Deer Han lawyers said the prosecution did not receive the letter hope  terjemahan - Deer Han lawyers said the prosecution did not receive the letter hope  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Deer Han lawyers said the prosecuti

Deer Han lawyers said the prosecution did not receive the letter hope to reach a settlement with the SM. LOS ANGELES today (5th), Korea SM Entertainment issued a public statement, the company announced that it would sue former member of the men's team EXO Kris Wu Han and deer that two In the "termination event" under the premise of the termination agreement is not reached with the SM unauthorized commercial activities, then advertising endorsements, for shooting films, is a serious breach. Statement, SM Han major lawsuit against deer, and deer Han invited as endorsers of advertisers, the lawsuit was filed in a Shanghai court on February 4. In this regard, there is media to be responsible for the deer Han lawsuit lawyer, the other party that is not currently connected to sue letter, the contents of SM's lawsuit is unclear. In addition, lawyers said on the 6th in Korea there is a mediator, deer Han hopes to promote reconciliation. SM's public statements in the book clearly said: Kris Wu Han and the deer were in May 2014, October 2014 through the territory of the Republic of Korea with a law firm in Korea, the company filed a lawsuit against SM. Prior to this and other South Korean court has not yet formally trial proceedings, Kris Wu Han and the deer will take a combination of EXO high popularity in China to carry out filming uncontrolled, endorsements, attended the ceremony and other entertainment activities. Kris Wu Han of such acts and deer, not only a serious violation of the rights of other members of EXO SM portfolio companies, but also for the company and other relevant partners SM caused huge economic losses. SM considers himself "through a lot of manpower, material and financial investment, in just two years time will be a world-class combination EXO group," while Kris Wu Han and deer by EXO after obtaining high popularity, without any justification Under the circumstances, ignoring the contract, trust and morality, only for personal gain out of it for no reason EXO combinations. "Such behavior is not only a serious company with a combination of SM betray the other members to be absolutely reliable unethical behavior, it is an abuse of the legal act." Remain valid statement also pointed out that, SM company and Kris Wu, deer Han exclusive brokerage agreement signed in Korea to make a final determination of the court before judgment. Kris Wu, unauthorized commercial activities undertaken during the deer Han here, endorsements, filming and all the performing arts, are serious breaches, SM company will be investigated for all legal responsibility. Also, any company and individual assistance or two to go along with the breach also constitutes a combination of SM companies and EXO rights violations, SM company will retain the right to pursue its legal responsibilities through legal channels. Statement, SM Han major lawsuit against deer, and deer Han invited as endorsers of advertisers, the lawsuit was filed in a Shanghai court on February 4. This has to be responsible for handling media interviews deer Han termination cases lawyers, lawyers said he did not know this in advance, but also through the media to know, so far not received any letter and related documents to prosecute. Lawyers responded that they would give an explanation for the SM after the statement. In addition, the lawyer said, February 6 in Korea as well as a reconciliation of local courts, deer Han aspects stand still hope to resolve the issue through reconciliation. (South Sound / text)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Deer Han lawyers said the prosecution did not receive the letter hope to reach a settlement with the SM. LOS ANGELES today (5th), Korea SM Entertainment issued a public statement, the company announced that it would sue former member of the men's team EXO Kris Wu Han and deer that two In the "termination event" under the premise of the termination agreement is not reached with the SM unauthorized commercial activities, then advertising endorsements, for shooting films, is a serious breach. Statement, SM Han major lawsuit against deer, and deer Han invited as endorsers of advertisers, the lawsuit was filed in a Shanghai court on February 4. In this regard, there is media to be responsible for the deer Han lawsuit lawyer, the other party that is not currently connected to sue letter, the contents of SM's lawsuit is unclear. In addition, lawyers said on the 6th in Korea there is a mediator, deer Han hopes to promote reconciliation. SM's public statements in the book clearly said: Kris Wu Han and the deer were in May 2014, October 2014 through the territory of the Republic of Korea with a law firm in Korea, the company filed a lawsuit against SM. Prior to this and other South Korean court has not yet formally trial proceedings, Kris Wu Han and the deer will take a combination of EXO high popularity in China to carry out filming uncontrolled, endorsements, attended the ceremony and other entertainment activities. Kris Wu Han of such acts and deer, not only a serious violation of the rights of other members of EXO SM portfolio companies, but also for the company and other relevant partners SM caused huge economic losses. SM considers himself "through a lot of manpower, material and financial investment, in just two years time will be a world-class combination EXO group," while Kris Wu Han and deer by EXO after obtaining high popularity, without any justification Under the circumstances, ignoring the contract, trust and morality, only for personal gain out of it for no reason EXO combinations. "Such behavior is not only a serious company with a combination of SM betray the other members to be absolutely reliable unethical behavior, it is an abuse of the legal act." Remain valid statement also pointed out that, SM company and Kris Wu, deer Han exclusive brokerage agreement signed in Korea to make a final determination of the court before judgment. Kris Wu, unauthorized commercial activities undertaken during the deer Han here, endorsements, filming and all the performing arts, are serious breaches, SM company will be investigated for all legal responsibility. Also, any company and individual assistance or two to go along with the breach also constitutes a combination of SM companies and EXO rights violations, SM company will retain the right to pursue its legal responsibilities through legal channels. Statement, SM Han major lawsuit against deer, and deer Han invited as endorsers of advertisers, the lawsuit was filed in a Shanghai court on February 4. This has to be responsible for handling media interviews deer Han termination cases lawyers, lawyers said he did not know this in advance, but also through the media to know, so far not received any letter and related documents to prosecute. Lawyers responded that they would give an explanation for the SM after the statement. In addition, the lawyer said, February 6 in Korea as well as a reconciliation of local courts, deer Han aspects stand still hope to resolve the issue through reconciliation. (South Sound / text)
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pengacara Deer Han mengatakan penuntutan tidak menerima surat itu berharap untuk mencapai penyelesaian dengan SM. LOS ANGELES hari ini (5), Korea SM Entertainment mengeluarkan pernyataan publik, perusahaan mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan menggugat mantan anggota tim pria EXO Kris Wu Han dan rusa bahwa dua Dalam "event penghentian" di bawah premis perjanjian terminasi tidak tercapai dengan kegiatan komersial yang tidak sah SM, maka iklan dukungan, untuk film menembak, adalah pelanggaran serius. Pernyataan, SM Han gugatan besar terhadap rusa, dan rusa Han diundang sebagai endorser pengiklan, gugatan itu diajukan di pengadilan Shanghai Februari 4. Dalam hal ini, ada media yang bertanggung jawab atas rusa Han pengacara gugatan, pihak lain yang saat ini tidak terhubung untuk menuntut surat, isi gugatan SM tidak jelas. Selain itu, pengacara mengatakan pada 6 di Korea ada mediator, rusa Han berharap untuk mempromosikan rekonsiliasi. Pernyataan publik SM dalam buku dengan jelas mengatakan: Kris Wu Han dan rusa berada Mei 2014, Oktober 2014 melalui wilayah Republik Korea dengan sebuah firma hukum di Korea, perusahaan mengajukan gugatan terhadap SM. Sebelum ini dan pengadilan Korea Selatan lainnya belum secara resmi proses persidangan, Kris Wu Han dan rusa akan mengambil kombinasi EXO popularitas tinggi di Cina untuk melaksanakan syuting tidak terkendali, dukungan, menghadiri upacara dan kegiatan hiburan lainnya. Kris Wu Han tindakan tersebut dan rusa, bukan hanya pelanggaran serius terhadap hak-hak anggota lain dari perusahaan portofolio EXO SM, tetapi juga untuk perusahaan dan mitra lainnya yang relevan SM menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi yang besar. SM menganggap dirinya "melalui banyak tenaga kerja, material dan investasi keuangan, hanya dalam waktu dua tahun akan menjadi kombinasi kelas dunia grup EXO," sementara Kris Wu Han dan rusa oleh EXO setelah mendapat popularitas tinggi, tanpa pembenaran Dalam keadaan , mengabaikan kontrak, kepercayaan dan moralitas, hanya untuk keuntungan pribadi dari itu tanpa kombinasi alasan EXO. "Perilaku seperti ini tidak hanya perusahaan yang serius dengan kombinasi SM mengkhianati anggota lain untuk menjadi perilaku yang tidak etis benar-benar dapat diandalkan, itu adalah penyalahgunaan perbuatan hukum." Tetap pernyataan yang valid juga menunjukkan bahwa, perusahaan SM dan Kris Wu, rusa Han perjanjian broker eksklusif ditandatangani di Korea untuk membuat keputusan akhir pengadilan sebelum penghakiman. Kris Wu, kegiatan komersial yang tidak sah yang dilakukan selama rusa Han sini, dukungan, film dan semua seni pertunjukan, adalah pelanggaran serius, perusahaan SM akan diselidiki untuk semua tanggung jawab hukum. Juga, setiap perusahaan dan bantuan individu atau dua untuk pergi bersama dengan pelanggaran juga merupakan kombinasi dari perusahaan SM dan pelanggaran hak EXO, perusahaan SM akan mempertahankan hak untuk mengejar tanggung jawab hukum melalui jalur hukum. Pernyataan, SM Han gugatan besar terhadap rusa, dan rusa Han diundang sebagai endorser pengiklan, gugatan itu diajukan di pengadilan Shanghai pada tanggal 4 Februari ini harus bertanggung jawab untuk menangani wawancara media rusa Han kasus pemutusan pengacara, pengacara mengatakan ia tidak tahu ini sebelumnya, tetapi juga melalui media tahu, sejauh ini belum menerima surat dan dokumen terkait untuk menuntut. Pengacara menjawab bahwa mereka akan memberikan penjelasan untuk SM setelah pernyataan itu. Selain itu, pengacara mengatakan, 6 Februari di Korea serta rekonsiliasi pengadilan setempat, rusa aspek Han berdiri masih berharap untuk menyelesaikan masalah melalui rekonsiliasi. (South Sound / teks)
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