf meskipun fakta bahwa saya sangat ingin membuat Anda berlebihan. Dan Anda bisa mendapatkan Nedry untuk pergi mendapatkannya untuk Anda; dia tidak cukup banyak apa-apa pula. Aku bahkan tidak melihat dia di sini lagi dan ia tidak pernah PMS. Dan memeriksa keamanan kamera 3 by the way, saya pikir rex yang telah lolos lagi.) Sgt. Malaikat Oh, dan 'Cleaner ini akan membersihkan tidak lebih' (ya dia akan, atau aku mengurangi gajinya) dan 'Pengunjung ini telah meninggal Paparan' (untuk apa ???) adalah dua dari saya yang lain sepanjang masa -favourites.

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