2.1.5 Distance from RoadsNeedless to say, roads are the main channels  terjemahan - 2.1.5 Distance from RoadsNeedless to say, roads are the main channels  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

2.1.5 Distance from RoadsNeedless t

2.1.5 Distance from Roads
Needless to say, roads are the main channels of a country and most of the trips are land trips made on roads. What makes this

ISSN 2277-8616
issue important for Golestan Province and the region under study is the fact that roads pass through or by forests. Apart from roads leading to tourist destinations, the transit road of Mashhad-Gorgan also passes through Golestan forests. From a tourist viewpoint, this is an ideal opportunity, but from an environmental viewpoint, this counts as a potential threat to the forest as it may cause fires. Tourist and travellers’ inattention to safety rules regarding not starting any fire in the forest or making sure to put out the fire after leaving their camp are considered as the main factors causing fire incidents [4].
2.1.6 Distance from River
During tourist seasons, especially summer, tourists mostly camp by riversides and springs. This issue increases the concentration of people by the side of rivers which is considered as one of the serious threatening factors [15].
2.2 Geographical Information System (GIS)
Studies conducted to date indicate that GIS, combining the vegetation cover maps, topographic maps and other data, offers great assistance with topography of critical or prone-to-fire regions [15]. The variety of factors which affect the ignition and spread of fire necessitate usage of a hybrid analytical method [11]. Therefore, the significance of GIS in data collection and as a supporting decision making system for an efficient management becomes more apparent.
2.3 Fuzzy Inference Systems
Fuzzy Logic was first introduced by Zadeh [16]. Later on in early
1970’s, Zadeh introduced linguistic variables and showed that
one can implement the ambiguous statements in problems by these variables more easily and in a more understandable way in the form of arithmetic algorithms. One of the advantages of Fuzzy Inference System is the unnecessary of a mathematical model and the possibility to implement the human knowledge using the comprehensible linguistic rules [17]. In fuzzy logic, a component has a degree of membership between 0 and 1, in contrast to definite sets in which a component either belongs to a set or not. For instance, with regard to equation (1), the x component has the membership degree of .
Various membership functions have been introduced to date, the simplest and most applicable of which is the triangular- shaped membership function (with regard to Figure 1 which is defined as equation 2) [18].
Parameters l, m and u are shown in Figure 1.
Fig. 1 Triangular Membership Function
The design of fuzzy controllers is one of the broad application areas of fuzzy logic. The main function of controllers, or inferers, is the expression of fuzzy sets which facilitate the resolution of fuzzy processes. Assilan-Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System can be mentioned as one of the most applicable inferers. An inferer's function is presenting the fuzzed input (received through fuzzy convertor process) in fuzzy laws and producing a fuzzy output for each law. In other words, for the result part in the output space, a membership degree is determined for fuzzy output sets based on the membership degree of input sets and the relationship between these input sets. All fuzzy controllers function similarly but their difference lies in their type of implementation. Takagi-Sugeno can be mentioned as another instance of Fuzzy Inference Engines [18]. The Fuzzy Inference Engine used in this study is Assilan-Mamdani whose implementation steps are as follow [18]:
1. Identifying and Naming input linguistic variables and determining their numerical range.
2. Identifying and Naming output linguistic variables and determining their numerical range.
3. Defining the membership function for input and output variables.
4. Determining rules showing the control process. 5. Fuzzifying the input variables.
6. Carrying out the inference for clipping.
7. Defuzzifying the output variables.
Triangular-Shaped membership function was used for linguistic input and output variables. Min-Max method was also used for clipping and center of gravity method was used for defuzzification.
The region under study is part of Golestan province forests with an area of 55 thousand hectares spreading in Minoodasht town. Minoodasht is surrounded by Semnan and Khorasan province from south, Khorasan province from east, Gonbad-e-Kavoos from west and Kalale town from north. The geographical specification of the region under study is as follows: (Figure 2 shows a view of the region under study). The coordinate system is UTM (WGS 84 Ellipsoid) and zone number is 40.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
2.1.5 Distance from RoadsNeedless to say, roads are the main channels of a country and most of the trips are land trips made on roads. What makes thisIJSTR©2013www.ijstr.org58 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH VOLUME 2, ISSUE 12, DECEMBER 2013ISSN 2277-8616 issue important for Golestan Province and the region under study is the fact that roads pass through or by forests. Apart from roads leading to tourist destinations, the transit road of Mashhad-Gorgan also passes through Golestan forests. From a tourist viewpoint, this is an ideal opportunity, but from an environmental viewpoint, this counts as a potential threat to the forest as it may cause fires. Tourist and travellers’ inattention to safety rules regarding not starting any fire in the forest or making sure to put out the fire after leaving their camp are considered as the main factors causing fire incidents [4].2.1.6 Distance from RiverDuring tourist seasons, especially summer, tourists mostly camp by riversides and springs. This issue increases the concentration of people by the side of rivers which is considered as one of the serious threatening factors [15].2.2 Geographical Information System (GIS)Studies conducted to date indicate that GIS, combining the vegetation cover maps, topographic maps and other data, offers great assistance with topography of critical or prone-to-fire regions [15]. The variety of factors which affect the ignition and spread of fire necessitate usage of a hybrid analytical method [11]. Therefore, the significance of GIS in data collection and as a supporting decision making system for an efficient management becomes more apparent.2.3 Fuzzy Inference SystemsFuzzy Logic was first introduced by Zadeh [16]. Later on in early1970’s, Zadeh introduced linguistic variables and showed thatone can implement the ambiguous statements in problems by these variables more easily and in a more understandable way in the form of arithmetic algorithms. One of the advantages of Fuzzy Inference System is the unnecessary of a mathematical model and the possibility to implement the human knowledge using the comprehensible linguistic rules [17]. In fuzzy logic, a component has a degree of membership between 0 and 1, in contrast to definite sets in which a component either belongs to a set or not. For instance, with regard to equation (1), the x component has the membership degree of .)1(Various membership functions have been introduced to date, the simplest and most applicable of which is the triangular- shaped membership function (with regard to Figure 1 which is defined as equation 2) [18].Parameters l, m and u are shown in Figure 1.Fig. 1 Triangular Membership FunctionThe design of fuzzy controllers is one of the broad application areas of fuzzy logic. The main function of controllers, or inferers, is the expression of fuzzy sets which facilitate the resolution of fuzzy processes. Assilan-Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System can be mentioned as one of the most applicable inferers. An inferer's function is presenting the fuzzed input (received through fuzzy convertor process) in fuzzy laws and producing a fuzzy output for each law. In other words, for the result part in the output space, a membership degree is determined for fuzzy output sets based on the membership degree of input sets and the relationship between these input sets. All fuzzy controllers function similarly but their difference lies in their type of implementation. Takagi-Sugeno can be mentioned as another instance of Fuzzy Inference Engines [18]. The Fuzzy Inference Engine used in this study is Assilan-Mamdani whose implementation steps are as follow [18]:1. Identifying and Naming input linguistic variables and determining their numerical range.2. Identifying and Naming output linguistic variables and determining their numerical range.3. Defining the membership function for input and output variables.4. Determining rules showing the control process. 5. Fuzzifying the input variables.6. Carrying out the inference for clipping.7. Defuzzifying the output variables.Triangular-Shaped membership function was used for linguistic input and output variables. Min-Max method was also used for clipping and center of gravity method was used for defuzzification.3 RESULT AND DISCUSSIONThe region under study is part of Golestan province forests with an area of 55 thousand hectares spreading in Minoodasht town. Minoodasht is surrounded by Semnan and Khorasan province from south, Khorasan province from east, Gonbad-e-Kavoos from west and Kalale town from north. The geographical specification of the region under study is as follows: (Figure 2 shows a view of the region under study). The coordinate system is UTM (WGS 84 Ellipsoid) and zone number is 40.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
2.1.5 Jarak dari Jalan
Tak perlu dikatakan, jalan adalah saluran utama negara dan sebagian besar perjalanan yang perjalanan tanah yang dibuat di jalan-jalan. Apa yang membuat ini
IJSTR © 2013
58 INTERNATIONAL JURNAL ILMIAH & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH VOLUME 2, EDISI 12, Desember 2013 ISSN 2277-8616 masalah penting bagi Golestan Provinsi dan wilayah yang diteliti adalah kenyataan bahwa jalan melewati atau dengan hutan. Terlepas dari jalan-jalan menuju tujuan wisata, transit jalan Masyhad-Gorgan juga melewati hutan Golestan. Dari sudut pandang turis, ini adalah kesempatan yang ideal, tetapi dari sudut pandang lingkungan, hal ini dianggap sebagai ancaman potensial terhadap hutan karena dapat menyebabkan kebakaran. Turis dan wisatawan 'kurangnya perhatian aturan keselamatan mengenai tidak memulai setiap kebakaran di hutan atau pastikan untuk memadamkan api setelah meninggalkan kamp mereka dianggap sebagai faktor utama penyebab insiden kebakaran [4]. 2.1.6 Jarak dari Sungai Selama musim turis , terutama musim panas, sebagian besar wisatawan camp oleh aliran sungai dan mata air. Masalah ini meningkatkan konsentrasi orang di pinggir sungai yang dianggap sebagai salah satu faktor yang mengancam serius [15]. 2.2 Sistem Informasi Geografis (GIS) Studi yang dilakukan sampai saat ini menunjukkan bahwa GIS, menggabungkan peta tutupan vegetasi, peta topografi dan Data lainnya, menawarkan bantuan besar dengan topografi daerah kritis atau rawan-to-api [15]. Berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi pengapian dan penyebaran api memerlukan penggunaan metode analisis hybrid [11]. Oleh karena itu, pentingnya GIS dalam pengumpulan data dan sebagai pendukung pengambilan keputusan sistem untuk manajemen yang efisien menjadi lebih jelas. 2.3 Fuzzy Inference Sistem Fuzzy Logic pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Zadeh [16]. Kemudian pada awal tahun 1970-an, Zadeh memperkenalkan variabel linguistik dan menunjukkan bahwa seseorang dapat melaksanakan pernyataan ambigu di masalah dengan variabel-variabel ini lebih mudah dan dengan cara yang lebih dimengerti dalam bentuk algoritma aritmatika. Salah satu keuntungan dari Fuzzy Inference System adalah tidak perlu dari model matematika dan kemungkinan untuk menerapkan pengetahuan manusia menggunakan aturan linguistik dipahami [17]. Dalam logika fuzzy, komponen memiliki derajat keanggotaan antara 0 dan 1, berbeda dengan set yang pasti di mana komponen baik milik set atau tidak. Misalnya, berkaitan dengan persamaan (1), x komponen memiliki derajat keanggotaan. ) 1 ( fungsi Berbagai keanggotaan telah diperkenalkan sampai saat ini, yang paling sederhana dan paling berlaku yang merupakan fungsi keanggotaan triangular- berbentuk (berkaitan dengan Gambar 1 yang didefinisikan sebagai persamaan 2) [18]. Parameter l, m dan u ditunjukkan pada Gambar 1. Gambar. 1 Segitiga Keanggotaan fungsi desain kontroler fuzzy salah satu daerah aplikasi yang luas dari fuzzy logic. fungsi utama controller, atau inferers, adalah ekspresi dari fuzzy set yang memfasilitasi resolusi proses fuzzy. Assilan-Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System dapat disebutkan sebagai salah satu inferers paling berlaku. fungsi Sebuah inferer saat presentasi input fuzzed (diterima melalui konverter kabur proses) dalam undang-undang kabur dan menghasilkan output fuzzy setiap hukum. dengan kata lain, untuk bagian hasil dalam ruang output, tingkat keanggotaan ditentukan untuk kabur set output berdasarkan tingkat keanggotaan masukan set dan hubungan antara input ini set. Semua pengendali kabur berfungsi sama tetapi perbedaan mereka terletak pada jenis mereka implementasi. Takagi-Sugeno dapat disebutkan sebagai contoh lain dari Mesin Inference Fuzzy [18]. Inference Engine Fuzzy digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Assilan-Mamdani yang langkah-langkah implementasi adalah sebagai mengikuti [18]: 1. Mengidentifikasi dan Penamaan variabel linguistik input dan menentukan rentang numerik mereka. 2. Mengidentifikasi dan Penamaan variabel linguistik output dan menentukan rentang numerik mereka. 3. Mendefinisikan fungsi keanggotaan untuk variabel input dan output. 4. Menentukan aturan yang menunjukkan proses kontrol. 5. Fuzzifying variabel input. 6. Melaksanakan inferensi untuk kliping. 7. Defuzzifying variabel output. Fungsi keanggotaan Triangular-Berbentuk digunakan untuk bahasa input dan output variabel. Metode Min-Max juga digunakan untuk kliping dan pusat metode gravitasi digunakan untuk defuzzifikasi. 3 HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Wilayah yang diteliti adalah bagian dari hutan provinsi Golestan dengan luas 55 ribu hektar yang tersebar di kota Minoodasht. Minoodasht dikelilingi oleh Semnan dan Khorasan provinsi dari selatan, provinsi Khorasan dari timur, Gonbad-e-Kavoos dari barat dan kota Kalale dari utara. Spesifikasi geografis wilayah yang diteliti adalah sebagai berikut: (Gambar 2 menunjukkan pandangan wilayah yang diteliti). Sistem koordinat adalah UTM (WGS 84 ellipsoid) dan nomor zona adalah 40.

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