There are many studies related to immunological andmolecular methods f terjemahan - There are many studies related to immunological andmolecular methods f Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

There are many studies related to i

There are many studies related to immunological and
molecular methods for diagnosis of
Vibrio cholera
). However, most assays dependent on enrichment of
culture of bacteria, which need more time and
involves the use of costly equipment and reagents.
In this study Balb/c mice were immunized with
recombinant Outer Membrane Protein (rOMPw) of
vibrio cholerae
and splenocytes of hyper immunized
mice were fused with murine myeloma Sp2/0 cells. Po
sitive hybridomas were selected by ELISA using
rOMPw as coating antigen. The monoclonal antibodies
from ascitic fluids were purified and its reaction
with rOMPw was assessed by ELISA. Polyclonal antibo
dies were also produced by immunization of rabbits
with the above mentioned antigen. The rabbit sera w
as affinity purified using Hi-Trap protein G column
The result showed that monoclonal antibody specific
to rOMPw has been successfully generated. The
monoclonal antibody reacted with recombinant OMPw i
n ELISA and immunonoblat method. Rabbit
polyclonal antibody was also bound to rOMPw by ELIS
A. The results of agglutination test with whole
bacteria also showed that both mouse monoclonal and
rabbit polyclonal antibodies reacted with
vibrio cholera
but not other related
. The purpose of this study was to check out if ant
i OMPw
antibodies could use as diagnostic assay for detect
ion of
V. cholerae
. Our results demonstrated that anti
recombinant OMPw monoclonal and polyclonal antibodi
es are able to diagnose whole bacteria in pure
culture using agglutination test but not by home ma
de immunochromatic strip test.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
There are many studies related to immunological andmolecular methods for diagnosis ofVibrio cholera(V.cholerae). However, most assays dependent on enrichment ofculture of bacteria, which need more time andinvolves the use of costly equipment and reagents.In this study Balb/c mice were immunized withrecombinant Outer Membrane Protein (rOMPw) ofvibrio choleraeand splenocytes of hyper immunizedmice were fused with murine myeloma Sp2/0 cells. Positive hybridomas were selected by ELISA usingrOMPw as coating antigen. The monoclonal antibodiesfrom ascitic fluids were purified and its reactionwith rOMPw was assessed by ELISA. Polyclonal antibodies were also produced by immunization of rabbitswith the above mentioned antigen. The rabbit sera was affinity purified using Hi-Trap protein G column.The result showed that monoclonal antibody specificto rOMPw has been successfully generated. Themonoclonal antibody reacted with recombinant OMPw in ELISA and immunonoblat method. Rabbitpolyclonal antibody was also bound to rOMPw by ELISA. The results of agglutination test with wholebacteria also showed that both mouse monoclonal andrabbit polyclonal antibodies reacted withwholevibrio cholerabut not other relatedbacteria. The purpose of this study was to check out if anti OMPwantibodies could use as diagnostic assay for detection ofV. cholerae. Our results demonstrated that antirecombinant OMPw monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies are able to diagnose whole bacteria in pureculture using agglutination test but not by home made immunochromatic strip test.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ada banyak penelitian yang berhubungan dengan imunologi dan
metode molekuler untuk diagnosis
Vibrio cholera
). Namun, sebagian besar tes tergantung pada pengayaan
budaya bakteri, yang membutuhkan lebih banyak waktu dan
melibatkan penggunaan peralatan mahal dan reagen.
Dalam penelitian ini tikus Balb / c diimunisasi dengan
rekombinan Outer Membrane Protein (rOMPw) dari
vibrio cholerae
dan splenocytes hiper diimunisasi
tikus menyatu dengan murine myeloma SP2 / 0 sel. Po
hibridoma rahasia dan sensitif dipilih oleh ELISA menggunakan
rOMPw sebagai pelapis antigen. Antibodi monoklonal
dari cairan asites dimurnikan dan reaksinya
dengan rOMPw dinilai dengan ELISA. Antibo poliklonal
meninggal juga diproduksi dengan imunisasi kelinci
dengan antigen yang disebutkan di atas. Kelinci sera w
sebagai afinitas dimurnikan menggunakan Hi-Perangkap protein kolom G
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa antibodi monoklonal yang spesifik
untuk rOMPw telah berhasil dihasilkan. The
antibodi monoklonal bereaksi dengan OMPw rekombinan i
n ELISA dan metode immunonoblat. Kelinci
antibodi poliklonal juga terikat rOMPw oleh ELIS
A. Hasil uji aglutinasi dengan seluruh
bakteri juga menunjukkan bahwa baik monoklonal mouse dan
kelinci antibodi poliklonal bereaksi dengan
vibrio kolera
tetapi terkait tidak lain
. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memeriksa apakah semut
saya OMPw
antibodi bisa menggunakan assay sebagai diagnostik untuk mendeteksi
V. cholerae
. Hasil kami menunjukkan bahwa anti
rekombinan OMPw monoklonal dan poliklonal Antibodi
es dapat mendiagnosa seluruh bakteri murni
budaya menggunakan uji aglutinasi tetapi tidak oleh rumah ma
uji de immunochromatic jalur.
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