Description and evolutionSee also: History of sheepA sheep's skullDome terjemahan - Description and evolutionSee also: History of sheepA sheep's skullDome Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Description and evolutionSee also:

Description and evolution
See also: History of sheep

A sheep's skull
Domestic sheep are relatively small ruminants, usually with a crimped hair called wool and often with horns forming a lateral spiral. Domestic sheep differ from their wild relatives and ancestors in several respects, having become uniquely neotenic as a result of selective breeding by humans.[1][2] A few primitive breeds of sheep retain some of the characteristics of their wild cousins, such as short tails. Depending on breed, domestic sheep may have no horns at all (i.e. polled), or horns in both sexes, or in males only. Most horned breeds have a single pair, but a few breeds may have several.[3]

Another trait unique to domestic sheep as compared to wild ovines is their wide variation in color. Wild sheep are largely variations of brown hues, and variation within species is extremely limited. Colors of domestic sheep range from pure white to dark chocolate brown and even spotted or piebald.[4][5] Selection for easily dyeable white fleeces began early in sheep domestication, and as white wool is a dominant trait it spread quickly. However, colored sheep do appear in many modern breeds, and may even appear as a recessive trait in white flocks.[4][5] While white wool is desirable for large commercial markets, there is a niche market for colored fleeces, mostly for handspinning.[6] The nature of the fleece varies widely among the breeds, from dense and highly crimped, to long and hairlike. There is variation of wool type and quality even among members of the same flock, so wool classing is a step in the commercial processing of the fibre.

Suffolks are a medium wool, black-faced breed of meat sheep that make up 60% of the sheep population in the U.S.[7]
Depending on breed, sheep show a range of heights and weights. Their rate of growth and mature weight is a heritable trait that is often selected for in breeding.[7] Ewes typically weigh between 45 and 100 kilograms (99 and 220 lb), and rams between 45 and 160 kilograms (99 and 353 lb).[8] When all deciduous teeth have erupted, the sheep has 20 teeth.[9] Mature sheep have 32 teeth. As with other ruminants, the front teeth in the lower jaw bite against a hard, toothless pad in the upper jaw. These are used to pick off vegetation, then the rear teeth grind it before it is swallowed. There are eight lower front teeth in ruminants, but there is some disagreement as to whether these are eight incisors, or six incisors and two incisor-shaped canines. This means that the dental formula for sheep is either
[10] There is a large diastema between the incisors and the molars.

For the first few years of life it is possible to calculate the age of sheep from their front teeth, as a pair of milk teeth is replaced by larger adult teeth each year, the full set of eight adult front teeth being complete at about four years of age. The front teeth are then gradually lost as sheep age, making it harder for them to feed and hindering the health and productivity of the animal. For this reason, domestic sheep on normal pasture begin to slowly decline from four years on, and the average life expectancy of a sheep is 10 to 12 years, though some sheep may live as long as 20 years.[3][11][12]

Sheep have good hearing, and are sensitive to noise when being handled.[13] Sheep have horizontal slit-shaped pupils, possessing excellent peripheral vision; with visual fields of approximately 270° to 320°, sheep can see behind themselves without turning their heads.[6][14] Many breeds have only short hair on the face, and some have facial wool (if any) confined to the poll and or the area of the mandibular angle; the wide angles of peripheral vision apply to these breeds. A few breeds tend to have considerable wool on the face; for some individuals of these breeds, peripheral vision may be greatly reduced by "wool blindness", unless recently shorn about the face.[15] Sheep have poor depth perception; shadows and dips in the ground may cause sheep to baulk. In general, sheep have a tendency to move out of the dark and into well lit areas,[16] and prefer to move uphill when disturbed. Sheep also have an excellent sense of smell, and, like all species of their genus, have scent glands just in front of the eyes, and interdigitally on the feet. The purpose of these glands is uncertain,[17] but those on the face may be used in breeding behaviors.[7] The foot glands might also be related to reproduction,[7] but alternative reasons, such as secretion of a waste product or a scent marker to help lost sheep find their flock, have also been proposed.[17]
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Deskripsi dan evolusi
Lihat juga: sejarah domba

domba tengkorak
domestik domba yang relatif kecil ternak ruminansia, biasanya dengan rambut berkerut disebut wol dan sering dengan tanduk yang membentuk lateral spiral. Domba domestik berbeda dari mereka kerabat liar dan nenek-moyang dalam beberapa hal, menjadi unik neotenic hasil seleksi buatan oleh manusia.[1][2] beberapa keturunan primitif domba mempertahankan beberapa karakteristik dari sepupu mereka liar, seperti ekor pendek. Tergantung pada jenis, domestik domba mungkin tidak memiliki tanduk sama sekali (iaitu disurvei), atau tanduk di kedua jenis kelamin, atau di jantan saja. Paling bertanduk breeds memiliki sepasang tunggal, tetapi beberapa keturunan mungkin memiliki beberapa.[3]

Ciri lain yang unik untuk domestik domba dibandingkan dengan liar ovines adalah variasi luas mereka dalam warna. Liar domba adalah sebagian besar variasi warna coklat, dan variasi dalam spesies sangat terbatas. Warna domestik domba berkisar dari putih murni untuk cokelat cokelat dan bahkan melihat atau piebald.[4][5] pilihan untuk dengan mudah dyeable putih fleeces dimulai pada awal domestikasi domba, dan seperti wol putih adalah sifat dominan itu menyebar dengan cepat. Namun, domba berwarna muncul dalam banyak ras yang modern, dan mungkin bahkan muncul sebagai sifat resesif di kambing-domba yang putih.[4][5] sementara wol putih diinginkan untuk pasar komersial besar, ada ceruk pasar untuk fleeces berwarna, sebagian besar untuk handspinning.[6] sifat bulu bervariasi antara keturunan, dari padat dan sangat berkerut, untuk panjang dan hairlike. Ada variasi dari jenis wol dan kualitas bahkan di antara anggota kawanan sama, sehingga wol classing adalah langkah dalam proses komersial serat.

Suffolks adalah menengah wol, bermuka hitam jenis daging domba yang membentuk 60% populasi domba di U.S.[7]
Depending pada berkembang biak, domba menunjukkan berbagai ketinggian dan alat angkat beban. Tingkat pertumbuhan dan berat dewasa adalah sifat diwariskan yang sering dipilih untuk di penangkaran.[7] betina biasanya memiliki berat antara 45 dan 100 kilogram (99 dan 220 lb), dan domba-domba jantan antara 45 dan 160 kilogram (99 dan 353 lb).[8] ketika semua gugur gigi telah meletus, domba memiliki 20 gigi.[9] matang domba memiliki 32 gigi. Seperti dengan ternak ruminansia lainnya, gigi depan rahang bawah menggigit terhadap pad keras, ompong di rahang atas. Ini digunakan untuk memilih dari vegetasi, maka gigi belakang menggilingnya sebelum tertelan. Ada delapan gigi depan lebih rendah pada ternak ruminansia, tetapi ada beberapa ketidaksepakatan untuk Apakah ini adalah delapan gigi seri, atau gigi seri enam dan dua gigi taring berbentuk gigi seri. Ini berarti bahwa rumus gigi untuk domba adalah baik
[10] ada diastema yang besar antara bahagian dan geraham.

untuk beberapa tahun pertama kehidupan mungkin untuk menghitung usia domba dari gigi depan, seperti sepasang gigi susu digantikan oleh gigi dewasa lebih besar setiap tahun, set lengkap gigi depan yang dewasa delapan yang lengkap di sekitar usia empat tahun. Gigi depan yang kemudian secara bertahap kehilangan sebagai domba usia, sehingga sulit bagi mereka untuk memberi makan dan menghambat kesehatan dan produktivitas hewan. Untuk alasan ini, domestik domba di padang rumput normal mulai perlahan-lahan menurun dari empat tahun, dan angka harapan hidup rata-rata domba adalah 10 hingga 12 tahun, Meskipun ada domba dapat hidup selama 20 tahun.[3][11][12]

domba memiliki baik mendengar, dan sensitif terhadap kebisingan saat sedang ditangani.[13] domba telah horisontal berbentuk celah murid, memiliki visi periferal yang sangat baik; dengan bidang visual sekitar 270° sampai 320°, domba dapat melihat di belakang mereka sendiri tanpa mengubah kepala mereka.[6][14] banyak keturunan memiliki hanya rambut pendek pada wajah, dan beberapa memiliki wajah wol (jika ada) terbatas untuk jajak pendapat dan atau daerah sudut mandibula; sudut lebar visi periferal berlaku untuk bibit ini. Beberapa keturunan cenderung memiliki cukup wol pada wajah; untuk beberapa individu bibit ini, visi periferal dapat sangat dikurangi oleh "wol buta", kecuali baru saja dicukur tentang wajah.[15] domba memiliki persepsi kedalaman miskin; bayangan dan dips dalam tanah dapat menyebabkan domba untuk mogok. Secara umum, domba memiliki kecenderungan untuk bergerak keluar dari kegelapan dan masuk ke tempat-tempat yang terang, [16] dan memilih untuk bergerak menanjak bila terganggu. Domba juga memiliki rasa bau, dan, seperti semua spesies dari genus mereka, memiliki kelenjar scent tepat di depan mata, dan interdigitally pada kaki. Tujuan dari kelenjar ini tidak pasti,[17] tetapi mereka pada wajah dapat digunakan dalam pemuliaan perilaku.[7] kelenjar kaki mungkin juga berhubungan dengan reproduksi, [7] tetapi alasan alternatif, seperti sekresi produk limbah atau penanda aroma untuk membantu domba menemukan kawanan mereka, juga telah diusulkan.[17]
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Description and evolution
See also: History of sheep

A sheep's skull
Domestic sheep are relatively small ruminants, usually with a crimped hair called wool and often with horns forming a lateral spiral. Domestic sheep differ from their wild relatives and ancestors in several respects, having become uniquely neotenic as a result of selective breeding by humans.[1][2] A few primitive breeds of sheep retain some of the characteristics of their wild cousins, such as short tails. Depending on breed, domestic sheep may have no horns at all (i.e. polled), or horns in both sexes, or in males only. Most horned breeds have a single pair, but a few breeds may have several.[3]

Another trait unique to domestic sheep as compared to wild ovines is their wide variation in color. Wild sheep are largely variations of brown hues, and variation within species is extremely limited. Colors of domestic sheep range from pure white to dark chocolate brown and even spotted or piebald.[4][5] Selection for easily dyeable white fleeces began early in sheep domestication, and as white wool is a dominant trait it spread quickly. However, colored sheep do appear in many modern breeds, and may even appear as a recessive trait in white flocks.[4][5] While white wool is desirable for large commercial markets, there is a niche market for colored fleeces, mostly for handspinning.[6] The nature of the fleece varies widely among the breeds, from dense and highly crimped, to long and hairlike. There is variation of wool type and quality even among members of the same flock, so wool classing is a step in the commercial processing of the fibre.

Suffolks are a medium wool, black-faced breed of meat sheep that make up 60% of the sheep population in the U.S.[7]
Depending on breed, sheep show a range of heights and weights. Their rate of growth and mature weight is a heritable trait that is often selected for in breeding.[7] Ewes typically weigh between 45 and 100 kilograms (99 and 220 lb), and rams between 45 and 160 kilograms (99 and 353 lb).[8] When all deciduous teeth have erupted, the sheep has 20 teeth.[9] Mature sheep have 32 teeth. As with other ruminants, the front teeth in the lower jaw bite against a hard, toothless pad in the upper jaw. These are used to pick off vegetation, then the rear teeth grind it before it is swallowed. There are eight lower front teeth in ruminants, but there is some disagreement as to whether these are eight incisors, or six incisors and two incisor-shaped canines. This means that the dental formula for sheep is either
[10] There is a large diastema between the incisors and the molars.

For the first few years of life it is possible to calculate the age of sheep from their front teeth, as a pair of milk teeth is replaced by larger adult teeth each year, the full set of eight adult front teeth being complete at about four years of age. The front teeth are then gradually lost as sheep age, making it harder for them to feed and hindering the health and productivity of the animal. For this reason, domestic sheep on normal pasture begin to slowly decline from four years on, and the average life expectancy of a sheep is 10 to 12 years, though some sheep may live as long as 20 years.[3][11][12]

Sheep have good hearing, and are sensitive to noise when being handled.[13] Sheep have horizontal slit-shaped pupils, possessing excellent peripheral vision; with visual fields of approximately 270° to 320°, sheep can see behind themselves without turning their heads.[6][14] Many breeds have only short hair on the face, and some have facial wool (if any) confined to the poll and or the area of the mandibular angle; the wide angles of peripheral vision apply to these breeds. A few breeds tend to have considerable wool on the face; for some individuals of these breeds, peripheral vision may be greatly reduced by "wool blindness", unless recently shorn about the face.[15] Sheep have poor depth perception; shadows and dips in the ground may cause sheep to baulk. In general, sheep have a tendency to move out of the dark and into well lit areas,[16] and prefer to move uphill when disturbed. Sheep also have an excellent sense of smell, and, like all species of their genus, have scent glands just in front of the eyes, and interdigitally on the feet. The purpose of these glands is uncertain,[17] but those on the face may be used in breeding behaviors.[7] The foot glands might also be related to reproduction,[7] but alternative reasons, such as secretion of a waste product or a scent marker to help lost sheep find their flock, have also been proposed.[17]
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