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Model Jepang jangka panjang kemitraan kolaboratif antara perusahaan dan pemasok mereka telah menarik banyak perhatian dari para peneliti bisnis dan praktisi. Beberapa Amerika Serikat dan Eropa auto-pembuat telah berusaha untuk membangun kemitraan yang sama mereka sendiri, mencari untuk mengurangi pemasok dasar dan memupuk hubungan dengan suppliers.1 terbaik mereka sebagai akibatnya, awal keterlibatan pemasok dalam pengembangan produk dan upaya pengurangan biaya menjadi praktik standar di industri otomotif dengan beyond.2Krisis hari melibatkan Toyota dan jaringan pemasok menunjukkan, bagaimanapun, bahwa model Jepang- atau setidaknya Toyota model — melibatkan lebih dari satu set jangka panjang hubungan antara perusahaan dan beberapa pilih pemasok. Sebagai Toyota group kolaboratif respon tiba-tiba kehancuran tanaman pemasok utama menunjukkan, hubungan antara perusahaan pemasok sama pentingnya. Lebih umum, campuran yang kompleks lembaga izin Self-organisasi selama masa krisis dengan sedikit kebutuhan untuk seorang pemimpin langsung control.3 ini hubungan yang kuat antara banyak perusahaan dengan stabil tapi sebagian besar tak terlihat kontrol seorang pemimpin mempromosikan fleksibel dan terkoordinasi tanggapan terhadap krisis. Selain itu, mereka menumbuhkan daya saing jangka panjang melalui decentral-ized, groupwide upaya untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah sehari-hari dan meningkatkan kinerja.Pada 1 Februari 1997, sebuah kebakaran di salah satu tanaman Aisin Seiki mengancam untuk menghentikan operasi Toyota-kelompok selama berminggu-minggu. Aisin Seiki, salah satu pemasok paling terpercaya Toyota, adalah satu-satunya sumber untuk proportioning katup (atau P-katup, dalam istilah industri), kecil namun penting bagian terkait rem digunakan dalam semua Toyota vehicles.4 karena Toyota dan Aisin's dedikasi kepada prinsip-prinsip just-in-time (JIT) produksi, hanya dua atau tiga hari senilai saham adalah di tangan. Shutdown Toyota-kelompok tumbuhan (termasuk beberapa ratus pemasok) tampaknya tidak dapat dihindari.Waktu tidak bisa lebih buruk. Toyota tanaman beroperasi pada kapasitas penuh dengan tingkat lembur dan penggunaan pekerja sementara terdengar dari dalam tahun, dalam mengantisipasi suatu boom menit-menit terakhir mobil penjualan sebelum kenaikan penjualan pajak konsumsi 2 persen dijadwalkan untuk April 1. Setiap hari kehilangan berarti berpotensi besar dan yg tak dpt ditebus kerugian dalam penjualan dan keuntungan untuk Toyota dan terkait firms.5Namun, sungguh, bencana dihindari, dan pabrik perakitan yang dibuka kembali setelah hanya dua hari shutdown. Pemulihan dicapai melalui upaya langsung dan sebagian besar Self-terorganisir oleh perusahaan, sebagian besar dari dalam tapi juga dari luar kelompok Toyota, untuk mengatur situs produksi alternatif di luar Aisin.6 dalam hari, perusahaan dengan sedikit pengalaman dengan P-katup manufaktur dan memberikan bagian-bagian untuk Aisin, dimana mereka berkumpul dan diperiksa sebelum dikirim ke Toyota dan pabrik perakitan klien lainnya. Upaya kolaborasi, yang yang melibatkan lebih dari 200 perusahaan (yang kira-kira enam puluh dua mengambil tanggung jawab langsung untuk produksi P-katup), adalah diatur dengan sangat terbatas kontrol langsung dari Toyota dan ada tawar-menawar atas hak-hak kepemilikan yang teknis atau kompensasi finansial.The Toyota group demonstrated its cohesion and resiliency at a time when many observers were discussing the weakening of traditional ties among group members. Based on data collected through in-depth interviews with key players in the incident, we describe what took place during the Aisin Seiki crisis and how individual firms came together to orchestrate the recovery effort.7 We believe that the episode holds lessons for businesses adopting the Japanese model of long-term supplier partnerships as well as for businesses moving away from that model. Of course, competition for future contracts and the pressure to maintain their reputations motivated the suppliers to cooperate with each other. Nevertheless, we argue, it was the various capabilities developed through institutionalized problem-solving activities within the Toyota group that ensured the effectiveness and rapidity of the suppliers’ collaborative effort. For businesses of many kinds, the capabilities developed through committed partnerships can enhance competitiveness, driving participants to respond effectively to emergencies and to pursue continuous improvement on a daily basis.8The Aisin Seiki CrisisAt 4:18 a.m. on Saturday, February 1, 1997, a fire erupted in Aisin’s Kariya plant number one. By 8:52 a.m., the lines dedicated to P-valves and to two other brake-related parts (clutch master cylinders and tandem master cylinders) were almost completely destroyed, along with special-purpose machinery and drills that could take months to reorder. The near destruction of the P-valve lines was potentially disastrous for Toyota; nearly all of its vehicles used Aisin P-valves manufactured exclusively at the Kariya plant, which turned out 32,500 P-valves a day for Toyota and other Toyota-group assemblers such as Hino and Daihatsu as well as for Mitsubishi, Suzuki, and Isuzu.Used in all vehicles, P-valves control pressure on rear brakes to help prevent skidding. About the size of a pack of cigarettes, the part is mass-produced using dedicated transfer lines, which keeps costs down and ensures high productivity and reliability. Although structurally simple and inexpensive, costing only between ¥770 and ¥1,400 apiece, P-valves require complex, high-precision machining to ensure the reliability and durability essential to the safety of any brake system.That Aisin was the sole supplier of this small but critical part was surprising to many in Japan. To reduce the risk of the very kind of disruption it was now confronting, Toyota had increased parallel sourcing. Its relationship with Aisin was distinctive, however.9 Aisin was one of Toyota’s closest suppliers in sales, personnel, and financial linkages; its outstanding cost, quality, and delivery performance record made it difficult to replace.10Toyota suddenly found itself in crisis. As a result of JIT operations, only one day’s worth of P-valves were in immediate stock. Predictably, on Monday, February 3, when assembly lines were still running, Toyota announced the following days’ shutdown of twenty of its thirty assembly lines (including those of Toyota’s contract assemblers); from Tuesday, February 4, to Wednesday, February 5, practically all of Toyota’s and most of its related firms’ plants were closed, bringing to a halt almost the entire Toyota group.11 As a result, hundreds of tiered suppliers who would have to wait for the reopening of their clients’ plants to resume deliveries were also affected, as were local electricity, gas, and transportation companies. Such is the fragility of JIT: a surprise event can paralyze entire networks and even industries.12Indeed, Toyota was facing one of the worst crises in its history.13 But on Tuesday, February 4, only three days after the fire, the first alternative volume P-valves (as opposed to prototype P-valves that had been delivered one day earlier) were rolling off temporary lines hastily set up by an Aisin supplier, Koritsu Sangyo, marking the beginning of the recovery process. As a result of this and many other firms’ efforts, by Thursday, February 6, Toyota’s Tahara and Hino’s Hamura plants were reopened, followed by the other car assembly plants affected the next day on a single-shift basis. By Monday, February 10, a little more than one week after the plant fire, all Toyota-group assembly plants were back to normal with production volumes of 13,000 to 14,000 vehicles per day. After another week, the plants were in full operation at the previously planned production volumes of 15,500 vehicles per day. At that time, the proportion of P-valves produced by Aisin itself was less than 10 percent of the total amount necessary; it gradually increased, however, reaching 60 percent by March 14 and almost 100 percent by the end of March. The bulk of the P-valve production was taking place at approximately sixty-two firms, including Koritsu Sangyo, which gave full priority to the restoration of P-valve production and often worked double shifts through weekends.
In total, the fire cost Aisin ¥7.8 billion and Toyota about 70,000 vehicles and ¥160 billion in revenues.14 Although Toyota officials claim to have recouped most of the lost vehicle production through increased overtime and holiday shifts, losses in the range of ¥20 billion to ¥30 billion were unavoidable, mainly because the creation of alternative P-valve sites was costly.15 In the end, however, Toyota and Aisin could only be grateful that group members achieved a rapid and effective recovery and averted what could have been a much more devastating incident.
The Recovery Effort
How could alternative P-valve production sites be organized and the delivery of the required 32,500 P-valves a day be resumed so quickly? We describe the roles played in the recovery by six firms, which we visited during our field research: Toyota, Aisin Seiki, Denso, Taiho Kogyo, Kayaba Industry, and Koritsu Sangyo. While these firms differ in size, areas of specialization, position in the value chain, and financial linkages to Toyota, they share several characteristics: a commitment to, and capabilities for, JIT production and the ability to solve problems at their source.16
From the beginning, it was clear that until Aisin could rebuild its previous capacity, outside help would be indispensable. It was decided then that firms from both inside and outside the Toyota group would be asked to set up alternative P-valve production sites as soon as possible, with Aisin providing technical assistance, design drawings, jigs (e.g., specialized drills), machine tools, and raw materials (e.g., cast iron) salvaged from the fire.17 Aisin was to immediately begin setting up alternative production sites in its other plants as well.
Sixty-two firms responded to Aisin’s call a
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